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我国旅游产业在蓬勃发展的同时,市场竞争日趋激烈,企业效益不佳.根据新产业组织理论,应用SCP框架分析我国旅游产业组织结构特征,发现旅游企业规模偏小、竞争手段单一是我国旅游产业市场绩效差的直接原因.提出了组建大型旅游集团,且进一步强调了政府政策的重要性,最后对传统SCP范式进行了修正.  相似文献   

基于SCP范式的中国经济型酒店产业组织演进研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
赵小芸 《旅游学刊》2007,22(9):29-34
经过10年发展,中国经济型酒店正处于爆发式增长的前期.本文运用产业组织理论的主流研究范式SCP框架对中国经济型酒店的产业组织现状及演进趋势进行梳理和系统研究.作者认为,在中国旅游市场快速增长的影响下,经济型酒店的市场结构将呈现出集中-分散-集中的演进趋势,旅游方式的改变催生产品差异化,市场进入壁垒将不断提高;市场行为将朝着价格趋于稳定,价格联盟逐步形成,合作行为深化,竞争以品牌建设和服务提升为主的趋势发展.根据分析结论,笔者对低星级酒店的转型提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

乡村旅游产业进化对民族地区乡村振兴和实现共同富裕具有重要价值。文章借鉴经济进化论和现代资源观理论,通过自上而下的理论演绎构建乡村旅游产业进化过程模式;采用文本分析法与定性比较分析法,分析影响民族地区乡村旅游产业进化的资源要素,探索产业进化组态路径。基于广西龙脊梯田景区61家旅游企业研究发现:(1)在多种组织资源持续交互作用下,乡村旅游产业呈现“自由演化-市场选择-实现进化”的螺旋式进化趋势;(2)组织学习能力、人力资本、技术创新、知识联盟、正式制度、创业环境6要素构成5条组态路径,推动民族地区乡村旅游产业进化;(3)组织学习能力是所有组态路径的核心要素,知识联盟对初始资源劣势型乡村旅游小企业不可或缺,合理配置资源是进化的关键。研究结论揭示了民族地区乡村旅游产业进化的复杂因果本质,具有积极的实践借鉴和理论价值。  相似文献   

中国旅游产业对国民经济的贡献研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用旅游增加值剥离测算法估算2000~2008年中国大陆31个省级单位的旅游产业增加值,并测量旅游产业增加值对国民经济的贡献率和拉动幅度,旨在分析旅游产业在国民经济中的地位。结论有三:第一,我国旅游产业以高于国内生产总值的增长速度快速成长,波动较大且存在地区差异;第二,旅游产业的发展与国民经济的整体发展水平密切相关,在以旅游产业作为先导产业的省份中,旅游产业对国民经济的拉动作用较为显著;第三,我国大部分地区的旅游产业对GDP贡献率主要集中在3%~8%,而拉动系数则保持在0.5至1.5个百分点之间。  相似文献   

中国旅游产业区域聚集程度变动趋势的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用空间基尼系数对中国旅游产业聚集进行的实证研究发现,中国旅游产业已经呈现出较强的聚集性,进一步,本文采用有关指标考察了1999~2006年间中国旅游产业聚集的发展趋势.结果表明,中国旅游产业的行业区域聚集程度和旅游行业区域共同聚集程度均呈现出上升趋势,为我国旅游产业聚集近年来呈上升趋势的论断提供了稳健的证据.  相似文献   

乡村旅游专业合作组织是提高乡村旅游专业化程度和集约化水平的重要手段.本文通过对我国乡村旅游专业合作组织发展现状、产生动因和发展趋势的分析,指出我国乡村旅游专业合作组织的发展正面临着组织转型,规范的"农家乐"协会和"农家乐"专业合作社将成为乡村旅游发展主要的组织形态,后者最终将推动乡村旅游发展的产业升级.  相似文献   

国家旅游局局长邵琪伟在介绍今年的旅游工作重点时强调,要“扩大内需,促进消费”,要“重视高端旅游产品的需求,鼓励有条件的地区积极发展会议展览、邮轮游艇、文化体验、科考探险等有潜力的旅游产品”;法国、加拿大、瑞士等国家纷纷表示看好中国蓬勃发展的旅游市场,在中国加大高端旅游产品的宣传促销;太阳集团、地中海俱乐部等旅游组织开始了对中国高端旅游市场的开发;国内旅行社也相继推出顶级旅游产品。高端旅游,正在改变中国的旅游产业格局。  相似文献   

