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也谈劳动力市场与按劳分配关系的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

成人教育要为劳动力市场服务,根据市场需求有计划的确定人才供给和人才培训,离开了劳动力市场,成人教育就成了无源之水,无土之木,闭门造车,必然会走向失败.劳动力市场的分割对成人教育的发展也产生着巨大的影响.  相似文献   

陈海伟  王学杰 《中国外资》2010,(22):306-306
成人教育要为劳动力市场服务,根据市场需求有计划的确定人才供给和人才培训,离开了劳动力市场,成人教育就成了无源之水,无土之木,闭门造车,必然会走向失败。劳动力市场的分割对成人教育的发展也产生着巨大的影响。  相似文献   

计划经济向市场经济的转型,是上世纪后期全球最令人瞩目的大事,其中社会经济关系中最基础最敏感的一个因素就是劳动关系,它不仅对一个国家的经济成长和发展有重要影响,而且对于一个国家的政治格局和社会的稳定性都有着重要的作用。劳动关系从二十世纪九十年代中期开始步人中国市场化轨道,其进程也逐渐加快,至此,劳动关系成为国内研究的热点。本文结合了我国进入转轨时期后社会劳动关系所呈现出的特点和状况,提出运用内部劳动力市场理论,对我国企业劳动关系的重塑进行了较为深入的研究,为构建和谐的劳动关系奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

柯布-道格拉斯生产函数用于反映经济领域中产出和各个要素投入之间的关系.本文在1978-2008年我国劳动力、资本存量和经济总产出的数据基础上,运用时间序列ARMA和回归相结合的计量模型,分析测量了柯布-道格拉斯生产函数中各个参数的数值,并对模型的拟合优良程度和其参数的数理意义进行了相关的统计检验.最后根据计量分析和经济意义分析所得出的结论为,劳动力的投入在我国的经济增长过程中起着主要的作用,当期劳动力增加1%,平均来说经济增长为0.47%.  相似文献   

劳动力需求关系到社会的充分就业,是经济发展中的一个重要议题,本文从企业的微观层面对这一宏观问题进行了考察。首先,我们在企业面临公司税和破产成本的前提下,分析了企业资本结构对劳动力需求的影响,以作为实证检验的理论支撑;其次,以2007—2011年上证A股740家上市公司为研究对象,使用SYSGMM的分析方法,对理论假说进行了检验。研究发现:企业劳动力需求与企业负债率呈现倒"U"型相关关系;产权性质影响了资本结构和劳动力需求的关系,即非国有企业负债对劳动力需求影响显著,而国有企业不显著。本文的结论丰富了劳动力需求研究的相关文献,也为政府制定金融、就业政策以及国企改制提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

储蓄向投资转化是金融体系最基本的功能。本文首先从理论上论证信贷市场、资本市场在储蓄投资转化过程中是竞争又合作的动态互补关系,接着以灰色关联度的数量方法论证我国目前正处于金融体系历史演变阶段中的弱市场导向阶段,信贷市场仍然在储蓄向投资转化的过程中占主体地位,以股市为代表的资本市场对储蓄投资转化率的影响较小,但已呈现出向上发展的态势。我国应在加大银行部门发展的基础上大力发展资本市场,并从法律政策、政府监管等方面进行完善,充分发挥资本市场的作用,建立适合中国自身特点的金融结构。  相似文献   

昌硕 《财政科学》2021,66(6):149-158,160
长期以来,英国与欧盟在劳动力市场政策合法性认同、内部劳动力流动与政策适用性方面存在明显分歧.脱欧公投之后,英国以限制欧盟劳动力自由流动与保护境内市场为目标,着手削减积极劳动力市场政策财政投入、调整劳动力市场法律框架与责任主体、加高移民壁垒并构筑严格的市场执行体系.但在新冠疫情等多方因素的冲击下,以上各类市场限制措施正在推动劳动力外流与产业链迁移.短期来看,英国境内普通劳动者将承担较高的转换成本;从长期视角看,英国劳动力市场灵活性与安全性的再平衡面临严峻挑战.对于中国而言,应在思考其经验教训的基础上平衡积极与消极就业政策,完善劳动力市场法律体系,为从业者岗位稳定与就业质量提升提供保障.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来,随着教育与劳动力市场的交互关系变得日益复杂,极大地激发了各国学者对教育的生产功能与信息功能的研究兴趣.研究表明,教育与劳动力市场的交互作用所显露出来的不平衡和失调,短期内难以通过提高经济增长速度来消除.教育是作为一种必须顺应增长过程的框架,而不是作为一种对于经济过程不可缺少的投入来促进经济增长的.因此,政府在制定教育与经济的发展规划时,应使高等教育规模与经济增长速度相协调,使高等教育毛入学率与人均国内生产总值相协调,以促进教育与经济的均衡、协调、可持续发展.  相似文献   

