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购物网站交互性对消费者体验价值和满意度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在有关消费者体验价值影响因素的研究中,很少有学者关注购物网站交互性对消费者体验价值的影响.文章在文献回顾的基础上提炼出了网站交互性的两个重要维度:双向性和控制性,并以手段——目的链理论为基础构建网站交互性与体验价值之间关系的概念模型,最后运用结构方程模型检验了网站交互性、消费者体验价值和满意度之间的关系.研究结果表明,网站交互性的双向沟通性维度是提升消费体验价值和满意度的关键.  相似文献   

随着我国互联网的逐步发展,物流配送的不断完善,越来越多的人在网上购物,然而,网络购物市场的竞争也非常激烈。本文运用多元回归分析的方法研究购物网站对消费者网络购物行为的影响,从购物网站的网站设计、信誉水平、服务水平三个方面进行研究,实证结果表明网站设计、信誉水平、服务水平对消费者网络购物行为有显著地正向影响。  相似文献   

基于顾客忠诚的第三方平台购物网站服务质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内网络购物飞速发展,特别是以淘宝为代表的第三方平台模式网络购物已成为网购市场的中流砥柱。本文试在SITEQUAL基础上结合第三方购物网站的特点探索网站服务质量评价指标体系和评价方法,并进行实证研究。结果表明,易用性对网络消费者对平台网站的忠诚影响最大,其次依次是可靠性、处理速度、有形性,而安全性对于E顾客忠诚的影响不显著。  相似文献   

比较购物模式的诞生,标志着电子商务进入了一个新阶段。比较购物网站为商家提供一个高效的网络营销平台,帮助商家以极低的推广成本获得大量针对性极高的潜在消费者。购物必须选择,选择依靠于比较,这是众多比较购物网站的价值所在。针对比较购物网站所面临的技术、市场规模及服务问题,通过完善比较购物网站的服务、盈利、技术等运营模式,可有效做大做强比较购物网站,实现中国网络购物市场的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

社交网站的用户数量飞速增长和网络购物的市场规模不断的扩大使得对社交网站的研究成为热点话题,本文从感知价值、感知风险和购买成本这三个因素对用户购物意向的影响因素进行分析.  相似文献   

罗云华  林宗涌  刘搏 《中国市场》2011,(13):118-119
网络购物的兴起引起越来越多的学者进行有关网络消费信任的研究,本研究通过将网站类型设为因变量,将目前与购物有关网站划分为B to C网站和C to C网站,专业型网站和综合型网站,购物主导型网站和点评主导型网站,在此基础上通过问卷调查最终得出大学生消费者对网络评论信息的可信性结论。  相似文献   

章文瑶  陈琳 《市场论坛》2011,(12):68-70
基于对顾客感知价值要素的研究,初步构建网络购物模式下顾客感知价值要素体系,基于探索性因子分析发现大学生网购消费者的顾客感知价值由风险、网站设计、成本、服务、体验和便捷性六个要素构成,为网络商家提升大学生网购消费者顾客价值的感知,提高顾客满意度,实施有针对性的营销活动提供了依据。  相似文献   

从咨询业转战服装网络销售,对于周小文而言需要学习的不只一点两点,幸运的是她和“尚透社”逐渐走上了正确的道路。 对于创业者而言,知易行难是一种很常见的状态。  相似文献   

随着网络购物市场的竞争日益激烈,越来越多的购物网站开始关注顾客忠诚的培养。在校大学生作为网络购物的主要消费群体,已成为购物网站的必争之地。通过对顾客忠诚、顾客体验和顾客价值的文献探讨,分析了影响在校大学生网络购物忠诚的关键因素。通过实证研究,指出购物网站的功能性价值、顾客的品牌体验、关系体验对提升大学生网络购物忠诚有显著的作用。  相似文献   

刘坤 《商业时代》2015,(11):76-77
E忠诚是在普通因素和独特因素的共同作用下形成的。本文通过对这些复杂影响因素的梳理,构建了新的E忠诚驱动因素模型,揭示了E忠诚的形成机理。电子商务网站要建立和维持顾客对其产品或服务的E忠诚,必须充分把握这一机理,才能有效制定和实施各种培育E忠诚的正确策略。  相似文献   


This experiment examines interactivity and vividness in commercial web sites. We expected increased levels of interactivity and vividness would lead to more positive attitudes toward web sites, stronger feelings of telepresence, and greater attitude—behavior consistency. In addition, we expected increased levels of vividness to lead to the development of more enduring attitudes toward the site. Participants explored four web sites. Increases in interactivity and vividness were associated with increased feelings of telepresence. In addition, increases in vividness were associated with more positive and more enduring attitudes toward the web site. Implications for new media researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the differential impact of machine and person interactivity on both Web and mobile interfaces on e-retailers' operational and financial performance. Based on data from 463 large e-retailers in the United States and Canada, interesting findings are obtained indicating that Web machine interactivity and mobile person interactivity have significantly positive impacts on e-retailers' operational performance, whereas Web person interactivity and mobile machine interactivity do not. Furthermore, machine interactivity on a Web interface (i.e., Web machine interactivity) has a stronger impact than machine interactivity on mobile interfaces (i.e., mobile machine interactivity), and person interactivity is more influential on mobile interfaces (i.e., mobile person interactivity) than on Web interfaces (i.e., Web person interactivity). E-retailers' operational performance is found to have a significantly positive impact on e-retailers' financial performance. Overall, this study provides in-depth insights into the differential roles of machine and person interactivity on Web and mobile interfaces in affecting e-retailers' performance. Implications for research and practice as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

