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Despite their ethical intentions, ethically minded consumers rarely purchase ethical products (Auger and Devinney: 2007, Journal of Business Ethics 76, 361–383). This intentions–behaviour gap is important to researchers and industry, yet poorly understood (Belk et al.: 2005, Consumption, Markets and Culture 8(3), 275–289). In order to push the understanding of ethical consumption forward, we draw on what is known about the intention–behaviour gap from the social psychology and consumer behaviour literatures and apply these insights to ethical consumerism. We bring together three separate insights – implementation intentions (Gollwitzer: 1999, American Psychologist 54(7), 493–503), actual behavioural control (ABC) (Ajzen and Madden: 1986, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 22, 453–474; Sheeran et al.: 2003, Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 393–410) and situational context (SC) (Belk: 1975, Journal of Consumer Research 2, 157–164) – to construct an integrated, holistic conceptual model of the intention–behaviour gap of ethically minded consumers. This holistic conceptual model addresses significant limitations within the ethical consumerism literature, and moves the understanding of ethical consumer behaviour forward. Further, the operationalisation of this model offers insight and strategic direction for marketing managers attempting to bridge the intention–behaviour gap of the ethically minded consumer.  相似文献   

金融业交叉销售中的关系网络价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红 《商业研究》2007,(9):133-136
金融业交叉销售在发达国家,特别是在跨国银行集团,已得到了充分的使用,但国内金融企业运用的还远远不够。通过对金融企业价值、客户价值以及由此衍生的关系网络价值的分析,金融企业要使交叉销售为企业带来盈利,必须运用系统观点,解决好交叉销售的系统问题。金融业交叉销售对提升金融企业关系网络价值具有重要意义。  相似文献   

简单介绍了轻钢罩棚结构的结构形式、应用等,采用结构力学的位移图乘法分析得出了单跨轻钢罩棚横梁挠度的计算公式,并推导出挠度可以用简支梁的计算公式乘以-系数K来计算.为了工程设计使用方便给出了计算K系数的图表.以期对实际设计有所裨益.  相似文献   

本文基于WIOD数据库2000—2014年世界投入产出表,运用出口分解框架、全球价值链地位指数和参与度,研究了中国光电设备制造业的出口增加值及其在全球价值链中的地位,并与德国、日本、韩国、美国进行了比较。结果显示:在2000—2014年间,增加值出口占中国光电设备总出口的70%左右,其变动以2001年与2008年为节点呈平缓的"N"形;返回本国的国内增加值占部门总出口的1%~3.3%,在研究期内持续上升;隐含在出口中的国外增加值为20%左右,显著高于其他四国,变化趋势与增加值出口相反;中国光电设备制造业在全球价值链中的地位指数在研究期内均为负值,从2000年的-0.130到2014年的-0.112略有上升,但与美国、日本等国家的差距较大;全球价值链参与度均值为0.305,其中以后向参与为主,与美国、日本相反,说明中国该行业在全球生产中的参与程度较高,但仍处于较为下游的位置。最后,本文为中国光电设备制造业进一步参与全球价值链提供了政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>随着经济全球化和信息技术的迅速发展以及企业生产资料的获取与产品经营范围的日趋扩大,社会生产、货物流通、商品交易及其管理方式正在发生深刻变革。现代物流作为一种先进的组织方式和管理技术,  相似文献   

国际油价迅速上涨对世界经济的负面影响不可低估,据国际货币基金组织估计,油价在一年内若上涨15美元,将使世界经济增长率降低1个百分点,相当于损失3000亿美元的GDP.那么,国际油价迅速飙升,对中国经济的发展将产生什么影响呢?  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an exploratory survey on the existing perceptions of those baking firms that claim to use JIT on certain key global aspects pertaining to the individual bsking firm of the baking sector in general. It then integrates these perceptions into existing relevant knowledge in JIT implementation, and arrives at some concrete suggestions for the individual baking firm with JIT aspirations.  相似文献   

This paper provides a case study on the management of private home accommodation used to house overseas guests who are primarily registered as students with the English as a foreign language sector. It uses network analysis to focus on the significance of social and also business networks and their implications with regard to the understanding, management, regulation and support of this neglected segment o f the hospitality sector The findings are considered to have a wider relevance to the small hospitality enterprise.  相似文献   

ItisquitediferentforChina’scommercialsector’sopeningscope,degreandmodefromotherindustry.DirectorHuangHaiofthePolicyandRegul...  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


