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Book Reviews in This Article: W. E. Wightman . The Lacy Family in England and Normandy, 1066-1194. H. S. Bennett . Life on the English Manor: A Study of Peasant Conditions, 1150-1400. Margaret Wood . The English Mediaeval House. D. Portman . Exeter Houses, 1400-1700. Patrick Collinson . The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. Calendar of the Patent Rolls. Preserved in the Public Record Office. Elizabeth I. Margaret Cash (Ed.). Devon Inventories of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. P. E. Jones (Ed.). The Fire Court: Calendar to the Judgments and Decrees of the Court of Judicature appointed to determine differences between landlords and tenants as to rebuilding after the Great Fire. G. E. Fussell . The English Dairy Farmer, 1500-1900. A. Andréadès . History of the Bank of England, 1640-1903. P. G. M. Dickson . The Financial Revolution in England. A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688-1756. Robert Munter . The History of the Irish Newspaper, 1685-1760. W. A. Mc Cutcheon . The Canals of the North of Ireland. J. D. Williams . Audley End. The Restoration of 1762-1797. W. E. Minchinton (Ed.). Politics and the Port of Bristol in the Eighteenth Century. Stanley D. Chapman . The Early Factory Masters. The Transition to the Factory System in the Midlands Textile Industry. Phyllis Deane . The First Industrial Revolution. J. Child . Industrial Relations in the British Printing Industry. The Quest for Security. Werner von Siemens . Inventor and Entrepreneur: Recollections of Werner von Siemens. Kurt Grunwald . Türkenhirsch: A Study of Baron Maurice de Hirsch, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist. J. D. Bailey . A Hundred Tears of Pastoral Banking. A History of the Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company, 1863-1963. F. B. Smith . The Making of the Second Reform Bill. W. R. Powell (Ed.). A History of the County of Essex. Peter Mathias . Retailing Revolution. A History of Multiple Retailing in the Food Trades based upon the Allied Suppliers Group of Companies. Marc Bloch . French Rural History: an Essay on its Basic Characteristics. J. P. Nettl . Rosa Luxemburg. Erich Gruner and Karl Frei . Die schweizerische Bundesversammlung, 1848-1920 L'Assemblée fédérale suisse, 1848-1920. Richard Colebrook Harris . The Seigneurial System in Early Canada. Geographical Study. Ashin Das Gupta . Malabar in Asian Trade, 1740-1800. David Birmingham . Trade and Conflict in Angola.  相似文献   



Learning from success. Dunford, M. and Hudson, R. 1996:SUCCESSFUL EUROPEAN REGIONS: NORTHERN IRELAND LEARNING FROM OTHERS. Northern Ireland Economic Council — Research Monograph 3.

Small firms. Deakins, D., and Jennings, J. and Mason, C. (eds) 1997: SMALL FIRMS: ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE NINETIES. London: Paul Chapman Publishing on behalf of the Institute for Small Business, £45.00 cased.  相似文献   

Comparing job centre schemes

White, M., Lissenburgh, S. and Bryson, A. 1997: THE IMPACT OF PUBLIC JOB PLACING PROGRAMMES London: Policy Studies Institute, £14.95 paper


Birchall, J. 1997: THE INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT Manchester: Manchester University Press, £35.00 hardback, £14.99 paper

Urban competitiveness

McIntosh, A. 1997: TOWNS & CITIES — COMPETING FOR SURVIVAL London: E. and F. N Spon, £27.50 paper

British regionalism

Bradbury, J. and Mawson, J. (eds) 1997: BRITISH REGIONALISM AND DEVOLUTION London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers and Regional Studies Association, £18.95 paper

Networks in Europe

Heinelt, H. and Smith, R. (eds) 1996: POLICY NETWORKS AND EUROPEAN STRUCTURAL FUNDS Aldershot: Avebury, £40.00 cased  相似文献   

