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分析了污水处理厂各个不同工艺段气、液两相中恶臭有机含硫化合物的分布情况,同时运用气相色谱-质谱联用仪及吹扫-捕集系统对甲硫醇、甲硫醚、羰基硫、二硫化碳和二甲二硫等五种化合物进行了定性准确的和定量分析,并对其产生机制及来源进行了较为详实的解析.其中挥发性气体样品的采集通过动态箱收集,溶解在水体中的目标化合物运用高纯氮气吹脱收集.研究结果表明,在水相和气相中的恶臭化合物的分布在不同的处理单元呈现不同的恶臭浓度,但经过污水处理厂各工艺的深度处理后, 溶解在水体当中的恶臭含硫化合物及挥发到大气中的化合物均有明显下降,去除率均达到90%以上.  相似文献   

Most of the future works in water and waste water treatment systems will involve the upgrading of existing facilities, for better performance and/or higher capacity. For the efficient implementation of any project, an upgrading strategy should be used, based on careful studies of the local conditions and the defined objectives to be reached.The paper presents a systematic approach to upgrading with emphasis on treatment plant extension, without investing in large volumes, by more efficient use of existing facilities, illustrated by some cases. The importance of real competition in obtaining a cost-effective implementation is stressed.  相似文献   

The off-flavour compounds 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), geosmin, 2,4,6-trichloroanisole, 2,3,6-trichloroanisole, 2,3,4-trichloroanisole and 2,4,6-tribromoanisole were analyzed in water samples by Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) followed by on-line thermal desorption (TD)-capillary GC/MS. Quantification was performed using MS in the single ion monitoring mode (SIM) with 2,4,6-trichloroanisol-D5 as internal standard. Quantification limits are 0.1 ng/l to 0.2 ng/l for the haloanisoles, 0.5 ng/l for geosmin and 1 ng/l for MIB. The relative standard deviations at the quantification limit are ranging from 7 to 14.6%. SBSE-recovery was evaluated by spiking real water samples and varied from 87 to 117%. More than twenty samples per day can be analyzed by SBSE-TD-capillary GC-MS. The same technique in combination with olfactometry was used to elucidate unknown odorous compounds in water samples.  相似文献   

An Austrian research project focused on the development of process indicators for treatment plants with different process and operation modes. The whole treatment scheme was subdivided into four processes, i.e. mechanical pretreatment (Process 1), mechanical-biological waste water treatment (Process 2), sludge thickening and stabilisation (Process 3) and further sludge treatment and disposal (Process 4). In order to get comparable process indicators it was necessary to subdivide the sample of 76 individual treatment plants all over Austria into five groups according to their mean organic load (COD) in the influent. The specific total yearly costs, the yearly operating costs and the yearly capital costs of the four processes have been related to the yearly average of the measured organic load expressed in COD (110 g COD/pe/d). The specific investment costs for the whole treatment plant and for Process 2 have been related to a calculated standard design capacity of the mechanical-biological part of the treatment plant expressed in COD. The capital costs of processes 1, 3 and 4 have been related to the design capacity of the treatment plant. For each group (related to the size of the plant) a benchmark band has been defined for the total yearly costs, the total yearly operational costs and the total yearly capital costs. For the operational costs of the Processes 1 to 4 one benchmark ([see symbol in text] per pe/year) has been defined for each group. In addition a theoretical cost reduction potential has been calculated. The cost efficiency in regard to water protection and some special sub-processes such as aeration and sludge dewatering has been analysed.  相似文献   

In order to reach in the effluents of wastewater treatment plants values for phosphorous below 0,5 mg P/l and for the suspended solids below 5 mg SS/l, a filtration stage is necessary in almost all instances. Apart from conventional deep-bed porous media filters (gravity filters), cloth filtration systems offer a viable alternative because of the low head loss, and their low price. The use of pile fabrics instead of conventional needle felt solves the crucial problem of cloth filtration: the considerable increase of cloth resistance due to the irreversible soiling. Cloth filtration plants equipped with this filter media allow for considerably higher hydraulic strains and for higher surface loads with a separation performance on the same level as reached by conventional systems. If the problem of clogging is solved as well, it should be possible to use pile fabrics with even finer filaments on a pile of micro-fibres, which would further increase the effluent quality.  相似文献   

During the last decade, several screening programs for pharmaceuticals at Swedish wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been conducted by research institutes, county councils, and wastewater treatment companies. In this study, influent and effluent concentrations compiled from these screening programs were used to assess the occurrence and reduction of non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals for human usage. The study is limited to full-scale WWTPs with biological treatment. Based on the data compiled, a total of 70 non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals have been detected, at concentrations ranging from a few ng/L to several μg/L, in the influent water. The influent concentrations were compared with the sale volumes and for many pharmaceuticals it was shown that only a small fraction of the amount sold reaches WWTPs as dissolved parent compounds. Pharmaceuticals with low reduction degrees at traditional WWTPs were identified. Further comparison based on the biological treatment showed lower reduction degrees for several pharmaceuticals in trickling filter plants compared with activated sludge plants with nitrogen removal.  相似文献   

