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商品包装与建筑外观设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对商品包装的保护性与建筑装修的作用、商品包装的任务与建筑形象的体现手法、致力于环保的商品包装发展与可持续发展的建筑几方面的比较,揭示了商品包装与建筑外观设计之间的相互关系,为商品包装设计、建筑外观设计的相互借鉴提供了依据。  相似文献   

品牌不仅是企业及其产品的标识,而且它还具有促使消费者认同产品,增强企业与消费者联系,为企业带来资产收益的作用。因此品牌打造在企业发展的过程中具有重要的作用。企业要想提高产品的市场占有率,扩大市场,提高收益,就必须进行品牌的打造。然而在品牌打造的过程中,人们往往重视产品质量、媒体广告等方面的因素,而忽视包装设计对品牌打造的作用。实际上包装设计在品牌打造的过程中所起的作用是十分重要的,其应成为企业,特别是中小企业打造品牌的主要工具之一。  相似文献   

Technology education has long struggled to establish itself as an equal partner in general education and often struggled to gain recognition for the value of its instruction. Frequently technology educators tout the effectiveness of their programs based on anecdotal evidence gathered from their classroom experiences on how their instructional methods empower students to learn. Although technology education originated without any meaningful input from cognitive science research, it appears that technology education instruction methods are remarkably consonant with findings from cognitive science that define good instruction. Specifically, there is considerable accord between how instruction in technology education and cognitively based instructional models such as collaborative learning, socially distributed expertise, design/engineering, and project-based instruction can be connected. The role of the cognitive research findings on instruction could inform a long over-due theoretical grounding of instruction in technology education. The absence of research on learning and instruction in technology education could be attributed to a lack of theoretical grounding in this relatively new field. This paper examines four cognitively based models of instruction and reviews the relationships between research in the cognitive sciences on learning and instruction in technology education. The consonance between the research recommendations from the cognitive sciences and practice in technology education instruction could serve to stimulate debate on the theoretical grounding of an emerging field of study.  相似文献   

以某房地产公司需求为背景,采用Visual Basic开发工具,以Access数据库技术为核心,开发了一个实用、信息全、分层次信息操作的小区物业管理系统,该系统实现了对住户水/电/气费、车位等信息的有效管理,可为小区住户和管理者提供不同层次的信息服务。  相似文献   

公益性公共建筑节能一般由政府和建筑业主共同出资,而业主在节能过程中存在着特殊的行为特征,尤其是因隐藏信息和隐藏行为而导致的逆向选择和道德风险行为。在深入分析公益性公共建筑节能激励机理基础上,运用激励理论,建立了政府和公益性公共建筑业主之间的委托—代理模型,并分别在完全信息和不对称信息下求解了相应的激励契约。研究得出了两种情况下激励契约的一些特征,同时,也为政府建议了一些可能的措施和机制,以达到激励公益性公共建筑节能的目的。  相似文献   

This article explains how embodied cognition and perceptual symbol systems enable product designers to influence consumers by communicating key perceptual features through subtle changes in product design elements. In this way, managers can change perceptual design elements to support line extension strategies. More specifically, design changes can be used as a tool to help evolve consumer perceptions of a product's uses and brand category membership. The role of perceptual symbols in product design is illustrated by a well‐known off‐road motorbike brand that planned to extend into the street motorbike segment. In order to facilitate consumer acceptance of a street motorbike from this off‐road brand, the firm gradually introduced models containing an increasing number of elements of street motorbikes over a period of several years. The authors use this example to show how typical design elements of the target product category can be effectively integrated with design elements of the current product category by simply modifying key characteristics of product‐shape attributes. This process is further tested in an experiment, where motorbike models differing slightly in key product features (e.g., product shape) were rated on their resemblance to street or off‐road motorbikes. The results show a strong effect of these design changes on brand‐category membership. Managerial implications of this approach and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

今年1月,一年一度的世界零售商大会(NRF)在纽约曼哈顿贾维茨(JAVITS)国际展览中心隆重举行.大会期间还同时举办世界零售业展览会,汇聚了世界上千家百货公司和各类零售企业.中国纺织协会代表团先期去往加拿大与那里的零售商进行接触,然后由多伦多飞往美国纽约参加此次大会,并与世界零售商进行了接触.中国纺织工业协会杜钰洲会长于当地时间2005年1月17日下午在美国纽约世界零售商大会上发表了题为"共建新时代纺织服装跨国供应链"的讲话,受到美国及世界零售商代表的广泛关注.杜会长的讲演使世界采购商了解了中国纺织工业发展状况和产业政策,消除了误解,为中国纺织工业与世界零售商的进一步合作产生积极影响.在讲坛下,杜钰洲会长也与世界零售业群雄展开了充分的对话.  相似文献   

