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论消费者责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马伯钧 《消费经济》2008,24(2):22-24
长期以来,我们只讲消费者权益保护,不讲消费者责任承担,是一个很大的问题。本文讨论了消费者消费责任问题。认为消费者消费责任有做好自己的消费的义务和承担消费后果两个方面的涵义。有对消费者自己负责、对其他消费者负责和对生态环境负责三种类型。认为消费者责任、企业责任和政府责任是一个有机整体,其中政府责任是第一位的,消费者责任是基础性的。认为解决消费者的消费能力、消费伦理和消费习惯等方面的问题的对策,是消费者自己加强对消费知识和消费技术的学习,学会消费;对消费者进行消费教育;制定消费者责任条例和消费者责任法。  相似文献   

营销策略发生变革的根本原因是消费者行为的变化。经济危机让越来越多的消费者开始转变消费行为,消费者消费需求、消费刺激因素、消费渠道等消费行为有着崭新的时代特征,零售业营销策略应该根据消费者行为变化进行科学、有效的调整,以满足消费者多方位的需求。  相似文献   

消费和谐释义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
马伯钧 《消费经济》2007,23(2):25-27
消费和谐是消费经济学一个非常重要的新范畴,是社会主义和谐社会建设的重要方面,是一个需要研究的重大现实问题。但人们对什么是消费和谐有不同看法。本文认为,消费和谐从消费者本身来说是消费者的消费需要的满足,从人和人之间的关系来说是消费者之间的消费差距的合理性,从人和自然之间的关系说是消费者的消费具有可持续性。这是社会主义生产的目的、科学发展观、和谐社会建设的客观要求和体现。认为消费不和谐,就是消费者的消费需要没有得到满足,消费者之间的消费差距过大、消费具有不可持续性。不能把信贷消费和奢侈品消费等当作消费不和谐而简单加以否定。  相似文献   

目前,我国经济增长方式正经历着由"单一的生产出口型"向"生产出口与内生消费并重型"的转变,随之而来的是中国消费社会的形成以及与消费转型中"空间、客体、媒介及时间"要素的变化,最终导致"网络消费、非物质产品消费、信用消费以及预付式消费"等新型消费的出现。消费转型将对消费者保护立法中原本相对平衡的利益格局产生冲击,引发新的消费者问题。消费者保护法之重构是对消费转型冲击下已失衡的利益格局进行重新平衡,重构将基本围绕着"新型消费者保护立法的制定,新型消费者权利、新型经营者义务和介入消费活动的新型公权力之出现,固有消费者权利、经营者义务和公权力的变化以及对基本消费概念的重新解释"等内容展开。  相似文献   

基于消费者角度的品牌资产形成机理及其测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱建荣  郁文 《商业时代》2008,(11):22-24
从消费者角度来看,品牌资产就是品牌给消费者带来的效用增值。在多种内外因素刺激下,消费者经历复杂的品牌消费心理过程并产生品牌消费行动,从而形成品牌消费价值。品牌消费价值实质上就是消费者心目中的品牌资产。品牌资产可以用品牌知名度、认知度、美誉度、满意度和忠诚度等指标进行测量。品牌功能价值、情感价值与象征价值是消费者心目中真正体现品牌消费价值的品牌资产维度。  相似文献   

消费者存在"短视"认知偏差,表现出过度消费倾向。流动性约束和"支付的痛苦"可以作为消费者防止过度消费的两个自我保护措施。信用卡类产品使消费者可以即期消费、延期支付,破坏了消费者自我保护措施的效力,使得过度消费更经常地实现,导致消费者的福利损失。政府需要进行适当的干预,强制规定信用卡发卡、服务收费及信息披露等方面的最低标准,教育消费者,从而为消费者提供降低认知偏差、锁定消费路径的技术补充,防止消费者信用破产和预防金融风险。  相似文献   

张述冠 《现代商业》2011,(10):64-66
中国消费者的消费升级行为不仅仅表现为他们的支出越来越多地转向满足教育、娱乐、旅游、通讯、交通等非基本生活类需求(这一趋势在中国已经有目共睹),同时也体现在消费者消费行为的变化上,如他们的消费习惯、决策方式、购买渠道等。麦肯锡公司2010年对中国消费者行为的调查表明,中国消费者在与发达国家消费者变得越来越相似的同时,其消费  相似文献   

中国奢侈品的消费者相对西方消费者来说存在很多差异性特征,这些差异源于两者之间不同的传统文化背景、不同的社会属性和不同的社会经济环境等。中西方在消费理念、消费人群和消费动机及其行为之间有很大的不同。因此,想在广大的中国市场取得优势地位,必须了解中西方消费市场的差异和中国消费者的消费动机。只有这样才能制定出符合消费者口味,迎合消费者心理需求的营销策略。本文从中国消费者消费行为的角度,探讨中国消费者的奢侈品购买动机对奢侈品消费的影响,重点探讨奢侈品消费的影响因素和消费者动机,以期望对企业奢侈品营销实践发挥指导作用。  相似文献   

胡兰玲 《商业时代》2006,(20):53-54
我国《消费者权益保护法》中关于“消费者”概念的界定已日益显示出弊端,因此有必要对之进行重新界定并加以完善。本文从消费动机、消费主体、消费标的等方面入手,阐述了完善“消费者”定义的若干建议。  相似文献   

