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杜开元 《价值工程》2014,(25):308-309
地质博物馆是地质公园重要的组成部分,是地质公园科普教育的重要场所之一。在今天地质公园旅游热的前景下,地质博物馆却一反常态,很多博物馆建成后门可罗雀。如何策划出一个吸引度高的地质博物馆,为此笔者研究了几家地质博物馆,阐述了自己的想法,为其他地方做博物馆策划时起到参考作用。  相似文献   

通过对云台山现有地质博物馆的优缺点分析、地质遗迹资源及旅游发展现状研究,结合国内外地质博物馆建设和发展趋势,提出了云台山新建地质博物馆的建设目标,并从如何打造具有云台山特色地质博物馆及其特色展厅进行了详细论述,希望对我国其它地质公园新建或改建地质博物馆具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

地质遗迹是地质公园的核心,也是旅游资源的重要类型,对其进行综合评价为保护和利用地质遗迹提供了重要科学依据。本文对云南盐津乌蒙峡谷省级地质公园地质遗的类型与特征进行了系统阐述,通过对比分析,对云南盐津乌蒙峡谷省级地质公园地质遗迹进行综合评价研究。结果表明:乌蒙峡谷公园地质遗迹种类多样,可分为3个大类,6个亚类;形态典型,其中尤以构造景观、地貌景观和水体景观最为典型;景观奇特、保存良好,具有较高的科学价值、科普价值、美学价值以及旅游开发价值。研究结果对于正确认识云南盐津乌蒙峡谷省级地质公园地质遗迹状况,深入进行地质遗迹保护、开发利用和管理等工作具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

秦子晗 《科技与企业》2013,(15):124+126
在对邻水天意谷·洞中天河地质公园区域地质背景分析的基础上,将公园地质遗迹类型划分为地质剖面、地质构造、生物化石、地貌景观和水体景观5大类,并对地质遗迹资源价值进行了定性评价。结果表明,地质公园地质遗迹在科学研究上具有较强的典型性、稀有性和系统完整性,同时还具有较高的美学和科普价值。  相似文献   

随着国内地质公园的不断增加,特别是国家公园体制试点推进,形成了地质公园热和旅游热的叠加效应,地质公园正在成为旅游消费的一个新引擎。文章结合地质公园工作实际,提出当前国家地质公园科普工作存在的突出问题、分析成因、提出解决的相关建议,以促进提高人们提升地质遗迹和地质环境保护意识,培养良好的地学素养,促进生态环境,保护地质遗迹,发展旅游经济活动,形成功能互助良性循环,综合推进经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

地质公园是近几年来国际上为保护地质遗产,实现人与自然和谐共存而创建的一种公园形式。而我国是拥有世界和国家地质公园最多的国家。本文主要是从江西省地质公园管理运营存在的地质遗迹保护与地质公园开发利用之间的矛盾;国家及地方政府关于地质公园建设与管理的法律、法规、政策与地质公园发展不协调的矛盾;地质公园内部管理运营模式与地质公园建园宗旨不一致的矛盾等实际出发,进行分析,从而提出建设有江西特色的地质公园管理运营模式。  相似文献   

北京十渡国家地质公园位于北京市房山区西南部,拒马河中上游, 面积301平方公里,距北京市中心70公里,通讯便利,有铁路、公路直 达。公园自然生态良好,有典型的岩溶景观资源,多种地质遗迹齐全,同 时人文景观厚重,可为青少年传统教育及地学科普园地。公园两北高东  相似文献   

地质公园建设对我国旅游景区可持续发展的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国旅游景区的建设发展不仅时间早、数量多,而且规格很高,对我国国民经济的各项事业起到了重大的推动作用。地质公园是以地质遗迹为载体的自然资源综合体,我国地质公园发展速度快,其建设实践逐渐科学化和合理化,在严格审批与管理,挖掘旅游景观的科学内涵和科普功能以及加强资源保护和宣传促销力度等方面对我国旅游景区的可持续发展具有借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

