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Java作为一门优秀的编程语言,在软件设计中越来越多地被采纳。正确地使用抽象类和抽象方法,能够使编程的思路更加清晰,减少工作量。文章对抽象类、抽象方法以及两者间的关系、接口进行了深入阐述。  相似文献   

当前,JTAG测试设计已被广泛地应用,许多IC生产商的产品都支持P1149.1标准定义的边界扫描功能,因此,对JTAG测试设计的控制接口的研究就变得很有意义。在本文中,介绍了一种JTAG边界扫描接口控制的结构,并以基本的RISC微处理芯片来实现。  相似文献   

建立信息交换标准是解决电子商务标准化的一种有效思路。本文以支付信息交换标准为例,探讨整个信息交换标准的思路和方法,即在数据网格的思想基础上,以XML定义数据格式,以UML描述操作,以WSDL描述现有系统接口,同时定义公共接口和EDI的映射关系。  相似文献   

CAD软件绘图交换格式DXF接口的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了DXF接口的技术细节。首先概述了DXF接口,包括它的起源和发展,DXF的定义,精度和部分及整体的DXF格式;接着论述了DXF的技术定义,包括其文件结构,DXF的二进制格式,DXF中的ACIS实体和客户对象。最后给出了DXF和DWG文件格式的对照说明。  相似文献   

文章对机电一体化系统接口的定义与接口的方式进行了较全面的论述,重点阐述微机系统的接口技术,着重详细地分析了A/D转换扩展接口技术和D/A转换扩展接口技术以及光电耦合器接口技术。  相似文献   

"革命"在中国具有无可替代的号召力和凝聚力,我们很多人都认为自己在从事"革命工作",实际情况是目前的革命定义把我们挡在了"革命的门外",科学完善革命定义有着很现实的意义,本文认为革命定义是:革命是实现生产关系更适应生产力发展,实现生产关系和政治制度向更公平方向进步的生产关系和政治制度的根本性变革;社会革命是新旧社会形态正确更替的根本性变革,政治革命是新旧政治制度正确更替的政治变革。  相似文献   

"内部控制"的定义由来已久,COSO委员会对其定义是"公司的董事会、管理层及其他人士为实现以下目标提供合理保证而实施的程序:运营的效益和效率,财务报告的可靠性和遵守适用的法律法规"。2008年6月,我国《企业内部控制基本规范》提出内部控制是由企业董事会、监事会、经理层和全体员工为实现企业目标而实施的程序和政策:合理保证企业经营管理合法合规、  相似文献   

按照模块化设计理论,以实现"健康、环保、高产、高效、优质"生产模式为目标,建立池塘设施化高效健康养殖系统。经综合分析将系统拆分成8个功能模块,建立起系统流程及模块间作用关系;以能量传递与主要水化指标作为接口参数,确定接口对应关系,推算出设施配置、与设备配备功率。2012年以来将试验池塘进行设施化改造与养殖试验,亩产3754kg的良好效果,做到资源充分合理利用,是实现健康高效养殖模式的有效途径。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,越多越多的领域都在逐渐走向智能化。在照明控制系统中,C-Bus总线的应用,很好的实现了照明控制系统的智能化。本文对C-Bus总线的原理、网络组成、通讯协议等知识进行了分析和总结,进而提出了C-Bus总线控制系统的结构的设计和应用。给出了网络消息定义规则和系统信息处理流程,并实现了C-Bus扩展接口与消防系统的有效融合。  相似文献   

实现Linux和Windows之间资源共享——Samba技术的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Linux操作系统不像Windows操作系统那样在"桌面"上设置有"网络邻居"接口以实现计算机之间的资源共享.要想实现Linux操作系统与Windows操作系统,或Linux系统与Linux系统之间的资源共享,必须添加一些服务和进行许多设置.文章详细介绍了安装配置Samba的方法,以及通过Samba实现Linux操作系统与Windows操作系统之间资源共享的方法.这种方法使用简单方便,而且很实用.  相似文献   

针对《数据结构》课程内容较抽象、实践性较强的特点,分析了教学实践过程中常遇到的几方面问题,并结合实际软件开发应用,提出了一些可供参考的教学思路。  相似文献   

信息共享环境与国家安全和国际安全密切相关,近几年才受到国内外政府与学者的广泛关注和高度重视。数据模块与技术模块是构建信息共享环境的核心。数据模块探讨了功能标准、模块构架、数据描述的抽象模型、数据环境的抽象模型和数据共享的抽象模型等。技术模块探讨了模块架构、服务接入与输出模型、服务平台与基础设施模型、框架模型、以及服务界面与集成模型等。  相似文献   

abstract    This paper explores the interface of employee orientation and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) process based on an in-depth case study of a leading firm in the UK automotive services sector. Employee orientation is embedded in the Organizational Culture (OC) of the firm and manifested through its key elements, notably assumptions, values, behaviours and artefacts. CRM consists of four organizational activities: strategic planning, information, value creation, and performance measurement sub-processes. Based on the case study evidence, the widely postulated link between CRM success and employee orientation is empirically supported and the mechanisms underlying this association elucidated.  相似文献   

