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西部大开发的重大战略意义 实施西部大开发是党中央在国际形势发生新的变化我国经济进入一个新的发展时期作出的重大决策是我国进入21世纪社会主义现代化建设的重大部署西部大开发将为21世纪我国经济的发展开拓新的广阔空间是保证我国经济持续快速健康发展的重大战略措施我们要站在实现中华民族伟大复兴的高度深刻认识实施西部大开发不仅具有重大的经济意义还具有深远的历史意义西部大开发人才是关键 一发达国家区域开发的经验及教训 1.美国西部开发19世纪上半叶美国出现了三次西部土地拓荒高潮被称为西进运动约翰逊总统曾提出伟大社会计…  相似文献   

东西欧冷战落幕.却不能马上过着幸福快乐的日子,西欧害怕经济被拖垮。东欧担心人才西进。东西欧对美国的态度一热一冷.对战争的看法大相径庭.欧洲大团圆。一道道难题才刚刚上演。  相似文献   

消费者运动兴起于美国。今天,它在各国包括一些发展中国家得到开展和普及,已成为世界性的社会运动。它的主要内容是,开展消费保护,进行消费者教育和提供消费信息等。现阶段消费者运动的特点主要体现在以下三方面:1消费者运动所追求的目标不再局限于经济或福利上的得失多少,如价格的高低,质量的好坏,保证的有无等,而是由经济、社会、生态和政治等组成的权力束和需求束。以生态要求来说,随着环境问题日益恶性恶化,随着民众环保意识的增强,“生态需要”就会在消费者的消费需要体系中凸显出来。他们反对生产经营者人为地制造无实质意义的产品“…  相似文献   

东部企业"西进":环境影响因素、行为特征及其绩效   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在问卷调查和实地考察的基础上,对东部企业“西进”过程中的环境影响要素,行为特征及其绩效进行了统计分析。结果显示,基础设施薄弱是阻碍东部企业“西进”最主要的环境因素。目前东部“西进”企业的盈利率与其东部公司相比不很理想,大部分“西进”企业的盈利率都低子或持平于其东部公司,但是,大部分的东部“西进”企业对未来的盈利前景看好,等等。这可为东部企业积极参与西部大开发、提高“西进”的成功率提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国沿海乡镇企业最近出现了一股“西进” 的浪潮.有数以千计的乡镇企业和乡镇企业家挥军西进,到中西部地区开拓市场.  相似文献   

尽管由美国钢铁工人联合会(United Steelworkers)(下称USW)挑起的针对中国新能源政策的调查仍在不断升级,却未能止住中国风电设备企业西进的步伐。  相似文献   

美国占领华尔街运动爆发,它发生的背景以及迅速发展的过程使我们看到了金融危机后美国广大民众的心声.从各个角度了解美国华尔街运动爆发的原因和产生的深远影响,基于政治经济学视角探究占领华尔街运动的本质以及对中国发展的启示.  相似文献   

为了平衡区域经济的发展水平和国家的长治久安,我国政府作出了开发西部的重大战略决策。西部大开发不仅是国家的一种号召和区域经济的发展理念,对东部沿海经济发达地区来说更是一种重要的商机。西部地区已初步具备接纳企业西进的重要条件:一是,随着综合国力的逐步加强,预计2001年我国GDP将达到10000亿美元,着手进行西部大开发已成为可能。近期国家开发银行行长陈元表示:国家开发银行在向西部地区贷款1400亿元的基础上,在未来五年内再向西部地区增加1400亿元贷款。我国加入WTO后,预计国外对华直接投资每年将达到600亿美元,如西部地区能在投资环境的改善方面有所作为,西部地区有可能成为新的投资亮点;二是,通过建国以来的建设,西部已进入了工业化初期阶段,并拥有丰富的土地、廉价劳动力等社会经济资源;三是,东部沿海经济欠发达地区已进入工业化中期的后半阶段,产业结构面临着高度化的要求,客观上要求将部分产业转移出去。但是,西部的投资高潮并未到来,企业对西进顾虑重重。因此,认真探究企业西进的矛盾和对策,对西部大开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

循环经济的初步设想,是由美国经济学家鲍尔丁在2世纪6年代提出来的,至今从生态学、物质运动、环境保护以及经济学等不同视角存在不同的说法。大体来说所谓循环经济。要求人们建立自然资源产品和用品再生资源的经济新思维,从生产到消费的各个领域倡导新的经济规范和行为准则,它以  相似文献   

美国是世界典型的市场经济国家,是技术创新在企业中开展的相当成功的国家,同时又是现代企业制度充分发展的国家。它的现代企业制度和经济管理经验,许多方面都有典型意义和代表意义。  相似文献   

