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随着现代信息技术发展及国家对医院信息化的推进,公立医院加大了信息化建设的投入。医院应构建人财物一体的管理信息系统,通过与业务系统的对接,实现数据共享。建立医院内部管理平台,综合运用医疗数据,以提高数据的准确性和精确度,实现人财物的精细化管理,从而提高医院管理水平,推动落实现代医院管理,实现发展方式、管理模式的转变。本文以样本医院为例,从科室设置、组织机构、绩效管理现状等方面介绍了该医院的科室绩效管理体系,以此为基础,完成了科室绩效管理的基础信息化建设,并提出了相关建议和意见。  相似文献   

朱晨华 《人力资源》2024,(2):138-140
<正>随着我国医疗行业数字化转型程度不断加深,医院人力资源绩效管理面临新的挑战和机遇。医院作为重要的公共服务机构,其人力资源绩效管理的质量对于医院能够提供的医疗服务的质量具有至关重要的影响。在大数据技术迅猛发展的背景下,医院可以借助大数据技术创新人力资源绩效管理模式,进一步挖掘管理价值、提高管理效率,实现绩效管理升级。大数据时代是一个信息技术高速发展、数字化程度不断提高,数据的规模庞大、多样性高、价值显著、处理技术先进,对隐私和安全提出更高要求的时代。医院人力资源绩效管理通过有效的管理和评估措施,对医院员工的工作表现、能力、成果进行量化、分析、评估,达到优化绩效、提高工作效率和工作质量的目的。大数据时代为医院人力资源绩效管理提供了创新途径,可以促进  相似文献   

所谓绩效工资即组织对组织成员工作态度、工作业绩以及技能发挥程度做出的评价并支付对应的报酬.对于医院这种服务性的事业单位而言,对其绩效工资进行改革可以起到举足轻重的作用.本文就针对该问题展开讨论,首先分析医院绩效工资的内涵,然后总结绩效工资激励作用的具体体现,最后提出发挥医院绩效工资激励作用的几点措施.  相似文献   

绩效管理是单位各级管理者与员工为实现组织的共同目标而对绩效进行制定、考核评价、沟通辅导、结果应用及目标提升的循环不间断过程。医院实施绩效管理能够提升医护人员及医院的绩效。本文就平衡计分卡在加强医院绩效管理中的运用进行探讨,合理掌握并有效运用平衡记分卡,对医院的绩效进行有效管理。  相似文献   

绩效管理是一种促进实现组织目标、对绩效产生全过程进行管理的方法,是现代医院实施科学管理的一个重要方面。由于推行绩效管理能使组织运行更趋科学化、合理化,因而众多医院管理者将绩效管理制度引入本单位,并取得了不错的成就。但由于公立医院具有事业单位的属性和非营利性质,部分公立医院管理者缺乏对绩效管理内涵和重要性的认识,导致绩效管理在公立医院中推行中遇到了一定困难,给医院持续发展产生了一些阻力。  相似文献   

为了考察基于认知视角的组织认同和基于情感视角的组织承诺对员工绩效影响效果的差异,文章采用"主管—员工"配对样本收集数据,并运用层次回归技术对数据进行分析,结果表明,在控制人口学变量和组织承诺变量之后,组织认同对角色外绩效和角色内绩效仍然有显著的正向影响,而在控制人口学变量和组织认同变量之后,组织承诺对角色外绩效和角色内绩效的影响均不显著。基于绩效视角,组织认同比组织承诺对组织更有利。  相似文献   

医院的任何创新都必须经由医院的员工完成,员工的个人创新绩效将对医院的整体创新产生重大影响,因此研究医疗行业中影响员工创新绩效的因素具有现实意义。通过实证检验发现:员工的工作满意度将正向影响员工的创新绩效;员工的工作满意度将正向影响组织的创新气候;组织创新气候将在员工工作满意度对员工创新绩效的作用中起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

本文通过分析DRGs-PPS模式对医院财务管理、绩效管理、临床路径及病案首页质量、医院医疗质量评价指标、医院诊疗行为、学科交互的影响以及医院信息化建设的影响,提出建立医院内部领导组织架构,强化付费模式改革的领导与协调,转变财务管理理念,加强数据分析能力以及高度整合信息平台、扩大数据资源共享等应对策略.  相似文献   

随着人们对"看病难"、"看病贵"现象的日益关注,新医改和新《医院会计制度》正在稳步推进,其中最为显著的是提出公立医院进行全面成本核算,以反映其运营绩效。成本是营利性组织重要的绩效信息,而公立医院和营利性组织基于不同的管理目标要求不同的管理绩效,单纯的成本信息难以反映公益性定位的医院运营绩效,应该将"成本"并入"投入"中,以"投入""产出"的口径归集医院运营和管理的信息,以全面评价组织绩效。  相似文献   

员工行为控制和激励机制在大型医院管理的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现代医院绩效管理已成为医院管理和运行中的核心内容,本研究通过动机-需求理论、组织行为学等理论在医院绩效管理中的有效运用,分析阐述了医院员工行为与医院发展目标、员工行为与员工需要、员工行为控制和激励与绩效管理的关系,通过有效的行为管理,达到医院的绩效管理的目的,促进医院良性的运行和发展。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to measure and evaluate the efficiency of 12 hospitals in Turkey using a multi-criteria Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology. Number of beds, number of physicians and the critical factors of total quality management in the health care sector were used as inputs of the model. The outputs used in this analysis incorporated financial and non-financial performance of hospitals, number of outpatients and number of patient days. Performance of the hospitals was measured using subjective measures based on executive's perception of how their organization performed relative to the competition. Results provide management with information regarding the relatively best practice hospitals in the observation sets and locate the relatively inefficient hospitals by comparison with the best practice ones. At last some suggestions are made for the least efficient hospital.  相似文献   