我国城市污水处理厂污泥产沼气的前景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污泥厌氧消化具有稳定污泥和回收能量以及处理后污泥可作农肥的突出优点.我国城市污水处理厂污泥多,污泥厌氧消化的推广空间巨大.污泥厌氧消化推广的主要问题是规模较小、投资高、技术复杂、维修量大等,而沼气利用不理想大大削弱了该工艺的优势.必须降低投资、简化运行和提高沼气利用的效益,加速研究配套政策,才能改变投入高、产出低的现状,才能使污泥厌氧消化成为污泥处理的首选工艺.  相似文献   

城市黑臭水体已经成为突出的水环境问题,对具有独特地貌的城市水环境治理工程研究,更有难度和代表性.以典型的喀斯特地貌城市安顺市为例,剖析黑臭水体综合治理经验.通过对喀斯特地貌黑臭水体成因独特性的深入分析,并结合安顺市区位、地形地貌特征及气候特点,系统介绍安顺市的黑臭水体治理路径.从控源截污、内源治理、活水保质、源头管控、...  相似文献   

以中铝山东分公司新建废水处理站为例,介绍了一种集合多种水处理功能单元的一体式净水设备的结构、工作原理及设计中应注意的事项.一体式净水设备各水处理功能单元竖向排列,占地面积少,具有污泥浓缩的功能,可以达到节能减排的目的.  相似文献   

Anaerobic on-site treatment of black water (BW) and a mixture of black water and kitchen waste (BWKW) was studied in a two-phased upflow anaerobic sludge blanket septic tank (UASBst) at 10-20 degrees C. The processes were fed either continuously or discontinuously (twice per weekday). Moreover, BWKW was post-treated for nitrogen removal in an intermittently aerated moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) at 20 degrees C. Removal of total chemical oxygen demand (COD1) was efficient at minimum 90% with all three UASBst at all temperatures. Removal of dissolved COD (CODdis) was also high at approx. 70% with continuously fed BW and discontinuously fed BWKW, while with discontinuous BW feeding it was 20%. Temperature decrease had little effect on COD removals, though the need for phase 2 increased with decreasing temperature, especially with BWKW. Post-treatment of BWKW in MBBR resulted in approx. 50% nitrogen removal, but suffered from lack of carbon for denitrification. With carbon addition, removal of ca. 83% was achieved.  相似文献   

运用SPME-GC-MS检测方法,对重庆市A、B两净水厂净水过程中丁基锡和苯基锡的污染状况进行了研究,并对有机锡污染来源和不同城市净水过程中有机锡污染状况进行了探讨。结果表明:A、B两水厂净水过程中MBT检出率最高(最高浓度为120.8ngSn/L),其次是DBT、MPT和DPT,偶尔检测到TPT(2.8ngSn/L),没有检测到TBT;A、B两水厂的有机锡均来自受污染水源,A水厂取水口上游仅0.1km处检测到较高浓度的TBT(161.8ngSn/L),对A水厂饮用水安全造成威胁;重庆A、B两水厂有机锡污染明显轻于同期天津某水厂有机锡污染;国内净水厂有机锡污染主要来自受有机锡污染的水源,而加拿大给水中有机锡污染主要来自用作给水输配水管道的PVC管材的析出。  相似文献   

收集东北地区16座净水厂自用水消耗的资料,分析了水厂絮凝池、沉淀池等的排泥工况对水厂自用水耗水率及排泥水含固率的影响,以及水厂滤池反冲洗工况对自用水耗水率和反冲洗效果的影响。基于数据分析,对东北地区典型水厂自用水耗水率现状进行综合评价。调查结果表明,东北地区的水厂耗水率受水源水质、处理规模、处理工艺(新建或改造)和运行管理等条件的影响,自用水的节约潜力在于优化运行参数以适应季节变化和水量负荷的变化,以及改造滤池反冲洗方式。  相似文献   

台州市生活污水处理厂设计水量中雨水混入比例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于台州市椒江区2014年污水处理厂进水量和雨量监测站的数据,进行污水处理厂日进水量频率分析和城镇污水管网中雨水混入比例分析,从而对污水处理厂设计水量进行修正。结果表明:小雨、中雨、大雨、连续暴雨时的污水量分别是晴天污水量的1.29、1.53、1.77、2.31倍;地下水与河水渗入量约占晴天日均污水量的24.1%,雨天雨水混入量约占雨天日均污水量的24.2%;随着降雨量增大,雨水混入比例由10%升高至35%,最后趋于27%;滨海城市生活污水处理厂设计水量中雨水混入比例可定为25%~30%。  相似文献   