Book review in this Article Robert A. Dodgshon . Land and Society in Early Scotland. Keith Wrightsok , EngliskSociety, 1580.1680. Eileen and Stephen Yeo (EDS.). Popular Culture and Class Conflict, 1590.1914: Explorations in the History of Labour and Leisure. Keith Lindley . Fenland Riots and the English Revolution. Peter Clark (Ed.). Country Towns in Pre.industrial England. R. S. Neale . Bath: A Social History, 1680.1850. R. W. Malcolmson . Life and Labour in England, 1700.1780. Eric Richards . A History of the Highland Clearances: Agrarian Transformation and the Evictions, 1746.1886. Oliver Mac Donagh . The Inspector General: Sir Jeremiah Fitzpatrick and Social Reform, 1783.1802. David Jones . Crime, Protest, Community, and Police in Nineteenth.Century Britain. Markus Elsasser . Die Rochdaler Pioniere: Religiose Einfliisse in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Entstehung der Rochdaler Pioniergenossenschaft von 1844. James Epstein . The Lion of Freedom: Feargus O'Connor and the Chartist Movement, 1832.1842. Joyce M. Bellamy and John Saville (Eds.). Dictionary of Labour Biography. Volume VI. W. Hamish Fraser . The Coming of the Mass Market, 1850.1914. F. M. L. Thompson (Ed.). The Rise of Suburbia. Peter J. Aspinall and Daphne M. Hudson (Edited and with contributions by RICHARD LAWTON). Ellesmere Port: The Making of an Industrial Borough. Richard Clark . Anglo.American Economic Collaboration in War and Peace, 1942.1949. Edited by Alec Cairncross. Frances Cairncross (Ed.). Changing Perceptions of Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of the Seventieth Birthday of Sir Alec Cairncross. Sidney Pollard . The Wasting of the British Economy. Richard Bonney . The King's Debts: Finance and Politics in France, 1589.1661. Wolfram Engels and Hans Pohl (Eds.), German Yearbook onBusiness History, 1981. G. Sivery . Structures agraires et vie rurale dans le Hainaut a la fin du Moyen Age. Paul M. M. Klep . Bevolking en Arbeid in Transformatie: Een Onderzoek in Brabant, 1700.1900. G. L. de Brabander . Regional Specialization, Employment, and Economic Growth in Belgium between 1846 and 1970. William M. Bowsky . A Medieval Italian Commune: Siena under the Nine, 1287.1355. Joseph Goy and Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie . Tithe and Agrarian History from the Fourteenth to the Nineteenth Century: An Essay in Comparative History. Translated by Susan Burke. Michael W. Flinn . The European Demographic System, 1500.1820. Bruce Mc Gowan . Economic Life in Ottoman Europe: Taxation, Trade and the Struggle for Land, 1600.1800. Clive Trebilcock . Göran Ahlström . Engineers and Industrial Growth. Edwin J. Perkins . The Economy of Colonial America. Thomas Dublin (Ed.). Noble David Cook . Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520.1620. Walter Rodney . A History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881.1905. W. G. Rimmer . Portrait of a Hospital: The Royal Hobart. Harvey J. Graff . Literacy and Social Development in the West: A Reader. Henri Baudet and Henk van der Meulen (Eds.). Consumer Behaviour and Economic Growth in the Modern Economy.  相似文献   


The Standing Commission on the Scottish Economy, 1989: Final Report Glasgow: Standing Commission. Available from the STUC

and Strathclyde Regional Council, £10.00.

Boyle, S., Burns, M., Danson, M., Foster, J., Harrison, D. and Woolfson, C. 1989: Scotland's Economy: Claiming the Future. London: Verso in association with the STUC, £2.95.


Patrick Ainley and Mark Corney, 1990: Training for the Future: The Rise and Fall of the Manpower Services Commission. Cassell, £11.95 paper.

Alice Brown and John Fairley (eds), 1990: The Manpower Services Commission in Scotland. Edinburgh University Press, £30.00 cloth.

HMSO, 1989: Training in Britain (The Main Report) A study of Funding Activity and Attitudes. HMSO,

£10.00 paper.


Butcher, H., Law, I., Leach, R. and Milliard, M. 1990: Local Government and Thatcherism. London: Routledge, £9.99.


