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Imperfect competition, imperfect information, disequilibrium, and rationing all induce vertical integration in relatively straightforward ways. But can vertical integration arise when firms are competitive and markets clear rapidly? This paper demonstrates that a vertical equilibrium can be generated when the intermediate market is subject to external fluctuations and when there are economies of coordination for firms which avoid the market via integration. The vertical equilibrium is one in which some firms will be integrated while some will not, despite the fact that all firms are identical. Thus, one need not conclude that differential degrees of integration within industries are the result of differing circumstances among firms.  相似文献   

The concept of generic strategies for gaining competitive advantage has received considerable attention recently in the business policy field. Two generic strategies usually mentioned are low cost position and highly differentiated position. This paper uses a game-theoretic model of oligopolistic competition to provide analytical support for these generic strategies, and, in places, to refine the conclusions drawn from previous research in this field. Another conclusion derived from the model is that a superior cost or differentiation position leads to a larger market share, which in turn leads to higher profitability.  相似文献   

We explore three theoretical perspectives that look at output flexibility as a competitive advantage for small firms as was initially described by Stigler (1939). First, small firms are more willing to fluctuate their output. As a result: second, small firms can trade cost inefficiency with volume flexibility to increase their profits; third, output flexibility is a more viable source of competitive advantage in volatile and capital-intensive industries, and less viable in profitable industries. Indeed, the empirical analysis of over 3000 companies representing 83 industries during the 1979-87 time period supports our theoretical perspectives. Future research directions that combine firm flexibility and other strategic dimensions are discussed in the context of providing a general strategic framework for small firms competing against large ones.  相似文献   

Competitive market signals are conceptualized as announcements or previews of potential actions intended to convey or to gain information from competitors. This paper develops a set of propositions based on research in economics, social psychology, and marketing on the risk/reward trade-off in signaling, the receiver's signal interpretation, and the receiver's reaction alternatives. The overall objective is to develop a research agenda toward a theory of competitive market signaling.  相似文献   

In a near perfect market, competitive marketing strategies are often adapted dynamically and rapidly. The changes in customer behavior are resultant in unpredictable customer profitability and cause inefficient and ineffective marketing planning. In this study, by using data mining techniques, we develop a Customer Profitability Management (CPM) system to achieve marketing goals by leading customers to migrate along pre-determined and desirable tracks. The proposed system emphasizes a continuous interplay between the active and reactive monitoring procedures to identify customer shifts. It has been shown to be an effective approach to help a firm calibrate its marketing tactics with respect to different types of customers in different situations. The proposed mechanism has been applied to a telecom company with promising results.  相似文献   

高度市场竞争环境下的国内成品油营销策略思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国成品油零售市场激烈竞争的时代已经到来,以往以资源掌控取胜的国内成品油销售企业需要认真思考并调整营销策略,加快角色转变,提高市场适应能力,迎接市场的考验。作为一个立足长远发展的企业,从战略层面来说,价格战不可取,营销策略的“大起大落”不可取,应着力于培育品牌价值,着力于寻找新的增长方式。就战术层面调整营销策略而言,应对加油站进行分类和功能定位,因地制宜开展个性化服务;加大信息化投入,提高服务效率;采取灵活多样的促销手段,推行会员制,施行俱乐部式管理;继续扩大非油业务范围,开展多种经营,打造"强强联手"的共赢局面;一切从顾客的利益出发,持续改善服务质量和水平。  相似文献   

In supporting a process ontology, qualitative longitudinal data are analysed in an examination of processes of becoming in the establishment of a new high tech company aiming to get a foothold in the highly competitive global healthcare market. Researching the process from idea generation, through funding, design, manufacture and marketing spotlights how the social and material exist in relation to each other and constitutively entangle. These sociomaterial relations shape and are shaped by narratives and temporal storying as actors seek to make and give sense, not only retrospectively, but in continually drawing upon an interplay of shifting interpretations of past, present and future. Although in the information systems literature sociomateriality is a central concept, there is little discussion in business. In addressing this gap, the paper adopts a sociomaterial process perspective in drawing out findings that both align with the extant literature and extend our current understanding. New insights critically assess the problem of dualism in the separation of the social and material, the need to broaden our conceptualization of temporality and make explicit our use of time, and the need to more fully accommodate processes of sensemaking and storying that shape and our shaped within broader processes of becoming.  相似文献   