储蓄向投资转化是金融体系最基本的功能.本文首先从理论上论证信贷市场、资本市场在储蓄投资转化过程中是竞争又合作的动态互补关系,接着以灰色关联度的数量方法论证我国目前正处于金融体系历史演变阶段中的弱市场导向阶段,信贷市场仍然在储蓄向投资转化的过程中占主体地位,以股市为代表的资本市场对储蓄投资转化率的影响较小,但已呈现出向上发展的态势.我国应在加大银行部门发展的基础上大力发展资本市场,并从法律政策、政府监管等方面进行完善,充分发挥资本市场的作用,建立适合中国自身特点的金融结构.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the presence of an empirically plausible labor adjustment decision at the firm level rationalizes strategic complementarities in price-setting which help explain inflation dynamics. Those strategic complementarities are typically assumed away in the related existing literature. This motivates our revisiting of inflation and labor market dynamics.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between high-speed rail (HSR) construction and labor investment efficiency. Using unique hand-collected data on HSR construction over the period 2008–2019, we find that HSR construction can significantly decrease inefficient labor investment in China. In addition, we find that this negative relationship is (a) strong in state-owned companies and in firms located in big cities and (b) weak in financially constrained firms and in firms located in areas with a strong religious atmosphere. Consistent with the theoretical prediction, we find that the HSR construction mitigates inefficient labor investment by reducing information asymmetry between managers and investors and enhancing labor mobility. Overall, our findings are robust to alternative measurements, additional controls, fixed effects, and endogeneity concerns. Our findings have implications for firms’ top management to make strategic decisions and for government’s bodies/policymakers in relevance to HSR investment decisions.  相似文献   

Prior literature documents that asymmetric timely recognition of losses versus gains (also known as conditional conservatism) can induce management to make more efficient investment decisions by mitigating information asymmetry between management and investors and providing early signals about the profitability of projects that are undertaken. In this paper, we investigate the impact of conservatism on an important investment decision that has been overlooked, namely, investment in labor. We find that conservatism is negatively associated with labor investment inefficiency; more specifically, conservatism reduces inefficient investment practices on the labor market, including over-hiring, under-firing, under-hiring, and over-firing. Our results hold after controlling for managerial ability, corporate governance, and other investments.  相似文献   

We study the impact of tax and transfer programs on steady-state allocations in a model with search frictions, an operative labor supply margin, and incomplete markets. In a benchmark model that has indivisible labor and incomplete markets but no trading frictions we show that the aggregate effects of taxes are identical to those in the economy with employment lotteries, though individual employment and asset dynamics can be different. The effect of frictions on the response of aggregate hours to a permanent tax change is highly nonlinear. There is considerable scope for substitution between “voluntary” and “frictional” nonemployment in some situations.  相似文献   

Goods market frictions drastically change the dynamics of the labor market, both in terms of persistence and volatility. In a model with three imperfect markets – goods, labor, and credit – we find that credit and goods market imperfections are substitutable in raising volatility. Goods market frictions are unique in generating persistence. Two key mechanisms in the goods market generate large hump-shaped responses to productivity shocks: countercyclical goods market tightness and prices alter future profit flows and raise persistence; procyclical search effort of consumers and firms raises amplification. Goods market frictions are thus key in understanding labor market dynamics.  相似文献   

A standard life cycle model with home production implies a tight relationship between key preference parameters and the changes in time allocated to home production and leisure at retirement. We derive this relationship and use data from the ATUS to explore its quantitative implications. The key finding is that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution for leisure and the elasticity of substitution between time and goods in home production are approximately equal, in contrast to what is commonly assumed.  相似文献   

钟凡 《保险研究》2009,(8):33-38
中国寿险业的垄断型市场结构并没有造成垄断企业控制市场以获得超额利润的情况。本文选取中国人寿、泰康人寿、新华人寿三家企业1998年~2007年间的面板数据作为样本数据,分析了我国寿险公司绩效的影响因素,认为在中国寿险业日益激烈的市场竞争下,寿险企业的利润主要来自投资收益,经营效率高的企业虽然不能因为技术效率和规模效率而获得高利润,但是可以在竞争中占有更多的市场份额。  相似文献   

Since the so-called Hartz IV reforms around 2005 and during the global crisis of 2008/2009, the German labor market featured mainly declining unemployment rates. We develop a search and matching model with heterogeneous skills to explore the role of structural and cyclical policies for this performance. Calibrating unemployment benefits to approximate legislation before and after the reforms, we find a large reduction in unemployment and its duration, with the transition concluding after about three years. During the crisis, the extended use of short-time labor subsidies that prevent jobs from being destroyed is likely to have prevented strong increases in unemployment.  相似文献   

周高宾 《海南金融》2011,(7):4-7,12
本文以托达罗模型为框架,在“双二元”假设下,构造了劳动力转移的数理模型,分析中国城市化进程与城市劳动力市场的关系.结果显示,城乡收入差距是影响城市化进程的主要因素.随着城乡收入差距的扩大,城市化以单纯的人口迁移和农民工进城的方式展开,表现为粗放式的城市化.只有提高现代工业部门生产效率,同时引导金融资源进入农村,加快产业...  相似文献   

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