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大数据时代对我国自然人纳税人的税收风险管理模式提出了重大挑战,代表了一种新的税收风险管理形式。通过文献研究的方法,对我国自然人纳税人税收风险管理进行分析,发现自然人纳税人税收风险信息采集不准确、自然人纳税人税收风险信息利用不充分和自然人纳税人税收风险信息共享不完善的问题,提出规范自然人纳税人税收风险信息采集、充分利用自然人纳税人税收风险信息和完善自然人纳税人税收风险信息共享的建议。  相似文献   

笔者认为,借助于精确的城市数字地图,将抽象的、海量的、二维的税收表单数据库,以地理分布为轴线,以各类专题为骨干,将数据重新分类、整合、排列形成一个动态的、立体化的税收业务流程的新型框架,不仅可以实现数据的可视化,更有利于税收数据的再利用和类比分析。本文就此展开分析。  相似文献   

本文利用2008-2012年中小板上市公司的数据,实证研究了高管政治联系的不同方式与实际税收负担的关系,发现政府官员类政治联系与实际税收负担显著正相关,代表委员类政治联系与实际税收负担显著负相关。  相似文献   

侯晨 《西部财会》2022,(11):11-14
随着全球化的推进和大数据的发展,企业对税收筹划的要求不断提升,大数据技术的出现改变了当前税收平台体系,使企业税收筹划面临机遇和挑战。鉴于此,梳理大数据对企业税收筹划所产生的影响,分析企业在税收筹划方面运用大数据技术面临的挑战,针对当前税收筹划存在的问题并结合大数据技术,提出大数据时代下企业进行合理合法税收筹划的对策建议。  相似文献   

资本深化是应对经济下行和人口挑战的必然趋势。因此,基于2008年至2020年中国A股上市公司数据,以金税三期在全国逐步推行为准自然实验,利用渐进双重差分法实证考察税收征管数字化对企业资本劳动比的影响。研究发现,税收征管数字化会通过治理效应增加了企业的外源融资,进而提升了企业资本劳动比。异质性分析结果显示,税收征管数字化对劳动密集型企业、税收征管弱地区企业以及税收转嫁能力强企业的资本劳动比更具提升效应。研究结论有助于厘清税收征管对企业资本劳动比、要素结构的影响机理,为税收征管数字化助力经济转型升级提供了有效解释,丰富了税收征管数字化的经济后果,为推进税收数字化决策提供了理论借鉴。  相似文献   

大数据税收征管对于构建“以数治税”新格局、推进税收治理体系和治理能力现代化具有重要意义。以2015—2019年中国A股上市公司数据为研究对象,以实施的金税三期工程为契机,考察大数据税收征管对企业税收遵从度的影响。研究发现:(1)大数据税收征管显著提高企业税收遵从度。(2)大数据税收征管通过降低企业真实盈余管理、降低企业寻租行为和加剧企业融资约束三个影响机制促使企业提高税收遵从度。(3)改善企业信息透明度和大数据税收征管的共同作用能够更为有效提高企业税收遵从度,而大数据税收征管对企业税收遵从度的提高作用在审计质量较低、独立董事比例较低、两职合一的企业更显著。研究对于加强数字政府建设和形成数字治理新格局具有重要借鉴意义,税务机关应注重发挥大数据税收征管的治理效应。  相似文献   

本文从税收治理能力、税收营商环境、大数据治税和税收征管效率角度明确了建设智慧税务的重要现实意义。以技术手段层面、隐私保护层面和征管理念层面为切入点进一步分析了当前智慧税务建设面临的发展瓶颈。提出了构建税收数据治理体系、加快智能应用平台建设和优化税收监管体系的实现路径,助力“以数治税”背景下智慧税务发展。  相似文献   

近年来,技术的进步推动着我国经济的快速发展,电子商务行业逐渐繁荣.但我国还未形成与电子商务行业相契合的税收征管制度,税收征管面临着新的挑战.主要问题在于法律制度不够健全,税收要素不够明确以及税收执行中存在缺陷.因此,应进一步完善我国的税收征管法,明确界定各项税收要素以及利用大数据支持征管体系的革新,为我国电子商务税收征...  相似文献   

目前.地税系统使用的税收综合征管系统软件.其目的为了利用计算机技术加强税收征管工作.进而提高税收征管水平和纳税服务质效,但从目前开展的税收征管审计情况来看.由于综合征管系统软件开发滞后.系统投运后.通过综合征管软件采集的海量数据并没有得到有效盘活.数据集成自动化程度相对较低、共享程度不高,因此.不能很好地为基层地税机关开展业务查询、税收分析等管理决策活动提供可靠的技术支撑,涉税信息的利用率不高。同时.也不能有效地降低征纳成本、工作效率较低,亟待进一步改进.  相似文献   

文章利用2008~2011年中国上市公司的数据,实证检验税收特征对关联交易定价方法选择的影响。研究结论显示:企业的资产负债率越高,享有的税收优惠越多,关联交易定价时倾向选择协议法。高强度的税收征管能够抑制企业的避税行为,在强有力的税收监管环境下,企业倾向选择市场法定价,降低检查风险。  相似文献   

Use-Value Assessment Tax Expenditures in Urban Areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Use-value assessment is the practice of valuing land for property tax purposes in its current use, rather than at its full market value. This practice is widespread in the U.S. and is intended to reduce the property tax burden on agricultural land near urban areas and slow the pace of land development. We examine the foregone property tax revenue, or tax expenditure, due to use-value assessment. Data sets for two case studies are employed in empirical estimation of spatial models of the difference between market value and use value, providing the analytic basis for estimates of tax expenditures.  相似文献   

