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瑞银发布的全球经济研究报告对2012年-2013年的全球经济增长进行了展望,报告评估了世界经济形势,分析了在预测期内全球增长可能的变化路径。瑞银预测:2012年全球经济将增长3.1%,2013年增长3.4%;欧元区将陷入衰退,但不至于扰乱美国经济的复苏;中国经济将实现软着陆。  相似文献   

联合国2012年12月18日发布的《2013年世界经济形势与展望》报告说,世界经济增长在2013年很可能会继续保持低迷,预计2013年全球经济将增长2.4%,且在未来两年面临再度衰退的风险。  相似文献   

机构预测全球经济2013年增长3.2%美国银行美林证券发布2013年全球金融市场展望报告预计,主要受美国和中国经济带动,2013年全球经济将增长3.2%,高于2012年的3.1%。报告预计,美国2013全年经济增速将为1.5%,低于2012年的2.1%,中国经济将增长8.1%,高于2012年的7.7%。备受市场关注的欧元区经济则将萎缩0.4%,与2012年相同,2014年有望增长0.8%。  相似文献   

目前世界经济形势依然错综复杂,国际市场需求增长乏力,我国企业面临的竞争压力有增无减,2013年出口形势存在较大不确定性,预计将基本保持与上年相近的增长水平。首先,从外部条件来看,全球经济复苏仍然存在很多不确定性,国际市场需求增长难以出现较大幅度回升。一是美欧日等发达经济体尚未摆脱经济低迷态势。2012年四季度,欧元区和日本的经济衰退还在持续,美国经  相似文献   

萧洵 《云南金融》2011,(3):40-40
联合同贸易和发展会议于2011年1月发表题为《2011年世界经济形势和前景》的报告,报告认为,世界经济复苏继续失去动力,这将导致较弱的全球经济复苏。其中,失业率居高不下是全球经济面临的主要问题。报告预计,2011和2012年全球经济将温和增长,增长率3%~3.5%,如此慢的增长速度难以使在经济危机中失去工作的人们重新找到工作。  相似文献   

2012年,全球经济形势更趋复杂。国际上,美国高失业率、欧洲主权债务危机和新兴经济体增长趋缓仍在延续;  相似文献   

[编者按]2012年全球经济继续笼罩在经济危机的阴霾下,各国的宏观调控不力,效果匮乏。在2012年,全球实体经济的自由落体超出预期,而在2008~2011年间独立增长的新兴经济体也发生了根本性逆转,成为经济下滑的重灾区。而中国也深受影响,在国际政治、经济环境恶化的影响下,我国的出口严重受阻,经济增长失去了重要的动力,2012年的GDP增长目标也不得不进行下调。2012年开年之际,第四次全国金融工作会议的召开,重点分析了国内外的经济形势,总结了国际经济危机  相似文献   

2008年以来,全球经济增长放缓,发达经济体形势尤为严峻,新兴经济体出现高物价与高增长并存格局,此间唯有中国取得了经济增长率年均9.6%、消费物价上涨率年均不到4%的骄人成绩。步入2012年,全球经济疲弱格局未变,我国经济增长面临的负面因素增多,因此,稳增长成为当前宏观经济政策总体目标。稳增长具有双重含义:一是要保持经济平稳较快增  相似文献   

随着2012年全球经济的不断发展,全球外汇市场的内在因素与外在因素也在不断的发生变化。过去的2011年中,全球市场经历了一次从高到低的小规模过山车。然而,2012年全球经济仍然稳步复苏。各个经济组织对2012年的总体经济预期持有乐观态度,普遍认为2012年经济将保持增长并超过2011年增速。随着欧元区财政联合协定的达成,欧盟内部对未来擅自采取激进财政政策国家的处罚逐步达成共识。欧债危机也将逐渐淡出市场焦点。  相似文献   

<正>2012年,全球经济复苏之路充满挑战与不确定性,但不乏亮点,欧美经济可能没有想象中的那么糟糕,而新兴经济体或将继续充当全球经济增长的引擎。在刚刚结束的2011年,欧美经济体主权债务危机引发金融市场动荡,全球经济复苏艰难。在各大权威机构的2012  相似文献   

2011年,受欧洲主权债务危机不断蔓延的影响,发达国家经济复苏缓慢并呈现逐步分化趋势,新兴市场国家作为全球经济复苏主引擎的作用仍然突出,但也面临着经济增长趋缓的困扰。2012年,由于欧债危机隐患未除、全球金融系统依然脆弱以及发达国家自身结构性问题远未解决,全球经济方向将面临较大不确定性。未来新兴市场经济体有望继续充当全球经济复苏的主要动力,但增速将趋于放缓。发达经济体将维持宽松的货币政策,并将迫于财政赤字压力采取财政紧缩措施,而新兴经济体预计将实施相对稳健的货币政策与较为宽松的财政政策,以应对通货膨胀和经济增速趋缓的双重压力。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情在全球快速蔓延后,美国等国家金融市场出现大幅度震荡,历史罕见。金融市场震荡是疫情影响投资者信心,金融市场本身的风险需要释放,以及经济基本面悲观预期等因素共同作用的结果。目前来看,疫情对实体经济造成冲击,疫情应对情况也在很大程度上决定了金融市场震荡是否演化为全球金融危机,国外金融市场震荡对国内金融市场的传导需要审慎理性处理。  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化程度日益加深,国际财务报告准则在全球范围的应用越来越广泛。尤其是在2008年国际金融危机爆发后,为制定一套全球高质量的会计准则,提高会计信息透明度,稳定全球金融体系和资本市场,全球会计准则趋同步伐进一步加快,各国或地区采取的会计准则国际趋同策略倍受国际社会广泛关注。在当前国际金融监管框架正在重新构建,国际会计格局正在发生重大调整,国际会计准则制定机构正在积极推动治理结构改革的新形势下,我国需要审时度势,顺势而为,选择适应国情需要的会计准则国际趋同策略。  相似文献   

