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This paper investigates the economic costs of rebalancing current account positions in the Euro area by means of internal devaluation. Internal devaluation relies on wage suppression in the deficit countries. Based on an old Keynesian model we estimate a current account equation, a wage-Phillips curve and an Okun's Law equation. All estimations are carried out for a panel of twelve Euro area members. From the estimation results we calculate the output costs of reducing current account deficits. Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain (GIIPS) had, on average, current account deficits of 8.4% of GDP in 2007. To eliminate these current account deficits, a reduction of GPD by some 47% would be necessary. Trade imbalances can be resolved in two ways: deflationary adjustment in the deficit countries or inflationary adjustment in the surplus countries. The economic costs of deflationary adjustment to those countries are equivalent to the output loss of the Great Depression. An adjustment of the surplus countries would increase growth and it would come with higher inflation, but it would allow rebalancing without a Great Depression in parts of Europe.  相似文献   

The J-Curve     
If a country with a balance of payments problem, that is, insufficient foreign exchange receipts to meet foreign exchange requirements, seeks to remedy the situation by currency devaluation, things may get worse before they get better. This so-called J-curve effect occurs if the domestic-currency prices of exports are sticky, whether because they are cost based or subject to longer term contracts, so that export prices in foreign currency fall. Until favourable volume effects outweigh the unfavourable price effect, the balance of payments deteriorates. Such a J-curve effect should be distinguished both from the longer term erosion of the beneficial effects of devaluation as domestic costs and the prices of non-tradables rise and from the apparent J-curve due to the ‘valuation effect’. If the current account is in deficit before devaluation, as will usually be the case, devaluation will widen the deficit in domestic currency because domestic-currency imports rise by a larger amount than exports. This is a pure valuation effect, of no significance for external balance. But it is liable to lead to unduly pessimistic judgements about the effectiveness of devaluation. In Australia during 1985–86, the current account deficit increased by $A3.5 billion, despite substantial depreciation of the $A. The main reason was a sharp deterioration in the terms of trade which is estimated to have worsened the current account by $A4.25 billion. Most of this was exogenous, though J-curve effects may have made a contribution. In addition, the valuation effect contributed a further, illusory, widening of the deficit, valued in domestic currency, by over $A1 billion. To avoid misleading inferences from the valuation effect, it is suggested that the balance of payments should, if possible, be presented in foreign currency.  相似文献   

休闲消费在社会经济中扮演着越来越重要的角色,城市不同年龄段女性休闲消费行为的差异值得关注。文章以杭州市为例,在问卷调查和对调查数据进行分析的基础上,探讨城市不同年龄段女性在休闲消费观念、休闲消费水平、休闲消费方式、休闲消费障碍四方面存在的差异,在此基础上提出有利于女性休闲市场发展的建议和对策。  相似文献   

The results of Salop (1974) and Purvis (1979), which have received wide acceptance among economists, show that a currency devaluation will definitely depress output if money wages are freely flexible. This note reconsiders the Salop-Purvis proposition by adopting the Cebula (1976) specification of the consumption and investment functions, and finds the proposition may not be valid under this amended framework.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamics associated with permanent and temporary reductions in the devaluation rate. The analysis uses an intertemporal optimizing model of a small open economy with imperfect capital markets and endogenous labor supply. With a constant capital stock, the model predicts an initial reduction in real wages and an expansion in output. Consumption falls on impact but increases afterward. In addition, with a temporary shock, a current account deficit emerges and a recession sets in at a later stage. With endogenous capital accumulation, numerical simulations show that the model is also capable of predicting a boom in investment.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether non‐separabilities between consumption and leisure may help to explain the observed persistence in GNP growth. We consider an extended version of Lucas's (1988) human capital investment model that includes labour adjustment costs and compare its performance under different utility specifications with different degrees of complementarity and substitutability between consumption and leisure. We find that when consumption and leisure are complements the model succeeds in matching not only the autocorrelation of output growth but also the important trend‐reverting component found in US data. These results hold even if low adjustment costs of labour are considered. Hence, we conclude that an arguably simple margin not considered conventionally can provide useful insights into observed business cycle patterns.  相似文献   

This paper considers the effects of devaluation and expected devaluation on output, prices and foreign exchange reserves in a small open economy with overlapping two period wage contracts and rational expectations. A devaluation has an expansionary effect on output provided it is unanticipated by at least some contracts when it occurs. Expected devaluations, however, have no effect on prices until they take place. If a devaluation is expected, but fails to take place, output is reduced. Reserves increase in response to all devaluations; but the expectation of a devaluation causes a loss of reserves prior to its expected date.  相似文献   