The railway system played a large part in the industrialization of America and the migration westward, and was also a major cause for the growth of the American theatre, especially in the American frontier. It provided an exceptional opportunity for any entrepreneurially oriented, as well as economically dissatisfied actor who followed these pioneers in these territories and helped established theatres to meet the cultural expectations of the pioneer audience. As long as there was economic development in a pioneer region, and as long as there was adequate transportation, especially railroad, a pioneer town became a center in which people from surrounding areas usually congregated and theatres flourished. The purpose of this paper is to undertake one such historical review of entrepreneurial theatrical emergence as a contributing societal platform of civic, cultural, and artistic perspectives and realities in the development of a locale, namely, the railroad center of Jackson, Michigan.  相似文献   

美国城市社区改良运动是进步运动时期城市改革运动的重要组成部分。针对工业化时期美国城市面临的困境,一些接受过高等教育的进步青年积极投身于社区改良运动,帮助解决城市中的社会问题。虽然20世纪20年代社区改良运动因自身原因和外界因素的影响而走向衰落,但是改革者的改革实践及其所倡导的"社区意识"和"邻里精神"对当时及后来美国城市的发展都产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   

在中国水泥行业大力发展以及经济增长重点不断西移的背景下,云南省水泥行业的发展也取得了长足的进步。但是,云南省水泥行业企业规模偏小,行业集中度不高,龙头企业没有形成,严重影响了云南地区水泥行业的发展。本文结合云南地区所特有的经济、地理特征,分析了云南地区水泥企业重组所受到的内外部影响因素。外部驱动因素包括区域因素、行业结构演变和政府政策变化等;而内部驱动因素则包括了资源和市场的控制、成本的降低、管理的提升以及资源储备和能力积累等。  相似文献   

申凤  翟辉 《价值工程》2014,(18):108-111
面对美国城市郊区的无序蔓延和城市中心的衰落,在美国兴起了新城市主义运动。新城市主义"选择"、"解释"、并"发展"了"密路网,小街区"规划模式,而波特兰是新城市主义思想与"密路网,小街区"规划模式实践的绝佳案例。文章对波特兰规划建设经验进行分析和思考,从土地利用与城市设计两个方面总结归纳波特兰核心区城市规划的技术要点。  相似文献   

Although the US labor movement remains an important part of the nation's organized economic and political life it is now struggling to reverse its decline in power and membership. In this article the author identifies factors explaining this decline and its implications for American labor. This contribution continues the debate begun by Michael Piore in Vol 17 No 3 Autumn 1986.  相似文献   

A bstract . The progressive democratic social philosophy of a 19th century American economist, Henrys George , has had a far-reaching effect on some European intellectual and political leaders. Not all adopted his practical proposal, the single land value tax as a substitute for other taxes. But the British Liberal party , a section of the British Labor party and Danish smallholders did. George's ideas were absorbed into the long standing European land reform tradition and he became the initiator and theoretical founder of the modern movement there, as Heinrich Erman , the German legal scholar, held. It is a mistake to say that the French Physiocrats anticipated George; their produit net was a tax on output, not highest potential use and was aimed to achieve stability , not development. Europeans see George and Georgism the same as Americans but in a different context, that of Natural rights.  相似文献   

Abstract . In 1895 a group of Single Taxers—members of the ethical democratic social reform movement founded by the American Journalist, Henry George—'invaded’ Delaware in an attempt, by concentrating their efforts, to achieve a demonstration of the efficacy of their theories by putting them into practice. The campaign won adherents but it failed to win adoption of the program because the idealists were not political realists and so they were unaware that Delaware in the mid-90s was a very unlikely place for a third-party movement.  相似文献   

A bstract . Resource development on American Indian lands is bringing about a dramatic transformation of the political and economic status of American Indians. Recently, scholars observing this change have increasingly used underdevelopment theory to explain the nature of these changes. However, this discussion points out that as applied to American Indians , the perspective of underdevelopment theory is skewed in several important ways. Specifically, it fails to take into account the distinctive historical and political status of Indians in American society , A simple typology, captive nations 2Lad internal colonies is proposed for describing the status of Indian tribes before and after development.  相似文献   

The perennial weakness of the American labor movement can be explained by a single, pervasive dilemma concerning its use of confrontational forms of protest. As its history makes clear, the labor movement cannot survive without resorting to mass picketing, sit-down strikes, and other disorderly tactics which challenge the power of employers but also directly threaten property rights, public authority, and dominant visions of social order. However, the labor movement also cannot endure the political and legal consequences which follow when it does embrace these tactics. In developing this thesis, this essay challenges both the aversion to militancy long typical of mainstream unionism as well as the fervent veneration of militancy by many of labor’s contemporary supporters. Instead, it counsels that the movement’s survival depends less on tactical choices than on workers’ success in challenging the political and legal power of capitalists out of which this dilemma ultimately flows.  相似文献   

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