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In this paper, we make use of recent data published by the World Input‐Output Database to: (i) provide evidence on trade in value added of the major Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) member countries and major emerging economies (designated by OE country group), namely by measuring the degree of participation in global value chains (GVCs) at the country and sectoral levels; and (ii) estimate whether the GVC participation of OE countries has positively influenced foreign direct investment (FDI) inward stocks in the 2000s. The pooled regression model estimated shows that the country′s degree of GVC participation has contributed positively for bilateral FDI inward stocks, after controlling for other possible FDI determinants. 相似文献
基于贸易增加值视角,以《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)为对象,研究中美贸易摩擦对中国参与区域价值链的重构效应。首先运用沃姆斯利(Walmsley)动态递归方法更新全球贸易分析模型的基准数据库,然后运用全球贸易分析模型与库普曼(Koopman)等的贸易增加值分解模型的链接方法,分解中美加征关税对全球价值链和区域价值链的影响,从区域价值链视角出发评估贸易摩擦的经济效应。结果发现:从国家层面看,贸易摩擦对中国参与全球价值链负面影响颇为严重,却深化了中国参与区域价值链的程度,主要归因于直接贸易规模性转移与间接产业分工格局调整两个方面;从产业层面看,贸易摩擦对中国不同行业部门参与区域价值链的影响存在较强的异质性。总体而言,对不同行业的区域价值链均呈现促进效应,但电子产业增长相对较高,其次是汽车业、纺织业,原因在于不同行业参与全球价值链的程度截然不同。 相似文献
在全球价值链背景下,中国货物贸易的中间产品贸易存在逆差,而最终产品贸易存在顺差。那么中国货物贸易的贸易竞争力究竟如何?研究结论认为:第一,中国制造业整体具有较强的贸易竞争力,并基本呈现不断攀升趋势;制造业分行业之间的贸易竞争力差别很大。第二,总贸易口径下的贸易竞争力在一定程度上低估了大部分制造业的实际情况。第三,造成总贸易口径衡量的贸易竞争力偏离实际情况的原因与该行业参与全球价值链的程度有关。 相似文献
随着全球价值链分工与贸易的发展,在增加值视角下重新测算与分析中美双边贸易的利益结构,对解释2018年中美贸易摩擦具有重要意义。文章应用双边/产业层面的贸易增加值核算方法,从前向生产联系和后向生产联系两个角度对中美双边贸易利益结构进行国家层面和产业层面的研究,并对中国增加值出口的影响因素进行实证检验。主要结论有:增加值视角下的中美贸易顺差严重缩水,美方发布的贸易逆差数据严重失真;中国在全球价值链中的位置落后于美国,导致贸易顺差在中国,但结构性收益在美国;中国服务业在中美贸易中的获利能力远不及制造业,2000—2014年中国主要的顺差产业未发生较大变化;参与全球价值链对我国制造业和非制造业增加值出口的影响不同,吸引外资对中国产业增加值出口具有显著的正向促进作用。 相似文献
The paper investigates two policies geared towards stimulating and shaping global value chains (GVCs), namely deep regional trade agreements (DRTAs) and bilateral investment treaties (BITs). In an augmented gravity model, we test the impact of both policies on a variety of trade in value added indicators. We find that both policies are likely to increase GVC trade, although their transmission channels differ. While backward linkages are stimulated through both BITs and DRTAs, forward linkages respond only to DRTAs. The estimates suggest that negotiating a DRTA with investment provisions has a higher impact on trade in value added than signing a shallow RTA and a separate BIT. 相似文献
20世纪80年代以来,伴随经济全球化的发展,以前完全由一家企业单独生产的产品,现在可能被切割成许多不同的价值环节,由遍布全球、成千上万家企业同时协作生产。基于价值环节在企业之间分割、组合及其在全球布局的现象,理论研究者提出了全球价值链的概念和相关理论,涌现了大量相关文献,本文试图对这些研究的演化及发展进行归纳、比较和总结,对其主要结论进行评述。 相似文献
This paper investigates the impact of global value chain (GVC) participation on productivity. It uses data on trade in value‐added from the World Input‐Output Database. The results based on a panel estimation covering 13 sectors in 40 countries over 15 years suggest that participation in GVCs is a significant driver of labour productivity. Backward participation in GVCs, that is, the use of imported inputs to produce for exports, emerges as particularly important. An increase by 10% in the level of GVC participation increased average productivity by close to 1.6%. 相似文献