如何预防品牌危机成为当前重要而又紧迫的课题。本文认为,品牌危机是信任上的危机,建立和增强品牌信任是构筑心理防线、预防品牌危机的有效途径,并依据人际交往理论提出了品牌信任的互动创建模式。本文通过结构方程模型分析得出,企业可以借助与顾客互动减少其感知风险,增加感知价值,提高品牌信任,从而降低危机预期,减少危机诱因在公众中的扩散程度及触发品牌危机的可能性。  相似文献   


Traditionally, the activities of medical support organizations are largely based on face-to-face meetings and events as well as telephone services. The Internet has brought new possibilities for communicating both with members and between members. This study analyzes the web pages of seventeen support organizations and examines the views of the communicators of the organizations on the philosophy of constructing web sites. The web pages provide a wealth of information as well as many kinds of interactive services. There are two levels of interaction, one quasi-interactive and the other truly interactive. The communicators emphasize collaboration in the construction of web sites. They are aware of segmentation in their members (e.g., young and old) and of the challenges in using computer-based means of communication.  相似文献   

Web designers and providers are keenly interested in determining the ideal range of Web site complexity to facilitate user–Web site interactions. Previous empirical findings have sparked a lively debate about whether Web site complexity inhibits or enhances user responses toward the Web site. This paper develops a theoretical framework that posits that complexity effects shift along a sequence of evaluation criteria depending on the overall intensity and type of Web site complexity. The first experimental study confirms the suggested interaction effect of the overall degree of complexity and the sequence of evaluation criteria: the optimum is lower for upstream criteria (e.g., ease of navigation) and higher for downstream criteria (e.g., attitude toward the Web site). The second experiment distinguishes two dimensions of complexity (structural vs. visual) that evoke the antipodal effects underlying the shift in the optimal range of complexity. The paper also outlines avenues for further research and implications for marketing practitioners.  相似文献   

<正>企业的信息化建设已经受到前所未有的重视,甚至已经被提到企业发展战略的高度。企业网站不仅代表着企业的网络品牌形象,同时也是开展网络营销的根据地。企业网站建设作为企业行为,其背后的动机是什么?企业设立的网站是否满足消费者的需求?  相似文献   

校园电子商务网站的研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阮智斌 《中国市场》2008,(23):78-79
本系统基于校园电子商务的发展的现状,采用了J2EE技术和XML技术在校园网络上架设了一个动态的校园商品网上交易平台。文章分析了J2EE和XML各自的优点,并阐述了该网站的具体实现和原理。实践证明系统具有良好性能。  相似文献   


This paper presents findings of an exploratory case study that was undertaken to assess Web performance evaluation in three petroleum energy firms in the Southwest. Findings indicate that firms with clearly defined Web site objectives will tend to have much more comprehensive strategies for Web site performance evaluation. Contrary to our expectations, perceptions of Web expertise was not significantly related to perceived Web site performance. However, there was a clear relationship between perceived Web development expertise and the perceived ability to improve sites. Additionally, our findings suggest a lack of senior management guidance in Web related initiatives has contributed to an inability to successfully link Web performance measures to organizational objectives.  相似文献   

The capability of website quality management to drive tourism customer e-loyalty is the key factor to achieve superior performance of destination marketing organization (DMO) website operations. The quality management approaches that revolve around website design quality and online relationship quality have drawn intensive attention from e-loyalty researchers in recent years. Thorough empirical investigation, however, still lacks in incorporating the integrative impact generated by the two approaches into DMO website quality management. The current study introduces and validates a theoretical framework based on such impact. As the research result reveals, six facets predict tourism customer e-loyalty directly: informational usefulness, navigational effectiveness, aesthetic appeal, entertainment, social presence, and self-concept congruity embedded in the functional, emotional, and symbolic dimensions of website design quality. Online relationship quality, comprised of relationship satisfaction and relationship trust, plays a partial mediator role in amplifying the e-loyalty driving effect of website design quality in the DMO website context.  相似文献   

网上零售服务供应链模型构建及协同机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在网上零售服务中,各参与方建立协同机制,可以获得更多利润,尤其是网购厂商,不但可以提高收益,还可以降低市场风险;通过价格、订购量等参数调整,可以实现协同机制优化,并使网购价格保持在较低水平;节日促销和频繁的价格战会破坏整个服务供应链的协同机制,弱化供应链成员之间的合作关系.减少整个供应链的利润.网购厂商应该从打造完善的供应链入手,提升服务质量,推动网购行业持续健康发展.  相似文献   

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