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货币政策不仅是应对突发冲击、在短期内迅速实现经济复苏的政策工具,而且具有调节收入分配的功效。通过将异质性家庭和货币政策引入动态随机一般均衡分析框架,文章考察了扩张性货币政策的分配效应。研究发现,降息不仅能够促进李嘉图和经验规则式家庭的消费和就业,而且有助于降低消费不平等和收入不平等。与不考虑不平等因素的货币政策规则相比,考虑消费不平等和收入不平等的拓展规则引致的社会福利损失显著降低。因此,在制定和执行货币政策规则时,不仅应当考虑家庭的异质性,而且应当考虑可能的消费不平等与收入不平等。  相似文献   


This study examines the non-linear relationship between money, inflation and output with respect to the Friedman and Schwartz hypotheses that monetary policy affects prices in the long-run but not in the short-run, and influences output in the short-run but not in the long-run. The study examines the case of Nigeria and South Africa for the period 1970–2016 using the ARDL approach. The study proved that Friedman and Schwartz were right that money growth influences output in the short-run and not in the long-run. This suggests monetary policy is neutral in the long-run; however, the findings of this study cast some doubts on their popular view that money growth affect prices in the long-run but not in the short-run. This study shows that money growth actually affects prices both in the short and long-run. Thus, it is only the long-run dimension of the second hypothesis that is valid; the short-run view of the hypothesis is invalid for both Nigeria and South Africa. In fact, the significant estimates of money growth on inflation in both countries prove that inflation is everywhere a monetary phenomenon (both in the short and long run).  相似文献   

不同模式的宏观政策协调不但会对产业结构优化产生差异性影响,也会影响产业结构优化带来的宏观经济效应。本文在新凯恩斯框架下构建理论模型,并基于贝叶斯参数估计和数值模拟分析政策协调对产业结构优化以及宏观经济效应的影响。研究发现:数量型货币政策比价格型货币政策更有利于产业结构优化,收入型财政政策比支出型财政政策更有利于产业结构优化;价格型货币政策和收入型财政政策的政策协调更有利于产业结构优化对消费、就业和产出的促进作用,数量型货币政策和支出型财政政策的政策协调更有利于产业结构优化对通货膨胀的稳定作用;货币政策对产业结构优化升级这一目标与稳定经济波动这一目标存在着Trade Off现象,财政政策对产业结构优化升级这一目标与促进经济增长这一目标存在着Trade Off现象。因此,建议采取货币政策为主、财政政策为辅的宏观经济调控政策,具体操作体现在减息为主结合降低税率水平为辅的政策协调组合来应对经济增速下滑和产业结构升级。  相似文献   


This paper studies the effects of trade liberalization on growth and long-run global income inequality using a two-country model of human capital accumulation by credit-constrained households. I show that the timing of trade liberalization is a crucial determinant of its effects on growth. Moreover, I show that the size of the long-run income gap between the two countries depends on the difference in domestic income inequality when they open up to trade. Based on these results, I analyze the effects of redistributive policy within a country. I show that redistribution in one country may increase income per capita of its trading partner if it is undertaken in a steady state, while the opposite is true if the policy is undertaken during transition.  相似文献   

本文构建了个人所得税、转移支付以及个人所得税-转移支付系统对于居民收入不平等的实际、最优和最大效应指标。运用中国省份数据分析,发现中国个人所得税正在加速恶化居民收入不平等,并且在对收入不平等的影响中发挥主要作用;转移支付对收入不平等有一定的抑制作用,但力量较弱,而且离最优指标"要求"越来越远;个人所得税-转移支付系统加剧了收入不平等,并且加剧程度越来越严重,最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper shows that optimal exchange rate policy can be defined in terms of either a long-run secular policy or a short-run stabilization policy. The rate of crawl which maximizes real per capita consumption is shown to often differ from the exchange rate movements produced under fixed or floating exchange rates. And the optimal program for dealing with short-run speculative capital flows will involve both discrete and gradual exchange rate changes. It is also argued that domestic monetary policy and exchange rate policy are not independent instruments.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-and short-run rate of transmission of the prime rate to interest rates since the implementation of inflation targeting policy in Ghana. Monthly data covering the period January 2002 to March 2016 is used. The Johansen and Hansen parameter instability cointegration, the FMOLS and DOLS estimation procedures were used. The long-run results show incomplete pass-through of the prime rate to commercial banks’ lending and deposit rates but over pass-through to the 91-day Treasury bill rate. The short-run adjustment shows relatively slow transmission of the prime rate to the respective interest rates. Given the findings, relevant policy suggestions are provided.  相似文献   