This paper incorporates the link between devaluation, foreign interest payments, and the current account into a fairly general macroeconomic model in which exchange rate changes influence aggregate demand through exports, imports, and expenditure as well as aggregate supply via the cost of imported factors of production. On the basis of available statistical estimates of the behavioral and structural parameters of the model, an attempt is made to assess the empirical importance of this link, among others, in a group of highly indebted industrial and developing countries. By and large, the empirical results indicate that high foreign debt and interest payments tend to reduce the short- to medium-run effect of devaluation on national income, especially in the LDCs, but make little difference to its generally positive effect on the current account.  相似文献   

A number of countries, mostly small and island economies manage fixed exchange and often devalue it as a stabilisation strategy. The current paper investigates the effectiveness of devaluation in improving trade balance with reference to Fiji. A small island economy has limited exportable and hence highly depends on imports for both consumption and production purposes. A devaluation, therefore, inflates domestic price and appreciates the real exchange immediately by raising importable consumption and discouraging imports used in domestic production. The paper applies various econometric models for empirical investigation of its impact and transmission mechanism. Strong long-run relationship found between real exchange rate and trade balance explains that appreciation of currency has been responsible for the rising trade deficit in the economy. Moreover, the devaluation did not demonstrate J-curve phenomenon. The effect of devaluation strongly contributed to the domestic inflation has been while quite weak on stimulating aggregate demand.  相似文献   

This paper derives a precise necessary and sufficient condition for devaluation to eventually improve the balance of payments in domestic currency, using assumptions more appropriate for a small open economy than those of Marshall-Lerner. It will be shown that, following devaluation, the balance of payments deteriorates over a short period before it gradually improves– the so-called J-curve effect The duration of this short period will be shown to depend on the magnitude of trade elasticities, lag-coefficients, unhedged foreign debt denominated in foreign currency, interest rate and current account deficit  相似文献   

This paper uses a simple model of labor supply extended to allow for home production to understand the extent to which differences in taxes can account for differences in time allocations between the US and Europe. Once home production is included, the elasticity of substitution between consumption and leisure is almost irrelevant in determining the response of market hours to higher taxes. But to account for observed differences in leisure and time spent in home production, one still requires a relatively large elasticity of substitution between consumption and leisure, combined with a relatively small elasticity of substitution between time and goods in home production.  相似文献   

The Current Account, Fiscal Policy, and Medium-Run Income Determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a new framework for analyzing the simultaneous determination of current account imbalances and the path of national income. Using standard macroeconomic behavioral relationships, it first examines how and why current account deficits matter by investigating links between domestic consumption, government spending, output, saving, investment, interest rates, and capital flows. Central to the model is the distinction between aggregate output and expenditure that enables dissection of the effects of discretionary fiscal change on the current account and national income. The framework yields results relevant to the twin deficits hypothesis that are contrary to those of standard models. (JEL E10 , F32 )  相似文献   

We outline three channels via which a devaluation has a direct contractionaly impact on the aggregate supply side of the economy: local currency costs of intermediate imports, wage indexing in the presence of food imports and reduced volume of real credit to firms. Contractionary effects via the supply side are more damaging than Krugman-Taylor effects via aggregate demand since a cut in aggregate supply leads to upward pressure on inflation while a cut in aggregate demand tends to abate inflation. Upward pressure on inflation may over time threaten the increase in competitiveness a nominal devaluation also intends to achieve. We also discuss the implications of a substantial foreign debt. We demonstrate that a successful devaluation raises the real (in terms of domestic goods) debt service burden, causing a Krugman-Taylor like contractionary effect on aggregate demand. We then analyse the effects of a preannounced slowdown of the rate of depreciation. Our results of course do not imply that a devaluation should never be considered. They do suggest, however, that a devaluation is likely to be an ineffective tool for demand management since it may cut aggregate supply as much or more in the short run.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the relationship between macroeconomic volatility and the current account. Using quarterly data for a panel of OECD economies, time-varying relative volatility measures are constructed for GDP, net output, and government consumption. The empirical evidence suggests that current account balances are positively affected by all three volatility measures. Moreover, the current account balance is found to be related positively to output growth and negatively to the growth of government consumption. Evidence from saving and investment rates also suggests that the precautionary saving motive is part of (though perhaps not the entire) mechanism that relates output volatility and the current account. Broadly consistent with the predictions of the standard theoretical model, these estimates are sizable, statistically significant, and robust.  相似文献   