地质公园是以保护地质遗迹、开展地学旅游、普及地球科学知识和促进地方经济、文化、环境的可持续发展为宗旨而建立的一种自然公园。地质公园旅游作为一个新兴的旅游产品,正吸引着越来越多的大众游客,当前全中央把旅游确定为新的经济增长点,并提出了在2020年建成世界第一大旅游强国的目标。这无疑为地质公园的旅游发展带来极好的机遇 。  相似文献   

通过对大巴山国家地质公园自然、 人文旅游资源及山地户外运动旅游开发的分析,为加快园区传统科考、 科普教育、 观光旅游等开发模式转型,实现园区保护、 开发与可持续发展提出新的开发模式和建议.  相似文献   

  • The museum sector has undergone considerable change in the last few decades, which has been a result of both internal and external forces. The topic of pricing in museums, however, has attracted little interest from researchers in the field despite the sector's need to understand it better. This study aimed to address this gap in knowledge. Results of a comprehensive literature review on pricing highlight that the topic of pricing in museums is problematic, as a range of issues, social, political and often value-laden, must be considered before pricing decisions can be made. The study highlights that there is diversity in the sector with regard to pricing, but that museums generally adopt a unilateral approach to pricing. Researchers in entrepreneurial marketing have noted that conventional pricing theory is being turned on its head and they argue that deciding what prices to charge represents one of the more entrepreneurial strategies for organisations. This study indicates that, within the context of museums, marketers are failing to recognise and capitalise on such pricing opportunities. Approaches to setting multiple museum pricing strategies, depending on the market context, are proposed in this paper. In this way, knowledge of museum pricing can optimise the organisational outcomes of museums while continuing to meet their social responsibilities.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article investigates the extent to which ‘privatization’ has taken place in museum services provided by local authorities in Britain. Three aspects of privatization are examined: change in the legal status of museums to charitable trusts; contracting-in and buying-in private service providers for specific work; and market- and marketing-orientation. All of these have a resonance in new public management in general and are of increasing significance to the international museum community. In the empirical site chosen for this article, privatization has progressed in varying degrees in relation to the three areas concerned, but overall only to a limited extent despite central government's pressure promoting this policy. Reasons suggested for this gap between the political context and the findings are the distinctiveness in the institutional arrangement of policy and the nature of the service. A good understanding of a polrcy arena along these llnes is needed for effective policy application.  相似文献   

李静 《价值工程》2012,31(18):313-314
我国的博物馆事业在改革开放的二十多年中,取得了飞跃性的发展,在客观上已经成为精神文明建设的主要内容和进行爱国主义教育的重要阵地,陈列工作作为博物馆的主要工作之一,影响着博物馆整个工作的成效。但是综观我国的博物馆陈列工作,却不尽如人意。本文借鉴国外博物馆的工作实践,探讨了如何做好博物馆的陈列工作。  相似文献   

This case study offers a combination of content analysis of secondary sources web sites and annual reports to profile online behaviour and practice for the museum sector. Using case analysis of 12 international and domestic museums, the role of services and the online interfaces offered in a museum context are presented. The arts and cultural sector sustaining museums has long been an essential part of enriching and informing the community of historical, scientific and artistic pleasures. The reduction in museum budgets, and the implementation of performance measures based on customer satisfaction management, museums face increasing pressure to attract wider audiences. This requires an understanding of visitor expectations, and experiences, and the identification of opportunities such as online channels to improve awareness and visitation. This case through the collation of data and analysis of 12 museums will present an overall view of current operations of museums internationally and there approach to online channels. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The city of Bilbao has made use of a museum as one of the multiple means to restructure its former industrial base. However, the effectiveness of this costly formula is not always clear. Three major issues have arisen: the effects of Guggenheim Museum Bilbao on Bilbao’s image, the effects on overnight stays, and the effects on the local economy. There is little debate about the first issue, and room for more evidence on the second and third issues. The aim is to quantify the museum’s impact on tourism and employment and to calculate its yield (Return on Investment and Net Present Value). The approach adopted is the quantitative analysis of statistical data to try to isolate the economic contribution of the Guggenheim.  相似文献   

