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In this paper, I present novel microeconomic evidence on the effects of firm heterogeneity on the creation and impact of technology transfers from foreign direct investment (FDI) to local suppliers in a developing country setting. The main findings are threefold. First, FDI firms are significantly more involved in knowledge transfer activities than domestic producer firms. In particular, FDI firms offer more technological support, support with a direct positive impact on production processes of local suppliers. Second, the type of ownership also influences the effect of the technology gap on technology transfers. A large technology gap between a producer firm and its suppliers lowers the provision of support; however, FDI firms offer more technological support to their suppliers of material inputs when the technology gap is large. Independent of the support that the suppliers receive, foreign ownership of client firms and a large technology gap make it more likely that suppliers experience large positive impacts. Third, the level of absorptive capacity of local suppliers is also important for the impact of the technology transfers, confirming the notion that heterogeneity among both producer firms and local suppliers affect the level, nature and impact of local technology transfers.  相似文献   

Knowledge transfer from multinational corporations to local suppliers in host developing countries have been shown to be substantial and a strong contributor to the competitive upgrading of firms in host economies. Using data provided by multinational subsidiaries, this paper compares the activities of multinationals in both Malaysia and Vietnam. Malaysia is considered because its experience with foreign direct investment is long standing (compared to Vietnam) and useful recommendations can be drawn for Vietnam, allowing for the transition nature of the Vietnamese economy. The objectives of the paper are two-fold: to demonstrate the potential for knowledge transfer between multinationals and their suppliers in both Malaysia and Vietnam; and to build upon this discussion to suggest avenues for Vietnam to maximise beneficial linkages from MNEs.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that multinational firms operating in emerging markets transfer technology to local suppliers to increase their productivity and to lower input prices. To avoid hold-up by any single supplier, the foreign firm must make the technology widely available. This technology diffusion induces entry and more competition which lowers prices in the supply market. As a result, not just the foreign-owned firm, but all firms downstream of that supply market obtain lower prices. We test this hypothesis using a panel dataset of Indonesian manufacturing establishments. We find strong evidence of productivity gains, greater competition, and lower prices among local firms in markets that supply foreign entrants. The technology transfer is Pareto improving — output and profits increase for firms in both the supplier and buyer sectors. Further, the technology transfer generates an externality that benefits buyers in other sectors downstream from the supply sector as well. This externality may provide a justification for policy intervention to encourage foreign investment.  相似文献   

This study examines whether foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow helps or hinders local firms’ uptake of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in a developing host country. The study further examines the interaction effect of host institutions on the relationship between FDI inflow and local firms’ uptake of CSR activities. Results of hierarchical regression analysis of data from a sample of 227 local firms in Ghana, reveal that local firms’ uptake of CSR improves significantly with an increasing inflow of FDI through knowledge transfer. Host institutions are also found to influence the transfer of CSR activities from foreign firms to local firms. However, when the quality of institutions is very high, the impact of FDI on local firms’ CSR activities diminishes. Research and practical implications of these findings are discussed. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) economies have established stock markets to encourage the mobilization of domestic funds and attract foreign capital in-flows for corporate investment and growth. But domestic corporate listings on stock markets have been abysmal. This study examines the reasons behind the low patronage of stock markets by domestic firms in SSA using Ghana as a case study. Data for the study was obtained from 110 out of the 200 largest firms in Ghana and included firms which were listed on the stock market and unlisted firms over three time-periods from 2002 to 2009. The findings show that knowledge about stock market dynamics and financial institutions' support encourages listing on the stock market. However, extensive information and disclosure costs requirements, and loss of ownership and control discourage listing on the stock market.  相似文献   

