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The article analyzes problems of planning research and technological development. We consider two lines of theoretical concepts of planning, i.e., economic and mathematical versus empirical and evolutionary. Problems of the statistical basis for constructing economic and mathematical models of scientific and technological development are studied in detail. The example of Russia is used to show that the weakness of the theoretical framework of planning leads to inconsistencies in government priorities of scientific and technological development.  相似文献   

This paper describes the role of high-technology cardiology in overcoming the phenomenon of supermortality due to diseases of the circulatory system. The authors attempt a systemic analysis of the barriers constraining progress in this area of medicine in the Russian Federation and offer a preliminary assessment of the potential for growth in high-technology cardiology services, along with characterizing the key conceptual elements of a development strategy and the problems that might arise during its design and implementation.  相似文献   

关于我国都市经济圈发展的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
都市经济圈,通常是指由若干城市集聚而成的高密度经济区域,在空间上表现为由大运量的高速通道相联结的、庞大的、多核心、多层次的城市群.在这个空间里,由于集聚形成的规模经济和范围经济,加之高速通道缩短了城市间的空间距离和经济距离,生产和服务的交易成本、运营成本和管理成本大大降低,投资回报率和要素收益率明显提高.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代之后苏联西伯利亚的加速开发,创造了在社会主义条件下区域开发的成功典范,回顾其开发历程,劳动力缺乏及资金短缺是最突出的两个困难,其问题的解决不仅决定了开发的成败,更对众多国家进行区域开发提供了有益思考,值得学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

The problems of implementing managerial and institutional innovations in the sphere of purchasing commodities, works, and services in order to meet the public needs have been considered in the paper. The main focus has been directed at the theoretical and practical foundation of forming a public purchasing institution, a contact model for purchasing management, and the strategic problems of increasing the efficiency of meeting public needs in the mid- and long-term prospects.  相似文献   

The paper describes the current situation in the salt industry. It points to the inadmissibly high and expanding market share of imported salt products despite the country’s own colossal resource base and the domestic enterprises’ huge unused capacities. It has been shown that OAO Russian Railroads (OAO RZhD) will economically benefit due to its reasonable policy of selective reduction of the railroad shipment tariffs for salt for domestic producers due to the inevitable growth of the country’s own salt output.  相似文献   

集装箱运输继续在世界范围内普及,全球港口的集装箱吞吐量已达2亿标准箱,有近百个港口的集装箱吞吐量超过40万标准箱,300多个港口超过1万标准箱。亚洲已经成为集装箱吞吐量最大的地区,约占世界总吞吐量的一半。1996年至1998年,世界集装箱港口吞吐年增长率达9.7%,多数预测表明21世纪前10年,全世界集装箱运输量仍会以年均8%左右的速度增长。随着世界性经济发展和产业结构的调整与升级,集  相似文献   

本文基于赣州钨产业发展视角分析了赣州钨产业发展现状及特点,从资源开发利用、技术创新、可持续发展三个层面揭示了赣州钨产业发展存在的主要问题,并相应地提出了对赣州钨产业发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

加快福州港口建设面临的问题及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘庆  徐勇 《港口经济》2006,(2):32-34
一、福州港口建设的现状 福州港地处台湾海峡西岸,与东南亚和东北亚各国距离适中,发展海运区位优势明显.进入21世纪,福州港口建设掀起了新高潮."十五"期间,福州外海深水港区江阴港5万吨级集装箱码头和罗源湾狮岐3万吨级多用途码头投产,标志福州港口发展进入一个历史新阶段.目前,福州港是交通部确定的两个对台直航试点口岸之一,是中国沿海20个主枢纽港之一和综合运输体系的重要枢纽.福州港已与世界上40多个国家和地区的港口开展贸易往来,开辟了日本、韩国、美西、地中海、中国香港、高雄等集装箱班轮航线和国内其他沿海港口海上货运航线.  相似文献   

This article has studied the specific role of the northern regions of Russia in the processes of modernizing the economy, which is defined by the fact that their industrial system is aimed at the raw production sector, as well as at a large investment potential. We have shown several lines of improving the innovative policy determined based on expert assessments.  相似文献   