财政政策与货币政策是调控宏观经济的两种最重要手段,为了保障宏观经济平稳的运行,在实际的经济生活中适时、适当地运用财政政策与货币政策十分重要。伴随着我国改革开放的进行,财政政策在我国的经济中起着越来越重要的作用。财政政策根据稳定经济的需要,通过财政支出与税收政策来调节总需求,增加政府支出,可以刺激总需求,从而增加国民收入,反之则压抑总需求,减少国民收入。  相似文献   

We present a stylized model to analyse the short- and long-run effects of monetary policy on international debt and competitiveness. The features of this non-linear model include both currency and asset substitution in a two-country framework, paying special attention to the dynamics of international debt. We find, in contrast to conventional wisdom, that, in addition to raising competitiveness and reducing debt, a monetary contraction can generate inflation in the presence of capacity constraints. Furthermore, if the inflation effect is sufficiently strong, there may be adverse short-run responses. The policy analysis explicitly considers the short-run dynamics of competitiveness, debt, prices and trade. We find there is a second J-curve effect which only occurs when the standard J-curve effect is present together with capacity constraints. The existence of cyclical short-run behaviour presents a warning to policy-makers when assessing the progress towards target equilibrium to bear in mind that adverse short-run movements may be consistent with the long-run desired aim (i.e. there may be initial movements in the “wrong” direction which are consistent with the “expected” long-run outcome).  相似文献   

通过建立结构式向量自回归模型(SVAR),就财政政策对经济增长和价格水平的动态效应作深入分析。结果表明,财政支出对经济增长影响波动较大,中长期总体效应为正面影响。而在加入货币政策变动影响后,它对经济增长在中长期效应为负面影响,货币供给总体表现为正面影响,两者对经济增长的综合影响为正。  相似文献   

(1227) Ansgar Belke and Yuhua Cui This paper analyses the monetary policy interdependence between the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve (Fed) for the period 1999–2006. Two models are specified: a partial vector error correction model (VECM) and a general VECM. In the partial VECM, we look for a long‐run interdependent relationship between the interest rates of the two currency areas and specify the Taylor Rule terms as exogenous variables. In the general VECM, we regard all variables as endogenous, and look for long‐run equilibrium relationships among them, which may reveal monetary policy interdependence between the two central banks. Weak exogeneity is checked in both models in order to establish a possible leader–follower relationship. The empirical results of both models indicate interdependence between the ECB and the Fed, but only the general VECM testifies a leader–follower pattern between the two central banks. According to this pattern, the ECB does follow the Fed.  相似文献   

"二次量化宽松政策"(简称QE2)是美联储在国内经济提振乏力、失业率居高不下以及世界经济复苏不平衡的背景下启动的。QE2或许能够使美国走出通缩的泥潭,也有可能催生资产泡沫,酝酿新的金融危机,但却无疑给世界经济,尤其是新兴市场国家的经济继续复苏蒙上了一层阴影,全球热钱将更加泛滥,世界经济秩序将遭到破坏,各国外汇储备将进一步缩水等。对此,我国中央银行货币政策必须加强与财政政策的配合,适时调整外汇储备资产结构,扩大本币结算合作,积极应对QE2的挑战。  相似文献   

The nature of macroeconomics has changed dramatically in the last seven years. Now, instead of being concerned with minor adjustments to stabilize about a given trend, concern is focused on avoiding secular stagnation. Much of this concern arises from the long-run effects of short-run developments and the inability of monetary policy to accomplish much more when interest rates have already reached their lower bound. This address analyzes contemporary macroeconomic problems and proposes solutions to put the U.S. economy back on a path toward healthy growth.  相似文献   

基于有界协整方法的中国进口需求弹性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邵军  徐康宁 《财贸研究》2006,17(5):55-60
有界检验是由Pesaran等(2001)新提出的一种协整分析方法,本文利用这一方法对改革开放以来中国进口贸易与其决定因素之间的长期关系和需求弹性进行了分析。结果表明,无论是长期还是短期,中国的进口需求相对于价格缺乏弹性,但相对于收入具有较高的弹性。这一结论具有重要的政策含义:其一,某些国家力图通过促使人民币升值来缓解其贸易赤字的做法是缺乏论据支持的;其二,中国经济的增长是世界经济的积极贡献因素。  相似文献   

