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深圳市民周末休闲活动的空间结构   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
休闲是现代城市生活中与工作相提并论的一种生活方式。休闲活动在受到城市经济,社会因素影响的同时,也深刻地影响着城市的空间结构和形态。本文以深圳市民活动日志调查为基础,应用时间地理学方法,旨在寻找深圳市民周末休闲活动的空间特征以及居民休闲行为影响下的城市空间结构特征。本文提出了深圳市民周末休闲活动的四圈层二集中带的空间结构模式,同时分析在居民个人属性与休闲空间之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

在研究中国传统社会结构和传统中国人行为的领域中,费孝通所提出的“差序格局”和梁漱溟所提出的“伦理本位”大概是最具影响力的两个理论,它们之间既存在一些共通之处,也有一些深刻的分歧。其中最突出的分歧在于对中国人行为取向的判断,费孝通认为中国人是自私的,其行为可概括为“自我主义”;梁漱溟认为中国人不自私,而是“互以对方为重”。本文认为这一分歧的理论背景是20世纪上半叶的“民族性”大讨论,作为这一讨论的典型代表,“自我主义”和“互以对方为重”各存在一些理论上的得失之处。  相似文献   

This paper identifies and discusses the variety of approaches we use to explain the events and acts which comprise the socio-organizational phenomena we strive to understand. In the past few years a number of thoughtful discussions have been published on the differences and similarities of the various methods of explanation. The discussion has been stimulated in part by the limitations of traditional causal determinism, (as used in the physical sciences) for explaining phenomena encountered in both the biological and social sciences. By and large, however, little attempt has been made to create typologies of the different explanatory approaches. Notable exceptions are Aristotle (4 types of causes), MacIver (6 types of causation) and Bunge (causal, semi-causal and a-causal determinism). From discussions of three different approaches, namely causal, teleological and gestaltic explanations, (together with their derivatives and their hybrids), a typology is presented. The basis of the typology is the temporal relationship between the events to be explained (the explicandum) and the events which are employed as part of the explanation (the explicans events). The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the almost paradoxical contrast between the future-oriented nature of what practicing managers actually do, and the past-oriented nature of most of our scientific theories. It is suggested that past-oriented explanations may be intrinsically incapable of producing viable theories of social/organizational change.  相似文献   

传统上认为,“掠夺之手”模型和“扶持之手”模型是两种完全不同的关于政府和市场关系的理论,前者以政府经济人假设为前提。后者则坚持政府是公共社会福利代表的假设。但两者都认为政府应该积极作为,这说明两者背后可能存在共同的逻辑。通过更为细致的比较,发现两种理论模型其实在进行前提假设时并不完全绝对,前者承认在特殊时刻,政府利益和社会公共利益会重合,后者则在承认政府存在腐败、效率低下等问题的前提下。试图通过政府治理解决这一问题。这提示我们,如果政府具有自利和利他的双重属性,则两种理论的冲突可以弥合。  相似文献   

基于自组织理论的两种城市空间结构动态模型比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
谭遂  杨开忠  谭成文 《经济地理》2002,22(3):322-326
传统的经济地理学模型由于在时间上是静止,并且忽略了空间各主体间的相互作用机制,因而是在均衡的状态下对交通,土地使用和环境系统进行描述,从而在指导规划实践过程中往往存在着一些问题。随着复杂科学的进展与对其对经济村理学的渗透,一些新的理论运用复杂科学的成果成功地对传统的经济地理学模型进行了改造,本文正是介绍并比较了这样的两种城市结构自组织模型:Krugman的自组织模型与Allen的自组织模型,这两种都是基于组织理论,但又从各自不同的角度出发,模拟了城市系统的形成与发展,助于规划者理解他们所必须面对的复杂现象,具有较高的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

Standard macro theories reflect a choice-theoretic orientation wherein aggregate variables are treated as acting directly on one another. Macro phenomena are thus reduced to the same order of simplicity as micro phenomena; macro variables differ from micro variables only by their larger size. In contrast, this paper treats the relationship between micro and macro as non-scalable. Macro phenomena emerge through micro interaction and are of a higher order of complexity than micro phenomena. Rather than reducing macro to micro through scalar multiplication, macro phenomena supervene on micro interaction and are not themselves objects of direct action. A macro economy is treated as a complex ecology of plans that constitute a non-equilibrium process of spontaneous ordering.  相似文献   