当今世界,科技创新一直是现代社会未来发展的中坚力量。科学技术的飞速发展,创新理念的突飞猛进,尤其是创新型企业的发展潜力与创造活力,对大学科技园的建设与发展有着深远的意义。然而,创新型企业在初期往往会遇到较大的挑战与困难,许多企业在这一阶段倒下。文章在苏州大学科技园建设历程的基础上,指出园内创新型企业在企业发展阶段中存在的若干问题,并结合多家与苏州大学相关的企业经营中遇到的实例,总结出一些对大学科技园建设及园内企业发展有重大意义的成功经验与对策。  相似文献   

朱捷 《特区经济》2000,(5):38-39
一、国有企业人力资源开发与管理中存在的问题 (一)忽视人的价值,员工的积极性和创造力来得到充分发挥 企业的一切经营管理活动都必须通过人来进行,因此,企业成败的关键在于人的价值的挖掘、人的主动性的发挥。许多国有企业管理者没有充分认识到这一点,“员工是企业的主人”仅仅停留在口头上,众多管理措施的制定和实施缺少员工参与,员……  相似文献   

The productive and technological potential that emerged during market transformations in the post-Soviet states is evaluated. The outlook for the transition of individual CIS countries to an innovative development model and the related problems of forming national innovation systems are analyzed. General regularities and national specifics of innovation strategies and mechanisms being implemented are demonstrated. The role of, and trends in, scientific and technological cooperation as a major factor in the shaping of dynamic economic systems under globalization are discussed.  相似文献   

前苏联加速开发西伯利亚是在美苏“冷战”的国际背景下进行的,具有很强的军事目的;开发西伯利亚的国内原因是要通过调整生产力布局,以增强经济实力,为称霸世界做准备。苏联政府十分重视西伯利亚在实现全苏经济战略总目标中的作用,把加速开发西伯利亚看作是实现全苏经济战略的重要措施。  相似文献   

民营企业在西部经济发展中已经取得了一定的成就,有着举足轻重的作用,然而,在当前仍存在着一些亟待解决的问题,针对西部民营企业存在的差距和问题,本文从更新观念、消除体制性障碍、完善服务体系、增强核心竞争力等方面进行分析,提出西部民营企业发展的对策。  相似文献   

This paper draws on the tourism system framework to examine the problems and prospects of urban tourism in Gaborone and Maun, Botswana. These are young centres that have a growing number of tourist attractions, facilities and services that could promote urban tourism. The findings of this study, based on both secondary and primary data sources, indicate that urban tourism in Botswana is relatively undeveloped because there is no substantial domestic market, tourist attractions in urban centres are poorly developed and marketed, and city development plans and the national tourism policy are not integrated. The study concludes that, for tourism to become a viable economic sector in the country, urban tourism should be integrated into Botswana's tourism policy and city planning.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代至80年代苏联加速开发西伯利亚取得的成就令人瞩目,使该地区经济获得很大发展,整体实力有所提高,其开发的经验及教训对我国西部开发有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The report outlines the problems that occur during preparation of long-term plans for development of the transport infrastructure of the east of the country and are associated mainly with uncertainty of the global environment. The methodological approach is proposed, consisting in orientation of the budget capital investments for the most diversified projects that will pay off under different scenarios, and partially laying on the business the risks for those transportation projects that focus on certain exports. The need to account both direct and indirect effects of each project is emphasized.  相似文献   

Community development and conservation programmes have recently been combined in the form of community-based natural resource management programmes. Community participation is recognized as an integral component of these programmes. Communities, however, often lack the administrative or technical knowledge to participate fully in the planning and implementation of the programmes. As government and non-governmental organisations also become involved, the design of programmes becomes more complex. Given the diversity of experience, knowledge and interests of these stakeholders, disagreements in the design of programmes among and within groups are almost unavoidable. Using informal semi-structured interviews, workshops and document analysis that involved the indigenous peoples, non-governmental organisations and the Government of Botswana, we identified the main issues that affect the design of programmes in the northern Okavango panhandle in Botswana. These are savings, capacity building and training, research, community health, cattle industry, conservation of the Okavango Delta, employment, economic diversification, natural resource management, land tenure, cultural identity, traditional leadership, language and representation in and responsiveness of the national government. Strategies for dealing with these issues are discussed.  相似文献   

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