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所谓土地隐形市场,是指一些单位和个人自由转让、出租、抵押划拨土地使用权,或者以转让、出租、抵押地上物、建筑物和附着物的形式而转让、出租、抵押土地使用权,从中获取大量土地级差收益的行为。从湖北省远安县的实际情况看,目前土地隐形市场交易有五大特点:一是土地交易数量大。尤其是在城镇区的繁华地段和城乡结合部以及交通要道更为突出。据初步调查,仅鸣凤镇城区进行土地隐形交易的达400多家,交易的总面积达2万多平方米;二是交易主体范围广。从土地隐形交易行为的主体范围来看,有国营、集体企业、其它经济组织和个人,也有各级党、政、军机关,事业单位和团体,远远超出了国家有关文件规定的范围;三是交易的地价、地租高。据调查,鸣凤镇房屋出租年最高租金每平方米达314元,已超出规定  相似文献   

随着土地市场秩序治理整顿的深化,土地隐形交易对土地市场秩序的危害日益显现,深受社会各界的关注。土地隐形交易,与土地非法交易在其行为和手段上有本质的区别,所谓土地隐形交易是指弄虚作假,巧立名目,钻政策法规空子,以合法手段掩盖非法目的,把“非法”合法化,规避法规政策,逃避国土资源行政执法监察部门监督查处的交易行为。本文作者就土地隐形交易的表现形式、形成原因和治理措施谈了自己的看法,很有见地。  相似文献   

直到现在,我国有些市、县的一部分地方还没有土地交易场所。很多已经建成的土地市场,功能也不够完善,“有场无市”的现象比较普遍。总体上看,我国土地市场发育仍处于初级阶段、起步阶段,真正的市场交易体系还没有完全建立起来,隐形交易、非法转让土地的现象比较突出。现在建立土地市场的时机已经成熟,各地应加强土地市场建设。目前没有市场的,应迅速把市场建起来。已经建成市场的地方,应进一步健全交易规划,规范交易程序,完善服务功能,促进土地使用权进场交易、公开交易、安全交易。凡出让土地使用权交易、原划拨土地使用权交易、政策允许范…  相似文献   

农村土地隐形市场的表现形式农村土地隐形市场具有自发性、隐蔽性、交易量小、异质性等特点,其表现形式主要有:1.承包经营土地的隐形交易自发交易。这是根据村民自己的意愿,家庭、亲友、邻里自由结合,采取有偿或非有偿耕种或使用的形式。包括四种类型:“租赁”型。一些种植、养殖大户或乡办企业,租用当地农民部分土地,主要用于优质粮食生产,发展经济作物,进行木材、粮食或农产品加工,以及搞特种养殖等“。代耕”型。分为集中代耕和分散代耕两种形式。集中代耕形式较为普遍,大多农户愿意采用这种方式。分散代耕,主要指一些农户外出时,把土地…  相似文献   

土地市场作为要素市场之一,加快发展和完善是市场经济发展的客观要求。自 1990年《城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例》颁布实施以来,我国有土地市场经过 10多年的发展,取得了显著成效。   但城乡结合部土地隐形交易大量存在的事实告诉我们,发展集体建设用地使用权市场,规范集体建设用地流转十分关键,也是推动国有土地市场健康发展的重要因素。   建设用地有偿流转   减少占用新增土地  长期以来,集体建设用地使用权不允许进入市场,市场发育不完善、不健全,与国有土地市场相比,显得相对滞后。但只要存在土地级差地…  相似文献   

正改革开放以来,我国基本形成了体现土地所有者与使用者之间关系的土地一级市场和体现土地使用权人之间交易行为的土地二级市场,这两个市场对优化土地资源配置、健全完善现代市场体系、盘活利用存量建设用地、促进土地节约集约利用起到了十分重要的作用。但相对于具有较为完善制度体系的一级市场,建设用地二级市场在制度建设方面仍存在着一些突出问题,致使要素流通不畅,土地价值难以充分显化。土地二级市场的交易限制  相似文献   

<正>根据国土资源部出台的《关于完善建设用地使用权转让、出租、抵押二级市场的试点方案》,长沙市被列为全国28个国有建设用地二级市场试点地区之一,按照要求,试点地区要力争在2018年底,建立符合城乡统一建设用地市场要求的土地二级市场,以盘活存量土地。土地二级市场,即土地使用权出让后的再交易,土地使用者将达到规定、可以交易的土地使用权,进入流通领域进行交易的市场。笔者通过阐述长沙市国有建设用地二级市场现状,  相似文献   

国发〔2001〕15号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:改革开放以来,随着土地使用制度改革的深化,土地资源的资产价值得到体现,逐步适应城市建设、企业改革、经济结构调整的需要。但目前国有土地资产通过市场配置的比例不高,透明度低;划拨土地大量非法入市,隐形交易;随意减免地价,挤占国有土地收益的现象严重,使得大量应由国家取得的土地收益流失到少数单位和个人手中。这不仅严重影响了对土地的保护和合理开发、利用,而且滋生腐败现象。为加强国有土地资产管理,切实防止国有土地资产流失,现就有关问题通知如下: 一…  相似文献   

