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2008年国际金融危机前期的监管多集中于微观视角,关注单个金融机构的监管标准和风险防范,危机中多家大型金融机构倒闭引发监管部门对规模较大、跨区域经营、关联度较高的金融机构的关注。随着金融自由化加深和金融创新推进,为更好地应对潜在金融风险,亟需完善系统重要性金融机构监管框架,特别是逐步搭建系统重要性非银行金融机构的监管标准。文章分析和评估了美国和欧盟系统重要性非银行金融机构的评估方法和监管框架,并结合中国系统重要性机构监管沿革,提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

在这次国际金融危机中,一些陷入危机的大型金融机构给整个金融体系带来的系统性风险问题进一步显现。通过对危机进行反思,国际货币基金组织、巴塞尔银行监管委员会和金融稳定理事会等国际金融监管组织提出了"系统重要性金融机构"的概念。本文介绍了系统重要性金融机构的评估标准,对系统重要性金融机构带来的主要风险进行了分析,对有关系统重要性金融机构监管的改革建议进行了评述,并对加强我国系统重要性金融机构监管提出了初步建议。  相似文献   

加强对系统重要性金融机构的监管是2008年国际金融危机后国际社会达成的共识。在当前我国宏观经济下行压力下,金融风险隐患逐渐积累,因此,加强对我国系统重要性金融机构的监管,对于防范与化解我国系统性金融风险,促进我国金融监管改革及经济转型均具有重要现实意义。本文梳理危机后国际金融组织监管体制变革,总结危机后在监管协调、监管政策与措施上的国际经验,并从监管资源、法律法规、体系构建等方面对我国系统重要性金融机构的监管提出建议。  相似文献   

系统重要性金融机构监管:目标和政策框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年以来爆发的国际金融危机引起了国际社会对系统重要性金融机构(systemically important financial institutions,SIFIs)监管的广泛关注。系统重要性金融机构大而不倒(too-big-to-fail)的问题,其巨大的负外部性以及普遍存在的道德风险成为国际组织和主要国家监管当局研究的重点问题,并成为国际监管改革的重要内容。系统重要性金融机构的定义和监管  相似文献   

系统重要性金融机构监管的国际经验及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有系统重要性的金融机构增加了金融体系的关联性,加大了系统性风险。后金融危机时期,多个国际组织和国家对金融监管的缺陷提出了改革方案,强调系统重要性金融机构的监管,加强宏观审慎管理,以提高风险监管和危机处置能力。我国应借鉴欧美国家的改革措施,从宏观审慎的要求入手,关注可能影响整个金融系统稳定的风险因素,从更为全局的角度加强系统重要性金融机构的监管,完善和提高我国对系统性金融风险的应对能力。  相似文献   

宋莹  宋晶 《金融纵横》2014,(5):40-44
本轮国际金融危机发生以来,国际上对于系统重要性金融机构(SIFIs)所产生的系统性风险有了更进一步的认识,国际监管组织在针对全球系统重要性银行(G—SIBs)和全球系统重要性保险机构(G—SIIs)制定评估方法和特别监管措施的基础上,拟定针对非银行非保险机构的全球系统重要性金融机构(NBNIG—SIFIs)的评估框架,从而使得系统重要性金融机构的评估更加完整。相对而言,我国对于非银行非保险(NBNI)系统重要性金融机构的监管仍处于较低水平,因此,借鉴国际监管改革的最新进展和经验,对于完善我国NBNI监管框架、提高监管水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

管斌 《武汉金融》2012,(6):24-28
系统重要性金融机构指的是基于规模、复杂性和系统关联性,其无序破产将对更广范围内的金融体系与经济活动造成严重干扰的金融机构。这些金融机构具有很强的负外部性,并因"大而不倒"而易滋生道德风险。次贷危机后,加强对系统重要性金融机构的监管成为全球金融监管改革的重点。我国金融法应当立足本土资源并借鉴国际经验,构建系统重要性金融机构的监管体系。  相似文献   

在危机之后,金融稳定政策的重要性更加突出了,现在通常被认为与货币政策处于同等重要的地位,都是中央银行的职责系统重要性金融机构银行机构自国际金融危机以来,美联储已经在单个银行机构的传统微观审慎监管方面迈  相似文献   

陈歆 《金融会计》2014,(6):39-47
本轮国际金融危机暴露了西方国家金融体系和金融监管的重大制度性缺陷。痛定思痛,近年来国际社会深刻反思危机教训,以前所未有的力度寻求合作构建新的国家监管框架,重塑国际金融体系。以金融稳定理事会和巴塞尔委员会主导的国际金融监管改革,已陆续出台了以巴塞尔III为代表的一系列国际金融监管政策文件。这些文件涵盖微观机构、中观市场和宏观体系各个层面,广泛涉及资本、流动性、薪酬制度、系统重要性金融机构、跨境危机管理与处置、影子银行等多个重点领域,反映了国际金融改革的阶段性成果,体现了国际社会对加强监管力度、提升监管标准的基本共识。  相似文献   

齐树天 《金融会计》2011,(11):13-15
本轮国际金融危机中,部分大型金融机构表现出明显的"大而不能倒"(Too-big-to-fail)特征,并由此产生较大的负外部性影响和道德风险,甚至对实体经济产生严重的负面影响。这些引起了国际社会和各国监管当局对系统重要性金融机构监管的广泛关注,降低系统重要性金融机构的道德风险及其倒闭带来的负外部性、减少纳税人负担、维护市场公平竞争成为国际金融监管改革的重要内容。  相似文献   

