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<正> 20世纪60年代后,连锁与超市有机结合起来,成为跨地区、跨国界经营的一种有效组织形式,致使连锁超市在世界零售业的比重迅速上升。在发达国家,其销售额一般占到社会零售总额的50%~60%,有的国家甚至高达70%~80%。连锁超市正全面赶超传统百货业,  相似文献   

对连锁超市配送中心的实践和认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对连锁超市配送中心的实践和认识华洲(上海华联超市公司总经理)市场经济促进了现代商业的发展,连锁超市作为世界零售业的一次革命已在我国迅速兴起。它的发展对我国零售业传统的销售方式既是一种突破,又是一种挑战。超级市场以连锁制为轴心,以广谱的门店网络为市场依...  相似文献   

<正>经营超市和便利商品,由于需长时间营业和现金交易,且采用开架陈列,安全管理绝对不能放松.其目的是为了确保消费者购物的安全,向员工提供安全的工作环境,减少公司的财物损失,维持良好的社区关系.店铺安全管理的重点项目是:防抢、防偷、防骗及防意外事件发生等.  相似文献   

连锁超市发展应注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

<正>目前,我国超市正面临着如何依靠一套健全的连锁经营体系来组织规模经营的问题.在超市发展初期,人们普遍认为,只要做大规模,一切问题就能迎刃而解,并且,当超市门店增加到15家时就能进入盈利阶段.然而,经营实践告诉我们:规模与效益虽然存在着内在联系,但也并不是规模越大效益就越好;如果连锁经营体系与经营规模不相适应,不仅会制约经营规模的扩张,而且还会使现有的规模效益发生递减.因此,对那些已初具规模的连锁超市公司来说,今后的发展方向应该是:在明确业态定位的基础上,一手抓经营规模的进一步扩大,另一手抓连锁经营体系的完善.只有目标明确,体系与规模平衡,才能使经营按“套装模式”稳健地发展.超级市场连锁经营体系由社会支持系统和公司内部经营管理系统组成.  相似文献   

连锁超级市场是二战之后零售行业涌起的一种新型经营模式。它以形象鲜明、方便快捷、特色经营、规模优势而傲立于零售行业。近几年来,在我国的各大城市,已渐渐兴起了这一新的经营方式。目前在太原市共有近10家超市,主要有金海岸、华宇、天龙、寸草心,达之隆等。所谓...  相似文献   

连锁超市的几种定价技巧   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
连锁超市以薄利多销、低价而著称,如:沃尔玛的"天天平价,物超所值",家乐福的"超低售价".连锁超市的低廉价格不仅来自于减少中间环节、统一进货、物流配送和先进的管理,还来自于吸引人的"定价技巧".一份权威机构的报告指出,家乐福的整体毛利率与国内大型零售商场相比仅低5%左右,甚至有的商品毛利率还不低,但一走进家乐福大卖场,顾客感觉到的是令人心跳的低价,有着"挡不住的诱惑".可见,定价技巧对于连锁超市来说何其重要.  相似文献   

供应链之于连锁超市,如同是一座大厦的钢筋骨架,大厦盖得越高,这个骨架就要越坚固,否则必将倒塌.而目前中国的超市企业却只顾急于将大厦往上盖,没有认真考虑骨架是否足够坚固牢靠.  相似文献   

DCM(需求链)是Demand Chain Management的简称,指以消费者的需求为源动力的产业链条,通过消费者、零售商及分销商和供应商的各种信息全面共享,将消费者的愿望、需求、问题和生活方式,以最快的速度、最高的质量满足所服务范围的消费者的各方面需求,这种链条的效率高于传统的以供应商为动力的SCM.  相似文献   

A key issue in alliances (defined here as any cooperative or joint activity between two or more firms) is the payment or compensation structure stated in the formal agreement between the parties. These days, most agreements include a multiplicity of payment types, including royalties, lumpsum payments and returns on equity. The paper outlines reasons for this and presents a general framework for alliance negotiations. A simulation example shows key negotiation variables, together with non-zero-sum tradeoffs between them. Each map of variable pairs indicates a ‘zone of mutual benefit’ where the joint profits of both partners can increase. There is often a contradiction between profit maximization and other strategic, behavioral, tax and regulatory considerations which themselves point in non-congruent directions for structuring the alliance. No wonder alliances are such fragile things! Nevertheless, alliances are an indispensable part of the management landscape, and negotiators must know how to structure them. The approach outlined in this paper, the simulation method presented, the caveats indicated for non-financial variables, and the behavioral responses to each, will however help companies to craft better and longer-lasting alliances.  相似文献   

The underlying theoretical argument of our study concerns that value from alliance knowledge may be created not only through exploitation and augmentation of the existing organizational knowledge base, but more through entrepreneurial actions in accessing and integrating key strategic resources that exist in the alliance relationship. In this view, our study investigates the role of alliance entrepreneurship with its effects on common vision, alliance capability and alliance performance in penetrating into the foreign markets. This study develops and empirically tests a model that specifically focuses on (1) to what extent alliance entrepreneurship relates to developing a common vision between alliance and organizational knowledge, (2) to what extent alliance entrepreneurship relates to the alliance capability and alliance performance respectively, and (3) to what extent barriers to alliance knowledge acquisition and learning orientation moderate the relationship between alliance entrepreneurship and alliance capability.Based on a sample of 100 ICT firms, findings of our study reveal a positive and significant affect of alliance entrepreneurship on common vision, alliance capability and alliance performance. However, more significant support is received for the relation between alliance entrepreneurship and alliance capability through moderating interaction effects of barriers to alliance knowledge acquisition and firm level learning orientation.  相似文献   

We investigate a high-technology venture's alliance management capability. Thus, we develop a model that links differential demands of alliance type and the benefits of alliance experience to an observable outcome from a firm's alliance management capability. We test our model on a sample of 2226 R&D alliances entered into by 325 global biotechnology firms. We find that alliance type and alliance experience moderate the relationship between a high-technology venture's R&D alliances and its new product development. These results provide empirical evidence for the existence of an alliance management capability and its heterogeneous distribution across firms.  相似文献   

It is popular nowadays for entrepreneurial firms to advance their entrepreneurship outside their boundaries through alliances. This paper studies how the financing of entrepreneurship changes in strategic alliances. We model a financially constrained entrepreneur and a deep-pocket incumbent developing an innovative product through a strategic alliance, which generates externalities on the incumbent. We find that i) in contrast to traditional theories, the entrepreneur's financial constraint can be tightened by an increase in his endowment; ii) an outside investor is introduced as a third party to deal with the free-riding agency problem; and iii) the externalities have a significant effect on the design of financial claims in the alliance contract, and the incentive-compatible financial instruments are consistent with empirical observations.  相似文献   

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