底泥污染是造成茅洲河流域水质黑臭的关键因素之一。本文通过对底泥勘查取样检测,采用底泥沉积物单因子污染指数法对底泥营养盐污染进行分析评价,结果显示,营养盐、有机质污染均达到了重度污染等级。采用单一重金属潜在生态风险系数和多金属潜在生态风险系数法对重金属污染程度进行分析评价,结果显示,重金属污染达到了极强生态风险等级。根据底泥污染程度的不同,结合垂向变化分析,确定了不同区域底泥达标清淤深度在0.7~2.5m之间,继而确定了清淤量为331万m3,为茅洲河流域污染底泥清淤提供了可靠依据。其研究路线、方法可为类似工程参考。  相似文献   

地震引起的地质松动、滑坡、崩塌、植被破坏等很难在短时间内恢复原状或者稳定下来,并且上游水库为保证坝体安全而被迫大量放水,强烈的河道冲刷及山体滑坡会造成地表水体泥沙悬浮物质等大量增加,导致地表水厂原水浊度剧烈变化,严重影响水厂安全运行。以5.12地震时绵阳市第三水厂原水浊度变化为例,说明地震对地表水厂原水浊度的影响程度及影响时间,并针对震后地表水厂原水浊度可能出现剧烈变化(数值从几十至两三万NTU)的情况,提出地震灾区地表水厂应针对高浊度原水在原有常规工艺的基础上增设预沉池(自然预沉池或混凝预沉池)工艺,实践证明运行效果良好,为保障地震灾区其他城镇供水安全提供参考和技术支持。  相似文献   

Seven major water treatment plants in Seoul Metropolitan Area, which are under Korea Water Resources Corporation (KOWACO)'s management, take water from the Paldang Reservoir in the Han River System for drinking water supply. There are taste and odour (T&O) problems in the finished water because the conventional treatment processes do not efficiently remove the T&O compounds. This study evaluated T&O removal by ozonation, granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment, powder activated carbon (PAC) and an advanced oxidation process in a pilot-scale treatment plant and bench-scale laboratory experiments. During T&O episodes, PAC alone was not adequate, but as a pretreatment together with GAC it could be a useful option. The optimal range of ozone dose was 1 to 2 mg/L at a contact time of 10 min. However, with ozone alone it was difficult to meet the T&O target of 3 TON and 15 ng/L of MIB or geosmin. The GAC adsorption capacity for DOC in the three GAC systems (F/A, GAC and O3 + GAC) at an EBCT of 14 min is mostly exhausted after 9 months. However, substantial TON removal continued for more than 2 years (>90,000 bed volumes). GAC was found to be effective for T&O control and the main removal mechanisms were adsorption capacity and biodegradation.  相似文献   

Lake Dianchi is the sixth largest freshwater lake in China. The pilot experimental area (6 km2) in Lake Dianchi is one of the most severely polluted areas in the lake with heavy cyanobacteria blooms. During June 2002 to May 2003, the algal composition and number, and odorous compounds were identified monthly and monitored in the area. Meanwhile, physicochemical parameters such as total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD(Mn)), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, transparency, temperature and chlorophyll a (chla) were determined. Four odorous compounds: 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), geosmin, beta-cyclocitral and beta-ionone were found in the lake water. Both the concentration of particulate beta-cyclocitral and that of beta-ionone correlated significantly with the annual variation of Chla, biomass of total phytoplankton, cyanobacteria and Microcystis. The concentration of particulate MIB correlated significantly with the biomass of Oscillatoria, while the concentration of particulate geosmin correlated significantly with the biomass of Anabaena. Off-flavour in the pilot area was found to be caused by a combination of beta-cyclocitral- and beta-ionone-producing Microcystis, MIB-producing Oscillatoria and geosmin-producing Anabaena. beta-ionone, MIB and geosmin contributed collectively to the odour intensity in the lake water.  相似文献   

净水厂污泥脱水机选型及使用设计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对净水厂排泥水特点,通过对常用污泥脱水机的工作原理、结构特点分析,提出脱水机选型及使用设计要点。脱水机选择,应该以实物试验为基础。一般,净水厂污泥脱水,不宜采用带式脱水机,可选择离心脱水机或板框脱水机。当污泥脱水比较困难,或对脱水污泥含固率要求比较高时,宜优先采用板框脱水机。  相似文献   

1.  More than a decade of operation of water-cleaning machines with a conical net has demonstrated their good technical and economic characteristics as regards failure-free operation and water-cleaning performance.
2.  After a simple modification, the existing water-cleaning machines with a vertical axis of cone rotation can perform a fish-protecting function.
3.  For larger water consumers (such as water supply systems of thermal and nuclear power plants) machines with a horizontal cone rotation axis are recommended (so-called directflow water-cleaning machines). With some modernization of the flowthrough component, water offtake facilities can ensure bypass and survival of over 90% of young fish without building any expensive fish guard structures.
4.  Instead of fish guard facilities planned to be built at operating thermal and nuclear power plants, one should consider the possibility of removing the existing water-cleaning machines with flat nets and installing machines with conical nets.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 12, pp. 37–40, December, 1990.  相似文献   

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