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长期以来,人们总是把忠诚当成真正忠诚的代名词,甚至在忠诚与完全忠诚之间划上了等号。然而,那些围绕在我们身边的朋友,那些在买卖关系中声称是你永远忠诚伙伴的合作者.当真是真情所在吗?Oliver早在1997年就把顾客忠诚划分为认知忠诚、情感忠诚、意向忠诚和行为忠诚四种。但过去的研究却忽略了用细分的忠诚去预测消费者的行为。为了揭示认知忠诚和情感忠诚消费者忠诚度和购买份额之间存在的差异.作者以中国酒店行业为抽样对象.以客户关系赢回管理为背景.通过对认知忠诚和情感忠诚顾客的忠诚度和购买份额绝对量的比较.以及两种忠诚与购买份额之间关系拟合的函数曲线形状来预测和评估消费者的行为倾向。研究结果表明.对供应商而言情感忠诚消费者比认知忠诚消费者的忠诚度更高,购买份额更多,维持时间更长;对厂商而言情感忠诚比认知忠诚具有更高获利价值。因此.能否有效地区分认知忠诚和情感忠诚行为对企业的营销实践具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

认知忠诚和情感忠诚的消费者行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,人们总是把忠诚当成真正忠诚的代名词,甚至在忠诚与完全忠诚之间划上了等号。然而,那些围绕在我们身边的朋友,那些在买卖关系中声称是你永远忠诚伙伴的合作者,当真是真情所在吗?Oliver早在1997年就把顾客忠诚划分为认知忠诚、情感忠诚、意向忠诚和行为忠诚四种。但过去的研究却忽略了用细分的忠诚去预测消费者的行为。为了揭示认知忠诚和情感忠诚消费者忠诚度和购买份额之间存在的差异,作者以中国酒店行业为抽样对象,以客户关系赢回管理为背景,通过对认知忠诚和情感忠诚顾客的忠诚度和购买份额绝对量的比较,以及两种忠诚与购买份额之间关系拟合的函数曲线形状来预测和评估消费者的行为倾向。研究结果表明,对供应商而言情感忠诚消费者比认知忠诚消费者的忠诚度更高,购买份额更多,维持时间更长;对厂商而言情感忠诚比认知忠诚具有更高获利价值。因此,能否有效地区分认知忠诚和情感忠诚行为对企业的营销实践具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

顾客惊喜与顾客满意、顾客忠诚之间关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在已有理论研究基础上,分析了顾客惊喜的必然性,以及顾客惊喜与顾客满意、顾客忠诚之间的内在联系,提出了顾客惊喜的分类和特点。  相似文献   

电子商务环境下培养顾客忠诚度的策略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾客是企业利润的真正源泉,维护和提高顾客忠诚度是企业生存和发展的根本所在。本文对电子商务环境下顾客忠诚的障碍因素及驱动因素进行分析,阐述网络营销中培养顾客忠诚的策略。  相似文献   

价格促销与D&B忠诚模式关联实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾客赢回管理概念模型包括价格促销策略,顾客感知(价格敏感、信任和情感),算计性承诺和顾客忠诚(真正忠诚、表面忠诚、潜在忠诚和不忠诚)等变量。研究目的是考查价格促销.算计性承诺和顾客忠诚之间的关系。研究数据来源于中国酒店行业(N=1074)。研究发现,价格促销导致顾客价格敏感,淡化了顾客对厂商的信任、情感等内在动机.并对顾客的忠诚形成有负面影响:研究揭示了价格促销策略使厂商陷入进退两难困境的深层次根源:研究对指导管理者采取恰当的赢回策略开展流失顾客的赢回管理具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

顾客对专业的服务供应商的忠诚度如何?受访中近50%的人都表示无所谓忠诚不忠诚。他们的言下之意就是。在某些情况下,他们会毫不犹豫地更换供应商。获取顾客忠诚比以往更加艰难了,但是对顾客来说,与熟悉的、称职的供应商打交道,要更容易一些,认知成本更低一些,取得预期收益的成本也要更低一些。所以,专业的服务供应商如果采取合适的策略,是能将顾客的这种无所谓态度转化成顾客忠诚的。  相似文献   

