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Qilin Mao  Jiayun Xu 《The World Economy》2019,42(12):3537-3568
This paper investigates the effects of input trade liberalisation on firm markups and assesses how institutional environment affects such impacts by using Chinese firm‐level data. To identify the causal effects, we exploit the quasi‐natural experiment of China's WTO accession in 2001 and perform difference‐in‐differences estimation. The results show that input tariff liberalisation leads to a substantial increase in firm markups, and institutional environment significantly strengthens such an impact. We further uncover the underlying mechanisms through which input tariff liberalisation boosts firm markups, and show that both price and cost channels work for the input tariff cut effect on firm markups, of which the latter is much more important. In addition, we also demonstrate that input tariff cut significantly fosters aggregate markup growth, and the reallocation effect is found to be an important channel through which input tariff liberalisation boosts aggregate markup growth.  相似文献   

This paper links the sharp drop in China's manufacturing servitisation (MS) in early 21st century to China's accession to WTO featured by conspicuous input trade liberalisation (ITL). The results show that manufacturing industries exposed to higher degree of ITL suffer more MS declines after China's accession to the WTO. Heterogeneous analysis shows that industries with high import intensity, capital intensity or technology intensity suffer more MS declines following input trade liberalisation. Further analysis shows that input trade liberalisation increases the import of intermediate inputs while significantly reduces the proportion of service imports for manufacturing industries. The results are robust to a series of robustness checks.  相似文献   

在加入WTO的15年中,中国在世界经济和贸易中的地位和全球贸易治理机制都发生了深刻的变化。多边贸易体制取得了巨大成就,但面临着更严峻的、根本性的挑战。区域贸易协定尤其是巨型区域贸易协定快速发展,并成为发达国家推进全球贸易治理的首要途径,但同样面临世界经济格局调整、经济衰退和反全球化浪潮的严重制约。中国充分利用了"入世"红利,但并未在WTO中采取积极进取的策略,而在积极推进自由贸易区战略的实施中也存在不少问题和不足。在新的形势下,中国仍应以WTO为首要平台、积极推动多哈回合的结束,同时欢迎采取不同形式推进新议题的讨论和谈判,并有针对性地实施自由贸易区战略,积极提升中国在全球贸易治理中的地位。  相似文献   

Countries increasingly rely on subsidies to assist their producers leading to concerns about their potential misuse. The WTO regulates its members’ subsidies by defining subsidies that are permissible, as well as by providing means to retaliate against subsidies of partner countries if these subsidies hurt one's interest. However, these subsidy rules might have an unintended effect. As both subsidies and tariffs are substitute instruments of protection, tighter subsidy rules might lead to a decrease in the pace of tariff liberalization. In this paper, we present first empirical evidence in support of this prediction. Using China's accession to the WTO in 2001 as a case study, we show that China's accession to the WTO was associated with a relative increase in its tariffs for products that faced a higher threat of retaliation against subsidies. More importantly, we also show that increases in tariff were larger in products with higher potential costs imposed by retaliation. Finally, we include several robustness tests as well as conduct two counterfactual exercises to verify that the results we obtain are indeed due to perceived threat of retaliation against subsidies.  相似文献   

加入WTO与中国旅游业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐超 《财贸研究》2001,12(6):69-72
本文在描述中国旅游业存在问题的基础上,分析了加入WTO之后中国旅游业所面临的严峻挑战和发展机遇。文中指出,为适应加入WTO的要求,中国应顺应国际旅游市场发展潮流,积极发展旅游业,在建立和完善现代企业经营机制、培育大型旅游企业集团、拓宽投资渠道、开发人力资源、完善旅游服务监管体制及跨国经营等方面尽快与国际惯例接轨。  相似文献   

董展眉 《商业研究》2007,(5):160-163
2005年开始,主要产业在加入WTO谈判中获得的过渡期大部分结束,进口贸易自由化程度空前提高,进口产品的不公平竞争和进口激增必将对我国产业造成冲击,进口贸易救济工作面临严峻考验。为此要借鉴他国的成功经验,进一步完善我国的贸易救济体系。  相似文献   