Markus Kelle 《The World Economy》2013,36(12):1494-1515
Manufacturing firms increasingly engage in service trade activities. Microlevel data show that German manufacturers accounted for nearly 30 billion euros of service exports in 2005. I have found that particular construction, engineering and R&D services are exported. The machinery industries, motor vehicles and chemicals producers dominate the overall pattern. The types of services exported vary strongly across industries. Service exports of advertising, data processing, management and R&D services are found to likely support foreign affiliates of firms. However, these headquarter services are only infrequently observable. Much more important are construction and engineering services exported by machinery firms. These might represent installation and maintenance services complementing exported machinery. R&D services exports generally represent the transfer of knowledge and technology, which is found to be particularly relevant for motor vehicle producers. Beyond the support of foreign production of firms, R&D services might be relevant also in R&D cooperations of firms or when firms have partnerships with foreign suppliers or buyers of intermediate products.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether foreign firms generate productivity spillovers. Despite the relevance of this question to public policy, previous studies have failed to find consistent and conclusive evidence to support the existence of positive spillovers. Using previously unexploited firm-level data over the 1994–1999 period, we attempt to contribute to the literature on productivity spillovers from FDI by analysing the Portuguese manufacturing industry. The results indicate that foreign firms in the same industry of the observed firms (horizontal spillovers) and linkages between foreign firms and their local suppliers or customers (vertical spillovers) do not impact significantly on firms’ productivity. Moreover, we detected no differences on productivity spillovers associated to firm-specific characteristics.  相似文献   

从外国子公司到本国企业的后向联系是东道国提高吸引外资效率的关键;而本国供应商的可得性、成本与质量是决定有效联系的基本要素。通过实地调研外国子公司与当地配套企业联系的具体情况,分析二者后向联系中存在的现实问题,文章提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The network surrounding a firm's foreign clients has large influence on its ability to act in the market. How firms can utilize the knowledge supplied by client networks is therefore of great importance to their business with clients. Many studies show the usefulness of foreign clients and suppliers, whereas less attention has been given to the usefulness of knowledge supplied by clients’ network, such as clients’ clients, clients’ supplementary suppliers and competitors to the firm. This study contributes to international business research on networks by investigating the knowledge supplied by client networks for a firm doing business with a specific foreign client on a sample of 494 firms. A LISREL analysis demonstrates that knowledge supplied by client networks is more useful the more experienced the firm. Client networks are also more useful the more knowledge the firm has of its client, the more the firm needs knowledge of its clients and suppliers, the higher the cost of the client relationship, and the more standardized the product. A major conclusion is that the client network knowledge is more useful the further a firm's collaboration with the client, presumably as a result of the new, and more embedded business that the firm develops with the client. Implications are that client networks are resources that can be important competitive advantages for the internationalizing firm.  相似文献   

This study examines the competitive dynamics between foreign and local firms. We posit that multinational enterprises (MNEs)’s entry in foreign markets significantly reduces the survival rate of local firms in the short term, but that this effect gradually diminishes over time. The proposed conceptual framework is operationalized through the combination of the widely used agent-based model and the economic model of competition. The agent-based model allows us to study the behavior of firms under the context of different markets and the environmental complexity while the competition model determines the competition between firms as well as the entry and exit of firms. Our results obtained from the simulation study reveal that the negative effect of foreign entry is heightened as environmental complexity increases. However, local firms with a broader knowledge search are better able to confront the negative impact of foreign entry over time. We also find that the negative effect of foreign entry on the survival of local firms is weaker for local firms with a strong retrieval capacity.  相似文献   


