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世界旅游强国离不开良好交通的支持,而作为交通中非常重要的高速铁路的快速发展,必将有力地促进区域旅游的发展。文章探讨了2020年全国高铁网络影响下旅游景点可达性空间格局及其变化,分析旅游目的地与客源地市场空间格局变化特征,在全国尺度下定量分析高速铁路建设对旅游客源地与目的地可达性的影响。测度2020年规划高铁通车前后旅游可达性空间格局与变化。结果显示:高铁开通后,高铁沿线城市可达景点数量显著增加;尤其是"日"字形高铁沿线城市与景点的增加值最高,将成为我国重要旅游经济带,高铁沿线城市与景点是高铁网络效应的主要受益者,高铁服务带来了时空压缩效应,即高铁的开通不仅缩短旅游客源地和目的地之间的时间距离、加强了两地之间的联系,也实现了旅游者跨区域的快速外部交通,而这种快捷效应的延续同样离不开城市内部交通网络的优化,缩短中心城市到旅游景区的时间,将会进一步增强景区的吸引力。  相似文献   

京沪高铁对主要站点旅游流时空分布影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
交通是影响旅游流时空分布的最主要因素之一。文章以京沪高铁线为例,运用旅游场理论和社会网络分析方法,比较京沪高铁开通前后9个主要高铁站点的旅游流时空分布变化特征。研究表明:高铁开通强化了北京、上海和南京等重要旅游客源地和目的地的领先地位,呈现出高铁旅游流的"马太效应";高铁促使靠近重要旅游目的地的竞争处于劣势的旅游地旅游流呈现"过道效应";高铁促使空间距离临近的两个城市的旅游流呈现"同城效应";高铁提升原本缺乏区位优势的旅游资源型站点的可进入性,同时对区域核心城市的交通依赖程度明显下降;高铁的时空压缩效应缩短旅途时间,可实现小长假的远程旅游,双休日的中程旅游,一定程度上避免了中远程旅游对黄金周的依赖,从而缓解出游时间的集中性,提高了旅游质量。  相似文献   

旅游业通常被认为对地方经济有促进作用,然而对这种作用很少从旅游者旅行模式的角度进行分析,旅游线路模式导致的旅游经济影响的空间差异要远大于游客活动分布的空间差异.文章以651条国内长途团队世博旅游线路详细报价单为基础数据,结合长三角城市地理空间背景条件,比较分析了旅游线路模式中基于线路节点特性的旅行模式、角色、功能、停留时间与旅游花费,对世博线路中的旅游目的地合作圈层进行了划分,深入探究基于旅游线路模式的长三角城市目的地旅游经济收益的空间差异.研究发现:(1)充分了解并建立与其他目的地的合作关系将从中受益.(2)目的地节点在各客源地旅游线路模式中的角色和功能不同,旅游收益存在显著差异,因此,应有针对性地在不同客源地进行差别化的旅游宣传和营销.(3)整个旅行时间长度是影响游客在目的地区域扩散模式的主要因素,也影响地区间经济利益的分配.目的地日花费与旅行天数呈U形曲线拟合,基于线路中目的地停留时间和花费的估算,长三角地区的旅游经济收益存在着显著的空间差异.该研究的实践意义在于为各目的地进行客源市场定位、宣传与营销提供参考.  相似文献   

熊文钊  陈成 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):20-22
正京津冀协同发展作为一项重大的国家战略,其符合促进环渤海经济区发展、探索生态文明建设、实现人口经济资源环境相协调的需要,同时为京津冀区域旅游产业的法制建设带来了新的契机与挑战。自1982年《北京市建设总规划方案》首次提出"首都圈"的概念以来,京津冀三地逐步形成了由北京、天津和河北的唐山、廊坊和秦皇岛组成的内首都圈与包括承德、张家口、保定和沧州4个市的外首  相似文献   

北京市居民旅游行为特征分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
徐菊凤 《旅游学刊》2006,21(8):34-39
北京作为一个大都市,它不但是知名旅游目的地,同时也是国内外许多重要旅游目的地的重要客源地.然而在我国以往对于以城市为单位的出游群体的研究中,一直缺乏对北京这样一个特大型旅游客源地居民旅游行为的研究.因此,本研究选取北京居民作为研究对象,研究并分析他们的旅游产品偏好,旅游时间段选择及对"黄金周"出游的态度,旅游消费价值观,旅游感知,对目的地的评价及其依据等深层次的问题,获得了一些有启发意义的结果.  相似文献   