There are a number of important problems in contemporary museum finance, and this article identifies yet another possible difficulty. An aggregate statistical measure of museum attendance is calculated in this research and the attendance measure is shown to be countercyclical in nature. When set against federal and other allocations to museums, which are clearly pro-cyclical in nature, an attendance "disease" may be at least tentatively identified. Efficiency criteria, of course, require that costs are covered in real time. We find, however, that, despite the likelihood that museum attendance is income-elastic and a normal good, attendance varies countercyclically with the business cycle. We suggest that one possible explanation for this phenomenon is that a positive substitution effect on demand outweighs the income effect on demand for museum attendance over the cycle. From a policymaking perspective, these results call for a longer range planning horizon, that is, one that includes the full business cycle rather than just the financial year, as is the current U.S. government practice.  相似文献   

随着地质事业的快速发展,地质人才短缺的问题目益凸显,地质人才队伍在数量上和质量上已不能满足实际的需要,地质事业尤其缺乏高层次、高技能、复合型的领导人才。要适应当前地质事业发展的需要,地质队伍必须表现为受过良好培训的、掌握现代技能的人才资源。加强地质人才队伍建设首先要科学合理地盘活、整合、使用好现有的人才资源;其次要多渠道引进人才,产生“鲶鱼效应”,逐渐营造、优化本土高素质人才资源优势;再次要注重人才的教育培训开发。只要做好了以上工作,就能产生以“一当十,以百当千”的乘数效应,就可开创群贤毕至、人尽其才、才尽其用的新局面。  相似文献   

周佩妮 《价值工程》2014,(7):200-202
随着博物馆事业的发展,博物馆工作中对图书信息资源管理工作的重要性日益凸显。博物馆图书信息资源管理是对博物馆内部的各类书籍资料信息进行信息化管理的全过程,涉及到图书信息管理各方面的内容以及与其密切相关的信息设备和信息系统的组织、规划和管理。随着信息技术的发展和网络时代的到来,博物馆信息资源管理的空间愈加广阔,与之相适应的信息资源存储发生了很大的变化,信息资源管理也面临着一些问题,如何加强博物馆的图书信息资源管理的科学化水平,充分发挥博物馆的作用,已成为迫切需要解决的问题,本文着重分析了加强博物馆图书信息资源管理的相应策略,对资源管理具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Marketing is very important to nonprofit organisations, and museums, being nonprofits, need to consider different market segments when designing and implementing their strategic and marketing plans. Marketing has traditionally been linked to concepts of profitability and providing a competitive edge, however with nonprofit organisations, marketing needs to focus on customer service. To achieve the best customer service, the organisation needs to know what the customer wants. Therefore this paper advocates that research on museums move away from demographic segmentation and factual recall, to psychographic segmentation and values. This paper discusses exploratory research undertaken on the Otago Museum, New Zealand, which looks at the motivation‐based values of the museum patrons. The most important finding in this study is the prevalence of socially oriented values (being with friends and family), whereas traditionally a museum visit has been linked to more individualistic values, such as education and knowledge. These findings have important implications for museum managers (and other nonprofit organisations) in that they show the value of psychographic segmentation. A museum, and other arts organisations, can decide if they will target one particular segment, for example, families, or if they will design their museum with quite different sections that will appeal to different target markets. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

李静 《价值工程》2012,31(16):209
青少年是祖国的未来和希望,当今的青少年在二十年后将是祖国的主力军。那么博物馆如何开展对青少年的教育,博物馆如何吸引青少年,就成为博物馆所关注的重要问题。  相似文献   

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