Nowadays, the development and maintenance of close relationships with customers and other exchange partners are the main routes to success in the present markets. The continual changes in information technologies facilitate the introduction of relational strategies. This paper focuses on the use of the Internet as a relational strategy and analyses the effect of such strategies on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The textile sector was chosen because it is currently in difficulties due to changes in its close environment.  相似文献   

Being under pressure both from demographic changes in most industrialised countries and increasingly scarce financial resources in social security, in the last decade the German hospital sector tried to find some relief in outsourcing of services not belonging to its core competences like IT services, catering and cleaning. However, not all the hopes connected with this strategy have been fulfilled. This paper takes stock of the current situation of outsourcing in the German hospital sector mainly by the size of the institution. It describes the patterns of outsourcing in the sector, looks at the reasons for outsourcing, and describes the experiences with it of the hospitals on the one hand and the service providers on the other. We conclude by expressing our expectations concerning the foreseeable future of outsourcing in the German hospital sector.  相似文献   

Government departments and public sector organisations in Australia are utilising marketing concepts and techniques that originated in the private sector. This has been reported by reference to case studies. However, no systematic attempt to assess the implementation of marketing in the public sector has been reported. This article reports a survey of the use of marketing positions in the Australian public sector over the ten year period 1982-1991. It shows that public sector organisations with similar objectives to organisations in the economic environment of the private sector may well be implementing marketing oriented management. However, a significant and consistent difference is found in the use of marketing between those public sector organisations with a social and political orientation as opposed to those organisations with a commercial and/or economic orientation.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The global financial crisis, whose effects have been most severe on the world's largest banks, has created a vacuum in banking sector in Africa by stalling investment from the traditional investor. The world's largest banks, brought to their knees by the crisis, and having had to be bailed out, are in no position to continue investing in the banking sector in Africa.  相似文献   

One explanation that may be given for why nonprofit organizations pay lower wages than do other organizations is that nonprofits are more pleasant places to work. Indeed, some authors have proposed that nonprofit organizations should make an effort to promote a working environment that reflects the beliefs of the organization. This paper uses several proxies for whether an organization is a pleasant place in which to work, and tests for whether nonprofits are more likely to offer such pleasant working conditions. Analysis shows that nonprofits are not more likely to offer these conditions in many instances.  相似文献   

In its September 2007 package of energy policy proposals the European Commission has expressed a clear preference for ownership unbundling as the most effective way of separating transmission from other stages of the value chain, which is regarded as necessary in order to promote infrastructure investment, fair network access and market transparency. The welfare effects of this measure are, however, still hotly debated. The following articles highlight the pros and cons of ownership unbundling. * Thanks are due to Alberto Prandini for earlier discussions on this topic and to Hieu Tran for excellent research assistance. Funding from the UK Economic and Social Research Council is gratefully acknowledged. ** The contribution of this author is on personal title and does not bind the NMa in one way or another.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to examine some aspects of transaction structure of the small business sector in Japanese manufacturing. It has been found that there are some interesting findings in the industrial organization of the sector (1) In the transactions of intermediate goods with manufacturing, small businesses have more frequent transactions with other small businesses than with large firms. On the other hand, large firms have more transactions with each other than with small businesses; (2) The transactions between SMEs and large firms, and between SMEs themselves vary from industry to industry, depending on production/demand structure of an industry and product structure of its SMEs sector; (3) In engineering, such as electrical machinery and transport equipment, the intra-industry transactions from small businesses to large firms are great, suggesting a larger extent of subcontracting relationships. Also, textiles, clothing, and printing and publishing also have higher subcontracting transactions.The relationships are different between the two groups.  相似文献   

Consecutive Conservative governments since 1979 have emphasised the need for greater cost-efficiency in the provision of public services. This article places recent developments in public sector catering in this wider context. It considers the manner in which government policy towards public sector catering has affected organisational and technical change in this area, and how this has led to changes in the roles, styles, strategies and control of catering managers. The article also outlines the effects of change on staff. In conclusion the article argues that management in the public sector are increasingly likely to act according to a business ethic’, rather than a ‘public service ethic’.  相似文献   

China’s foreign trade in January of 2015According to Customs figures,China’s total import and export in January reached 2.09 trillion yuan,down 10.8%year on year(the same below).Export was 1.23 trillion yuan,down 3.2%,and import 0.86 trillion yuan,down 19.7%.Trade surplus was 366.9 billion yuan,up 87.5%.After a seasonal adjustment,the decline of trade,export and import was narrowed down to 7.1%,1.3%and 14.4%separately.In terms of  相似文献   

In the long run,China's textile industry is going to see a new round of growth.Further industrial restrueturing will channel resources to pacesetting and competitive enterprises in all fields from chemical fiber to textile and apparel.  相似文献   

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