传统的税收理论把个人所得税划分为综合、分类和混合税制三种类型。我国理论界在个人所得税效率和公平的认识上也存在误区:一方面认为分类税制征管方便,成本低;另一方面认为分类税制可以区别征税,能更好地处理公平问题。事实上,个人所得税从是否分类和是否累进征税两个维度可以划分为四种类型。从征管效率看,综合税制要优于分类税制,比例税制要优于累进税制;从公平角度看,综合税制也更符合市场经济公平竞争的精神。所以,我国的个人所得税的改革方向应该是综合比例税制。近几年个人所得税工薪所得免征额进行了两次调整,主要是受到利益集团的影响,调整基本上与税刺改革的效率和公平目标无关。个人所得税改革的关键是要选择合适的税制类型,采取整体推进全面改革的方式。同时,改革中应该警惕利益集团的影响。  相似文献   

The economic literature has proposed different explanations about the role and existence of the non-profit organizations in the economy. These theories can be divided into two types: demand theories and supply theories. However, Ben-Ner and Van Hoomissen (1991, 1992) suggested that, in some cases, demand and supply factors operate simultaneously and it is particularly difficult to separate them. Thus, it is necessary to consider these two factors in the study of the determinants that have influence in the existence of non-profit organizations. In this paper, this argument is considered in order to analyse the demand and supply determinants of the non-profit organizations' development in Catalonia, a Spanish region.  相似文献   

本文旨在系统性地探究异质性企业贸易理论的起源与发展过程。首先对促使该理论诞生的实证挑战从企业的选择性出口、市场进入成本、资源再分配三个方面进行了综述;然后指出该理论发展的两条脉络和各自的理论基础,并在此基础上从平均生产率和贸易利得两个角度阐述了异质性企业贸易理论和新贸易理论之间的紧密联系,二者最大的差别便在于对边际生产成本的处理上,前者以边际成本的异质性替代企业的异质性,后者则忽略了企业之间的异质性。同时,针对国内学者的一些认识,本文也提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

John D. Hey 《Empirica》1993,20(1):81-99
Experimental economics has devoted much of its relatively short life to the study of issues of industrial organisation, and has achieved notable successes, of considerable value to the development of both the theoretical and empirical aspects of the subject. The general message emerging from the market-level experiments is that the existence of, and convergence to, the (market) equilibrium of neoclassical theory is, in general, well-supported by the experimental evidence; on the other hand, the general message emerging from the individual level experiments is that the foundations of the neoclassical market theories are seriously flawed. This paper argues for new types of experiments in industrial organisation, ones that are theory-suggesting rather than theory-testing, and ones that are more ill-defined than those carried out to date. There is a need to shed some light on how people tackle extremely complicated ill-defined problems as opposed to experiments confined to testing well-defined theories of simple problems with complicated solutions.I am particularly grateful to the ESRC, the Leverhulme Trust and the Fondazione Ivo Vanzi for financing the experiments discussed in this paper. I would also like to pay tribute to Patrizia Sbriglia, who has carried out much of the work on The Combination Race, and to Cristina Pitassi, who has worked with me on the Oligopoly Experiment discussed at the end of the paper. Finally, my especial thanks to Norman Spivey, for writing the software for two of the three experiments discussed here, and to Jo Hall for typing this paper faster than I could write it.  相似文献   

由于户籍人口行政布局与市域人口经济布局、市区人口经济布局的人口分布各不相同,江苏省13个地级市存在两种滞差现象。分析了江苏省地级市户籍人口行政布局、市域人口经济布局及市区人口经济布局的特点,揭示了江苏省地级市人口行政布局与人口经济布局之间的两种滞差现象,结合两种滞差对江苏省地级市进行分类探讨,给出了流动人口管理的启示。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a discussion on evolutionary technological change and economic growth theory, using the Lakatosian Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes as an appraisal criterion. Since the persistence of some inflexibility in this approach made it difficult to capture fundamental features of the scientific undertaking at hand, an alternative hypothesis was explored, that developed by Hoover (Scientific research program or tribe? A joint appraisal of Lakatos and the new classical macroeconomics. In: de Marchi N, Blaug M (eds) Appraising economic theories: studies in the methodology of research programmes. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1991). This latter framework is used here not as a formal methodology but rather as a language to find patterns in these theories. This exercise evolved then towards a number of considerations on the confrontation between these evolutionary theories particularly in terms of that which can be seen (in a loose sense) as their “rival research programme”, the new neoclassical growth models.  相似文献   

注册会计师对上市公司出具的审计意见分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从1993-2000年注册会计师对深、沪两市上市公司出具的审计意见进行了统计分析后,发现非标准无保留意见呈逐年增多趋势。这一方面是由于被审计单位的经济业务日益复杂化,相关法规对其许多业务如关联交易、资产重组等事项缺乏明确的确定,模糊地带增多;另一方面是由于注册会计师的风险意识、自我保护意识不断增强,执业标准日益严格。在此基础上,本文对如何提高我国注册会计师的审计执业质量提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

