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产品质量一直是消费者关注的焦点,随着电子商务市场不断繁荣壮大,质量问题投诉也成直线增长,电子商务产品质量参差不齐、监管无依等问题日益突出,影响电子商务市场的长远发展。本文通过对电子商务产品质量调查研究,分析了服饰类产品常见质量问题、产生原因及其危害,并从质量控制方面提出了相应对策建议,同时对建立电子商务产品质量监管体系提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

计算机信息技术的不断进步促进了电子商务的发展和提升,随着电子商务的不断深化发展,对我们的生活也产生了一定程度的影响。选择利用互联网进行购物的居民逐渐增加,但是互联网中的商品真的是十全十美的吗?很显然,电子商务中商品的质量监督管理水平与现阶段互联网商务的发展之间并为建设成为良好的发展机制,二者之间的推进速度并不一致。电子商务中产品的质量问题正在影响着电子商务的发展进程。本文中针对电子商务中产品的质量监管工作进行一定的分析,针对现阶段出现的产品质量问题逐一分析,并提出具有建设性改善意见。  相似文献   

2008年美国爆发次贷危机,人们逐渐开始关注影子银行体系。影子银行体系的运营方式更加灵活,更加注重金融创新,但与此相伴随的是更高的风险,随之对监管提出了新的要求。文章通过介绍影子银行体系的定义特征及产生原因,当前监管所面临的问题,对我国未来监管路径选择提出了建议。  相似文献   

夏露 《中国市场》2009,(6):58-60
本文在分析网络广告监管机构及其职能基础上,提出在现有管理框架下,以新思路、新方法和手段多角度构建网络广告市场监管体系,包括立法、行业自律、行政执法、舆论监督、国际协作与联动监管,并以追究责任手段,落实网络广告监督。  相似文献   

通过对我国银行监管体系存在的问题的反思,提出了实现我国银行监管创新的对策,并探讨了如何构建适应市场经济需要、与国际惯例接轨的银行监管法律制度,以期为我国银行监管体系的完善提供一个借鉴.  相似文献   

本文介绍了朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的质量监管体系,并对其内容和特点进行了总结分析。指出要建立科学的质量监管体系,需要国际机构和世界各国之间的交流与合作,要互相学习和借鉴他国经验,这样才能完善我国的质量监管体系。  相似文献   

通过对我国银行监管体系存在的问题的反思,提出了实现我国银行监管创新的对策,并探讨了如何构建适应市场经济需要、与国际惯例接轨的银行监管法律制度,以期为我国银行监管体系的完善提供一个借鉴。  相似文献   

王晨芳 《商业时代》2003,(248):49-49,53
加入WTO后我国银行监管面临的主要考验:(一)监管方式的改进 尽管改革开放20年来,我国银行监管体制取得了长足进展,但目前的行政监管方式仍存在着诸多隐患,很难适应加入WTO后复杂的金融监管环境。  相似文献   

随着网络金融的出现,我国金融信息化已达到一定程度,但与金融电子监管差距巨大。本文针对中国金融监管的战略需求,对中国金融电子监管问题进行浅析,初步探索中国金融电子监管的理论体系和框架。  相似文献   

郑向平  游佳 《现代商业》2013,(29):66-67
近年来,我国产品质量安全事故频发,许多产品接连出现质量安全事故.在此背景下,产品质量监管制度的完善就显得尤为重要.本文在阐述我国产品质量监管制度现状的基础上,对当前我国产品质量监管制度存在的主要问题进行了分析和归纳,并对完善我国产品质量监管制度提出相关的政策建议.  相似文献   

乳制品质量安全违规行为存在于乳制品供应链中的原料乳供应环节、乳制品加工环节和乳制品流通环节。其内在原因是为追求自身利益而丧失职业道德,外在原因在于市场失灵和监管失效。在乳制品供应链中,应着重考虑原料乳供应环节和乳制品加工环节的违规行为,乳制品质量安全违规行为监管体系可由政府及其监管部门、行业协会和乳制品加工企业共同组成。政府监管部门应按照全国统一领导、地方政府负责、部门指导协调、分段监管为主、品种监管为辅等原则进行监管;行业协会可以对乳制品质量安全违规者进行调查和惩处;政府作为外部力量应对行业协会进行行为约束;乳制品加工企业应对其原料乳供应者的行为实行监管,以约束上游原料乳供应者的违规行为。  相似文献   

<正> 今年上半年欧盟向世贸组织与技术性贸易壁垒委员会(TBT,以下简称“技术性贸易壁垒委员会”)提交了一份在欧盟国国家采用的产品质量评估制度(Conformity Assessment)的报告,欧盟认为这会对更好地执行技术性贸易壁垒协议起一个推动作用,也能确保消费者的健康和安全以及对环境进行更好的保护,使消费者建立起使用这些产品的安全感和信心,反过来,消费者信心的增强又能为产品打开更广阔的市场。欧盟认为该产品质量评估制度是符合世贸组织技术性贸易壁垒协议原则的,其目的是避免在国际贸易中出现不必要的障碍。  相似文献   