从“电子商务”到“智慧地球”,理念的背后是IBM不断向高利润领域转型的轨迹。  相似文献   

李海燕 《国际石油经济》2012,20(5):87-91,112
自重组整合以来,大庆油田公司在规章制度体系建设方面进行了积极的探索.为适应经营形势变化及满足一体化管理的要求,针对存在的主要问题,大庆油田以战略为统领,坚持顶层设计,强化统一管理,通过构建体系框架,搭建制度管理平台,借助信息化手段,开始分阶段建立规章制度体系:制订《规章制度管理办法》,实现归口管理;开展规章制度调研,摸清制度管理现状;颁布《规章制度手册编撰大纲》,构建科学化、规范化的制度体系框架;推进制度计划管理,确保清理整合工作稳步进行;明确制度审查标准,严格履行审核程序;构建规章制度管理平台,借助信息化手段提升管理效率.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the difficulties encountered by manufacturers in using manufacturers' reps. A variety of specific recommendations and suggestions are discussed concerning recruiting, selection, and using manufacturers' reps more effectively.  相似文献   

In the United States cognitive research about technology education for the general educational purpose of technological literacy has suffered from a lack of a coherent focus. Certainly, there are studies that have addressed cognition, yet analysts of technology education research have been unable to coordinate their findings in any meaningful way (Streichler 1966; Dyrenfurth & Householder 1979; McCrory 1987; Zuga 1994). There are several persistent problems facing technology educators that contribute to the inability to develop clear interpretations or generalizations of the relationship of cognition and technology education. If some of those problems are identified, then, perhaps, we can address them in order to devise directions and strategies for studying cognition in technology education.  相似文献   

一、过分依赖国家宏观调控政策一些煤炭企业经营者和营销人员认为:目前我国煤炭市场疲软的主要原因是供大于求,煤炭营销面临的困难是暂时的,国务院已制定了关井压产和使国有大中型企业摆脱困境的措施,只要等到这些措施落实,就能扭转供大于求的局面,煤炭不愁销售不出...  相似文献   

当代的市场经济要求企业同时履行经济效益、社会、环境保护三大责任,与利益相关者和谐共融、合作共赢,推进社会进步发展.企业能否持续生存与发展,决定因素在于能否建立有凝聚力的和谐、共进、融洽的内部关系,建立能够不断自我完善、适应生存环境变化、易于与环境相融合、有很强持续发展能力的企业内部体系.构建和谐企业是企业基本形态、功能定位、管理方式、基础建设、企业文化、整体素质的全面升华与本质性变革.构建和谐企业是以培育了大庆精神的中国石油为代表的当代国有大型企业的历史责任,也是全面提升企业素质、寻求企业自身持续发展的历史机遇.  相似文献   

Jack Smith 《R&D Management》2003,33(2):231-237
The paper examines some recent trends in the strategic evolution of the corporate performance and culture within the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), where a substantive shift in context and strategic management over the past decade has enabled the NRC to move from being a largely internally driven R&D culture toward a more entrepreneurial and externally guided knowledge management culture.  相似文献   

设备技术鉴定工作是设备技术管理的一项重要内容。章从设备技术鉴定的含义、作用和实际运作进行了较为详细的分析,并指出它的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于科学发展观对工程质量的概念进行了理论创新。分析了工程质量对于建筑业乃至国家经济发展的重要意义,指出工程质量是工程管理的核心工作。基于科学发展观扩展了传统的工程质量概念,使它更具时代性并构成完整的体系,建立了工程质量概念体系,提出结构质量、功能质量、魅力质量和可持续发展质量相结合的工程质量管理新概念。分析了工程质量概念的不同属性,对于建立工程质量管理的基本理论体系,指导管理实践具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Toward a Model of the Office Building Sector   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High rise office buildings represent large capital outlays in very competitive markets. Investment and development decisions require careful market analysis to assure sufficient demand to lease the office space at rental rates which will make the venture financially attractive. Present methodology for analyzing future commercial real estate market conditions can at best be said to be inadequate. This methodology relies on concepts such as "market absorption" rates and "normal" vacancy rates. These concepts usually rely on accounting type and trend line techniques to provide forecasts of space demand. In this paper we provide an alternative methodology for forecasting the key variables in the office space market by developing a statistical model of supply and demand. The key variables that need to be forecasted are the stock of office space (in square feet), the flow of new office construction (in square feet), the vacancy rate (in percent), and the rent for office space (net rent per square foot).  相似文献   

世界主要工业发达国家以及亚洲“四小龙”在工业化过程中,尤其是在工业化初期和中期,作为劳动密集型的纺织工业具有重要的推动和关联作用。从目前和今后一段时期我国经济发展和工业化趋势来看,纺织工业在21世纪前50年间,在出口创汇、增加就业、扩大消费等方面仍将为我国国民经济发展起到重要的支撑作用,这种作用是其他产业一时难以取代的。这与中国纺织工业在原料供给、加工能力、产业体系、劳动力成本及素质等方面仍然具有明显的比较优势,以及占有世界市场最多的份额作为竞争的基础有着直接关系。由此,依靠科技、深化改革把我们的纺织大国建成纺织强国越来越具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

辽河油田位于辽河下游,渤海湾畔,总部座落在盘锦区,人称鹤乡,蟹乡和鱼米之乡。这是一座油田、稻田、苇田与现代化城市建筑交相辉映的石油城。辽河油田近几年的快速发展。让世人刮目相看——  相似文献   

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