当前的全球经济失衡起源于货币虚拟化而引起的国际货币与非国际货币的区分。这为国际货币发行国大行国际货币发行的权利、而很少承担其应有的责任提供了条件,是造成全球经济失衡的重要原因之一,其实质是虚拟经济与实体经济的失衡。长时间的失衡将加剧国际货币体系的动荡和全球金融市场的动荡,严重威胁着世界经济的稳定和发展。因此,必须从国际货币体系本身,以及虚拟经济与实体经济关系的角度加以纠正。  相似文献   

Financial Development and Intersectoral Allocation: A New Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses a new methodology based on industry comovement to examine the role of financial market development in intersectoral allocation. Based on the assumption that there exist common global shocks to growth opportunities, we hypothesize that country pairs should have correlated patterns of sectoral growth if they are able to respond to these shocks. Consistent with financial markets promoting responsiveness to shocks, countries have more highly correlated growth rates across sectors when both countries have well‐developed financial markets. This effect is stronger between country pairs at similar levels of economic development, which are more likely to experience similar growth shocks.  相似文献   

On January 1, 1995, representatives from 76 countries signed the World Trade Organization charter, which for years had been part of a temporary trade agreement. The WTO's emergence as a fully empowered supranational body seemed to reflect the triumph of what the first President Bush had described as the "new world order." That order was based on two assumptions: that a healthy economy and a sound financial system make for political stability, and that countries in business together do not fight each other. The number one priority of U.S. foreign policy was thus to encourage the former Communist countries of Europe and the developing nations in Latin America, Asia, and Africa to adopt business-friendly policies. Private capital would flow from the developed world into these countries, creating economic growth. It sounded too good to be true, and so it proved. The new world order of Bush père and his successor, Bill Clinton, has been replaced by the new world disorder of Bush fils. Under the second Bush's administration, the economic and political rationale-behind the Washington consensus of the 1990s has unraveled, forcing a radical change in our perceptions of which countries are safe for business. Negotiating this new environment will require companies to more rigorously evaluate political events and more carefully assess the links between political, economic, and financial risk factors. They'll need to be more selective about which markets to enter, and they'll need to think differently about how to position themselves in those markets. The geopolitical events of the past year, the Bush administration's global war on terror, as well as ongoing convulsions in traditional political and economic relationships must be understood and managed by corporate leaders worldwide. With careful analysis, business leaders can increase their companies' visibility and better respond to the uncertainties of the new world disorder.  相似文献   

The paper provides evidence on the extent and channels of transmission of international shocks on the economic growth of emerging markets. Using a block dynamic factor model, the shocks are decomposed into four components; a general global component, an activity based component, a financial component and a commodity price component. Using a sample of 75 emerging markets over the period 1992–2009, the paper finds that the average effect of international shocks on emerging markets' growth over the entire sample period is negligible, which supports the classic view of isolated, de-coupled emerging markets. However, there is considerable variation both over time, over cross-section and across factors. When we split our sample by time period, we find greater effect of the international factors on the emerging markets' growth during 2002–2009 period. There is evidence which suggests that sensitivity to international shocks has increased over time and at the country level these sensitivities are more pronounced. Although the drivers of integration vary as does the sensitivity to alternative sources of shocks, we find that certain emerging markets have become considerably more integrated with the global economy than others. Overall, there is evidence of a significant impact on the economic growth of some emerging markets of the international shock caused by the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

This paper discusses major initiatives from regulation in global financial markets in response to the current crisis. From the perspective of emerging markets a few issues of significance may include: whether shortcomings in innovations in structured financial market products will limit the scope of their development in the emerging markets, and restrict the scope of financial growth? Could more flows be expected to emerging markets from Western banking centres looking for productive opportunities? Are there opportunities for emerging markets finance to invest in good companies with strong balance sheets that are available at relatively cheap valuations. Will the Middle East emerge as a power centre in global finance?  相似文献   

2011年12月,国际清算银行(BIS)发布季度报告,指出欧债危机已成为影响全球金融市场的主要因素。文章结合这一报告从全球增长预期与货币政策应对、欧债主权债融资形势、欧洲银行融资及清偿力状况、全球溢出效应等多个视角系统而具体地回顾了2011年四季度以来欧债危机形势的演变及影响,以期为投资者分析与展望2012年全球金融市场前景提供参考。  相似文献   

受本轮全球经济金融危机影响,"十二五"时期世界经济金融发展格局将发生重大变革,全球银行业也将发生结构调整。本文分析了"十二五"时期中国银行业面临的经济金融环境,并对这一时期中国银行业改革发展的基本定位及具体路径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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