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随着电子商务发展的日渐成熟,B2C网站顾客满意度开始进入公众的视野,作为衡量企业产品及服务质量的重要指标.本文在前人研究的基础上,通过多方面的观察B2C网站,从而构建了一套多指标的B2C网站顾客满意度模型.通过层次分析法对其进行实证分析,从而了解影响顾客满意度因素的重要性,对B2C企业提出建议与对策.  相似文献   

本文以顾客的整个网购过程为研究范围,将网络顾客在B2C网站的购物感知作为研究对象,建立一个具有实践价值的网络顾客忠诚性影响机理模型,并进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:网站商品质量、网站交互性、网站售后服务对B2C购物网站品牌忠诚性具有显著的正面影响,网站的系统质量对网站品牌忠诚性的影响不显著,物流服务感知和网站促销感知对网站的行为忠诚具有正面影响,但对网站的态度忠诚影响不显著。  相似文献   

本文是B2C数码产品网站质量影响顾客满意度和忠诚度因素分析中的结论与限制部分,对本研究进行了总结,得出了一下结论:B2C数码产品网站的顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度存在显著的正相关;便利性、内容、客户服务、可靠性,分别与忠诚度存在显著正相关。同时也列举了一些研究当中的局限.并提出了展望。  相似文献   

本文在B2C网购环境下,构建了以ESQ四维度为起点,以转换成本为中介的顾客保留形成机理的概念模型。实证分析发现,网站的隐私性与履行性对顾客保留有显著的正向影响,而网站效率性对顾客保留没有呈现显著影响,网站系统可用性则对顾客保留不存在明显的因果关系,与此同时,转换成本仅对网站隐私性有较好的中介作用。据此提出控制风险管理系统,提高顾客转换成本,以及优化交易配送体系,履行商品交付承诺的方案。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的不断发展,我国网络购物(本文主要指B2C、C2C购物)规模迅速增长,但网络购物不满意、网络购物被投诉的现象时有发生,亟待在中国购物网站中掀起一场提升"顾客满意度"的浪潮。本文基于ACSI模型,分析了中国购物网站的顾客满意度,并提出了提升中国购物网站的顾客满意度的策略。  相似文献   

近年来,网络购物发展异常迅速,C2C、B2B以及B2C业务异军突起。网络购物的迅速发展促进了个人网商以及企业网商之间的激烈竞争,提高顾客满意度进而留住顾客成为关键。顾客满意度与商品信息真假和商品质量好坏、物流配送、售后服务、网站特性、价格感知、购物安全性息息相关,表明顾客满意达到一定程度时就会产生顾客忠诚。企业或个人最终必将赢得市场和利润。  相似文献   

本文对典型的B2C电子商务网站进行了比较。B2C电子商务网站的产品品种同质化现象严重。知名度较高的B2C电子商务网站主要依赖风险资金实现快速扩张。大型B2C电子商务企业大多自建仓储及配送体系,前期投入巨大,中小型B2C电子商务企业不得不依托邮政或第三方物流完成配送,送货时间长、配送成本高。  相似文献   

文章在研究六个影响顾客B2C网购意愿的重要因素时发现,网站特性、商品服务、优惠服务、售后服务因素对男女在B2C购物意愿的影响存在显著差异,而客服服务、快递服务影响差异不显著;然后从性格、环境等方面对这种差异化的存在做了分析;并认为B2C企业可以根据自己顾客群体的分类对网站做出相应的改善,寻求同类网站的差异性,同时为B2C企业的长远发展提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

本文基于淘宝、天猫和京东电商网站的视角,结合顾客满意理论与顾客信任理论,构建网购顾客“满意—网站信任—忠诚”的转换模式,以研究顾客满意向顾客忠诚转化的路径关系;并利用问卷调查数据,由结构方程模型进行量化测算,比较分析了淘宝、天猫和京东电商网站的顾客忠诚影响系数与忠诚度指数。  相似文献   

我国物流企业网站建设的品牌策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国物流企业网站建设还处于初级阶段,大部分网站的功能仅限于信息发布,缺乏电子商务功能和客户服务功能,网站同质化现象严重,网站信息更新速度慢,但已有很多企业开始重视网站建设,网站内容与形式表现出一定的国际化意识,少量网站显示了初级电子商务功能。物流企业作为服务型企业,其主要产品是为顾客提供物流服务,创建物流服务品牌、为顾客提供满意服务是物流企业提升自身竞争力、获得持续竞争优势的关键。为有效发挥企业网站功能,通过网站提升物流企业服务质量,我国物流企业网站建设应重视品牌建设,谋求以品牌建设为中心的差异化建站策略,通过品牌力量赢得顾客偏爱,优化顾客和网站的关系。一要坚持以顾客为导向的建站理念,根据顾客的需要提供信息和服务;二要重视网站界面设计的交互性、易用性和响应速度;三要重视网站视觉识别系统的个性,建立一套与众不同的网站视觉识别系统,提高网站品牌形象;四要加强网站品牌知名度的推广,利用搜索引擎、交换链接或在论坛上发布信息提高网站知名度。  相似文献   

山西省旅游资源丰富,旅游电子商务是山西旅游产业实现根本性变革和跨越式发展的最佳战略路径。目前,山西旅游电子商务具有一定的基础和规模,发展潜力巨大。所存在的问题主要是旅游网站建设水平和旅游信息质量不高、旅游服务缺乏特色、传统旅游企业和电子商务公司资源整合不够、缺乏高素质人才等。有关部门应构建旅游业协同商务平台,加强旅游网站个性化服务;探索"O2O"模式,实现线上线下旅游资源的整合;重视旅游移动电子商务的应用并加大相关人才的培养力度,以实现旅游业资源的充分利用,提高山西旅游业的整体竞争力。  相似文献   