Mike Campbell (ed) 1990: Local Economic Policy. London: Cassell Educational Limited, £9.95 paper.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article REVIEW OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE, 1985 GREAT BRITAIN Alan Macfarlane . Marriage and love in England: modes of reproduction, 1300-1840. A. L. Beier & Roger Finlay (Eds.) The making of the metropolis: London, 1500-1700. Gary Stuart De Krey . A fractured society: the politics of London in the first age of party, 1688-1715. Celia Miller . The account books of Thomas Smith, Ireley Farm, Hailes, Gloucestershire, 1865-1871 Joel Mokyr . The economics of the industrial revolution. Gail Malmgreen . Silk town: industry and culture in Macclesfield, 1750-7835. C. Emsley and J. Walvin (Eds.). Artisans, peasants and proletarians, 1760-1860. Jane Lewis Angela V. John John Knott . Popular opposition to the 1834 Poor Law. Pat Thane and Anthony Sutcliffe (Eds.). Essays in social history, volume 2. Roger Swift and Sheridan Gilley (Eds.). The Irish in the Victorian city. M. J. Daunton . Royal Mail: the Post Office since 1840. Gordon Phillips and Noel Whiteside . The unemployment question in the port transport industry. Roger Davidson . Whitehall and the labour problem in late-Victorian and Edwardian England. Paul Johnson Saving and spending: the working-class economy in Britain, 1870-1939. G. C. Peden . British economic and social policy: Lloyd George to Margaret Thatcher. Richard Saville Charles Wilson . First with the news: the history of W. H. Smith, 1792-1972. Derek H. Aldcroft . The British economy. Volume I. The years of turmoil, 1920-1951. GENERAL John M. Merriman . The red city: Limoges and the French nineteenth century. Malou Haine . Les facteurs d'instruments de musique à paris au 19e siècle: les artisans face à l'industrialisation. Maurice Leavy -Leboyer and Franclois Bourgignon . L'économie française au XIXe siècle. Robert G. Moeller Thomas N. Bisson . Fiscal accounts of Catalonia under the early count-kings, 1151-1213. T. H. Aston and C. H. E. Philpin (Eds.). The Brenner debate: agrarian class structure and economic development in pre-industrial Europe. Paul M. Hohenberg and Lynn Hollen Lees . The making of urban Europe, 1000-1950. Jonathan I. Israel . European Jewry in the age of mercantilism, 1550-1750. Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Hans -Gerhard Husung (Eds.). The development of trade unionism in Great Britain and Germany, 1880-1914. John Gillingham . Industry and politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr coal, Hitler and Europe. John R. Lampe . The Bulgarian economy in the twentieth century. Om Prakash . The Dutch East Indian Company and the economy of Bengal, 1630-1720 Jackson Turner Main . Society and economy in colonial Connecticut. Francis G. Couvares . The remaking of Pittsburgh: class and culture in an industrializing city, 1877-1918. Chris Mcguffie . Working in metal: management and labour in the metal industries of Europe and the USA, 1890-1914. Sanford M. Jacoby . Employing bureaucracy: managers, unions and the transformation of work in American industry, 1900-1945. Jon Gjerde . From peasants to farmers: the migration from Balestrand Norway, to the upper Middle West. Bernd Martin and Alan S. Milward (Eds.). Agriculture and food supply in the second world war. Michael F. Hendy . Studies in the Byzantine monetary economy, c. 300-1450. B. L. Anderson and A. J. H. Latham (Eds.). The market in history. Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Jurgen Osterhammel (Eds.). Imperialism and after: continuities and discontinuities Robert Higgs Forrest Capie and Geoffrey E. Wood (Eds.). Financial crises and the world banking system.  相似文献   