责任消费是一个融合了政治、经济、法制、伦理、道德、心理等内容的话题。每一个具体的消费行为,无不蕴含着消费者丰富的心理活动。本篇《消费者购买心理八阶段》对消费心理的分析,将有助于我们了解消费者的购买心理,从而有针对性地采取措施,正确引导和推动消费者选择责任消费。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature devoted to products that have been identified as having an ecological orientation. Specifically, the author presents evidence to support the idea that the consuming public has demonstrated a capacity to buy products on a voluntary basis. This voluntary consumption behavior is observable in the key research projects quoted in the text. While there is mixed evidence to support the hypothesis that consumers will voluntarily alter their buying behavior for the benefit of society in general, there are a number of positive and identifiable ways to elicit broader participation in voluntary consumption behavior. This paper makes a numbers of suggestions with respect to how important information is in the process of voluntary consumption and suggests ways to simplify the information process.  相似文献   

Virtual consumption involves consuming virtual goods in cyberspace. Virtual consumption activities are evolving into an essential activity in social virtual worlds. Despite the growing importance of this activity, little research examines this phenomenon. The current study investigates the fundamental question of how users understand the consumption of virtual goods. Using the theory of social representations and core-periphery analysis, this study elicits and analyzes the social representation of virtual consumption. Study participants are 154 Second Life users. Results identify 32 concepts and relationships representing the collective perceptions of virtual consumption in this social virtual world. Social representation map interpretations point to several key themes that provide a foundation for future investigations of virtual economy consumption behavior.  相似文献   

城镇居民消费是我国消费经济理论研究的重点,也是我国启动内需的中坚力量,但目前缺乏对城镇居民消费行为研究的系统梳理和归纳。文章在对相关文献进行重新整理和深入分析的基础上发现,现有研究主要基于宏观、微观两大视角对城镇居民消费行为进行分析,由于研究前提、研究方法、研究变量、要素选择的不同,研究结论并未达成一致。现有研究的不足之处,一是大量研究都在借鉴和套用西方消费理论,缺乏专门针对我国城镇居民行为的理论框架;二是有限理性下城镇居民的非理性、主观性或其他新的行为特征有待后续研究继续探索和发掘,应放宽现有研究经典假设,构建城镇居民消费综合模型,进一步拓展现有研究的深度和广度。  相似文献   

Results from a consumer survey of households in Louisiana and Texas suggest that socioeconomic factors affect consumption decisions on new food products, quail, alligator, or deer meat. Specifically, consumption of, or interest in consuming new food products are statistically associated with marital status, age, education, household size and income, race, religon, and occupation. The above-referenced socio-economic characteristics are all statistically associated with consumption decisions on qualiy and alligator meat, except for marital status and household size. Race and occupation are statistically associated with the consumption of, or interest in consuming deer meat.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of Halal meat consumption within Turkish Muslim immigrants in Germany using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a conceptual framework. The role of self-identity as a Muslim, dietary acculturation in the host culture, moral obligation to purchase Halal meat, and trust on the authenticity of Halal meat is explored. A quantitative research methodology using an online questionnaire survey was used. Cross-sectional data were collected through a survey of 464 Muslims originating from Turkey and currently living in Germany. A positive personal attitude toward the consumption of Halal meat, motivation to comply others, the perceived control over consuming Halal meat, and the availability of Halal meat predict the intention to eat Halal meat among Muslims. This study is one of the few studies investigating the determinants of Halal meat consumption in a Muslim population in Germany using the TPB within a food, religion, and migration context.  相似文献   

十八大提出居民收入倍增目标,预示居民的消费意愿、消费预期和消费能力提升,并将带动消费结构的升级,居民消费将趋向发展型和享受型。在消费结构升级环境下,在百货店、大型超市、便利店、专业店、专卖店、购物中心、折扣店等多种零售业态并存的激烈竞争中,零售企业应抓住消费结构升级中的商机,根据市场状态调整经营方向,改革经营模式,培育和营造良好的消费环境,满足消费者需求,以争取更多的市场份额。  相似文献   

王伟婉 《中国市场》2009,(41):60-62
在当前国际金融危机背景下,扩大农村居民消费需求具有十分重要的现实意义。目前,由于农村居民收入偏低且不稳定,消费环境差,消费观念落后,严重制约了农村居民消费需求的扩大。为此,必须采取建立农民持续增收机制、改善农村消费环境、加强农村消费者教育等措施,进一步扩大农村居民消费需求,实现我国经济持续快速健康发展。  相似文献   

This exploratory research examines the purchasing and consumption behavior of snack food consumers. A structured questionnaire and intercept interviews were used to collect quantitative data from respondents inside supermarket stores. For marketers, a key contribution of this study is the importance of the price attribute and certain product claims. Sugar and total fat were found to be the most important nutritional factors that consumers consider when making a purchase decision, but it was also found that only around one half of all consumers actually read product labels when purchasing snack foods. Matters of particular concern that are highlighted by this study are that one third of consumers do not consider their snacking behavior to be healthy, and one quarter of consumers choose to snack in secret. This study addressed a number of gaps in current knowledge by identifying the snack food products that are most frequently consumed, the reasons for consuming snacks, whether consumers read snack food product labels, the importance of various attributes and product claims, whether consumers regard their snacking behavior to be healthy, and whether they snack in secret.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been growing interest in nostalgia and consumption experiences on the part of a small group of consumer researchers. This article offers an insight into the nostalgic experiences gained through consuming history at a contemporary British “living” museum. The findings of the research focus on two types of nostalgic behavior, which are identified as existential and aesthetic. Differences in the nostalgic reaction are conceptualized in relation to such factors as the quantity and quality of the individual's role repertoire, the experience of alienation in the present, and the extent and quality of social contact. The article aims to offer a perspective that draws upon both existing work in related fields and the findings of the research in order to contextualize nostalgia as an experiential factor behind the consumption of recreated history in the living interactive museum. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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