我国已加入世界贸易组织,这对专业贸易企业来说既是挑战又是机遇。面对世贸规则和相应的国内的外贸法律、法规、规章和规范性文件的大清理,我国加入世界贸易组织专业外贸企业应该解决怎样适应世界贸易组织规则的问题,为此,从外贸专业人才、外贸企业体制和关联下游企业的角度,对该问题进行细致深入的探讨。  相似文献   

The accession negotiations of Belarus to the WTO are unusual since, due to its obligations in the Eurasian Economic Union, WTO accession is not expected to impact its tariffs or formerly substantial trade‐distorting agricultural subsidies. Nonetheless, we estimate that WTO accession will increase welfare by 9.9% of consumption in Belarus. We show that inclusion of: (i) foreign direct investment; (ii) reduction in non‐discriminatory barriers against services providers; and (iii) our model with imperfect competition and endogenous productivity effects together produce estimated gains eleven times larger than a model of perfect competition with only cross‐border trade in services. Our analysis is enabled by our production of a data set on both discriminatory and non‐discriminatory barriers in services and their ad valorem equivalents. Based on a new data set on labour productivity by sector and type of ownership, in our central model, we estimate that privatisation will increase welfare by 35.8% of consumption. We find substantial variance in the estimated gains from privatisation depending on model assumptions, but all the estimates of the impacts of privatisation indicate substantial welfare gains.  相似文献   

加入世贸组织以后,无歧视原则、关税减让原则、透明原则以及反补贴原则将成为影响我国税收制度改革的最直接因素,我国税法税制改革的任务和难题,主要表现在分步调减关税并改进结构与管理;增值税转型;内外资企业所得税制统一;个人所得税调节高收入力度不大;税收优惠政策过多过宽等五个方面.文章提出我国税制改革的建议,如开征合并重复的税种;实行生产型增值税向消费型增值税的转换:统一内外资企业所得税制;加强个人所得税征收等.  相似文献   

本文通过对影响中国纺织品贸易因素的Granger因果检验和线性回归,分别得出了入世前后影响中国纺织品贸易的决定因素及相关关系。研究表明,在入世前中国纺织品出口贸易主要影响因素来自产品的质量层面,入世后则转向数量层面,而且对劳动力要素的依赖程度在进一步加深。  相似文献   

加入世界贸易组织,给我国服务贸易发展的外部环境带来巨大的改变,尤其是5年过渡期结束后,国内服务市场对外全面开放,对我国服务业和服务贸易带来新的挑战。本文主要考察入世后我国服务贸易的发展状况。首先讨论了服务贸易环境的改变;其次实证研究了加入世贸组织5年来,在面对市场更加开放、竞争逐步激烈的环境下,我国服务贸易特征是否有一个根本转变。再次,分析了过渡期结束后我国服务业面临的问题、挑战以及发展展望;最后基于科学发展观提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Post‐China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China's telecommunication industry now needs to face a much stronger competition in a relatively open market that has a number of diverse rivalries. There are specific benefits and risks associated with both domestic telecommunication (telecom) companies and foreign investors in the telecommunication or information technology area. To meet with these new challenges and take advantage of the competitive, strategic advantages to penetrate the market, both China's telecom industry and foreign investors must understand the impacts of China's accession to the WTO on its telecommunication industry and hence make the necessary adjustments and/or implementation improvements. In specific, we carefully examine the impacts such as prices, quality, and local protectionism in this article. We draw the findings based on the data collected from a survey and the resulting statistic analysis.  相似文献   

WTO与UNEP联合报告:《贸易与气候变化》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009年6月26日,世贸组织(WTO)与联合国环境规划署(UNEP)共同发表了一份报告:《贸易和气候变化》——首次阐释自由贸易与气候变化的关系。报告主要通过文献研究和调查各国政策的研究方法分析了贸易和气候变化的联系。报告从四个层面分析了相互交织的贸易和气候变化问题,包括"当前气候变化的科学体系"、"贸易与气候变化的理论与证据"、"应对气候变化的多边协作"、"减缓与适应国家气候变化政策及其对多边贸易的影响"。WTO和UNEP一直寻求在实现可持续发展问题上建立合作伙伴关系,该报告正是双方合作的重要研究成果。  相似文献   

