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We examine how country-level institutional context moderates the relationship between three socio-cognitive traits—entrepreneurial self-efficacy, alertness to new business opportunities, and fear of failure—and opportunity entrepreneurship. To do this, we blend social cognitive theory (SCT) with institutional theory to develop a multi-level model of entrepreneurial entry. We merge data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) surveys and the Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) index for 45 countries from 2002 to 2012. Our results, which are based on a multi-level fixed-effects model, suggest that entrepreneurs' self-efficacy and alertness to new opportunities promote opportunity entrepreneurship while fear of failure discourages it. However, the strength of these relationships depends on the institutional context, with entrepreneurial self-efficacy and alertness substantially more likely to lead to new opportunity-driven ventures in countries with higher levels of economic freedom. These results provide suggestive evidence that economic freedom not only channels individual effort to productive entrepreneurial activities, but also affects the extent to which individuals' socio-cognitive resources are likely to mobilized and lead to high-growth entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between trade and the quality of economic institutions under different political institutions. It uses panel data of 138 countries from 1984 to 2010 and employs instrumental variables and identification through heteroscedasticity to mitigate the problem of endogeneity. The findings suggest that the effect of trade on economic institutions reduces significantly in the presence of extractive political institutions. The findings indicate that ‘trade’ is not a sufficient tool for improving economic institutions; rather, trade policies need to be embedded in distinct political institutions to trigger the substantive improvement of economic institutions.  相似文献   

Whether development aid promises to be successful depends not least on the conditions prevalling in the developing countries themselves. A study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation has examined whether it is possible to identify universal requirements for successful development in Third World countries. Its main findings are presented below.  相似文献   

Networked trade in parts and components is more sensitive to the importer's logistics performance than is final goods trade. The difference between the two trade semi-elasticities is over 45%, which is quantitatively important. We also find that logistics performance is particularly important for trade among developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, which is where the emergence of production networks has been most pronounced. Logistics performance is also more important for South–South trade than for South–North trade. Our results suggest that developing country policymakers can support the development of international production networks by improving trade logistics performance.  相似文献   

From 1945 to early 1989, Eastern Europe was a commercial “black hole” for Western businesses. The region's centrally-planned economies and stateowned businesses kept Western investors at bay. As the economies of Eastern Europe make the transition to capitalism, major new markets are opening with attractive long-term growth prospects for the West. But the picture is not all rosy: political, economic, social and technological factors such as inflation, high debt, low productivity and fear of change threaten the stability of the region. Healey identifies the consumer electronics and service sectors as having the highest growth potential for Western businesses and recommends joint ventures to best tap these markets.  相似文献   

The recent enlargement of the European Union (EU) has enhanced interest in the causes and also the consequences of migration between Central and Eastern European (CEE) and Western European countries. This paper considers the possibility that some of these consequences make themselves felt in the trade flows between migrants' countries of origin and destination. Using a panel of data covering a number of CEE countries between 1996 and 2003, we employ an augmented gravity model to examine the effects of immigration from these transition countries on their bilateral trade flows with the UK. We pay attention to a number of issues that have been raised within the literature on gravity models. We find evidence that migration positively enhances the bilateral exports of the migrants' home country; however, there is less (but some) evidence that the imports from their destination country are also enhanced.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effects of an increase in emission tax, a decrease in fixed manufacturing wage rate, and an increased inflow of foreign workers on competitive wages, the environmental stock, the economic welfare of the representative consumer, and employment in the presence of a pollution abatement equipment sector and unemployment. Our main findings are that an increase in emission tax and a decrease in the urban minimum wage rate decrease unemployment, and international immigration may increase the competitive wage rate, employment rate, stock of environmental capital, and economic welfare of the representative worker.  相似文献   

本文以中国与东盟间的双边贸易为研究对象,利用贸易引力模型分析中国与东盟之间贸易的决定因素。中国的GDP、东盟国家国的GDP和人均GDP对于中国-东盟贸易具有显著的促进作用,而中国的人均GDP和距离对于中国-东盟的贸易具有阻碍作用。  相似文献   

The most important and imperative objective of the developing nations is rapid economic growth and exports are generally considered as an engine for economic growth. Being an agro-based economy, agriculture exports play pivotal role not only in economic growth but also in socioeconomic uplifting. This study aims at evaluating main determinants of agricultural exports of Pakistan by applying stochastic frontier gravity model over the period of 1995–2014 for a sample of 63 countries. In addition, the study also analyzes whether there is any untapped export potential between Pakistan and the trading partners in agriculture sector. The results confirm the consistency of gravity model for agriculture exports of Pakistan. Likewise, the estimates also point out that bilateral exchange as well as tariff rates also effect agriculture exports. The study has also incorporated the effect of common border, common culture, colonial history and preferential trading agreements by including their respective dummies. The study confirms the significance of each factor, except common language, with their respective magnitude. Moreover, technical efficiency estimates reveal that Pakistan has great export potential with neighboring, Middle Eastern and European countries.  相似文献   