李晓莉  刘松萍 《旅游学刊》2013,28(1):107-113
奖励旅游起源于西方,具有激励与示范的社会功能。中国经济的快速发展将促进其潜在需求市场的繁荣。国内外现有研究多基于供应方视角下的目的地选择、竞争力评价、经济影响及组织策划服务等,基于企业需求方的研究还较少。文章在对16家企业奖励旅游相关负责人进行半结构化深度访谈的基础上,归纳出目前市场需求的3种类型:激励型奖励旅游、奖励性质的商务差旅、福利型的奖励旅游,并从运作制度化、需求定制化、收益关注度3方面分析了特征与差异;进一步分析了管理者个人决策导向、组织社会制度的力量及组织社会影响的顾虑对组织需求的影响,指出组织市场的阶段性与不确定性制约着产业发展,需要引导需求、培育市场。  相似文献   

关于旅游发展的几个阶段性问题   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
魏小安 《旅游学刊》2000,15(5):9-14
文章对中国旅游产业功能、旅游市场发育、旅游增长方式、区域发展、旅游资源开发、旅游产品开发、旅游企业竞争、旅游管理等方面的发展阶段作出了概括和分析,既是对以往过程的回顾,也是对未来发展趋势的揭示。  相似文献   

刘晓欣  胡晓  周弘 《旅游学刊》2011,26(3):31-37
文章利用2002年和2007年的中国投入产出表资料,对中国旅游产业的产业关联度、宏观经济效应及其变化情况进行了分析。结果表明,旅游业有较高的后向产业关联度,对国民经济有较大拉动作用,且拉动作用日益增强,但旅游业内生增长动力不足;旅游产业属于劳动密集型产业,其产品主要用于消费,因而具有较强的就业效应和较高的消费效应。因此,应大力发展旅游业,加强旅游业基础设施建设,拓展旅游消费,以推动国民经济发展。  相似文献   

近年来,高管-员工薪酬差距问题已成为一个全球性的热点问题,企业高管与普通员工之间过于悬殊的薪酬差距所引发的激烈争议和质疑不容忽视。文章基于锦标赛理论、社会比较理论与管理层权力理论,以2006~2012年间的旅游上市公司为研究样本,对管理层权力、高管-员工薪酬差距与企业绩效三者之间的关系进行了理论分析与经验检验。检验结果表明:(1)管理层权力理论在旅游行业并不成立,管理层权力未对高管-员工薪酬差距与旅游企业绩效造成显著影响;(2)高管-员工薪酬差距与旅游企业绩效呈显著的倒U形关系,当高管-员工薪酬差距超过205000.97元的临界值时,薪酬差距继续拉大会对旅游企业绩效产生消极影响。建议旅游企业合理设计薪酬激励机制、优化薪酬结构,防止高管-员工薪酬差距过大引致负面效应。  相似文献   

The impact of online user reviews on hotel room sales   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite hospitality and tourism researchers’ recent attempts on examining different aspects of online word-of-mouth [WOM], its impact on hotel sales remains largely unknown in the existing literature. To fill this void, we conduct a study to empirically investigate the impact of online consumer-generated reviews on hotel room sales. Utilizing data collected from the largest travel website in China, we develop a fixed effect log-linear regression model to assess the influence of online reviews on the number of hotel room bookings. Our results indicate a significant relationship between online consumer reviews and business performance of hotels.  相似文献   

朱竑  刘迎华 《旅游学刊》2004,19(4):92-95
为深入理解中外旅游研究的异同,文章对2000年以来《Annals of Tourism Research》和《旅游学刊》发表的论文进行了比较分析。研究表明中外旅游研究在研究内容、研究方法以及研究思路等方面存在着明显差异。前者侧重于旅游影响、旅游人类学、旅游社会学与生态旅游等方面的研究,而后者涉猎面更广泛,如对旅游经济与管理、旅游资源开发与规划等偏实用领域的关注;此外,前者研究方法以数理统计为多,后者多以描述性的论述为主。研究通过对近期两大中外权威杂志的对比分析,以期对国内旅游研究,以及对《旅游学刊》的未来发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of family firm specific non-financial dynamics [socioemotional wealth (SEW) and family firm psychological capital (FFPsyCap)] on firm performance. We develop a model of how family firms' SEW preservation goal negatively affects firm performance in terms of sales and the mitigating influence of FFPsyCap on this association. We test the model on a sample of 192 family firms in the Hospitality and Tourism (H&T) industry. Using a cross-sectional research design, surveys were solicited from small-and-medium size hotels in Turkey. Ordinary Least Squares technique is used to test our hypotheses. The results reveal that family firms' SEW preservation goal negatively affects firm performance in terms of sales, and the FFPsyCap mitigates this influence. Accordingly, if small-and-medium size firms in H&T can capitalize on non-financial strengths and minimize the impact of family-centric goals on firm outcomes, they can attain transgenerational sustainability and success.  相似文献   

