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控制权私人收益相关研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贾明  张喆  万迪昉 《会计研究》2007,19(6):86-93
所有权集中的治理结构使得内部人和外部人之间的委托代理问题成为关注的焦点,而引入控制权私人收益概念则可以更为深刻地认识到存在收益独占性问题以及资本结构、公司治理影响到谁占有什么收益等问题。本研究围绕以控制权私人收益为切入点的文献资料从概念定义、度量方法以及相关研究进展等方面进行文献回顾,以对现有研究进行梳理。本研究发现现有研究存在对控制权私人收益概念界定不清,度量方法不够准确,研究不够深入等问题。最后提出未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

We examine earnings management practices of insider controlled firms across 22 countries to shed light on the link between consumption of private benefits and earnings management. Insider controlled firms are associated with more earnings management than noninsider controlled firms in weak investor protection countries. Consistent with the private benefits motive, insider controlled firms with greater divergence between cash‐flow rights and control rights are associated with more earnings management in these countries. Growth opportunities attenuate the association between insider control and earnings management even in weak investor protection countries. We also find some weak evidence that insider controlled firms are associated with less earnings management in strong investor protection countries. Overall, our results highlight a strong link between private benefits consumption and earnings management.  相似文献   

We develop a model to illustrate that controlling shareholders choose the level of investor protection that maximizes their own interests. Controlling shareholders in companies with complicated control structures can easily extract private benefits and are thus reluctant to enhance investor protection which would necessitate increased transparency. In contrast, controlling shareholders in companies with valuable growth opportunities are willing to improve investor protection so that they can benefit from the increased value resulting from the lower cost of capital. We test this prediction using firm-level data in China. The results show that the level of investor protection increases with decreases in control structure opacity and increases in growth opportunities. The correlation is more significant for enforcement than for the mechanisms of investor protection.  相似文献   

Private Benefits of Control, Ownership, and the Cross-listing Decision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates how a foreign firm's decision to cross-list on a U.S. stock exchange is related to the consumption of private benefits of control by its controlling shareholders. Theory has proposed that when private benefits are high, controlling shareholders are less likely to choose to cross-list in the United States because of constraints on the consumption of private benefits resulting from such listings. Using several proxies for private benefits related to the control and cash flow ownership rights of controlling shareholders, we find support for this hypothesis with a sample of more than 4,000 firms from 31 countries.  相似文献   

杨棉之 《会计研究》2006,(12):61-67
基于内部资本市场理论,当企业集团对内部各成员部门不是100%控股时,资源在内部资本市场的转移会产生较大的摩擦,内部资本市场存在效率不足。在处于转轨时期的中国企业,公司治理尚不完善、代理问题比较严重,势必影响内部资本市场功能的正常发挥。本文以华通天香集团为例,分析了上市公司内部资本市场运作的主要路径及产生的经济后果,发现原本在于提高资本配置而存在的内部资本市场部分地被异化为进行利益输送的渠道。另外,在本例中没有发现企业进行明显的跨部门交叉补贴证据。  相似文献   

以2004—2007年我国上市公司为样本,实证研究结果发现:(1)控股股东的”合理掏空动机”与”超额掏空动机”伴随着现金流权的上升呈现的是一种此消彼长的关系,而这两类动机都会引致控股股东对于控制权私有收益的追逐,但是二者的作用机理却是完全不同的;(2)伴随着现金流权的影响,控股股东的”超额掏空动机”之于控制权私有收益的正向效应和”合理掏空动机”之于控制权私有收益的负向效应的综合作用结果是不同的。  相似文献   

胡春梅 《银行家》2003,(6):136-137
就像从潘朵拉的盒子里放出的魔鬼,SARS吞噬了不少人的生命、自由和信心,这是一场公共卫生的危机,但在危机的背后,我们还应该有进一步的思考和行动.  相似文献   

According to agency theory, we hypothesize that underpayment of top management motivates management to overinvest. Using a sample of Chinese-listed companies for the period 2005-10, we assess the effect of managerial compensation on overinvestment and the effect of overinvestment on managerial private benefits, including future compensation and perquisites, as well as on firm performance. We find that underpayment does motivate overinvestment, which increases managerial private benefits but not firm value.  相似文献   

近二十年来经济、金融全球一体化的迅速发展,主要表现为全球贸易与投资规模的不断扩大以及资本流动的加剧,这些都会使一国经济面临的不确定性增大。为这种不确定性风险进行衡量和控制,编制一个完整的国际帐户体系就变得必不可少。通常我们所说的国际帐户是指国际收支平衡表(Balance of Payments,简称BOP),然而根据国际货币基金组织的规定,一个完整的国际帐户体系不仅包括国际收支平衡表,还应包括一个反映一国是否为债权国或债务国的国际投资头寸表(International Investment Position,简称ⅡP)。本文阐述了国际投资头寸表和国际收支平衡表的关系、ⅡP的编制原则;在此基础上对美英日等国的ⅡP进行了简要分析,并对中国编制和公布ⅡP进行了前瞻分析。  相似文献   

