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In this paper, we test whether financial system affects the export performance of R&D intensive industries. We consider four different dimensions of financial system: (1) financial development, (2) financial liberalization, (3) financial integration and (4) foreign banks. Our results show that financial development and financial integration increase exports relatively more in R&D intensive industries. These effects are highly robust. Financial liberalization and foreign banks do not have such effects. Our results also show that the positive effect of financial integration disappears when the quality of institutions and the level of financial development are low. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first study that examines the effects of different dimensions of financial system on exports through R&D channel.  相似文献   

欧盟国家低碳经济发展的经验及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从低碳经济发展战略制定与低碳立法、财政税收、低碳技术研发、新能源等方面探讨了欧盟国家在低碳经济发展中的主要政策措施。我国在发展低碳经济方面面临着产业结构重型化、能耗高与技术水平低下等困难,需要在吸收国际经验的基础上,结合我国的特征制定适合我国国情的低碳经济战略规划,通过构建法律框架、建立财政税收体系、开发低碳技术、提高能源使用效率、树立低碳消费观念,共同推动我国碳排放的降低和经济发展模式的转换。  相似文献   

欧盟在华直接投资对中国与欧盟贸易的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文运用面板数据的方法,研究了欧盟在华直接投资对中国与欧盟贸易的影响,结论表明,欧盟在华直接投资促进了中国对欧盟各成员国的进出口贸易,但影响较小,影响中、欧贸易的主要因素是中国和欧盟各成员国的经济实力(GDP)。这表明欧盟在华投资企业的市场战略主要是针对中国广阔的国内市场的。文章最后部分对如何促进欧盟对华直接投资和扩大中、欧贸易提出了建议。  相似文献   

中国-欧盟农产品贸易结构分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文运用多项指标系统描述了1995-2003年中国-欧盟农产品贸易结构的特征。相对贸易优势测算结果显示中国在动物产品、蔬菜水果和烟草等劳动密集型产品上的竞争优势有所减弱,而在茶类产品、水产品加工产品和蔬菜水果制品上的竞争优势趋于增强;贸易互补性在波动中增强;出口相似性指数表明双方在出口结构上存在较大的差异;贸易强度指数显示中国与原欧盟以及扩大后的欧盟在农产品贸易方面有很大的发展潜力。最后得出结论,中国应该发挥高附加值农产品的出口优势,扩大对欧盟的出口。  相似文献   

中印纺织品服装出口竞争优势的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国和印度劳动力资源都比较丰富,在劳动密集型产品出口方面有一定的比较优势。在纺织品服装贸易领域,印度一直对中国影响比较大。随着中国生产要素成本的不断提高、人民币升值的步伐加快,中国纺织产业国际竞争压力日益凸现。因此,借鉴印度纺织产业的成功模式,提升中国纺织产业竞争力正成为人们关注的热点。  相似文献   

对欧盟轮胎滚动噪声技术法规的主要技术内容进行了研究,阐明了欧盟轮胎滚动噪声的分级及标签、噪声限值等技术要求,分析了轮胎滚动噪声的产生机理、影响因素和轮胎滚动噪声测试方法。建议为应对欧盟技术壁垒,应建设我国自己技术领先的轮胎试验场,开展轮胎滚动噪声性能测试和分析;改进轮胎设计和生产工艺,进一步提升我国轮胎产品性能,促进我国轮胎产品顺利出口。  相似文献   

In this general equilibrium model, banks and manufacturing firms engage in oligopolistic competition. A more advanced manufacturing technology has a higher fixed cost but a lower marginal cost of production. We show that manufacturing firms located in a country with a more efficient financial sector choose more advanced technologies and this country has a comparative advantage in the production of manufactured goods. Even though the foreign country has a less developed financial sector than the home country, the opening up of trade with the foreign country leads domestic manufacturing firms to adopt more advanced technologies. An increase in the level of efficiency in the financial sector of one country causes manufacturing firms in both countries to adopt more advanced technologies.  相似文献   

欧盟是世界上第二大纺织品服装进口市场,每年进口的纺织品占全球总进口量的31%,就进出口贸易总量来说,欧盟是全球纺织品服装的最大贸易方,在世界纺织品服装贸易中扮演着非常重要的角色。中国是对欧盟纺织品和服装出口最多的国家,是欧盟纺织品最大的供应国。欧盟东扩的实现将对我国纺织产品的出口产生重大影响,因此本通过对欧盟东扩后产生的贸易效应的分析来说明东扩后可能对我国纺织业出口产生的一定影响。  相似文献   

欧盟对华出口产品反倾销调查的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国出口产品出口速度过快、出口价格相对过低、出口企业市场经济地位的难以获得是我国出口产品频遭欧盟反倾销调查的原因。因此,控制出口速度、调整出口产品的价格、争取市场经济地位待遇是我国出口企业避免反倾销风险的有效策略。  相似文献   