余忠茂 《中国土地》2004,(11):38-39
近年来,湖北省荆州市以建立规范有序的土地市场为目标,以盘活显化土地存量资产为主线,以经营性土地招标、拍卖和挂牌出让为重点,以查处土地隐形交易为突破口,不断完善市场运作机制,土地市场日趋成熟规范。2003年,全市土地经营收益额7.69亿元,其中招拍挂交易额2.52亿元,经营性用地全部实行招拍挂。2004年1月至7月,全市国有土地供应1807宗、面积2340.8亩,其中有偿供地1692宗、面积2180.21亩,有偿使用率93%,土地经营收益总额5.12亿元,同比上升52%;全市招标拍卖挂牌供地217宗、面积1325亩,土地交易额4.84亿元,是去年同期的1.85倍;全市国土资源部…  相似文献   

●近年来,随着我国产业结构的调整和升级,土地二级市场交易逐渐活跃起来,土地市场不断扩展。●我国土地二级市场存在着土地产权界定模糊、土地交易制度不配套、土地收益分配制度不合理、服务体系不健全等缺陷。●规范城市土地二级市场运行,应当采取强化制度建设规范交易行为、完善土地产权、完善收益分配体系和强化信息披露规范交易中介等对策。  相似文献   

经济发达地区农村宅基地流转问题研究--以北京市郊区为例   总被引:38,自引:5,他引:38  
研究目的研究中国经济发达地区的农村宅基地及其房屋的流转情况.研究方法实地调查研究、区域对比分析法.研究结果农村宅基地流转方式主要有售卖、出租和征收等,近郊以出租为主,远郊以售卖为主,并形成了以自发流转为特征的农村宅基地隐形市场.研究结论经济发达地区的宅基地流转市场日趋发达,宅基地管理应采取疏导方式而非强堵手段.通过土地管理制度改革,依法准许宅基地入市,建立合理健康的农村宅基地流转市场,统筹城乡协调发展,保护农民利益.  相似文献   

This article is devoted to common yet quite specific approaches to valuation practice tasks that are involved in determining the market value of real properties in areas of possible land use changes. An intrinsic element of market value in such areas is the hope value, for which an option pricing model is used quite frequently.The authors propose a specially adapted Samuelson-McKean model for this task, which allows market value indication to be determined not only with the built-in development option, but also the dynamics of its components value in the current highest and best use and hope value – depending on the location of the given property. The greatest advantage of the Samuelson-McKean model is that it can be treated as universal for analyzing the range of possible indications of market value seeing as how its main task is to find a compromise between the interests of the buyer and the seller, which is the goal of any fair transactions and decisions.  相似文献   

根据我国学者对农村土地制度的研究和产权经济、制度经济的探索,我国农村土地应实行私有化,赋予农民完整的土地产权,以打破“三农”问题的僵化局面,使农民以独立自主的市场主体地位进入土地产权交易市场直接参与市场交易活动,寻求实现土地经济价值最大化的有效途径,实现土地的潜在的巨大收益,以实现土地资源的节约、集约利用。  相似文献   

Determinants of agricultural land rental market transactions in Bangladesh   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Land rental market transactions have been the norm in land scarce rural Bangladesh mainly due to the inadequacies of the governmental land distribution system to meet the growing demand for land and to correct imbalances in factor proportions at the farm-level. The present study jointly determines the socio-economic factors underlying decision to rent-in land and/or rent-out land by the Bangladeshi farmers in the land rental market using a bivariate Tobit model. The model diagnostic reveals that the decisions to rent-in and/or rent-out land is significantly correlated, implying that univariate analysis of such decisions are biased, thereby, justifying the use of a bivariate approach. Results reveal that a number of socio-economic factors affect farmers’ participation in the land rental market and work in opposite directions regarding the decision to rent-in or rent-out land. The likelihood of renting-in land is higher for farmers with inadequate cultivable land but with higher levels of livestock and other farm capital asset ownership, and also for those located in areas with developed infrastructure and fertile soils. On the other hand, the likelihood of renting-out land is higher among farmers with higher levels of cultivable land but inadequate farm capital and livestock resources, higher levels of education, less subsistence pressure, and poor extension contact. Geography does matter, as the likelihood of land transactions is higher in agriculturally intensive and/or developed regions. Government policy has an important role to play to improve the factor equalisation role of these land rental markets through, for example, investment in education, agricultural extension, rural infrastructure and the livestock sector.  相似文献   