This paper examines the model launch and withdrawal decisions of the major digital camera makers for the period 1996–1999. These manufacturers produce differentiated products and some have the experience of participating in a similar market—the film camera market. This paper investigates to what extent the following four factors affect firms' decisions to launch a new model of digital camera: the effects of competition with “within-brand” models; the effects of competition with “cross-brand” models; the level of experience in the film camera market; and market conditions. The empirical findings suggest that good market conditions can accommodate more products, which has a positive effect on product launches. On the other hand, existing cross-brand models have a negative effect on product launches, while within-brand models and experience in similar markets have an ambiguous effect on product launches.  相似文献   

Previous marketing research has called for enhanced understanding of the antecedents contributing to realization of a competitive strategy leading to superior performance. In particular, this research has been inconclusive about the conditions under which a multinational corporation (MNC) can realize a ‘hybrid’ competitive strategy. Our study examines the achievability and performance of a hybrid strategy compared with a single strategy as firms internationalize in the high-technology market. The evolutionary theory of the MNC and the resource-based view were applied. Our empirical results indicate that realization of a hybrid competitive strategy is dependent on both the globalization phase of the high-technology MNC and its key resources. We also found that hybrid strategies mediate these contextual factors and thereby contribute to superior financial performance.  相似文献   

"西电东送"呼唤建立竞争、有序、开放的电力市场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从我国的国情出发,阐述了我国实施“西电东送”战略的物质经济基础,分析了当前“西电东送”的现状及存在的问题,指出“西电东送”战略顺利实施所应采取的必要措施。  相似文献   

Crowdsourcing presents new opportunities to generate social innovation. However, many crowdsourcing social innovation initiatives struggle with turning their promising projects into sustaining platforms. We studied how to design crowdsourcing platforms for social innovation by building and examining a platform called travel2change. We illustrate a framework of crowdsourcing platform building blocks based on the evolution of our case study from a collaborative community to a competitive market. Thriving platforms have a clear purpose, they facilitate value‐creating interactions for well‐understood actors and build a valid business model. The insights reveal design principles to guide organizations that seek to leverage crowdsourcing for social impact.  相似文献   

1产业集群定义 产业集群作为产业发展的重要方式是一种世界性的经济现象,自20世纪80年代以来在世界范围内日益引起经济学家和各国政府的关注。按照哈佛大学波特(Porter,1998)的定义,产业集群(1ndustrial Clusters)是指在某一特定领域中(通常以一个主导产业为核心),大量产业联系密切的企业以及相关支撑机构在空间上集聚,并形成强劲、持续竞争优势的现象。  相似文献   

Experience indicates that machinery vibration monitoring programs are most effective when planned in accordance with carefully established program goals and objectives. Methods are presented to determine the appropriate monitoring program for a given plant, key issues to address in program planning, and proven techniques for successfully implementing the program.  相似文献   

The overall purpose of this paper is to analyse the content validity of a tool for measuring research and development (R&D) effectiveness in industry using an approach known as scale or construct validation.
Since a large number of indicators is needed in order to measure this concept, and it is often difficult to find qualitative measures that would provide more information than quantitative measures or purely numerical magnitudes, we have constructed a scale that enables us to create a multiindicator to measure R&D inputs, processes, outputs and results. This multiindicator also enables us to group together all the relevant data obtained from the R&D management literature, which we then validate by consulting the opinion of experts from two firms that are very active in R&D and we have consulted two more nationally recognized Spanish researchers on R&D.  相似文献   

Intertemporal dependence of demand at the industry level, as exists in the case of motor fuel, alcohol, automobiles, electricity, and other goods and services, imparts a dimension of investment to current output decisions. Except in monopoly, such output decisions will have durable external effects. The present paper uses a differential game model to explore the behavior of such a market, with special emphasis on the effect of changes in the interest rate and in the speed of adjustment.  相似文献   

随着我国成功加入WTO和社会主义市场经济的进一步完善和发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,煤炭企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,并谋求竞争能力的提高,就要立足于本行业、本企业的实际,大力实施竞争战略,努力培育企业自身特色,进而确立起企业竞争优势。重点抓好四大战略:  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2002,26(7-8):415-424
This paper examines the ability of entry by either resellers or facilities-based carriers to discipline the pricing behavior of a vertically integrated incumbent supplier. Theoretical considerations suggest that, once a sufficient amount of entry has occurred at both vertical stages—transmission and retail functions—additional entry at either stage can push final output toward the competitive level. Under these conditions, entry at either stage may serve as a gross complement or substitute for entry at the other stage. Data from the interLATA telecommunications market are used to test the relevant hypotheses. Our findings are not expected to be directly applicable to the local exchange and electricity markets as those markets are currently constituted. When these industries begin to exhibit structural characteristics that resemble the long-distance market, however, our findings should become relevant there as well.  相似文献   

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