We set out to assess the effects of exchange rate uncertainty on real consumption in selected Asian countries. Consumption influences business cycles, which in turn shape short-run monetary policy decisions. Hence, understanding factors driving consumption is appealing to policymakers. To date, few studies have analysed the effects of uncertainty on consumption. The available ones generally focus on the long-run effects, in spite of the fact that the short-run persistence and adjustments to equilibrium are equally relevant. Our study takes these limitations seriously by distinguishing the short- and long-run effects of exchange rate uncertainty on consumption. Using a flexible dynamic panel data technique that allows long-run effects to be homogeneous and the short-run effects to be heterogeneous, we find that uncertainty impedes consumption in the long run. In the short run, however, the effects are immaterial. This evidence remains robust to the measure of uncertainty, asymmetric uncertainty, inflation and the global financial crisis of 2008. By decomposing uncertainty into its temporary and permanent components, we find that the latter have a stronger effect on consumption in the long run than the former. Although both components demand policy attention, the evidence suggests that policymakers should be more concerned with permanent uncertainty.  相似文献   

未被观测经济(NOE)对经济发展具有诸多影响,但对居民收入不平等的影响尚未引起足够重视。文章基于动态均衡解的劳动报酬模型得到,随着NOE规模扩大,收入不平等程度(即劳动者从事NOE部门的报酬与从事可观测部门的报酬之差)呈现单调递增的变化过程,但边际变化率先增后减。当考虑劳动者决策的随机动态调整因素时,NOE规模与收入不平等之间存在高低两个动态变化均衡点。在该模型基础上,基于2000-2010年中国省级面板数据,证实了NOE规模与居民收入不平等之间存在显著正向影响关系,人力资本水平、市场化程度和腐败水平也与居民收入不平等呈正向影响关系,而城市化水平则呈较显著的负向影响关系。基于实证结果,提出了相关的政策建议,并对未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

文章运用多变量协整检验方法对两岸三地的利率联系进行了检验。文章对政策性利率和货币市场利率做了区分,用前者分析两岸三地货币政策的趋同程度,用后者分析两岸三地金融市场之间的联系。同时,本文也考虑了美国与日本的货币政策和金融市场对两岸三地可能存在的影响。实证分析结果是:总体上,两岸三地的政策性利率和货币市场利率均存在长期均衡关系;政策性利率相对于区外保持一定的独立性,从长期趋势看,香港与大陆的利率联系比与美国的联系更为紧密,但是台湾地区还没有表现出这样的趋势;货币市场利率对区外经济体仍有较大的依赖性,区内联系相对较弱,尤其大陆与台湾地区之间。  相似文献   

In this paper I estimate the impact of changes in real and financial wealth on private consumption for a panel of 17 emerging economies from Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. Households' consumption, income and the two measures of real and financial wealth – proxied by house and stock market prices – are found to be difference-stationary and co-integrated; by means of recent econometric techniques for heterogeneous panels, i.e. the pooled mean group estimator, inference is drawn about the long- and short-run relationships between the variables of interest. The main result of the analysis shows that both real and financial wealth positively affect households' consumption in the long-run, with the elasticity of housing wealth being larger than that of stock market wealth. Moreover, there is also a significant short-run adjustment from income, stock prices and house prices on consumption, i.e. consumption adjusts to its long-run relationship with lags. When the model is run for the two groups of countries separately, the long-run impact of an increase (decrease) in house prices is generally higher in Central and Eastern European economies with respect to Asian ones, which make them more vulnerable to further adverse housing market developments.  相似文献   

This paper disputes the argument that the short-run effectiveness of monetary policy in stabilizing domestic output under floating rates is necessarily reduced if elasticities of demand for imports and exports with respect to the current exchange rate are low and capital flows depend on the exchange rate. It is shown that the relative efficacy of monetary changes is determined by the interest rate elasticity of international interest payments and receipts and the effect of exchange rate variations on the demand for money in addition to the exchange rate elasticities of trade and capital flows.  相似文献   

本文使用1980-2009年23个OECD国家的住房市场数据,考察了住房房产税对房价的影响。研究发现:第一,房产税对房价具有显著负向作用,但过去30年23个OECD国家房产税率的均值为2.61%。这表明,尽管房产税能有效降低房价,但地方政府不大可能通过大幅提高房产税率来实现。因此,房产税对房价的抑制作用具有局限性。第二,预期比房产税对房价影响更大。因此,改变房价增长预期、抑制投机的政策比房产税更有效。第三,长期利率的回归系数不仅小于房产税,而且符号为正。因此,房产税政策比利率政策更有效。第四,房价主要是由收入和人口决定的,房价仍未脱离基本经济面。因此,收入和人口的变动可以预测房价的长期变动。最后,住房建造成本回归系数不显著。因此,房价并非主要由成本决定,降低住房建造成本并不能降低房价。  相似文献   

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