文章利用贸易附加值模型测算了我国制造部门及细分行业在1994~2008年间出口贸易利益水平,并进行总量与行业的趋势分析,发现我国制造业近十几年来的总出口附加值比率长期锁定在[30.31%,36.41%]区间内,均值为32.98%。在细分行业中,加工贸易特征明显,尤其是所谓的"高科技"产业的贸易附加值比重相对更低。 相似文献
Does greater use of services’ inputs in manufacturing increase the global value chain (GVC) activities of the firms? In this study, we analyse the effects of servicification on the GVC activities of manufacturing firms in India. Using panel data of 4608 Indian manufacturing firms from 2001 to 2018, we examine the effects of servicification of manufacturing firms on their decision to participate in GVCs. The study examines the overall service inputs in manufacturing activities and its impact on GVC activities of firms. The results indicate that servicification of manufacturing tends to have a positive impact on GVC activities of firms. We also observe positive impact on Indian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to participate in the GVC through the servicification of manufacturing. Further, the results also indicate the differential impact of servicification between high- and low-technology industries. 相似文献
基于全球价值链视角,采用多区域投入产出模型,利用世界投入产出表数据,测算了1995~2011年中美增加值出口和双边贸易失衡规模。研究表明:相比于传统贸易出口规模,1995年和2011年中国增加值出口分别减少16.06%和24.24%;传统贸易统计方法严重高估中美贸易失衡,同期中美制造业的增加值贸易顺差分别为传统贸易顺差的5%和10%,而中美农业贸易则由传统贸易逆差转变为增加值贸易顺差,中美服务业贸易则由传统贸易顺差转变为增加值贸易逆差;分要素密集度行业来看,中国劳动密集型和资本密集型行业表现为增加值贸易顺差,而知识密集型服务业则为逆差,且逆差规模逐步扩大。 相似文献
中国经济开放度与经济增长关系的实证分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
改革开放以来,中国对外贸易迅速发展,吸收FDI以及对外直接投资规模不断扩大,国民经济长期保持高速增长。通过贸易开放度和投资开放度两个指标测算中国的经济开放度,并在此基础上运用VAR模型和冲击反应模型对中国经济开放度与经济增长之间的关系进行经验检验。结果表明,贸易开放度和投资开放度对中国经济增长的作用存在较大的差异。进一步的动态研究发现,在不同的发展阶段,经济开放度对中国经济增长的冲击作用也存在较大的差异。 相似文献
EVA在企业绩效评价方法中的应用研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
根据经济增加值价值评估模型的理论基础,计算模型和相关信息的辨别与采集展开论述及在实际应用中应该对会计信息所做的调整,进而把EVA运用在我国国有企业中,比较出实际公司价值与EVA计算出的公司价值的区别。分析该模型的优越性,以期为EVA财务系统在我国企业管理中的应用提供有价值的参考。 相似文献
国外使用引力模型研究服务贸易始于2002年,国内研究则起步稍晚,至2009年方有学者致力于此类研究.从使用数据和实证模型两方面看,现有研究都有可进一步拓展的潜力.本文基于引力模型对服务贸易的决定因素进行识别与测算.本文在实证部分采用了基本引力模型,使用4种计量方法.结果显示:贸易双方经济规模、经济发展水平、物理距离和自由贸易区对总服务贸易额和分部门贸易额的影响表现出不同的显著性. 相似文献
This paper explores the impact of reducing non-tariff measures (NTMs) in major ASEAN countries. New econometric estimates of the impact of different types of NTMs are used in a global supply chain model to separately model the effects on intermediate products and those sold to final consumers. We also distinguish between whether the NTM cost burden is directed at exporters or importers. This paper makes important advances in modelling the heterogeneity of NTMs, offering much richer policy analysis of the impact of NTMs on supply chains in the Asia-Pacific region than has previously been possible. We illustrate the benefits, both to the major ASEAN countries and to their trading partners, from the partial liberalisation by ASEAN countries of their most trade distorting types of NTMs. Such liberalisation increases the GDP and welfare of all countries, with the effect particularly pronounced for the major ASEAN countries themselves, especially Vietnam and the Philippines. As trade in plant products and animal products is particularly affected by NTMs, these sectors show the largest expansion of trade. 相似文献