近十几年来,传统的“忠诚方案”(loyalty schemes)在欧洲油品零售业中得到了广泛推行但随着市场环境及顾客需求的变化、顾客对传统“忠诚方案”的忠诚度在日益下降。新型“忠诚方案”奉行“以稳定顾客为基础、以获得更大回报为目标,以提高供给和服务品质为途径”的三大原则,根据电子数据库信息对顾客进行分类,并把工作的重点放在潜在的、能增加销售量的“有价值”的顾客上,通过分析顾客消费模式,改变顾客消费行为、来改善加油站与顾客之间的关系。具体而言,增加顾客对加油站的平均贡献价值、增加顾客光顾加油站的频率、提高顾客对加油站非油商品的购买是新型“忠诚方案”所采用的三种主要方式“俱乐部卡”等的推出也成为对新型顾客“忠诚方案”的一种尝试。  相似文献   

介绍了顾客满意研究的基本内容,分析了顾客满意与顾客心理、顾客满意与顾客忠诚以及顾客忠诚与企业利润之间的关系,特别强调,企业在实施顾客满意管理时应综合考虑顾客心理、忠诚度、利润、经营策略等因素才能实现企业的战略目标。  相似文献   

在探讨如何增强顾客信心之前,首先要了解顾客信心的重要性,因为它决定着顾客是否选择某家商店、是否选择某件衣服及是否愿意成为忠诚客户。如果顾客无足够的信心进店选购,就无法接触到商品,即便营业员有高超的服务技巧也无法促成交易;如果顾客对自己的  相似文献   

通过总结价值共创理论研究方面的成果,构建基于顾客体验的价值共创前因要素、过程及结果之间的影响机理模型,并提出了路径的因果关系假设。在此基础上,以医疗服务行业为例,通过问卷调查的方式收集数据,运用结构方程模型进行实证分析。研究结果表明,顾客组织社会化、感知公平和感知风险与顾客参与价值共创行为存在正向相关关系,顾客通过参与价值共创可以提升体验价值,并对企业获取顾客忠诚有积极的促进作用。最后讨论了该研究的管理启示与局限。  相似文献   

Identifying attitudinal differences between stayers and defectors is important in establishing a deeper understanding of customer satisfaction and loyalty research. Both managers and academics often use global customer attitudes, such as customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions, as determinants of customer loyalty. The implicit assumption is that customer satisfaction and/or behavioral intentions are valid, and accurate, predictors of actual loyalty behaviors. This study compares customer attitudes of stayers and defectors in B2B services using respondents (primary decision makers) from a Fortune 100 company. The results show that the commonly used customer metrics of service quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions have some differences between stayers and defectors. However, these metrics are shown to be relatively weak differentiators of actual customer defection. The stayers and defectors are much more similar, than different, on most metrics. The most notable difference is price perceptions, where defectors appear to be more price sensitive than stayers. These findings have significant implications for the design and use of customer-focused research by managers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative influence of two key antecedents of brand loyalty—satisfaction and involvement and the moderating role of experience, using a sample of business buyers. The central argument of this paper is that the strength of the effect of these variables on attitudinal brand loyalty will vary with the level of customer experience with purchasing the service. Building on previous research which examined low-risk, customer product settings [Kim, J., Lim, J.S., & Bhargava, M. (1998). The role of affect in attitude formation: A classical conditioning approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 26 (2): pp. 143-152; Shiv, B., & Fedorikhin, A. (1999). Heart and mind in conflict: The interplay of affect and cognition in consumer decision-making. Journal of Consumer Research 26: 278], this study shows that for a high-risk setting, involvement with the service category will be more dominant in its influence on brand loyalty than satisfaction with the preferred brand. Furthermore, it was found that experience moderated the influence of involvement and satisfaction on attitudinal brand loyalty for a high-risk business-to-business service. This study provides new insights into the theory and practice of buyer behavior and business-to-business brands.  相似文献   