私募股权基金监管模式的国际比较及中国选择   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
美国PE业监管模式是法律约束下的自律模式,主要特征是注册豁免.英国PE的监管模式以行业自律为主,法律监管为辅.日本PE的监管模式以政府监管为主;政府设立证券局集中行使监管权,仅允许构建信托方式的组织形式.对投资资金的投资范围有严格规范.PE运作的失败不容易产生系统性风险,事后处理成本较低,所以PE业较适合于行业自律监管.我国应建立起政府监管和行业管理相结合的模式.要建立健全PE的法律体系;明确确定PE的监管主体,可将PE纳入证监会统筹管理;明确廓清PE的监管客体;支持设立PE的行业协会.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate possibilities to uniform financial rating of technology companies in Europe from the perspective of a potential investor. The data consist of financial statements of 6,370 companies from seventeen European countries and the US in 1993–1996. The data from 1994–1996 are used to measure three–year success and the data from 1993 to predict this success. Success is measured by the principal factor of six performance measures. Country risk, percentage change in GDB, size, and eight financial ratios calculated for 1993 are used as predictors of success in the binary logistic analysis.  相似文献   

股权分置、控制权私人收益与控股股东融资成本   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何丹  朱建军 《会计研究》2006,52(5):50-57
本文从我国证券市场的特点和上市公司治理结构的特点出发,分析了在股权分置下和存在控股股东对中小股东的利益侵占时股权融资活动对控股股东股权价值的影响,然后对融资成本的定义进行拓展,计量出我国上市公司控股股东的股权融资成本和债务融资成本,指出控股股东的股权融资成本远远低于其债务融资成本是我国上市公司存在强烈股权融资偏好的重要原因。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the taxation burden applied to Australian superannuation. The superannuation schemes and supporting taxation systems of five OECD countries are reviewed. A hypothetical scenario is applied to demonstrate the imbalance of the Australian system relative to comparable nations. Given concerns about the aging population, this research supports calls for further reforms to the taxation of superannuation in Australia, highlighting the need to make superannuation taxation policies more consistent with government efforts to encourage superannuation savings and self-funded retirement.  相似文献   

We investigate how investor protection, government quality, and contract enforcement affect risk taking and performance of insurance companies from around the world. We find that better investor protection results in less risk taking, as do higher quality government and greater contract enforceability. However, we find only limited evidence that these factors influence firm performance. We conclude that better overall operating environments result in less risk taking by insurers without the concomitant decline in performance. These results imply that better investor protection environments benefit policyholders and outside stockholders by preventing corporate insiders from expropriating wealth from policyholders and outside stockholders.  相似文献   

We compare initial offer prices in privatizations to initial prices in public offerings of private companies. The evidence indicates that government officials in the United Kingdom underprice IPOs significantly more than their private company counterparts. In Canada and Malaysia, however, the opposite is true. There does not appear to be a general tendency for privatizations to be underpriced to a greater degree than private company IPOs. We provide additional evidence on the determinants of privatization initial returns. Our findings indicate that initial returns are significantly higher in relatively primitive capital markets and for privatized companies in regulated industries.  相似文献   

税收信息化管理的国际比较与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾飞  葛开珍 《涉外税务》2001,(11):48-52
现代信息技术在世界各国税收领域的广泛应用,极大地提高了税收管理效率。几乎所有西方国家的税务部门都专设税收信息中心或计算机中心,在全国范围内形成计算机税务信息系统,税收信息化管理已成为不可逆转的国际趋势。针对我国的相关实际状况,本文仅选取有代表性的7个国家,对其信息化筲理情况作一简要介绍,以期对我国的税收信息化管理有一定的借鉴作用。……  相似文献   

财产课税计税依据的国际比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在界定财产课税概念和进行相关说明的基础上,对财产课税的四种计税依据:改良资本价值、未改良资本价值、租金收益和某些物理特征进行了国际比较,从中分析了各种计税依据的优劣,并在最后对各国财产课税计税依据的选择做出综述和展望。  相似文献   

资本弱化的国际比较及影响评析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
资本弱化现象起源于MM定理。美国等国家对资本弱化进行税收上的限制,以维护国家税收利益,但却阻碍了企业通过资本弱化安排实现其价值最大化的目的。为了使国家福利达到最大,资源配置最优,最适债务权益比应该就是最优资本结构时的负债权益比,这样对企业和国家都能实现各自的目的。  相似文献   

电子商务税收问题的国际比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子商务是传统的经营方式与互联网技术相结合的产物,是知识经济时代的新事物、新情况、新问题。有关电子商务税收问题的研究发展很快,国际、国内都取得了喜人的成果,本文仅对电子商务税收问题的有关情况进行比较,以利于为更加深入地研究电子商务税收问题提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigates the not-for-profit (NFP) external financial reporting regulatory environments of the US, the UK, Canada and New Zealand and compares them with that of Australia. It finds a lack of clarity in the definition of a NFP entity under Australian accounting standards. The study also identifies various types of information that earlier research and the guidance in other countries suggest are useful to the users of NFP entities' financial statements. This information is not currently required under Australian accounting standards.  相似文献   

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