We estimate the extent to which firms responded to tariff reductions associated with China's WTO entry by altering labour's share of value. Firm‐level regressions indicate that firms in industries subject to tariff cuts raised labour's share relative to economy‐wide trends, both through input choices and rent sharing. Our estimates suggest that, on average, an industry that experienced no reductions in output or input tariffs would have a 15.7% lower labour share of value in 2007 than it actually did, assuming the same economy‐wide trends. There is significant variation across firms: the impact attenuates with geographic remoteness and union presence and strengthens with foreign ownership.  相似文献   

论世贸组织框架下我国推行战略贸易政策的可能性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析我国战略贸易政策有效实施的两个约束条件,即外部约束与内部约束,指出在世贸组织框架下,我国基本具备实施战略贸易政策的两个条件,但也会因信息不完备等原因弱化政策实施的效果。  相似文献   

在以中间产品为主的国际贸易商品结构中,有效保护率更为准确地反映了关税对国内产业的保护。入世后,在履行世贸组织(WTO)协议的关税调整过程中,我国的关税有效保护结构呈现出优化的倾向,但也存在着一些问题。今后,应根据各产业部门在国际贸易中比较利益优势的动态变化对关税的有效保护结构加以完善,同时防止过度的有效保护,解决资源基础产业的负有效保护问题,避免利用高关税抑制非生活必需消费品的进口而导致的效率损失。  相似文献   

金融危机下贸易保护主义的泛滥不断冲击着以贸易自由化为目标的多边贸易体制。从WTO成员方在经济危机期间的表现,我们既看到了对承诺的背离、对原则的抛弃和对规则的滥用,也看到了对自由贸易的坚持和对贸易保护主义的纠正。本文试图以此次经济危机为背景来审视WTO规则及其实施机制,对贸易保护和贸易保护主义进行法律区分界定,考察贸易保护主义在WTO法实施过程中的具体体现,探寻WTO规则在经济艰难时期抗击贸易保护主义中存在的问题,研究应对贸易保护主义的法律路径。  相似文献   

中国入世十年主动参与WTO争端解决机制实践述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自2001年12月11日中国正式加入世界贸易组织以来的十年内,中国主动或被动地参与了WTO争端解决机制。本文首先对中国入世十年以来参与WTO争端解决的实践进行了总体评价,然后就中国入世十年来作为申诉方主动参与WTO争端解决案例做了述评。本文认为,入世十年来,中国在WTO争端解决诉讼上,基本维持着攻少守多但又不失均衡的状态。中国发起争端解决的案子主要集中在贸易救济领域,起诉案子的质量有待提高,需要各方更深入地发掘欧盟等国违反WTO规则的措施。  相似文献   

李平 《商业研究》2001,(12):112-114
十五年来我国在复关入世过程中积累了值得反思的教训,中国开放现在和过去存在着不同的环境和条件;入世是经济全球化的要求,是中国的改革开放的必然;对中国来说入世只能是既有利又有弊,不能把日益凸现的一些问题简单的归结为入世带来的冲击;只有解放思想,树立全球化观念,在积极参与国际竞争中赢得竞争,才能真正迎接挑战。  相似文献   

自上世纪70年代以来,环境问题在贸易谈判中占有越来越重要的地位。随着国际贸易的发展及其带来的环境恶化问题,经济自由化与环境保护的关系更加紧密。世界贸易组织(WTO)作为唯一的国际性贸易管理机构,成为环保与贸易发展问题专家关注的焦点。WTO在对待环保问题上采取一系列积极的措施:WTO的导言特别强调可持续发展的重要性;同时,WTO中设立了贸易与环境委员会(CTE)。尽管如此,WTO在贸易自由化与环境保护问题中应该扮演何种角色仍然受到人们的关注。自由主义学者认为作为贸易管理组织的WTO在环保的问题上过于激进;而环保专家则认为WTO在环保方面过于保守。本文分析了WTO在贸易自由化与环保问题中的作用,从而得出结论:WTO必须做出相应的调整,才能使贸易自由化与环境保护互惠互利,达到双赢的目的。  相似文献   

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