A bstract . The New State Board of Equalization and Assessment annually determines for each taxing jurisdiction within the state, an estimate of the ratio of its assessed values to market values. The methods used in constructing such ratios are reviewed as well as the ways in which the ratios are used. Special emphasis is given to the use of the ratio by taxpayers in tax inequality or certiorari cases. Using data on New York City , it is estimated that maximum use of the ratio in such cases could lead to as much as a 22 percent reduction in the City's property tax base. As well, estimates are made of the redistributive effects across different property types in the city under the assumption that tax rates are increased to just offset the revenue effects of the tax base erosion. The most obvious effect is the increased burden on residential housing owner-occupiers.  相似文献   

随着税制改革的不断深化以及国际市场竞争力量的不断加强,我国税务代理业将面临更大的挑战。传统的税务代理业务受到越来越大的冲击。本文从对传统税务代理业务发展的困惑分析入手,根据税务师事务所成功案例,分析了制约税务代理业务创新的因素,并对我国税务代理业务创新作出展望。  相似文献   

递延所得税会计信息的价值相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年开始实施的我国新会计准则要求上市公司按照资产负债表债务法确认所得税费用,由此产生了递延所得税会计信息。文章以Ohlson(1995)的价值相关性模型为基础,以2008年-2009年沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,检验了递延所得税会计信息在股票定价中的作用。结果发现:(1)递延所得税会计信息具有显著的价值相关性,能够提供额外的增量信息;(2)公司所得税税率的变化会削弱递延所得税的价值相关性。研究表明,递延所得税会计信息改善了投资者对公司资产价值质量和未来盈利能力的合理估计,提高了会计信息在股票定价中的作用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of changes in payroll taxes on wages and employment in Argentina. The analysis, based on administrative data, focuses on the impact of a series of major changes in payroll taxes which varied across geographical areas. This setup offers two main advantages over previous studies. First, using longitudinal data, the variation in tax rates across space and time provides a plausible source of identification of their effects on employment and wages. Second, the use of legal tax rates for each area at each point in time provides a remedy for the measurement error bias raised by the use of empirical rates constructed from observed tax and wage bills. Once this bias is accounted for, the results indicate that changes in payroll tax rates are only partially shifted onto wages, and they point to the absence of any significant effect on employment.  相似文献   

陈清 《企业经济》2012,(5):152-155
《个人所得税法》自1980年9月颁布后,历经多次调整。新近通过的税法修正案将个税改革又向前推进了一步,但仍存在免征额调整影响力有限、动态调整机制缺失、费用扣除未体现个体差异、边际税率过高、征管技术粗糙、征管信息流通不畅等问题。应在深入研究的基础上转换税制模式,增加特殊减免额;运用指数化方法确定费用扣除标准,降低边际税率;建立税务代理和税务稽查相辅相成的制度,加强高收入人群的个税征管。  相似文献   

A bstract An international carbon tax has been the subject of considerable recent discussion as an economic incentive instrument to combat the perceived threat of global warming lesuking, primarily, from the use of the carbon emitting fossils–coal, oil, and natural gas–in the production of energy. During 1991, the European Union proposed the adoption of such a tax to be imposed by each member nation. The economic merits as well as the problems associated with the proposed European carbon tax are discussed along with the political prospects for its adoption. It is concluded that even though early adoption of the tax is unlikely, the economic merits of this tax instrument for the alleviation of global warming accompanied by changing political parameters may lead to its adoption in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper considers the spatial effects (on wages, employment, and business capital as functions of location) of a localized differential in source-based wage tax rates or business property tax rates between (for example) a central city and the surrounding suburbs. A simple model is used in which business production uses only labor and capital inputs. Consumers have fixed residential locations but may commute to work. Wage and property tax differentials have effects that are similar in some ways but different in other ways. If given a choice, a local government would choose to set its business property tax rate equal to zero and use only a wage tax.  相似文献   

A bstract .   The judicious use of natural resources is a crucial prerequisite for sustainable growth not just in developed countries but even more so in the third world. More generally, natural resource use is determined to a substantial degree by the tax structure governing a country's economic activity. When a tax constitution can be designed that stimulates the judicious use of natural resources, an important step toward achieving sustainable growth has been made. Designing such a constitution is not a simple task, however. For third-world countries, the task is further complicated by at least three factors. First, the tax system has to be exceedingly simple, since both number and quality of tax instruments available to third-world governments tend to be limited. Second, the legal system tends to mirror the state of economic development. This limits not only the tax structure an economy can bear; it also limits a government's ability to regulate natural resource use by legal means. Third, the more elaborate a legal system, the more diversity it affords its country for economic activity, including opportunities for the division of labor, that is, international competition and trade.  相似文献   

Identifying strategic interactions in Swedish local income tax policies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper uses data on Swedish local governments to test for strategic interaction in local tax setting. We make use of a number of indirect predictions from the theories of tax competition and yardstick competition in order to test for the presence of strategic interaction in these forms. Using such additional predictions of the theories serves a twofold purpose—first it helps us establish if the spatial coefficient is due to strategic interactions or merely reflecting spatial error correlation, and second, it helps identify the source of interaction. The analysis provides strong evidence for spatial correlation in tax rates among Swedish local governments. Moreover, we find weak evidence of tax competition effects in the setting of tax rates.  相似文献   

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