The article examines how product and relationship quality influence customer commitment along with their combined effect on customer loyalty. The results show that product quality influences positive and negative calculative commitment. With regard to relationship quality, its “social” dimensions such as cooperation and trust have a much greater influence on commitment than its “technical” dimensions such as knowledge transfers and adaptation. On the “social” side, cooperation and trust positively influence affective and normative commitment, with trust also positively affecting positive calculative commitment, while on the “technical” side the only significant link is between adaptation and normative commitment. As for the consequences of commitment, affective commitment positively influences attitudinal and behavioral loyalty, while negative calculative commitment positively influences behavioral loyalty. In addition to indirect effects, product quality also directly positively influences attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. The results imply that customer loyalty depends more on “emotional” (affective commitment) than on “rational” (negative calculative commitment and product quality) motivation to continue the relationship.  相似文献   

The emergence of smart grids changes the customer-utility relationship. To facilitate the transition towards a sustainable, reliable and economically viable energy system, utilities need to develop smart grid products and services that have strong customer acceptance and enable different customer segments to engage in energy efficiency. Thus, integrating customer feedback on innovative smart grid services early in the innovation process is of crucial importance. Further, energy providers need to increase customer loyalty and invest in relationship marketing in order to survive and be successful in a competitive market environment.This article presents the findings of a five-month field experiment that investigated the effectiveness of different reward programs in increasing customer loyalty and customer feedback provision in the energy sector. The results demonstrate that reward programs have a positive effect on behavioral (customer feedback provision) and attitudinal (e.?g. satisfaction with the energy provider) aspects of customer loyalty. The reward type matters, however. While monetary reward programs are effective in increasing customer feedback provision, only social reward programs can improve attitudinal aspects of customer loyalty. Energy providers should therefore consider tailoring the reward type to meet their program objectives when employing reward programs.  相似文献   

品牌忠诚驱动因素的区域差异分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文实证研究中国不同区域间消费者品牌忠诚驱动因素的差异。先根据社会经济发展水平将中国市场分为时尚之都、相对成熟区、新兴区和老少边穷区四个细分市场.然后研究不同区域间消费者品牌忠诚驱动因素的差异。研究结果显示,在现代性水平较高的区域.象征性和体验性价值对促成品牌忠诚起主要作用;而在现代性水平较低区域.功能性价值成为品牌忠诚的主要驱动因素。这一研究结论有助于深入理解中国这个新兴大市场的多样化消费行为.对企业制定差异化品牌策略具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of research investigating the determinants of the propensity to switch wireless service providers. A model generated from the data rather than from a priori theory is presented, and it is found to uphold the strong relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty exhibited in prior studies. In sharp contrast to the prevailing industry practice of ‘locking in’ customers by means of restrictive contracts, this research suggests that wireless service providers are better off improving customer satisfaction in order to minimize customer defection. This would imply shifting scarce resources to customer retention through improved service, saving costs of expensive customer acquisition campaigns. The paper also proposes two methodological innovations. First, the research employs the ‘Tetrad methodology’ as an exploratory technique prior to building a Structural Equation Model (SEM) making it possible to identify drivers of loyalty—direct or indirect—when it might not be known a priori what these drivers might be. Secondly, the paper proposes an approach to estimating moderator effects on the relationship between satisfaction and customer loyalty.  相似文献   

Through cooperation, firms can work together to collectively enhance their performance by sharing resources so as to achieve complementary synergism; while assuring their own self interests by adapting some opportunistic tasks simultaneously to gain benefits. There are few studies on the key but hidden reality of relationship vulnerability — i.e., the dynamic process of both creating relationship value and making sacrifices. We aim to empirically investigate the dimensions of a vulnerability-based relationship (complementary synergism and opportunism) and its link with customer loyalty. A framework is proposed in order to give a new dynamic tool in understanding and implementing effective customer loyalty strategies. Our findings revealed that the level of a vulnerability-based relationship is reflected by the high levels of flexible customization, relationship-specific bonding, coercive integration, buyer idiosyncratic investment and a low level of self-interest seeking. A vulnerability-based relationship also has a positive impact on loyalty. Managerial implications of our study are described.  相似文献   

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