This paper examines the employment effect of devaluation in a model with a nontraded good and a black market for foreign exchange. The disaggregative approach reveals, in contrast to an earlier one-sector analysis, that overall employment may change even if the exchange control is such that aggregate output remains the same following devaluation. But in such a situation, depending on the state of the market, the change in nontradables demand due to a change in the black market exchange rate constitutes the major source of a contractionary effect, and that too happens when, most desirably, the black market rate appreciates.  相似文献   

This paper examines the optimality of international capital flows to Australia, a persistent net importer of capital, during its post‐capital controls period 1984–99. The evolution of Australia’s current account balance is compared against a benchmark derived from an optimising model of intertemporal consumption smoothing. The consumption‐smoothing approach to the determination of the current account implies that international capital flows act as a buffer to smooth aggregate consumption in the face of temporary shocks to the economic fundamentals: changes in national cash flow (that is, changes in the level of output, investment or government spending). It is found that in the early 1990s a structural break occurred in the relationship between consumption and national cash flow, which coincides with a switch from debt‐financing to equity‐financing of the current account deficit. In the decade of the 1990s following this structural break (and unlike the decade of the 1980s which preceded this break), international capital flows to Australia implied a path for consumption which was broadly consistent with expected‐utility maximisation under the consumption‐smoothing model of the current account.  相似文献   

A four-dimensional Structural Vector Auto-regression (SVAR) model is applied to investigate the implications of fuel imports and devaluation policy on Fiji's current account deficits and economic growth. The paper finds that short-term deterioration of the current account is partly due to higher fuel imports. The impulse response analysis shows that a standard deviation fall in Fiji's REER leads to a J-curve type response in the current account within a short period. Furthermore, fuel import demand and devaluations are found to have negative, but transitory, effect on economic growth.  相似文献   

In this paper a Keynesian macroeconomic model for a small open economy is used, which describes the functioning of the real part of the economy in the short run when facing a dominant external restriction. The main conclusions of this paper are: (1) In the Chilean case, a devaluation has a contractionary impact in the short run, i.e., a 10% real devaluation produces a 3.4% drop on the level of output. The non-fulfilment of the Marshall-Lerner condition accounts for only 30% of the output contraction, while the remaining 70% corresponds to the decline in consumption that is induced by the reduction in real wages. (2) When the economy has an external deficit, the adequate combination of exchange and fiscal policies to restore the Balance of Payments equilibrium which minimizes the decline of output depends on the magnitude of the devaluation. Thus, an ‘over-shooting’ in the exchange rate, together with a contractionary fiscal policy, would produce an unnecessarily deflationary impact in the short run. (3) The Chilean empirical evidence shows that when there is a dominant external constraint, the magnitude of the short run trade-off between real wages and employment is not very acute. The short-run elasticity of employment with respect to the real wage is 0.34.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to determine whether a two-tier exchange rate regime is more effective than a fixed rate regime in increasing a country's ability to pursue an independent monetary policy. The analysis compares adjustment to a monetary policy and to a devaluation in the two exchange rate regimes in a portfolio model under imperfect assets substitutability. It is shown that a two-tier exchange rate regime is capable of reducing the current account effects of monetary injection or devaluation only in the long run. In the short run, however, we can get a larger current account response under a two-tier regime. These results reflect the trade-off between quantity and price adjustment.  相似文献   

The conventional view argues that devaluation increases the price competitiveness of domestic goods, thus allowing the economy to achieve a higher level of economic activity. However, these theoretical treatments largely neglect two important effects following devaluation: (1) the inflationary impact on the price of imported intermediate inputs, which raises the prime costs of firms and deteriorates partially or totally their price competitiveness; and (2) the redistribution of income from wages to profits, which ambiguously affects the aggregate demand as workers and capitalists have different propensities to save. New structuralist economists have explored these stylized facts neglected by the orthodox literature and, by and large, conclude that devaluation has contractionary effects on growth and positive effects on the external balance. Given that empirical evidence on the correlation between devaluation and growth is quite mixed, we develop a more general Keynesian–Kaleckian model that takes into account both opposing views in order to analyze the net impact of currency depreciation on the short-run growth rate and the current account. We demonstrate that this impact can go either way, depending on several conditions such as the type of growth regime, that is, wage-led or profit-led, and the degree of international price competitiveness of domestic goods.  相似文献   

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