随着装备制造企业逐步认识到自营物流对于促进整体供应链的协调性与提升企业核心价值的重要性,因此如何构建装备制造企业自营物流绩效评价体系则显得尤为重要。文中基于装备制造企业自营物流的自身特点,采用AHP-DEA综合评价模型进行指标体系构建与绩效评估,客观、公正的进行装备制造企业自营物流的绩效评价,来反映自身自营物流的营运状况。  相似文献   

We investigate the long-term relationship between an organization's quality management practices and process-level performance. Further, we examine whether availability of organizational slack over the study interval interferes with the relationship between quality practices and process performance. Organizational slack consists of the available and accessible resources in an organization; we focus here on unabsorbed slack in the form of financial resources. We investigate the quality practices of U.S. general acute care hospitals, measured by their depth of implementation of practices characterizing a total quality management system, and use them to predict process performance related to four medical conditions. Analysis reveals differing effects that are dependent on hospital slack conditions. In hospitals with high slack, quality practices significantly predict three of four studied process performance measures. In contrast, in hospitals with low slack, quality practices predict only one of the four process performance measures, while other factors outweigh the effects of quality practices. This study lends support to management taking a long-term perspective related to implementation of quality management systems, and highlights the relevance of slack conditions in garnering the benefits of such systems.  相似文献   

We use data envelopment analysis (DEA) to examine the relationship between hospital electronic medical record (EMR) use and efficiency in a national sample of acute care hospitals. Data sources include the American Hospital Association (AHA), Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), and Case Mix Index. Using two research approaches including a retrospective, cross-sectional design and a first differencing repeated measures design, we find limited evidence that EMRs can improve hospital efficiency. Small hospitals may benefit in the area of efficiency through EMR use, but medium and large hospitals generally do not demonstrate such a difference. Likewise, there does not appear to be a significant increase in efficiency over time associated with EMRs when compared to the efficiency of hospitals without such documentation.  相似文献   

Insurers, health plans, and individual physicians in the United States are facing increasing pressures to reduce costs while maintaining quality. In this study, motivated by our work with a large managed care organization, we use readily available data from its claims database with data envelopment analysis (DEA) to examine physician practices within this organization. Currently the organization evaluates primary care physicians using a profile of 16 disparate ratios involving cost, utilization, and quality. We employed these same factors along with indicators of severity to develop a single, comprehensive measure of physician efficiency through DEA. DEA enabled us to identify a reference set of “best practice” physicians tailored to each inefficient physician. This paper presents a discussion of the selection of model inputs and outputs, the development of the DEA model using a “stepwise” approach, and a sensitivity analysis using superefficiency scores. The stepwise and superefficiency analyses required little extra computation and yielded useful insights into the reasons as to why certain physicians were found to be efficient. This paper demonstrates that DEA has advantages for physician profiling and usefully augments the current ratio-based reports.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the existence of a patient safety chain for hospitals. Drawing on high reliability organization theory, multifactor leadership theory and total quality management literature, we develop and test a model for improving patient safety – a critical issue facing hospitals today. Specifically, we hypothesize that improving patient safety begins at the highest level of the organization with a transformational leadership style. This leads to a sequence of linkages whereby transformational leadership has an important relationship with creating a culture of safety, which in turn is associated with the adoption of patient safety initiatives, and ultimately with positive improvements in patient safety outcomes. Using data from a nationwide survey of over 200 hospitals, we use structural equation modeling to provide empirical support for the effectiveness of this patient safety chain model. The results have major implications for enhancing operations in hospital settings.  相似文献   

作为在西方组织心理学领域被研究了百年的概念,工作绩效已不是一个新的研究议题,然而近些年,随着国外关于工作绩效以及战略性绩效研究的兴起,工作绩效结构问题又成为研究的热点。国内外学者在传统的绩效结构基础上,构建了不同的绩效结构框架,或者对于绩效结构的拓展做出了进一步的研究,本文结合国内外工作绩效结构的研究进展,进一步澄清工作绩效的结构问题。  相似文献   

高校基层党组织是我党在高校全部工作和战斗力的基础,文章以党章为基础结合中央提出的创先争优活动实际要求探讨高校基层党组织创先争优的新路径,以期更好的加强高校党的建设工作,使高校党建设工作成为构建和谐校园的思想保证、政治保证、组织保证。  相似文献   

赵欣莹  王永林  袁建明 《价值工程》2011,30(21):219-221
勤工助学是提高学生综合素质、帮助家庭困难学生的有效途径,在高等教育中具有深远的意义。绩效管理是一种提高组织员工的绩效和开发团队、个体的潜能,使组织不断获得成功的管理思想和具有战略意义的管理方法。本文利用问卷调查和统计分析,对高校勤工助学中心的绩效管理现状进行了解,并将绩效管理体系的内容应用到勤工助学中心,发现勤工助学中心现行的绩效管理中存在的问题,并提出可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of the introduction of the New Public Management (NPM) within the UK Police Service since the mid-1990s. A specific focus upon individual performance management (one of the central features of NPM) is examined from the perspective of the police sergeant who has primary responsibility for managing performance and ultimately the delivery of policing services within one of the UK's ‘essential’ public services. After a discussion of the literature on individual performance management within the context of the NPM, the article identifies four major research questions relating to: the job role demands of performance management; access to valid and reliable performance management information; the capacity to provide follow-up development and support; and the wider integration of performance management with organization strategy and service objectives. After reporting on interview data collected from role sets in which the sergeant is a focal member, the article concludes with a discussion of the constraints upon effective performance management within the NPM.  相似文献   

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