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We provide an introductory overview of the Six Sigma development and improvement processes. A historical perspective is provided. We also discuss the statistical methods frequently used within this framework and briefly comment on the impact of Six Sigma on the practice of statistics in industry.  相似文献   

什么是服务业六西格玛?就摩托罗拉对六西格玛的基本定义,σ就是一个度量变异的指标,在统计学上用来表示标准偏差值,用以描述总体中的个体离均值的偏离程度,6σ表示在生产或服务过程中百万次出现缺陷的机会仅有3.4个缺陷,即达到99.9997%合格率。  相似文献   

联想精益六西格玛的历程2001年6月,柳传志在“南海知识经济论坛”上说:“一些企业要解决问题,另一些企业则要理顺关系;而真正成功的是破题而出的企业。”柳总这一段话,给了我们启示。首先,一些企业要解决问题,  相似文献   

六西格玛活动是由美国大型通信设备制造企业摩托罗拉公司在上世纪90年代首先正式提出的。它的出发点就是开展质量管理活动,将生产高质量产品的日本式经营方式作为最佳实践,进行水平对比。此后,其作为质量改进(问题解决)的方法进行提炼,被多家企业采用,并取得了一定的成果。  相似文献   

Previous information systems (IS) research has significantly improved the success rate of IS projects, but the result is still far from satisfying. The effort to advance IS project management theories continues. One notable effort is Ravichandran and Rai (2000). Based on quality management principles, they developed a model (the R&R model) describing a qualityoriented organizational system that leads to software development quality performance. This study analyzed Six Sigma to propose major revisions to the R&R model. Six Sigma is a recent approach to quality management with proven effectiveness. The analysis of Six Sigma suggested that several constructs in the R&R model need to be respecified, leading to the definition of a new quality‐oriented organizational system. More importantly, the revised model posits that the new organizational system leads to IS project success that can be measured by organizational performance improvement. This study contributes to the literature and provides practical guidance to IS project managers.  相似文献   

六西格玛流程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘逸群 《中国质量》2003,(12):26-26
从事研究工作的管理者,都知道整个新产品的开发流程,从规划、设计到测试和量产,是一个漫长而又得小心谨慎的过程.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of adopting Six Sigma on corporate performance. Although there is a fairly large and growing body of anecdotal evidence associated with the benefits of implementing Six Sigma, there is very little systematic and rigorous research investigating these benefits. This research extends previous research in several important ways including utilizing a sample of 84 Six Sigma firms that represent a wide variety of industries and firm characteristics, utilizing rigorously constructed control groups to ensure the validity of our comparisons and conclusions, and investigating the impact of adopting Six Sigma on corporate performance over a ten year period. To carry out this investigation, the event study methodology is employed. The ten year period consists of three years prior to Six Sigma implementation, the event year corresponding to the year Six Sigma is adopted, and six years post Six Sigma implementation. To assess the impact of adopting Six Sigma on corporate performance we utilize commonly used measures including Operating Income/Total Assets (OI/A), Operating Income/Sales (OI/S), Operating Income/Number of Employees (OI/E), Sales/Assets (S/A), and Sales/Number of Employees (S/E). The sample Six Sigma firms are compared to different benchmarks including the overall industry performance and to the performance of carefully selected portfolios of control firms. The results of the study indicate that adopting Six Sigma positively impacts organizational performance primarily through the efficiency with which employees are deployed. More specifically, enhanced employee productivity results were observed in both static analyses that assessed the performance of the sample Six Sigma firms relative to their control groups at discrete points in time and dynamic analyses of the Six Sigma firms’ rate of improvement relative to the rate of improvement of their control groups. Benefits in terms of improved asset efficiency were not observed. Finally, there was no evidence that Six Sigma negatively impacts corporate performance.  相似文献   

Six Sigma has been gaining momentum in industry; however, academics have conducted little research on this emerging phenomenon. Understanding Six Sigma first requires providing a conceptual definition and identifying an underlying theory. In this paper we use the grounded theory approach and the scant literature available to propose an initial definition and theory of Six Sigma. Our research argues that although the tools and techniques in Six Sigma are strikingly similar to prior approaches to quality management, it provides an organizational structure not previously seen. This emergent structure for quality management helps organizations more rigorously control process improvement activities, while at the same time creating a context that enables problem exploration between disparate organizational members. Although Six Sigma provides benefits over prior approaches to quality management, it also creates new challenges for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