客源地与目的地之间的旅游空间存在着相互作用的关系,深刻影响着地区旅游业的发展。随着旅游业的进一步发展,旅游管理的更趋于现代化。对地区旅游客源市场分析可以对旅游营销和管理规划提供科学的参考。由于旅游业具有利润大、发展前景广阔的特点受到政府的支持,从而成为地区的经济支柱之一,从旅游市场来看,旅游是市场交易活动受诸多因素影响,客源市场分析是旅游业分析研究的重要内容,科学的旅游客源市场的分析对于旅游地改进旅游营销策略和提高管理水平有积极地作用,从而促进旅游业良性发展。  相似文献   

随着我国经济近几十年来的高速发展,我国的人均收入和生活水平都在不断提高,社会对于发展高速铁路也产生了越来越强劲的需求。通过加权平均旅行时间模型和重力模型,计算海峡西岸城市群的时空竞争力指标和居民出行潜力指标,探讨高速铁路网络演进影响下的海峡西岸城市群旅游系统空间分异特征。研究发现:高铁开通加大了城市旅游时空的竞争力,游客的出游潜力随之变化;高铁开通改善了区域的可达性,加强了区域城市的紧凑性和一体化;高铁建设有利于区域旅游的发展,是实现区域旅游一体化的主要驱动力;通过分析高速铁路开通前后的区域可达性指标与居民出行潜力指标的Pearson相关系数,表明高速铁路开通前后的区域可达性与居民出行潜力显著相关,理论研究结果总体有效。  相似文献   

京津冀一体化旅游发展的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘思敏 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):16-18
正一、京津冀一体化下旅游发展瓶颈京津冀的旅游到底有没有可能发展成为长三角、珠三角那样的发达的旅游城市群呢笔者的答案不甚乐观。主要有以下四个方面理由:(一)首都客源市场的周边外溢性比较低,环京津创新性旅游产品缺乏从客源市场来看,北京属于较为成熟的旅游客源地,旅游者对旅游目的地的选择相对成熟和理性,不会仅仅因为天津、河北的区位优势和交通便  相似文献   

对旅游目的地形象概念的两种理解   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
李宏 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):9-9
旅游目的地是旅游活动的承载空间,为旅游者提供了消费平台.旅游目的地的吸引力来自商业化的旅游服务、非商业化的原始景观和旅游目的地所拥有的独特氛围,其范畴远远超出了"整体旅游产品"的概念.然而,旅游目的地远离客源地,在旅游消费者看来是一个独立的区域,因此,如何吸引消费者的注意,在众多备选目的地中脱颖而出,增加目的地的旅游需求量,是旅游目的地营销活动的目标所在.一般来说,旅游目的地的营销组织是非营利机构,其营销工作的主要内容是宣传促销,目的在于在目标消费者的心目中建立有吸引力的目的地形象.  相似文献   

中国高速铁路的兴起和发展所带来的交通格局变化使区域内的经济发展有着重要的变量作用,对于相关区域的旅游来说也发挥着一定的作用。本次研究主要分析了高铁对城市区域旅游产生的影响、旅游地客源市场所受到的影响以及对城市群内部结构受到的影响等方面,并在高铁互联网背景下,旅游市场的客源特点与传统旅游存在一定差异,我们将对其进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

This paper compares volumes, flows, and spatial patterns of traffic before and after the opening of the high-speed rail (HSR) link between Beijing and Shanghai. Evidence emerges of a significant change in the shape of isochrones within the region. Under the influence, the temporal and spatial distance between the source region and tourist destination is greatly reduced. Equally, multiple contact modes are more apparent and the overall structure of tourism flow network is closer after the opening of the HSR service. As can be seen from the above, the HSR has a significant impact on regional tourism traffic accessibility and then has a significant on the temporal and spatial distribution of regional tourism resource. The tourism flow will respond positively to the “space compression” effect.  相似文献   


In the big data era, destination images have played an increasingly important role in tourism development. However, seldom tourism research has utilised big data analytics to examine destination images from travel blogs. Therefore, this study proposes and evaluates a big data analytical approach using latent Dirichlet allocation to extract attributes of online destination images from 140,286 travel blogs about 20 cities in China. Results reveal 14 dimensions with 54 attributes of destination images of the studied cities. Interesting findings are discovered between online destination images and tourism cities. This study also summarises the implications for tourism research and practice.  相似文献   