One criteria regarding where to invest in foreign markets is linked to the international social capital (ISC) that exists on the place, which enables the access to local knowledge and other location-specific advantages. There are alternative ways to create and make use of that ISC that are still unexplored by International Business literature. In this paper, we study the geographic communities of practice (CoP) that are formed by FDI firms from the same country-of-origin (the so-called country-of-origin clusters). For that purpose, the paper adopts a qualitative methodological approach through an inductive case study of expatriates from 13 Spanish subsidiaries co-located in China. Our findings suggest that there are particular mechanisms based on the informal connections and repeated interactions facilitated by a common language and non-competitive relationships that create an ISC in the CoP. Moreover, our analysis shows there is a heterogeneity in the way these mechanisms are developed and used by the member firms, and this is due to organizational and individual factors, as well as leadership dynamics. Our work contributes to Internationalization and Network theories by identifying unexplored mechanisms through which the ISC is developed at the host country level. Besides, it helps identifying competences (i.e. clustering competences) that help expatriate managers to be successful in their international assignments.  相似文献   

The study examines the role of social media marketing (SMM) activities and the influence of perceived candidate image in building voter–candidate relationship equity within the context of United Kingdom (UK) politics. Drawing from branding literature and social identity theory the article further investigates the role of candidate image as a mediator between SMM and voter–candidate relationship equity, whilst also testing the moderating effect of political ideologies. Survey results from 235 young UK voters indicate that while all SMM activities appears to positively influence the perceived candidate image, not all SMM variables directly relate to relationship equity. The relationship rather appears to be an indirect one, mediated through the political candidate's image. Surprisingly, political ideology also does not appear to moderate the connection between candidate image and voter–candidate relationship equity. The study findings highlight the growing importance of SMM activities and candidate image in political contexts, providing insights for political campaigners.  相似文献   

Using the traditional gravity model, this paper aims to analyze the determinants of Turkish exports to 43 Islamic Development Bank member countries for the period from 1996 to 2015. The paper specifically investigates the effects of 12 political risk measures (bureaucracy quality, corruption, democratic accountability, government stability, internal and external conflict, investment profile, law and order, military in politics, religious and ethnic tensions, and socioeconomic conditions) in the importing countries on the total volume of exports of Turkey. After implementing various robustness checks, the paper finds that the government instability in the importing countries is negatively associated with the Turkish exports.  相似文献   

There is considerable concern in the United Kingdom regarding the growing power of supermarkets, a concern that culminated recently in a UK Competition Commission enquiry into the grocery sector. Against this backdrop, some suppliers, independent retailers and societal groups have been critical of the investigation, implying that it did not do justice to the role of small stores in society, and that this issue is insufficiently understood by policy-makers. To address this need, this article reviews and assesses the available UK evidence on the social and economic role of small independent stores and the values that are attached to them by the communities they serve. This is achieved using the Systematic Literature Review methodology. The purpose of the article is to gauge the evidence as a platform for wider debate on how the role of small stores can be maintained and enhanced. The article identifies key themes and gaps in the literature as a basis for identifying research priorities and highlights implications for public policy and planning.  相似文献   

Why does IPO activity vary across countries? This study proposes that the variation is attributable to differences in the overall quality of formal institutions and in the informal institutional effects of national culture directly and interactively. The empirical analysis of IPO activity in 45 countries from 2001 to 2011 indicates that the quality of formal institutions and high levels of performance orientation each have positive effects on the level of IPO activity. Further, the positive relationship between the quality of formal institutions and IPO activity is amplified in cultures that encourage and reward performance achievement (high performance orientation) and those that favor the use of rules, and laws to enhance the predictability of future events (high uncertainty avoidance). This study provides theoretical and practical implications for understanding what motivates IPO activity around the world.  相似文献   

The food habits of people generally dictate their nutritional well‐being, which subsequently affects their physical and mental health. A change in environment is one of the major factors that could bring about positive or negative changes in food consumption patterns. The food habits of 50 migrant families living in a suburb of Accra were studied to find out what changes have taken place as a result of a change in living environment. The homemaker in each family was interviewed to obtain information on socioeconomic characteristics, past and present food procurement and consumption patterns, food avoidances and factors that influence food selection and consumption. The findings revealed that, although the majority stuck to foods they were accustomed to, there were striking changes in sources of food procurement, the number of meals prepared at home and the relative frequency of consumption of some staple foods. One‐third of the study group felt that their diets had become poorer as a result of the change in environment. Two factors, time and money, were associated with the changes that had taken place. The study provides some evidence for the existence of inadequate diets among migrant families. This might even reflect a more serious situation facing the numerous migrant youth, who have no families to cater for them and, hence, put their health at risk. Home economists and other related professionals could be instrumental in drawing up intervention programmes to ensure adequate selection and consumption of food to promote good health among migrants to the city.  相似文献   

The literature on political risks (and opportunities) in international business has expanded far beyond its initial preoccupation with expropriation and instability in “third world,” developing countries. The literature has thus become more concerned with other types of government policies and with political conditions in “first world” and “second world” countries as well. In those respects, the literature has developed analytically and become of more widespread relevance to managerial issues in international business. This article reviews the topical coverage of the political risk literature of international business, and in addition it considers key analytical issues concerning the levels of analysis, theoretical content, and analytical methods that have been evident, as well as those that have been neglected. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

By considering the optimal behaviour of illegal mi grants who must confront the various enforcement techniques adopted by the host country, we show that an increase in penalties, in travel cost, or in the possibility of detection, would be effective in the 'qualitative ' objective but not in the 'quantitative' objective. Moreover. when a host country starts accepting skilled legal migrants, if the required skill level is relatively low and the possibility of detection is sufficiently high , an increase in penalties will be effective in both objectives.  相似文献   

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