6西格玛与平衡计分卡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杰克 《中国质量》2003,(8):33-34
试想,在星期一的早晨,当你打开电脑时,眼前出现的是一个类似汽车仪表版的各项指标,其中一些红色的数字特别引起了你的注意.上一个月,85%的客户对你们公司的到货时间服务表示满意,但你们发展平衡计分卡时的标准是90%.这时,你的配销部门主管走进你的办公室,主动向你报告上一个月发生了什么状况,已经采取了什么行动,因为配销部门主管与你看到了同样的红字.  相似文献   

6西格玛管理不仅是理念,同时也是一套业绩突破的方法.它将理念变为行动,将目标变为现实.这套方法就是人们常常谈到的6西格玛改进方法DMAIC和6西格玛设计方法DFSS.  相似文献   

6西格玛与项目管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙静 《中国质量》2003,43(4):8-10
实施6西格玛,具体而言就是在实施一个个6西格玛项目。在组织中实施6西格玛成功与否,关键就看这些6西格玛项目能否取得成功。由此可见,项目管理对6西格玛的实施具有至关重要的作用。有效的项目管理工具和技术,都可以运用到6西格玛项目的实施过程中  相似文献   

从战略到执行——精益六西格玛管理实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言 (一)国内企业面临严峻挑战。 自从改革开放以来.中国一直以其低廉的制造成本和巨大的国内市场吸引着世界的目光.各国企业(尤其是制造企业)无不纷至沓来,在中国这片肥沃的市场中尽享低成本带来的诸多好处。与此同时,一大批国内企业也在这种竞争与学习并存的环境中迅速崛起。“中国制造”的字样在短时间内迅速席卷世界各个角落。  相似文献   

笔者过去曾经担任软件协会顾问,负责辅导中小企业e化。虽然有些突破和具体成效,但整体来说,中小企业在电脑化上的进展依然缓慢,落实的程度和效率的彰显,依然有待加强。而其中最大的障碍,是没有完善的既存流程及管理机制。一家企业如果没有流程管理,那当然无法量化,也就不能衡量或数位化了。所以流程管理不只是现代化企业必备的前提机制,同时也是改善的基础,这也正是为何企业导入六西格玛时,得先努力检视和评估现有的核心流程。  相似文献   

6SIGMA法与全面质量管理(TQM)、ISO 9000族标准贯彻和质量管理体系建设(简称ISO 9000)的比较如表2所示。  相似文献   

前言:经济的运行与一个企业的运营有许多相似的地方。任何一个业务流程由于受到来自所谓的6M(人、机、物,量、法、环)的影响,其结果都不尽相同,我们把这种现象叫做流程的变差或流程的波动。管理,在已故管理大师戴明先生的眼里,就是“降低流程的变差”。  相似文献   

6西格玛管理是通过有组织、有计划地实施6西格玛项目而实现其经济效益的,也是通过6西格玛项目的实施来推进人们观念和行为方式的转变的。因此,6西格玛项目的实施不论在获得实际效益还是在变革企业文化方面,都有着十分重要的意义。特别是企业在导入6西格玛管理的初期,6西格玛项目的成功与否,还关  相似文献   

物流企业的6西格玛管理战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对物流质量管理的内涵和6西格玛管理特 点的描述,阐述了物流企业在运用6西格玛管理战略时项目 的选择和实施步骤。  相似文献   

Organizational practices related to Six Sigma are believed to have resulted in improved organizational outcomes. The academic community, however, continues to lack understanding of the constructs and causal relationships underlying Six Sigma. Hence, discussion of Six Sigma is buffeted by anecdotal experience reported from practice. We evaluate Six Sigma through the lens of literature on theory development to explain why the Six Sigma constructs, assumptions, and causal relationships are inconsistent with theory development principles. Dr. Anilkumar N. Kharkar has retired from Corning Incorporated.  相似文献   

六西格玛项目管理案例研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙春晖  罗鄂湘 《价值工程》2011,30(35):79-80
六西格玛项目管理是在近年来发展起来的一种有效的管理方法,它指导企业"选出正确的人选",采用"正确的方法"来做"正确的事"。把人的力量、流程的力量和技术方法的力量结合起来,成为一种持续改进和突破的有效方法。  相似文献   

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