以大米为例,利用安徽省超市采购销售数据,定量测度政府对企业伪造质量等级行为应当设定的监管力度,并基于相关法规政策,合理论证惩罚性行政罚款较之中美现行监管方式的优势所在。研究表明,在市场监管法律体系框架内,特别是针对普通低价农产品而言,惩罚性行政罚款具有较高的处罚力度和较低的抽检概率,是适合中国农产品质量分级制度的监管选择。  相似文献   

When configuring a customized product, consumers must decide which product features to include. While many times firms allow consumers to add features to a base item (hereinafter referred to as additive option framing), it is also possible in some settings to remove undesired features from a fully equipped product (subtractive option framing). At the same time, companies not only provide different option‐framing formats, but also include recommendations from different sources such as what other customers have chosen previously or what is recommended by the company. This research provides evidence from two field experiments using a German car manufacturer's online configurator that customer recommendations in an additive option‐framing format affect customer spending equally well as subtractive option framing. A follow‐up experiment reveals that customer recommendations lead to increased positive thoughts about the recommended option, which stimulates consumers’ intention to buy the final product.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2014,90(4):493-510
Prior ingredient branding research has examined the influence of “stated” factors such as fit between partner brands on composite product (e.g., Tide with Downy fabric softener) attitudes. This research focuses on choice of composite products, and addresses three managerially relevant questions: Which consumer segments are more likely to adopt the composite product? Will the choice of the composite product have positive or negative reciprocal effects on partner brands? Will the introduction of the composite product benefit the primary or the secondary brand more? The authors use a brand choice model to investigate the “revealed” choice of complements-based composite products. Study results indicate that (i) despite high fit between the composite product and the primary brand, consumer segments may have different choice likelihoods for these products, whereas prior research suggests equal likelihood; (ii) the choice of a composite product may not provide a positive reciprocal effect to the secondary brand; and (iii) the introduction of a composite product may benefit the primary brand more than the secondary brand, whereas prior research suggests a symmetrical benefit for the partner brands. Finally, the finding that introducing a composite product may not cannibalize the sale of the primary brand extends the ingredient branding literature, which has been silent on this issue.  相似文献   

Traditionally antitrust law is strongly tied to price theory economics so that prices, costs, profits, and profit sacrifice are typically examined in antitrust cases. This paper proposes broadening traditional antitrust analysis to also explicitly examine the likely effect of allegedly anticompetitive conduct on product options and consumer choice. In order to accomplish this task, this paper proposes that various aspects of marketing strategy should be considered when examining product strategies that are accused of being anticompetitive. This paper further suggests that the current list of inconsistently and poorly defined product strategies used by the courts be augmented by three more straight forward but overlapping categories based on impact on consumer choice: Lock‐Outs, Lock‐Ins, and Hold‐Ups.  相似文献   

Loss aversion is a behavioral phenomenon with game-changing implications for economic theory and practice. We conduct a meta-analysis of 33 studies (providing 109 observations) investigating loss aversion in random utility models of brand choice. Specifically, we use multilevel modeling techniques to examine potential moderators of preference asymmetries as well as the variability of loss-aversion effects within and between studies. We find that loss aversion is manifest in product choice, but that it exhibits substantial variation across research contexts. Product-related variables (e.g., the category type), consumer characteristics (e.g., reference-point mechanisms), and particularly methodological decisions (e.g., model specifications) determine the observed degree of loss–gain disparity. Practical implications of the specific findings and opportunities for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

When considering product quality, focus on the civil law as the means of obtaining consumer redress should not blind one to appreciation that the criminal law also has a useful role to play. Even in circumstances in which physical harm to the consumer has not occurred, economic detriment can be sufficient for the quality of a product to be questioned in the context of not only civil but also criminal proceedings. This article uses the example of English law to explore the rationales for regulation of product quality backed by criminal sanctions, and shows how there may be overlaps but also divergences in the scope of coverage of civil and criminal laws.  相似文献   

李阳 《财贸研究》2010,21(3):128-130
随着经济全球化的发展,国内外产品市场的竞争越来越激烈。从产品市场竞争性的角度,研究产品市场的竞争性对企业资本结构的影响,结论是:企业资产负债率与其所处的产品市场的竞争程度正相关,且产品市场竞争程度对资产负债率差异的解释力非常显著。  相似文献   

This paper uses the theory of international trade in vertically differentiated products in order to assess whether the EU has calculated disproportionately high dumping margins in its anti‐dumping policy towards the two non‐market economies (NMEs) Russia and China since 1992. Specifically, the investigation concerns cases in which the level of economic development in and the quality of the products from the chosen analogue country are higher than in the two NMEs. The conclusion drawn here is that, even when the EU chooses analogue countries at a higher level of economic development than Russia and China, the differences in product quality and in the levels of economic development between the dumpers and the analogue countries provide no systematic explanation of the size of dumping margins.  相似文献   

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