abstract    In this article we examine project-level and team-level managerial functions aimed at managing inter-team task interdependencies and investigate their effect on the performance of teams in a multi-team product development project. We hypothesize that team interface management (a team-level function) performed in the concept phase of a project, rather than the later development phase, is positively related to team performance at the project's conclusion (i.e. product quality, product cost, development budget, development time). Furthermore, we argue that project structuring and support (a project-level function) is important in both the concept and the development phases. We test our hypotheses empirically based on a 36 months longitudinal study of a product development project in the European automotive industry comprising 39 teams. The results show that team interface management is particularly important during the concept phase of the project. Project structuring and support is most important in the development phase of the project, while hindering team performance in the concept phase. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A bstract . Classical or neo-classical economic theories do not adequately explain institutional investment patterns in troubled corporations. Macroeconomic perspectives contend that abstract market forces direct investment capital away from troubled companies, and that bankruptcy weeds weak firms out of the economy for the general good. Microeconomic perspectives focus on the seemingly autonomous decisions of firms and their managers, where bad management leads to troubled and bankrupt firms and a corresponding loss of investment in these companies. Neither perspective is useful for understanding recent patterns of institutional investment. A more critical, sociological perspective for understanding these investment patterns has two main threads. First, investment activity is embedded in more general social relationships and cannot be understood strictly on "economic" grounds and with "economic" ideas. Second, social power—rather than abstract market forces —is critical in fostering specific investment patterns. More specifically, the organizational power of large financial firms may be the pivotal factor shaping investment patterns in troubled companies. Recent case studies of troubled and bankrupt corporations demonstrate the usefulness of this more sociological perspective, and suggest areas for future research.  相似文献   

abstract    By comparing the views of managers working at the interface of two consensus-oriented societies, Japan and the Netherlands, we show important differences between the consensus decision-making processes as seen by Japanese and Dutch managers. These differences relate to how complete the agreement of opinion should be in order to speak of consensus, with the Japanese managers demanding a more complete consensus than the Dutch. The processes and conditions that Japanese and Dutch managers see as leading to consensus also differ. Japanese consensus is based on a more ordered, sequential process than Dutch consensus. Our respondents differed deeply regarding the role of the hierarchy in their own and the others' consensus processes, with both Japanese and Dutch managers seeing their own consensus process as less hierarchical. Our findings show that the concept of consensus is interpreted quite differently by Japanese and Dutch managers. This is an important warning for companies operating at the interface of these two societies. More in general our research illustrates the usefulness for international management research of detailed comparative studies focusing not on stark contrasts but on more subtle differences between management practices.  相似文献   

刘文东 《价值工程》2012,31(32):310-312
个体的视觉机制对外界的物象获取具有明显的选择性,外界物象的各种性质都会被视觉经过分析、选择之后作为识别物象的身份被保存在记忆中,而作为最具稳定性的视觉效益"形"是个体最先获取的外界信息。轿车的标志是受众对轿车产品的标识性印象,也是轿车企业身份抽象转化的结果。轿车标志内涵丰富,图形易识,视觉形象具有广泛的市场辐射等特点,在设计上都是采用具体的文字、图形作为标识,因此对轿车标志的解读将有利于对视觉"形"在市场传播中稳定性的探究与推广。  相似文献   

abstract This paper looks at the workings of ongoing primary sensemaking and sensegiving micro‐practices by which middle managers interpret and sell strategic change at the organizational interface. Through middle managers’ routines and conversations related to the implementation of a strategic change in a top‐of‐the‐line clothing company, the article shows how they contribute to renewing links with stakeholders, in particular clientele, by drawing on their tacit knowledge. Interpretative analysis of these routines and conversations highlights four micro‐practices of strategic sensemaking and sensegiving: translating the orientation, overcoding the strategy, disciplining the client, and justifying the change. The paper outlines a practice perspective of sensemaking and sensegiving. It ends by suggesting the necessity of looking at middle managers’ role as interpreters and sellers of strategic change at the micro level for a better understanding of their contribution in sustaining competitive advantage through their everyday activities.  相似文献   

针对国内学术期刊英汉摘要写作和翻译中的不足,对比分析了国际标准(ISO)214—1976(E)和国家标准GB6447—1986中的摘要写作规范。结果发现:两“标准”实质上确认了摘要的文体、语篇和体裁特征;国家标准等效地采用了国际标准,“规则”不同源于英汉民族思维差异。汉译英摘要应参照国际标准规范,符合英文表达习惯、保持中英文摘要的基本一致并要与时俱进。要使摘要起到其应有的作用,从“规则”本身人手是关键。  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of the conditional mode function when the covariates take values in some abstract function space. The main goal of this paper was to establish the almost complete convergence and the asymptotic normality of the kernel estimator of the conditional mode when the process is assumed to be strongly mixing and under the concentration property over the functional regressors. Some applications are given. This approach can be applied in time‐series analysis to the prediction and confidence band building. We illustrate our methodology by using El Nio data.  相似文献   

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