GREAT BRITAIN A. Crossley (Ed.). The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Oxford. E. W. Ives . The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England. Thomas Kebell: A Case Study. Rosemary O'Day . Education and Society, 1500-1800: The Social Foundations of Education in Early Modern Britain. Harold Silver . Education as History: Interpreting Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Education. D. M. Palliser . The Age of Elizabeth: England under the later Tudors, 1547-1603. Christopher Hill , Barry Reay & William Lamont , The World of the Muggletonians. Philip Jenkins . The Making of a Ruling Class: The Glamorgan Gentry, 1640-1790. Neil R. Wright . History of Lincolnshire, Volume XI: Lincolnshire Towns and Industry, 1700-1914. Ian Inkster & Jack Morrell (Eds.). Metropolis and Province: Science in British Culture, 1780-1850. Michael Sanderson . Education, Economic Change, and Society in England, 1780-1870. C. J. A. Robertson . The Origins of the Scottish Railway System, 1722-1844. Jill Quadragno . Aging in Early Industrial Society: Work, Family and Social Policy in Nineteenth Century England. Heather A. Clemenson . English Country Houses and Landed Estates. David Englander . Landlord and Tenant in Urban Britain, 1838-1918. Melanie Tebbutt . Making Ends Meet: Pawnbroking and Working Class Credit. Jay Winter (Ed.). The Working Class in British History: Essays in Honour of Henry Pelling. Peter Young . Power of Speech: A History of Standard Telephones and Cables, 1883-1983. Edwin Green & Michael Moss . A Business of National Importance: The Royal Mail Shipping Group, 1902-1937. Keith Jeffery And Peter Hennessy . States of Emergency: British Governments and Strikebreaking since 1919. Charles Feinstein (Ed.). The Managed Economy: Essays in British Economic Policy and Performance since 1929. GENERAL Enrique Giménez López . Alicante en el siglo XVIII: economía de una ciudad portuaria en el antiguo régimen. GENERAL Charles M. de la Roncière . Prix et Salaires à Florence au XIVe Siècle, 1280-1380. Martine Segalen . Love and Power in the Peasant Family: Rural France in the Nineteenth Century. Robert Frankenstein . Le prix du réarmement français, 1935-1939. W. O. Henderson . Friedrich List: Economist and Visionary, 1789-1846. J. Thomas Lindblad . Sweden's Trade with the Dutch Republic, 1738-1795. Richard Wall (Ed.), in collaboration with Jean Robin and Peter Laslett . Family Forms in Historic Europe. A. Rupert Hall . The Revolution in Science, 1500-1750. Patrick O'Brien (Ed.). Railways and the Economic Development of Western Europe, 1830-1914. Gloria L. Main . Tobacco Colony: Life in Early Maryland, 1650-1720. Peter D. Mc Clelland and Richard J. Zeckhauser . Demographic Dimensions of the New Republic: American Interregional Migration, Vital Statistics, and Manumissions, 1800-1860. Julia A. Matthei . An Economic History of Women in America: Women's Work, the Sexual Division of Labour, and the Development of Capitalism. Patrick A. Dunae . Gentlemen Emigrants: From the British Public Schools to the Canadian Frontier. Raymond W. Goldsmith . The Financial Development of India, 1860-1977. Paul Mosley . The Settler Economies: Studies in the Economic History of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1963. Tom Kemp . Industrialization in the Non-Western World. Orlando Patterson . Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study. Nathan Rosenberg . Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics.  相似文献   


Birchall, J. 1994: Co-op, the People's Business: Manchester University Press, £25.00 cloth, £14.99 paper.


Merseyside TEC and West London TEC, 1994: Economic Development Workbook: Briefings on Key Economic Development Topics, HMSO. Available from Nicholas Johnston, West London TEC, Sovereign Court, 15-21 Staines Rd, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 3HA. Price £45.00 + VAT (£7.88) to TECs, LECs and Government Regional Offices; £50.00 + VAT

(£8.75) to all other organisations.


Bingham, R. and Meir, R. (eds) 1993: Theories of Local Economic Development Perspectives from Across the Disciplines, Sage, £20.50 paper.


Lowe, P. and Murdoch, J. 1993: Rural Sustainable Development. Rural Development Commission. Strategy Review: Topic Paper 1.

North, D. and Smallbone, D. 1993: Small Business in Rural Areas. Rural Development Commission. Strategy Review: Topic Paper 2.

Rogers, A. 1993: English Rural Communities: An Assessment and Prospect for the 1990s. Rural Development Commission. Strategy Review: Topic Paper 3.

Tarling, R., Rhodes, N.J., Broom, G. 1993: The Economy and Rural England. Rural Development Commission. Strategy Review: Topic Paper 4.

Clout, H. 1993: European Experience of Rural Development. Rural Development Commission. Strategy Review: Topic Paper 5.

All available free of charge from the Rural Development Commission, 141 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wilts, SP1 3TP.  相似文献   