随着金融危机的持续蔓延和国际金融机构去杠杆化的逐渐深入,一些新兴市场国家的国际资本净流入状态受危机影响已逆转为净流出状态。我国短期国际资本的流动趋势在2008年7月也发生了逆转,本文重点讨论我国短期国际资本发生逆转的原因、影响,并针对短期国际资本流入逆转的风险给出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Consolidation has been a fact of life in the wholesale financial services sector, resulting in fundamental change in the financial architecture and public exposure to systemic risk. The underlying drivers include advances in transactions and information technologies, regulatory changes, geographic shifts in growth opportunities, and the rapid evolution of client requirements, which in combination have obliged financial firms to rethink their roles as intermediaries. Moreover, financial sector reconfiguration has accelerated as a result of the global market turbulence that began in 2007, with governments either forcing or encouraging combinations of stronger and weaker financial firms in an effort to stem the crisis and improve systemic robustness. In the process, financial firms that are “systemic” in nature and had a major role in creating the crisis have come out of it with even larger market shares and greater systemic importance. Given the episodic socialization of risk in the form of widespread use of public guarantees to firms judged too big or too interconnected to be allowed to fail, the role of systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) is central to the financial architecture and the public interest going forward. This survey paper considers the sources of systemic gains, losses and risks associated with SIFIs in historical context, in the theoretical and empirical literature, and in public policy discussions—i.e., what is gained and what is lost as a result of the available policy options to deal the dominant role of SIFIs in the financial architecture?  相似文献   

This paper examines how the soundness of financial institutions affected bank lending to new firms during the 2008 financial crisis by using a unique firm–bank match‐level dataset of 1,467 unlisted small and medium‐sized enterprises incorporated in Japan. We employ a within‐firm estimator that can control for unobserved firms’ demand for credit through firm ? time fixed effects. The major findings of this paper are the following four points. First, sounder financial institutions may be generally less likely to provide financing to new firms. Second, our results suggest that sounder financial institutions were less likely to provide loans to new firms during the 2008 financial crisis. Third, financial institutions were less likely to provide financing to new firms during such crisis as compared to those with the same soundness during non‐crisis periods. Finally, such lending relationships to new firms that are established during the financial crisis by sounder financial institutions are more likely to be continued than such lending by less sound financial institutions.  相似文献   

Bank Resolution Plans (Living Wills) should help with the resolution of systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) in distress. They should be used to clarify and simplify the legal structure and make it commensurate with the functional business lines of the institution. Living Wills could also prove the right regulatory instrument to achieve two further innovations in the resolution of SIFIs with cross-border presence. First, they could incorporate burden sharing arrangements between countries enabling burden sharing on an institution by institution basis. However, there would remain problems arising from the incompatibility of the laws governing cross-border bank insolvencies. Many countries are currently introducing special laws covering the resolution of SIFIs. This creates a window of opportunity to use Living Wills to introduce a second innovation: a consistent legal regime for the resolution of SIFIs across the G20 countries.  相似文献   

2008年初以来,国际金融巨头在美国次级债危机或内控失效的打击下,纷纷陷入巨亏门事件之中。对巨损原因进行分析,不只是对深度套牢的投资者以安慰,更重要的是对中国金融机构提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Considerable debate surrounds how the US government's TARP bailout intervention has affected the risk-taking and moral hazard behavior of U.S. banks around the global financial crisis. We examine this issue with a focus on lottery behavior introducing MAX/MIN as a new measure of lotteryness in banking to capture the loss protection from bank bailout guarantees. We find that the TARP bailout increased the likelihood of bank lotteryness and risk shifting. Lottery-like bank equities are riskier after TARP and exhibit fatter right to left tails. A consistent pattern of risk taking and lottery behavior extends both before and after the 2008–2009 crisis, engulfing the largest systemic banks (SIFIs). While confirming that lottery-like bank equities have lower short-term return, we find they exhibit better cumulative long-term return performance. Our findings have important policy implications regarding government intervention in banking crises.  相似文献   

有限理性下的金融创新与金融监管博弈分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金融创新与金融监管间的动态博弈关系一直是人们关注的焦点,尤其在这次美国次贷危机引发的全球性金融危机发生后,两者都饱受质疑。本文从有限理性的角度,运用进化博弈的方法,分别对金融机构间的对称博弈关系和金融机构与监管机构间的非对称博弈关系进行分析,得出长期均衡点,并对其进行分析,为我国的金融创新与金融监管实践提出一些政策建议。  相似文献   

此轮国际金融危机的爆发和蔓延,暴露出仅关注单个机构稳健经营的微观审慎监管框架的不足。认真吸取金融危机的教训,强化宏观审慎管理已成为国际社会的共识。要完善宏观审慎分析方法,加强对系统性风险的监测;加强金融监管和协调,实现宏观审慎与微观审慎的互补;建立逆周期调节机制,缓解顺周期性对金融稳定的影响;加快建立存款保险制度,进一步健全金融安全网;积极参与国际金融合作,增强联合应对危机的能力。  相似文献   

金融危机对世界经济的影响巨大而深远,作为国际结算新兴核心方式的国际保理也受到波及。分析金融危机影响国际保理业务传导机制的结论显示,国际贸易状况恶化和企业现金流量不足是主要的传导方式;国际贸易基数萎缩与贸易条件恶化以及贸易保护使得国际保理业务发展空间受限;流动性是直接影响金融机构和进出口企业经营水平和债务清偿能力的关键因素;受金融危机的影响,保理业务中出口商面临的风险尤甚。因此,应理性分析,谨慎决策,加强财务管理,发展电子商务,以提高抗风险能力。  相似文献   

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