Tourist volume forecasting is an ongoing theme in tourism research. Current methods rely too much on the previous tourist arrivals data. Based on tourism system perspective, we propose a visiting probability model composed of five independent variables: the attractiveness of a destination, the travel time from a origin to the destination, the traffic expense to and from the destination, the physical fatigue travel time and the per capita disposable monthly income of the origin. The model provides a new method for forecasting the number of tourists from a specific origin without historical tourist arrivals data.  相似文献   

The intensified competition among convention cities has created an increasing interest for cities to better understand how to market themselves as a convention destination. A city's image is one of the highest indicators of its success as a convention location. It becomes imperative for each city to specifically analyze its strengths and weaknesses. Because there is a lack of literature regarding medium-sized convention cities, this study compares Knoxville, Tennessee to other similarly populated cities in the southeastern United States. The perceived importance of city attributes and the tourism professional's perception of the strengths and weaknesses of the particular city as a convention destination are based on the years of experience of the tourism professional in the industry and participants' demographic characteristics. The sample of the study was industry professionals that attended the Tennessee Governor's Conference on Tourism held in Knoxville in September 2006. Implications from this study may be used to improve the competitive position of Knoxville as a convention destination.  相似文献   

High-speed rail (HSR) and tourism are closely related economic activities because improved mobility is perceived to facilitate tourist behavioral changes. This study examines the influence of HSR on the travel patterns of individual tourists in Taiwan in relation to time, space and carbon emissions. A framework is first provided to discuss how changes in the speed of intercity transportation will affect visitors’ choice of the journey, behavior at destinations and trip quality. In addition, HSR is expected to influence five general aspects of travel decisions relating to mobility and trip emissions, including mode selection, travel distance, length of stay per trip, annual travel frequency and total travel days. In the example of Taiwan, information by onsite sampling of 400 domestic travelers found that HSR had a weak influence on travel distance and length of stay per trip, but was observed to facilitate extended time at each stop, a deeper engagement with the locality, and an approximate 10% reduction in transport carbon emissions through intermodal substitution. These phenomena are in line with the slow travel concept of sustainable tourism consumption.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the sociocultural phenomenon of slow travel and explores and clarifies definitional issues. The 30-year-plus antecedents of slow travel are examined. A literature review shows a concentration on four key features: slowness and the value of time; locality and activities at the destination; mode of transport and travel experience; and environmental consciousness. Links to the slow food and slow city movements are discussed, and evidence that slow travel is an important emergent form of tourism in Europe, accounting for 10% of the holiday market, is provided. A grounded theory approach continues the exploration, involving 23 in-depth interviews with practitioners and academics, which revealed that their core requirements for slow travel centred on slowness, the travel experience and environmental consciousness. There was a lack of consensus about the eligibility of car travel and high-speed rail. Slow travel is seen as a group of associated ideas rather than as a watertight definition; it is a mindset about travel rather than a tangible product and concentrates on lack of speed rather than slowness per se. The conclusion shows it to be a growing part of the sustainable tourism paradigm and proposes a working definition of slow travel.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the regional tourism market around Buffalo, NY to investigate the relative importance of city brand and other city attributes in tourists' decision making about where to visit for a short weekend trip. A content analysis was used to identify the four competitor cities of Buffalo and the key attributes that the cities possess to attract tourists in the regional driving tourism market. Within the context of destination choice-sets model, the relative importance of the key attributes including city brands was investigated through a choice-based conjoint analysis. Shopping opportunities was found as the most important attribute, followed by restaurant/food, culture/festivals, sports, nature-based attractions, and city brand. Based on the relative importance of the attributes at an individual level, three distinctive tourist segments—Food and Shopping Lovers, City-Driven Do-It-All Tourists, and Cultural Tourists—were generated from a K-means cluster analysis. Different city attribute profiles were identified for those five cities. Implications and suggestions were presented to promote more efficient marketing efforts for regional tourism destinations.  相似文献   

The decision-making process of travel destination choice is very complex. Understanding why people travel and what factors influence tourists' travel intentions has been paid much attention by tourism scholars. This study attempted to examine the predictive power of theory of planned behavior (TPB) with the addition of past behavior and travel motivation in predicting behavioral intention of choosing a beach-based resort in Vietnam. Data were collected in three cities in both northern and southern Vietnam from the end of January to post-middle of March 2010 with the participation of 327 international tourists. In general, the results aligned with previous studies which supported the applicability of the TPB model. Attitude and subjective norm but not perceived behavioral control was found to have made a made a significant contribution to the prediction of intention. The findings also indicated both extension factors had considerable impact on behavioral intention of choosing a beach-based resort in Vietnam. Implications and suggestions for future studies were also provided in the last part of the study.  相似文献   

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