M. W. GREENSLADE (Ed.)- The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Staffordshire. K. J. Allison (Ed.). The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of York, East Riding. Joan Thirsk . The Rural Economy of England: Collected Essays. Peter Clark (Ed.). The Transformation of English Provincial Towns, 1600–1800. T. M. Devine and David Dickson (Eds.). Ireland and Scotland, 1600–1850: Parallels and Contrasts in Economic and Social Development. E. F. Cato Carter . Order out of Chaos: A History of the Loss Adjusting Profession. Part 1. Evolution and Early Development. S. Chapman . The Rise of Merchant Banking. M. W. Kirby . Men of Business and Politics: The Rise and Fall of the Quaker Pease Dynasty of North-East England, 1700–1943. H. I. Dutton . The Patent System and Inventive Activity during the Industrial Revolution, 1750–1852. Eric J. Evans . The Forging of the Modern State: Early Industrial Britain, 1783–1870. Lawrence H. White . Free Banking in Britain: Theory, Experience, and Debate, 1800–1845. Hugh Mc Leod . Religion and the Working Class in Nineteenth-Century Britain. James A. Schmiechen . Sweated Industries and Sweated Labour: The London Clothing Trades, 1860–1914. Pamela Horn . The Changing Countryside in Victorian and Edwardian England and Wales. Elizabeth Roberts . A Woman's Place: An Oral History of Working-Class Women, 1890–1940. Penny Summerfield . Women Workers in The Second World War. GENERAL William M. Reddy . The Rise of Market Culture: The Textile Trade and French Society, 1750–1900. J. P. de Korte . De Jaarlijkse financiele verantwoording in de VOC Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Michael Burleigh . Prussian Society and the German Order: An Aristocratic Corporation in Crisis, c. 1410–1466. Wilhelm Treue . Wirtschafts-und Technikgeschichte Preussens. Wolfram Engels and Hans Pohl (Eds.) German Yearbook on Business History, 1983. Joan M. Frayn . Sheep-Rearing and the Wool Trade in Italy During the Roman Period. John Rosselli . The Opera Industry in Italy from Cimarosa to Verdi: The Role of the Impresario. Paul R. Gregory . Russian National Income, 1885–1913. Alice Teichova and P. L. Cottrell (Eds.). International Business and Central Europe, 1918–1939. David A. Hounshell . From the American System to Mass Production, 1800–1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States. David H. Breen . The Canadian Prairie West and the Ranching Frontier, 1874–1924. Clifton B. Kroeber . Man, Land, and Water: Mexico's Farmlands Irrigation Policies, 1885–1911. Suraiya Faroqhi . Towns and Townsmen of Ottoman Anatolia: Trade, Crafts, and Food Production in an Urban Setting, 1520–1650. Asok Sen , Partha Chatterjee , and Saugata Mukherji . Perspectives in Social Sciences 2. Three Studies on the Agrarian Structure in Bengal, 1850–1947. John Iliffe . The Emergence of African Capitalism. D. C. Coleman and Peter Mathias (Eds.). Enterprise and History: Essays in Honour of Charles Wilson. Pat Thane , Geoffrey Crossick , and Roderick Floud (Eds.). The Power of the Past: Essays for Eric Hobsbawm.  相似文献   


Ball, R.M. 1995: Local Authorities and Regional Policy in the UK: Attitudes, Representations and the Local Economy. London: Paul Chapman, £14.95 paper.

Mawson, J. et al 1995: The Single Regeneration Budget: The Stocktake. Birmingham: Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, the University of Birmingham, £45.00.

Knowledge based development. Ryser, J. 1994: The Future of European Capitals — Knowledge-Based Development Berlin-London-Paris. London: The Goethe Institute.


Blackman, T. 1994: Urban Policy in Practice. Routledge, £14.99 paper.

City 2020. 1995: Cities for the Future. A New Urban Policy.


Howells, J. 1994: The Dynamics of Research and Development-Opportunities for Growth in the Sooth East Harlow: SEEDS.


Ireland Economic Development Office. 1993: R & D Activity in Northern Ireland, Report 101. Belfast: NIEDO.

Pike, A. and Tomaney, J. 1994: R & D in the North East: An issue for public policy. Newcastle: CURDS, University of Newcastle.


Atkinson, A.B. (ed) 1993: Alternatives to Capitalism: The Economics of Partnership. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, £47.50 cased.

Bailey, N., Barker, A. and MacDonald, K. 1995: Partnership Agencies in British Urban Policy. London: UCL Press, £38.00 cased, £12.95 paper.


Hambleton, R. and Thomas, H. (eds) 1995: Urban Policy Evaluation: Challenge and Change. London: Paul Chapman, £17.95 paper.  相似文献   