基于内隐追随-外显追随匹配视角,探讨中心化追随者原型和理想化追随者原型对领导者感知的领导-成员交换(L-LMX)影响以及工作要求的调节作用。通过问卷调查对一个157人的样本进行多时段施测,结果发现,内隐追随可分为中心化追随者原型和理想化追随者原型。相较于中心化追随者原型与外显追随的匹配,理想化追随者原型与外显追随的匹配同L-LMX之间的关系更为密切。领导者工作要求负向调节两种原型的作用效果。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,城市韧性研究日益兴起,理论累积也达到了一定程度,现如何开展基于生态实践智慧的城市韧性研究,使其从理论探索走向实践研究显得尤为重要。从生态实践智慧的首选研究范式——巴斯德范式的视角出发,通过Web of Science和中国知网两大平台检索城市韧性相关中英文文献,对文献进行研究范式分类统计分析,探讨了城市韧性研究中玻尔范式盛行的现象和原因,并提出了城市韧性巴斯德范式研究的建议。  相似文献   

Current theories developed in nonequilibrium thermodynamics and other sciences of complexity can be applied to model societal phenomena without reductionism, as these theories describe how complex nonlinear systems behave in a flow of energy far from equilibrium regardless of the nature of the system and the identity of its components. The latest theories provide insight into how such systems evolve over time, and thus afford continuity for the special theories of system evolution formulated in specific branches of natural and social science. In applying the theories to model societal change, an invariance emerges in the patterns of evolution in nature and in history regarding both the general directionality of evolutionary development and its dynamic mode. Technology when translated in widespread changes in social and society-nature relations destabilizes social systems, with the resulting fluctuations finding new types of dynamic stability through reformed or changed societal institutions. Revolutions in the modem age furnish an especially clear-cut example of societal transformation processes and the wide range of possibilities opened by them for conscious human intervention in determining the outcomes. The new insights of the sciences of complexity call for in-depth empirical research to create fruitful and faithful applications in the sphere of history and society.  相似文献   

从企业角度,针对农业基础设施建设项目中的"建设-经营-转让"模式,利用博弈论的相关理论和方法,分析企业实现其利润最大化的特许权期博弈、成本博弈以及两者之间关系的博弈。  相似文献   

This paper challenges Paul Samuelson's claim that the development theories of Marx and Schumpeter have little in common. There are indeed broad similarities between the two theories, arising principally from Schumpeter's use of Marx's method (with some interesting modifications), which he calls the ‘economic interpretation of history’. This discussion leads us to ask if we can incorporate into Marx's method some of the insights suggested by Schumpeter's modifications. We show that Marx's method is enriched by the insertion into it of an explicit, although limited, role of the individual (human agency). The paper then turns to the differences between the two theories, concerning the theory of value and the analysis of social classes. We find an unresolved tension in Schumpeter's system of thought, between his attempt to construct a model of a dynamic, evolving economy on Marxian lines (albeit an alternative to Marx's model), and his emphasis on the role of the individual, which he inserts into an essentially static, Walrasian model.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors have made an attempt to build a scenario of how technology can have an impact on the Production structure i n Europe, and how these changes will effect the international division of labour. The authors start from the premise that the applications of new product and process technologies are leading to stepwise changes in production structures. They borrow from economic and managerial theories, present a number of scenarios for two types of technologies (biotechnology and information technology). From these scenarios some implications are proposed.  相似文献   

“空间的生产”理论、研究进展及其对中国城市研究的启示   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
叶超  柴彦威  张小林 《经济地理》2011,31(3):409-413
空间的生产是新马克思主义城市学派和马克思主义地理学的一个关键概念。城市空间的生产指资本、权力和阶级等政治经济要素和力量对城市的重新塑造,从而使城市空间成为其介质和产物的过程。通过文献分析和比较可以得出,空间的生产理论在批判传统的将空间视为容器和无价值判断的空间观的基础上产生;借助马克思主义理论并将之与空间问题相结合,西方地理学界和城市学界在空间的生产问题上已经积累了丰富的理论成果和实践经验;国内学界对它的研究较为迟滞,缺乏突出的案例研究,目前还处在引介和初步应用的起步阶段,但在近5年也兴起了一个以多学科共同研究为特征的风潮。1990年代以来,城市空间的生产问题在中国逐渐变得突出,预示着它将是一个重要而有潜力的研究方向。  相似文献   

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