Mariarosaria Agostino Emanuele Brancati Anna Giunta Domenico Scalera Francesco Trivieri 《The World Economy》2020,43(4):1000-1033
This paper investigates the effect of participation in global value chains (GVCs) on firms' efficiency and explores heterogeneity in this impact across different firms, according to GVC governance, positioning in the chain and time length of participation. Our analysis takes advantage of survey data providing information on involvement in GVCs for a large set of Italian industrial SMEs between 2008 and 2012. We employ Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to retrieve a measure of firms' technical efficiency (i.e., DEA efficiency scores) and estimate the impact of involvement in GVCs on firms' efficiency through propensity-score matching techniques and truncated regression. Our results show that participation in GVCs induces significant efficiency premia, especially for suppliers, with stronger effects in the case of relational modes of participation. 相似文献
产业集群是促进区域经济发展的重要动力。如何提升产业集群的竞争力,已成为理论界关注的热点。嵌入全球价值链,不仅能够使地方产业集群进入国际市场,而且能够沿着价值链进行产业升级,由价值链的低附加值环节向高附加值环节移动。不同的价值链治理模式对产业升级有不同的影响。产业集群应在充分认识自身所处价值环节的基础上,选择适合自身发展的升级模式。 相似文献
在贸易理论中能够定量应用于两个经济之间贸易额计算的,目前只有引力模型。但引力模型在实践中的应用效果并不令人满意。注意到贸易的本质就是交换,贸易额与产出之间应该存在着某种特定的数量关系,本文认为引力模型的基本形式应该能够普遍适用于国内贸易和国际贸易,并称之为“贸易定律”。模型中的距离应该理解为“经济距离”,代表运输成本。据此思路以中国对外贸易数据进行验证,贸易定律是有效的。 相似文献
本文首先采用苏振东等提出的方法构造出江苏省出口贸易结构指数,分析其变动情况,并在此基础上运用协整模型分析了江苏省出口贸易结构变迁对就业增长的影响。分析结果显示:从出口总量层面来看,出口总额增长拉动就业,而高附加值商品出口减少就业,低附加值产品出口的就业效应为正,但低附加值产品出口所带来的就业正效应能够抵消高附加值产品出口的就业负效应。最后文章提出了进一步扩大出口贸易拉动就业增长的对策建议。 相似文献
后金融危机时期,中俄双方政治互信升级,两国建立了更为密切、全面的战略协作伙伴关系。文章基于较长时间跨度(1989~2010年)中俄双边贸易相关数据构建贸易引力扩展模型,研究两国贸易流量的影响因素以及发展潜力问题,并提出促进双边贸易发展的政策建议:进一步深化区域合作机制,完善贸易制度安排;强调各领域的务实合作;积极构建中俄自由贸易区;加强双边经贸结构调整,培育新兴贸易形态。 相似文献
Jostein Hauge 《The World Economy》2020,43(8):2070-2092
In this paper, I present a framework for GVC-oriented industrial policy that merges the so-called GVC perspective and the so-called developmentalist perspective—the latter of which is a perspective that industrial policy is most often analysed through, but has been somewhat neglected by the GVC perspective. I argue that the GVC perspective too quickly dismisses the relevance of industrial policy in the East Asian development experience, particularly those in South Korea and Taiwan between roughly 1960 and 1990. By drawing on the industrialisation experiences of these two countries, my framework for industrial policy suggests that the GVC perspective's ideas for industrial policy would be strengthened by more clearly acknowledging the continued importance of three observations by the developmentalist perspective: (a) the need for governments in developing countries to bargain with foreign investors for the purpose of domestic industrialisation; (b) policy design should not only focus on increasing exports, but also focus on replacing some imports with domestic production; and (c) linking up to the value chains of transnational corporations based in high-income countries can bring about some benefits, but ultimately, successful industrialisation necessitates a degree of competing with transnational corporations. State-owned enterprises have historically played an important role in this respect. 相似文献