Reviewed in this article:
S ir E rnest B arker , S ir G eorge C lark and P. V aucher
S ir E rnest B arker , S ir G eorge C lark and P. V aucher
W. G. H oskins . Devon .
T. C. B arker and J. R. H arris . A Merseyside Town in the Industrial Revolution, St Helens, 1750–1900 .
L ionel R obbins . The Economist in the Twentieth Century and Other Lectures in Political Economy .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: REVIEW OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE, 1981 Henry Phelps Brown and Sheila V. Hopkins. A Perspective of Wages and Prices. T. H. Lloyd. Alien Merchants in England in the High Middle Ages. J. A. Raftis. A Small Town in Late Medieval England: Godmanchester, 1278-1400. Mary Prior. Fisher Row: Fishermen, Bargemen, and Canal Boatmen in Oxford, 1500-1900. Kenneth D. Brown. The English Labour Movement, 1700-1951. Jennifer Tann James Walvin Malcolm I. Thomis and Jennifer Grimmett. Women in Protest, 1800-1850. Dennis Smith. Conflict and Compromise: Class Formation in English Society, 1830-1914. M. A. Crowther. The Workhouse System, 1834-1929: The History of an English Social Institution. Olive Checkland and Margaret Lamb Ken Young and Patricia L. Garside. Metropolitan London: Politics and Urban Change, 1837-1981. Studies in Urban History Series, 6. David Hoseason Morgan. Harvesters and Harvesting, 1840-1900: A Study of the Rural Proletariat. Theo Barker and Michael Drake Dermot Keogh. The Rise of the Irish Working Class: The Dublin Trade Union Movement and Labour Leadership, 1890-1914. Diana Gittens. Fair Sex: Family Size and Structure, 1900-39. Kathleen Burk J. M. Lee and Martin Petter. The Colonial Office, War, and Development Policy: Organisation and the Planning of a Metropolitan Initiative, 1939-1945. Angus Mac Kay . Money, Prices, and politics in Fifteenth-Century Castile. La economía española al final del Antiguo Régimen. Judith C. Brown. In the Shadow of Florence: Provincial Society in Renaissance Pescia. John M. Merriman Richard J. Evans Fred Singleton and Bernard Carter. The Economy of Yugoslavia. Roger Munting. The Economic Development of the USSR. Michael Mitterauer and Reinhard Sieder. The European Family: Patriarchy to Partnership from the Middle Ages to the Present. Dan P. Silverman. Reconstructing Europe after the Great War. Felipe Fernaandez -Armesto. The Canary Islands after the Conquest: The Making of a Colonial Society in the Early Sixteenth Century. P. L. Wickens. An Economic History of Africa from the Earliest Times to Partition. Ross Fitzgerald. From the Dreaming to 1915: A History of Queensland. David W. Galenson. White Servitude in Colonial America: An Economic Analysis. Edward K. Spann. The New Metropolis: New York City, 1840-1857. John H. Coatsworth. Growth Against Development: The Economic Impact of Railroads in Porfirian Mexico. M. H. J. Finch. A Political Economy of Uruguay since 1870. N. Charlesworth. British Rule and the Indian Economy, 1800-1914. Earl H. Kinmonth. The Self-Made Man in Meiji Japanese Thought: From Samurai to Salary Man. Tony Smith. The Pattern of Imperialism: The United States, Great Britain, and the Late-Industrializing World since 1815. Winfried Baumgart. Imperialism: The Idea and Reality of British and French Colonial Expansion, 1880-1914. Jorma Ahvenainen A. G. Kenwood and A. L. Lougheed. Technological Diffusion and Industrialisation before 1914. Michael Chisholm. Modern World Development: A Geographical Perspective.  相似文献   

”THE GEOGRAPHY OF ECONOMIC CHANGE“ Martin and Rowthorn (eds), 1986: The Geography of De-industrialisation. London: Macmillan, £30 cloth, £8.95 paper.

Champion, A. G. et al, 1987: Changing Places. London: Edward Arnold, £7.95 paper.

“WHAT FUTURE FOR THE LOCAL STATE?” Simon Duncan and Mark Goodwin, 1988: The Local State and Uneven Development. Cambridge: Polity Press, £8.95 paperback.


(1) All Change: A study of Bus Transportation Planning, Deregulation and Privatisation in seven towns; Consultant Dr P. A. Stanley; March 1987.

(2) After Chernobyl: A safe energy policy for the South East; Consultant Adrian Atkinson; May 1987.

(3) Troubled Waters: Water services in the South East Region; Consultants Dr J. Rees and Dr M. Synott; May 1987.

(4) Jobs Plan Workshop [W.P.2]; Oxford City Council; May 1987.

(5) Opportunities for energy conservation in Brighton and Harlow council housing stock: G. Matthews, S. Hodgkinson and M. Fergusson.

(6) Defence Electronics Conference [W.P.1]; Stevenage DC; November 1987.