This study explores Honda's knowledge transfer to local suppliers in Vietnam. It argues that local suppliers' responsiveness can be a supplementary condition to absorptive capacity when considering buyer-supplier relation of knowledge transfer. In Vietnam where local suppliers were less capable or limited, Honda has exploited the supplier responsiveness to develop external manufacturing capabilities which contributed to Honda Vietnam's performance. Responsiveness enabled Honda to use a hands-on approach as an effective mechanism to transfer key principles and tacit technical knowledge to local suppliers in the initial stages of establishing a relationship. As a result, Honda is both beneficial from suppliers' specific absorptive capacity and continuous responsiveness.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether there are signs of regional spillovers from FDI, although evidence is still very scarce. It hypothesizes that (a) the assessment of regional spillovers relies on a detailed analysis of these effects, according to the channels by which they occur (namely, increasing competition, worker mobility, and demonstration effects); (b) the size and the extent of these effects depend on the interaction between their channels and the levels of existing technological capacity of local firms; and (c) spillover benefits tend to occur in regions where local firms largely invest in absorbing the best foreign knowledge. Using detailed firm-level manufacturing data from Switzerland, we have found that local firms gain from the presence of foreign firms in their region, but lose out if the firms are located elsewhere. Competition-related spillovers appear to be fully absorbed by local firms, with high technological capacities; worker-mobility-related spillovers are fully absorbed by low technology firms; while demonstration-related spillovers are absorbed by all groups of firms with mid technology firms experiencing the larger benefit. In addition, our results demonstrate that only local firms which have invested largely in the absorptive capacity benefit from spillovers, stemming mainly from technology transfer. This benefit seems to occur at both regional level and outside.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of knowledge diffusion on the incentives for developed countries' (DC) firms to undertake costly technology transfer to their less developed countries' (LDC) suppliers whose cost of production varies inversely with their technological effort. When the incumbent supplier's cost of improving efficiency is high, diffusion of knowledge to other potential input producers encourages technology transfer, as it increases upstream competition. However, and in sharp contrast to existing literature, when technological effort is less costly, knowledge diffusion discourages technology transfer by reducing the incumbent supplier's technological effort.  相似文献   

This study verifies how knowledge is transferred among small businesses operating in industrial clusters, how this competitive resource circulates and is accessed within the cluster. Interfirm cooperation, industrial support institutions, workforce mobility and social ties, concepts highlighted in the literature as dimensions of the knowledge transfer process, were used to structure the survey instrument, which was applied in the cluster that leads Brazilian furniture exports. Questionnaire responses were received from 198 firms and submitted to factor analysis. Conclusions and theoretical contributions of the study are that: (i) the knowledge transfer process is multi-dimensional; (ii) knowledge transfer can occur in clusters even in the absence of interfirm cooperation; (iii) the dimensions of the process can be combined in various ways to facilitate knowledge transfer; (iv) this combination may differ from cluster to cluster; and (v) producers are more likely than suppliers to perceive and access knowledge available in the cluster.  相似文献   


Since the 1990s certain retail companies have evolved into some of the largest and most dispersed transnational corporations worldwide. However, within the ‘new era of retail distribution’ retailers are increasingly divesting from foreign markets. This study addresses these recent and under-explored dynamics by revealing the traces transnational retail corporations leave after divesting from a country. It explores the aspect of learning of host market retailers from entering transnational corporations (TNCs) and examines how foreign knowledge is adjusted in the business strategies of these local actors. It takes a fresh empirical slant using qualitative interviews with host market retail managers including former TNCs’ subsidiaries operating under domestic ownership. The emerging economy of Turkey serves as an empirical example. The paper finds that foreign retailers transfer firm-specific resources to the local retail through (1) demonstration and imitation, (2) vertical linkages with suppliers, (3) joint ventures and acquisitions, and (4) labor turnover of TNC trained staff. Certain successful local companies adjust the foreign knowledge based on their local knowledge and strengths, their high level of flexibility and deep territorial embeddedness, and create ‘hybrid’ business strategies. These findings suggest that dynamic capabilities are crucial to successful retailing in an international competitive environment. TNC managers should work with local staff in partnerships of equals and managers of locally operating companies should incorporate new knowledge by hiring TNC trained staff.  相似文献   