Restaurant management requires customer responsiveness to deal with increasingly higher expectations and market competitiveness. This study proposes an approach to simplify the decision-making process of restaurant managers by combining both live social media customer feedback and historical sales data in a sales forecast model (based on TripAdvisor data and the Bass model).Our approach was validated with internal and external (i.e., online reviews) data gathered from six restaurants. The collected data was processed using data analytics for developing a dashboard that provides value for restauranteurs by taking advantage of online reviews and sales forecast. Such dashboard was evaluated by restaurant management experts, which provided positive feedback, highlighting in particular the time saved in the decision-making process.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that peer-to-peer platforms have overly positive reviews. Guided by Construal Level Theory, this research investigates the relationship between social distance, empathy, and tourists’ intention to leave negative online reviews. The first study is a qualitative analysis which compares peer-to-peer settings (i.e., Airbnb) to institutional ones (i.e., Booking.com), and explores whether social closeness hinders tourists’ willingness to provide negative online reviews to express their poor experiences. The second and third study are laboratory studies which show that the mechanism behind reviewing biases is the activation of empathy.This research offers practical implications for both traditional hospitality players, on how to activate empathy, and online platforms operators, on how to increase the reliability of their reputation systems.This article also launches the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on Peer-to-peer accommodation networks, a special selection of research in this field.  相似文献   

论旅游文化——文化人类学视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国内旅游文化研究已进入了瓶颈阶段。尽管有近40部与旅游文化相关的著作和教材以及大量学术论文,但人们在各种意义上使用"旅游文化"这一词汇,旅游文化的内涵与外延仍模糊不定。文章在追溯国内外旅游文化研究成果的基础上,从文化的发生层面来界定和框限旅游文化,并在内涵、特性、功能层面上对旅游文化与一般文化进行比较分析,进而指出未来的旅游文化研究可以运用文化人类学传统民族志方法来获取第一手资料。同时,文章旨在反思国内旅游文化研究的概念误区,并尝试以文化人类学视角来廓清旅游文化的外延,将旅游文化视为文化生产与再生产的结果,为旅游文化内涵的明确化、具体化做抛砖引玉的前期思考。  相似文献   

一次对旅游前沿课题的审题研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在中国旅游业的发展中,在中国学者对旅游科学的研究中,有哪些课题是人们公认的前沿课 。一个业界,学界和管理层官员都一致关注的重心。本文根据北京旅游学院旅游科学研究所和《旅游学刊》编辑部最近联合撰写的这一研究的研究报告,将日前在北京召开的这次别出心裁的研讨会的成果及一些学者的有关反映作一扼要的概述。  相似文献   

Tourism experiences in natural landscapes are considered an integral component of tourism value. Tourism experiences can also create a link between an individual and his or her spiritual needs. Thus, this study aims to utilize an effective approach to interpret individual, subjective human experiences in natural environments using interpretive structural modeling. This technique is used to build a hierarchy-based model and determine the mutual relationships among the enablers of tour value. In addition, this study uses the Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) analysis to analyze the degree of influence of these factors and their degree of dependence on each other. To collect the empirical data, questionnaires were distributed to visitors at Grand Gangshan, a tourist destination in northeastern Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The results show that particular enablers (Internet marketing, the establishment of sales locations and planning for travel information services) have a high degree of influence and exhibit low dependence. These enablers require a great deal of attention because of their strategic importance to tourism development. The approach employed in this study provides a very useful tool for travel authorities to use to differentiate between the independent and dependent variables affecting tour value and to identify the relationships among those variables. Using this approach will allow the actors in this industry to focus on the most important variables for promoting the visitor experience in natural settings.  相似文献   

Due to increasing online sales of Asian tourism, discussion of the factors influencing Asian online tourist e-satisfaction is an issue of critical importance. The major purpose of the study was to enhance regretful (e.g. high tendency-to-regret) tourist e-satisfaction by providing post-purchase information (sellers' ratings) to reduce post-purchase cognitive dissonance in the high uncertainty avoidance context (e.g. Taiwan). Results obtained from 2 × 2 experimental designs indicated that, the influence of regretful personality on e-satisfaction was fully mediated via post-purchase cognitive dissonance. The effect of valid sellers' ratings on raising regretful tourist e-satisfaction was also confirmed. The current study focused on Taiwanese online tourists, it provided a precise explanation of the relationships among variables and may expand understanding of Asian online regretful tourist post-purchase behaviors in a high uncertainty avoidance context. The current study could provide practitioners with post-purchase e-marketing implications and applications in such a context.  相似文献   

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