(7) British Rail Services in the Southampton Area (W.P.3]; Consultant Helen Dawson; February 1988.

(8) Right Lines?: A study of British Rail Services in the South East; Consultant Helen Dawson; September 1988.

(9) South-South Divide; SEEDS 1987.

All published by SEEDS, The South East Economic Development Strategy.

“INDUSTRIAL RESTRUCTURING — PROCESSES AND POLITICS” Irene Hardill, 1987: The regional implications of the restructuring in the wool textile industry. Aldershot: Gower, £25.

Bo Strath, 1987: The politics of deindustrialisation. The contraction of the West European shipbuilding industry. London: Croom Helm.  相似文献   

E. B. Fryde, William de la Pole, merchant and king's banker, (1366) (Hambledon Press, 1988. Pp Grenville Astill and Annie Grant, eds., The countryside of medieval England (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988. Pp London Susan Dwyer Amussen, An ordered society: gender and class in early modern England (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988. Pp The Open University Eric Kerridge, Trade and banking in early modern England (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988. Pp Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge Roger B. Manning, Village revolts: social protest and popular disturbances in England, 1509-1640 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. Pp Lucinda McCray Beier, Sufferers and healers: the experience of illness in seventeenth-century England (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1987. Pp Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, Oxford J. S. Hurt, Outside the mainstream: a history of special education (Batsford, 1988. Pp D.G. Wright, Popular radicalism: the working-class experience, 1780-1880 (London and New York: Lonsman. 1988. Po. x + 211. Paperback 5.95) Boyd Hilton, The age of atonement: the influence of evangelicalism on social and economic thought, 1795-1865 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. Pp Wadham College, Oxford Lilian Lewis Shiman, Crusade against drink in Victorian England (Macmillan, 1988. Pp Stewart Angas Weaver, John Fielden and the politics of popular radicalism, 1832-1847 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Pp Alan Armstrong, Farmworkers: a social and economic history, 1770-1980 (Batsford, 1988. Pp Frank Neal, Sectarian violence: the Liverpool experience, 1819-1914: an aspect of Anglo-Irish history (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1987. Pp Judy Slinn, Linklaters & Paines: the first one hundred and fifty years (Longman, 1988. Pp City of London Polytechnic W. J. Reader, The history of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1871-1971 (Peter Peregrinus Ltd. on behalf of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1987. Pp William P. Kennedy, Industrial structure: capital markets and the origins of British economic decline (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp David Hey, Family history and local history in England (Longman, 1987. Pp Geoffrey Jones (ed.), British multinationals: origins, management and performance (Aldershot: Gower, 1986. Pp Bernard Wakes, A class society at war: England, 1914-1918 (Berg, 1987. Pp The Open University Anne Crowther, British social policy, 1914-1939 (Macmillan, 1988. Pp London School of Economics & Political Science G. S. Peden, Keynes, the Treasury and British economic policy (Macmillan, 1988. Pp Brunei University Roger Price, A social history of nineteenth-century France (Hutchinson, 1987. Pp Peter D. Slachura (ed.), Unemployment and the great depression in Weimar Germany (Macmillan, 1986. Pp King's College, London Peter Hayes, Industry and ideology: IG Farben in the Nazi era (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp Princeton University John H. Pryor, Geography, technology and war: studies in the maritime history of the Mediterranean, 649-1571 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp David Cressy, Coming over: migration and communication between England and New England in the seventeenth century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp Polytechnic of North London Marcus Rediker, Between the devil and the deep blue sea: merchant seamen, pirates, and the Anglo-American maritime world, 1700-1750 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp Dalhousie University W. Ross Yates, Joseph Wharton, Quaker industrial pioneer (London: Golden Cockerell Press/Associated University Presses, 1988. Pp London School of Economics & Political Science David Eltis, Economic growth and the ending of the transatlantic slave trade (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. Pp Rider College, New Jersey David C. Klingaman and Richard K. Vedder, (eds.,) Essays on the economy of the old northwest (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1987. Pp Harold van B. Cleveland and Thomas F. Huertas, Citibank, 1812-197O (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986. Pp Burton W. Folsom, Jr., Entrepreneurs vs the state: a new look at the rise of big business in America, 1840-1920 (Young America's Foundation, 1987. Pp John Opie, The law of the land: two hundred years of American farmland policy (Lincoln, Nebraska and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1988. Pp M. J. Heale Wayne Lewchuk, American technology and the British vehicle industry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp Michael A. 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