Land fractioning is a continuous process that could lead to land abandonment. In this work, the relationship between the speed of land market dynamics and land fractioning were studied and compared in two rural parishes of Ecuador. For this study, a database with relevant information extracted from land property deeds was generated for both study areas. Additionally, 193 land buyers and sellers were surveyed to determine the factors influencing/motivating land transactions. We observed a gradual increment of land fractioning with the mean ‘fractionated parcel surface’ independent of the speed of land market dynamics. Instead, the purpose assigned to the land by the actors involved in the land market seems to be the factor influencing the mean fractionated parcel surface and average parcel surface the most. The similarities of the studied areas with others inside and outside Ecuador makes the study relevant in a wider context. Our results could aid local governments in improving their land administration strategies in a deregulated land market context.  相似文献   


Many earlier studies have provided useful statistical information on the extent of vacant land in British towns and cities, but few have attempted to relate land vacancy to the wider development process. This paper presents recent evidence from Inner Manchester which suggests that valuation practices operate to prevent inner city land prices from falling even in areas of apparent over‐supply. This creates a blockage in the development process. It is shown that asking prices for vacant sites currently on the market are often substantially in excess of the level of prices achieved in recent transactions. As the great waves of compulsory acquisition in Manchester are now over, the statutory rules of valuation do not account for this difference, although historic levels of value have been supported by recent local authority acquisitions by agreement. It is evident that the comparative method of valuation is unable to cope with few transactions or a declining economy, both of which characterize the inner city land market. As a result, inner city land prices appear to be revised downwards only slowly and reluctantly in response to lack of demand or excess supply.  相似文献   

Research has shown that the reform of the CAP which broke the link between subsidies and production (the decoupling reform) has had little effect on farmers’ demand for land under the SPS (Single Payment Scheme) system. For this reason, in the conditions of the SPS, there is petrifaction of the structure of agricultural land, and an upward trend in prices on the market for agricultural land should not be expected to continue in the long term. Under the conditions of the SAPS (Single Area Payment Scheme), which applies in the EU-12 new Member States, the position in the market for agricultural land is different. However, most research carried out in Europe relates to the SPS system, where marginal changes in the value of land are identified as a result of the incidence of agricultural policy, as well as quantitative and qualitative attributes of particular properties. Under SAPS, these issues have not been sufficiently investigated. The authors have attempted to fill that gap, constructing a two-dimensional and multilevel econometric model for land prices in a leading agricultural region of Poland based on a sample of 653 transactions in the years 2010–2013. The aim is to determine how policy, as well as various quantitative and qualitative features, including location factors, affect the prices of land under SAPS. The results indicate, among other things, the key importance of the functional type of rural areas – properties in agrotouristic areas gained 43% higher prices on average than those in agricultural areas. Another finding of interest is that LFA and agro-environmental payments decapitalise the value of land.  相似文献   

Bullocks are an important resource in Indian agriculture where they are used as draft animals. Previous research suggests that farmers who do not own bullocks, or own bullocks in insufficient numbers relative to their land holdings, adjust bullock-land ratios through transactions in the land market, rather than by hiring bullock services. The reasons given for this behaviour are that there are 'inhibited' or 'missing' village markets for bullock services. Results from a survey of the activities and transactions of six bullock contractors during an entire cropping period show that village markets for bullock services exist continuously and are far from being inhibited. Close monitoring of the bullock contractors' transactions supplied rich evidence of the manifold contractual arrangements used in this village market for bullock services.  相似文献   

累退税、土地市场与地权配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:在土地市场存在的情况下,分析累退税制度对地权配置的影响。研究方法:历史文献、逻辑推理与案例比较。研究结果:(1)人头税与土地税实际上均与土地挂钩,导致了事实上的土地累退税;(2)明朝的士人优免制度形成了制度上的土地累退税;(3)豪强与权贵具有更强的逃税和避税能力,造成了事实上的土地累退税;(4)中国近年来具有土地规模累进特征的农业补贴制度,对地权配置的影响起到了与土地累退税类似的效果;(5)具有土地累退税特征的财税制度影响了土地市场运作,促进了地权集中,导致了效率和公平双重损失。研究结论:应改革具有土地规模累进特征的财政补贴政策,实现单位面积农业补贴的均等化。  相似文献   

农村集体非农建设用地直接上市:市场失灵与其政策矫正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究目的:研究中国农村集体非农建设用地直接上市陷于困境的制度之源,探讨农村集体非农建设用地直接上市的政策矫正。研究方法:局部均衡分析和交易费用分析。研究结果:中国现行法律法规对农村集体非农建设用地直接上市限制不当以及集体非农建设用地产权残缺提升了市场交易费用,减弱了当事人的集体非农建设用地供求,影响了交易效率,降低了社会福利。研究结论:必须"尊重农民土地财产权利",在明晰农村集体非农建设用地产权基础上,赋予农村集体非农建设用地直接上市的权利,从消除制度障碍、明晰土地产权等角度克服中国集体非农建设用地直接上市的瓶颈。  相似文献   

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