The majority of studies of knowledge spillovers from the presence of multinational corporations (MNCs) have focused on whether or not, rather than how knowledge spillovers occur from MNC subsidiaries to local host country firms. Using survey data from 210 MNC subsidiaries in Sweden, a composite model is developed examining the impact of two different environmental conditions on the occurrence of knowledge spillovers arising from innovation transfer within MNCs. We distinguish between horizontal knowledge spillovers (i.e., to competitors) and vertical knowledge spillovers (i.e., to customers and suppliers), and emphasise the conceptually important distinction between the two. The former are largely unintentional by nature whereas the latter can be considered as intentional knowledge diffusion. The results show that competitive pressure in the recipient subsidiary's local environment gives rise to unintentional knowledge spillovers, whereas it is negatively related to intentional knowledge diffusion. The results also support the notion that the degree of embeddedness of in a subsidiary's business network in the host country is positively related to intentional knowledge diffusion. An important finding of the study is that there is a positive relationship between intentional knowledge diffusion and unintentional knowledge spillovers.  相似文献   

In this paper, not only do we posit that the presence of a multinational corporation may entail significant benefits for the host economy and local firms’ performance, but also that these benefits can be actively sought and dynamically reinforced by local firms through the development of intense, embedded customer–supplier relationships. Building on the relational view, we argue that this may happen through the commitment of resources to relation-specific investments. Our hypotheses find support in a sample of SMEs suppliers of ST Microelectronics, the fourth largest producer of microelectronic components in the world. We show that by making relation-specific investments, local firms can grow quantitatively and qualitatively, improve their innovativeness, and acquire new clients.  相似文献   

Successful international expansion requires that parent firms simultaneously transfer multiple MNE knowledge resources and their foreign subsidiaries effectively absorb and utilize the knowledge. In this study, we examine the relationships between multiple knowledge resources (technological and marketing knowledge), the relatedness between parents and foreign subsidiaries, and subsidiary performance. Relatedness is specifically linked to the type of knowledge being transferred from the parent (i.e., technological relatedness versus market relatedness). We hypothesize that subsidiary performance improves with (1) the integration of a parent firm's technological and marketing knowledge resources, (2) high technological (market) relatedness between a parent firm and subsidiaries for transfer of parent technological (market) knowledge and (3) the co-presence of high technological and market relatedness. We find general support in our analysis of pooled cross-sectional data on more than 4000 observations of foreign subsidiaries from 572 Japanese MNEs across 47 countries. Theoretical implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNCs) and other foreign firms can be conduits for technology and knowledge (T&K) transfer to host countries in the developing world. Most of the existing research focuses on T&K transfers through FDI and are drawn from Asia not Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), although SSA is increasingly receiving foreign investment. There is a paucity of research that gives insights into project-level T&K transfer issues in SSA countries. Using the Ghanaian construction industry as an empirical focus, this article explores T&K transfer potential. The findings reveal significant weaknesses in T&K transfer across industry subsectors and between foreign and local firms. This arises from the potentially complementary but dissimilar resource and knowledge bases. The weaknesses are compounded by the absence of coherent government T&K development policies.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with entrepreneurial high-impact firms, which are firms that generate ‘both’ disproportionate levels of employment and sales growth, and have high levels of innovative activity. It investigates differences in the influence of knowledge spillovers on high-impact growth between foreign and local firms in the UK. The study is based on an analysis of data from UK Innovation Scoreboard on 865 firms, which were divided into ‘high-impact firms’ (defined as those achieving positive growth in both sales and employment) and low-impact firms (negative or no growth in sales or employment). More precisely, the paper investigates the influence of knowledge spillovers on high-impact growth of foreign and local firms, from regional, sectoral and firm size perspectives. The findings suggest that (1) firms’ access to regional knowledge spillovers (from businesses and higher education institutions) is more significantly associated with high-impact growth of local firms in comparison to foreign firms; (2) because knowledge spillovers are more likely to occur in high-tech sectors (compared to low-tech sectors), firms in high-tech sectors are more associated with high-impact growth. Nonetheless, the relationship is stronger for local firms compared to foreign firms; (3) because small firms have greater need for knowledge spillovers (relative to large firms), there is a negative relationship between firm size and high-impact growth, but the negative relationship is greater for UK firms in comparison to foreign firms. Implications are drawn for policy and research.  相似文献   

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