This study explores corporate social responsibility (CSR) by conducting a cross-cultural analysis of communication of CSR activities in a total of 16 U.S. and European corporations. Drawing on previous research contrasting two major approaches to CSR initiatives, it was proposed that U.S. companies would tend to communicate about and justify CSR using economic or bottom-line terms and arguments whereas European companies would rely more heavily on language or theories of citizenship, corporate accountability, or moral commitment. Results supported this expectation of difference, with some modification. Specifically, results indicated that EU companies do not value sustainability to the exclusion of financial elements, but instead project sustainability commitments in addition to financial commitments. Further, U.S.-based companies focused more heavily on financial justifications whereas EU-based companies incorporated both financial and sustainability elements in justifying their CSR activities. In addition, wide variance was found in both the prevalence and use of specific CSR-related terminology. Cross-cultural distinctions in this use create implications with regard to measurability and evidence of both strategic and bottom-line impact. Directions for further research are discussed. Laura P. Hartman is a Professor of Business Ethics and Legal Studies in the Management Department in the College of Commerce at DePaul University, as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University and as Research Director of DePaul’s Institute for Business and Professional Ethics. She is also an invited professor at INSEAD (France), HEC (France), the University of Melbourne, the Université Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille III and the Grenoble Graduate School of Business. She has been published in, among other journals, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business & Society Review, Business Ethics: A European Review, and the Journal of Business Ethics. Robert S. Rubin is an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at DePaul University’s Kellstadt Graduate School of Business. He received his PhD in organizational psychology from Saint Louis University. His current research interests include transformational leadership, leader cynicism, social and emotional individual differences, and management education and development. K. Kathy Dhanda is an Associate Professor at the Department of Management at DePaul University. Her areas of research include sustainable supply chains, environmental networks, marketable permit modeling, sustainable management, and public policy.  相似文献   

地区的比较优势发展和国家的竞争优势发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际贸易理论中,如何利用比较优势和竞争优势一直是个颇受关注的话题,一个国家选择什么样的国际贸易发展战略至关重要。通过对比较优势和竞争优势理论的总结与分析,针对我国的实际情况进行研究,研究表明我国各地区应按比较优势发展,而国家以竞争优势为主,辅以比较优势取得发展。  相似文献   

MNEs from emerging economies (EE MNEs) have recently undertaken aggressive cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As). This phenomenon challenges the current understanding in the international business literature. Integrating the comparative advantage theory with Dunning's OLI paradigm, this article develops a comparative ownership advantage framework characterized by five attributes: (1) national-industrial factor endowments, (2) dynamic learning, (3) value creation, (4) reconfiguration of value chain, and (5) institutional facilitation and constraints. We test five propositions with a dataset of 1526 cross-border M&As by Chinese and Indian MNEs from 2000 to 2008. Preliminary results support the new comparative ownership advantage framework.  相似文献   

The study examines the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth and trade balances of 10 emerging economies in Europe before they joined the European Union. This article uses the Granger causality test to investigate the link between FDI inflows and economic growth for the countries under study. The findings show that gross domestic product growth has a unilateral Granger-cause on FDI inflows for 9 of 10 emerging European economies. However, the results did not show FDI inflows Granger-causing the changes in economic growth of any of the 10 countries. Furthermore, FDI inflows had no or negative effects on trade balances of the majority of the emerging European nations. The policy implications of this study are that host governments in emerging economies must carefully evaluate spillover effects of FDI inflows on their economies before offering significant incentive packages to lure multinational enterprises into their countries.  相似文献   

The present paper tackles the question whether firms in a middle-wage country offshore production to save labor costs or if they onshore tasks that were offshored from high-wage countries. To distinguish which is the empirically more relevant case, I analyze the effect of importing intermediate inputs on the labor composition using matched employer–employee data and information on trade transactions from the universe of Brazilian firms. Propensity score matching indicates that an intermediate import expansion at the extensive margin leads to employment growth, higher intensities in routine and non-routine manual tasks and an increased share of intermediates exports. These findings thus point out that Brazil's intermediate imports predominantly represent onshored tasks. This result holds regardless of whether intermediate imports from high- or low-wage countries are considered. In line with theoretical considerations, the data show that Brazil's comparative advantage is in medium-complex and routine manual intensive production stages.  相似文献   

美国和欧盟是我国重要的贸易伙伴,也是对我国提起反倾销申诉比较多的国家和地区。本文对中国、美国和欧盟反倾销法的主要差异进行了比较研究,指出了中国与美欧反倾销法的分歧和冲突,以及中国反倾销法的若干不足之处,为完善我国的反倾销法提供借鉴。  相似文献   


This article addresses the questions as to whether cultural distance and a free trade agreement with a trade bloc, as well as protectionism, have an impact on perceived external export barriers. The evaluation of a mail survey of chief executive officers from 459 Norwegian companies shows that protectionism has a strong significant effect on the level of perceived external export barriers. The cultural distance to the export markets has only a small effect, while the free trade agreement with the European Union has no effect.  相似文献   

技术作为生产要素向西部地区的转移有着消除区域经济发展差距,促进西部国民经济增长的重要作用。由于我国目前尚处于市场体系不够完善的“转轨”阶段,因此技术转移过程必然是政府干预下的“自觉”转移,与市场资源配置下的“自然”转移的结合。文章从动态比较优势的发展战略出发,在技术转移方与接受方的博弈和成本分析中,讨论如何合理有效的发挥政府作用。  相似文献   

We study the relation between international trade and the gains to reform labor markets by removing firing restrictions. We find that trade linkages imply substantially smaller benefits to reform than those calculated in the closed economy general equilibrium model of Hopenhayn and Rogerson [Hopenhayn, Hugo, Rogerson, Richard, 1993. Job Turnover and policy evaluations: a general equilibrium analysis. Journal of Political Economy 101 (5), 915–938 October]. When economies trade, labor market policies in one country spill over to other countries through their effect on the terms of trade. A key finding in the open economy is that the share of the welfare gains from domestic labor market reform exported substantially exceeds the share of goods exported. Thus, with international trade, a country retains little to no benefit from unilaterally reforming its labor market. A coordinated elimination of firing taxes yields considerable benefits. We also find that the U.K. benefits from labor market reform by its continental trading partners. These insights provide some explanation for recent efforts toward labor market reform in the European Union.  相似文献   

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