呙飒英 《商业研究》2006,(20):208-211
目前,中小型企业对电子商务的需求越来越迫切,但由于种种原因,电子商务在实际中却未充分利用,究其原因主要是对电子商务项目管理的需求分析不足,从中小企业生命周期入手,以不同生命周期阶段对电子商务项目需求不同,提供一些可操作性的理论基础———掌握电子商务项目需求分析三阶段方法,正确实施中小企业电子商务项目管理。  相似文献   

在对物流增值服务及C2B模式进行分析的基础上,以顺丰速运为例,提出了基于C2B电子商务网站的物流增值服务的方案,并对新型C2B商务模型的概念进行了详细阐述。并通过对电子商务现状的分析、市场效益的分析、网站设计成本的分析以及运用模糊综合评价的方法对顺丰速运C2B电子商务网站的风险进行评估,验证了方案的切实可行性。  相似文献   

刘祖斌 《商业研究》2006,(20):98-101
商务模式创新最大限度地为挖掘技术创新的商业潜力提供了转化机制和桥梁。商务模式创新已成为各国有企业竞争的一个重要的领域。在深入分析了商务模式组成、商务模式分类与商务模式创新的关系后,提出了基于知识工程电子商务模式创新研究,其核心是对虚拟价值链本体描述和挖掘,这是对当前基于价值链本体描述来研究电子商务模式的推广。  相似文献   

In an increasingly global business environment, organizations interact with partners, suppliers and customers who are geographically spread and exchange information regularly. Without a robust information technology infrastructure, the speed and effectiveness of this information exchange is limited. Business-to-business (B2B) electronic business applications are a class of interorganizational information systems (IOIS) that facilitate such information exchange arising out of interorganizational processes (IOPs). The success of any e-business initiative depends on the successful implementation and the actual use of such IOIS. This study uses the concept of information intensity (II) to identify the information sharing requirements arising from IOPs, thus presenting opportunities for B2B Web site use, with specific reference to organization-specific customer-facing and supplier-facing IOIS. We use data from four buyer–supplier dyads, eight medium- to large-scale organizations in the Indian context and identify a generic set of dominant IOPs in buyer–supplier interactions. Through these we present the sources of II in IOPs along three dimensions – complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity which influence the feature set in the IOISs. We conclude with implications for IOIS design, implementation and use.  相似文献   

文章从博弈论角度研究了网络贸易信息的跨文化因素,重点分析完全信息静态博弈和完全信息动态博弈条件下的语言及文化选择.指出企业应根据不同的贸易发展阶段和产品特征采取不同跨文化对策,以期为从事国际电子商务的企业提供参考和服务,有效地开拓国际市场.  相似文献   

积分作为电子商务网站一种客户激励措施而在业内广泛应用。通过建立结构化方程模型,设计积分便利性和积分优惠程度的指标,应用AMOS软件运行分析,结果发现积分使用便利性和积分优惠程度对客户忠诚度具有正向影响。针对目前行业内积分应用出现的问题,提出积分设计原则:积分容易获取、降低积分使用条件、加大积分优惠程度。  相似文献   


This paper evaluates the Government-to-Business (G2B) aspect of Dubai e-government. The research revealed that while businesses are generally aware of Dubai e-government services, they do not often use them for transactions. Another finding was that responses to businesses' queries made online or via e-mail are not rapid enough. A single e-business portal for the business community is recommended, which would shift the service approach from department-centric to customer-centric. It is further suggested that in order to stay current, Dubai should use CiRM principles in providing an improved level of service for businesses. This will enhance its position among the world's city and municipal websites. Since Dubai is considered a leader in e-government implementation in the Arab world, it is hoped that the findings will guide regional decision makers as they improve their G2B e-government initiatives.  相似文献   

This research investigates whether firms using e-commerce technologies are successful in generating business value and, if so, which e-commerce drivers determine this success and how firms should use these drivers. There is no systematic empirical evidence in the IT productivity and business value literature regarding the payoffs a business receives from its e-business initiatives. The current research contributes to the literature in the e-commerce area by identifying a set of e-business value constructs, incorporating these constructs in a model in a manner not done before, and empirically validating the model using an Analysis of MOment Structures (AMOS)/?Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The present research also contributes to the e-business value literature by providing insights into causal relationships among Rogers' innovation and diffusion theory (IDT) factors. This is the first time a research study has empirically established comprehensive causal relationships among these factors. The SEM analysis of the model indicates that the proposed model is able to explain e-commerce success utilizing the constructs identified and grounded using IT business value literature and Rogers' IDT. We conclude by summarizing its contributions to the IT literature, in general, and the e-business literature, in particular, and by providing insights for practice and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

To compete effectively in the e-business world, an organization must structurally transform its internal foundation. This structural change requires an organization to develop an innovative e-business strategy, focusing on speed to market and breakthrough execution. Despite the recognition and care that in recent years has been dedicated to e-business, there remains a need for continuing research efforts that seek to better understand constraints on the evolution of an organization to a state that can take advantage of e-business possibilities. There is a special need for this when considering small and medium enterprises, or businesses in developing countries. To minimize risk exposure from e-business initiatives, it is imperative for an organization to identify potential constraints on e-business evolution. In this setting, we develop a research model that involves e-business constraints and e-business maturity. We classify the constraints into the categories of environment constraints, organizational constraints, and technological constraints. Our results indicate that there are constraints that can be more or less problematic, depending on the stage of maturity. The results are also quite different in large organizations versus Small and Medium Enterprises.  相似文献   

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