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Family decision making not only has been an interesting subject to consumer behavior researchers but also has served as a valuable source in shaping marketing strategies adopted by the tourism and hospitality industry. However, little research has been devoted to understanding the roles of family members in the decision-making process during vacation planning. This paper attempts to provide further understanding on the nature and the importance of family roles played in making travel purchase decisions. The authors conceptually reviewed past studies to explore different roles played by the core family members in the decision-making process and developed research propositions along with a conceptual model regarding family vacation planning. Relevant marketing implications were discussed and unique research methods were also recommended for further study.  相似文献   

Information processing and touring planning theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tourists vary greatly in the extent to which they choose elements of their vacation prior to the commencement of the vacation. For a touring vacation, the extent to which a specific set of locations to visit has been planned prior to departure will vary between individuals. This study presents a structural model of pre-vacation decision-making for a touring vacation. The model demonstrates pre-vacation decision-making as comprising three distinct activities – information search, vacation plans, and vacation bookings – and incorporates characteristics of the vacation and characteristics of the tourist that influence the amounts and types of each of these activities undertaken.  相似文献   

The article investigates traditional decision-making choice models and offers a new way of thinking about the tourist vacation-making intricacies. Specifically, this article examines the interrelationship between affect and cognition in the tourist vacation decision-making process and argues that consumers, during each vacation decision-making task, use both affect and cognitive processes in varying degrees depending on their valence and intensity. The traditional view of decision making posits that the consumer is a rational decision maker who proceeds through a series of prescribed steps before finding an optimal decision solution. However, with the growing prominence on the role of affect, “hot” aspects of cognition in psychology, and neuroscience investigations, much of the traditional cognitive-dominated theories are being reexamined. A tourist decision-making framework is presented demonstrating the proposed theory and provides understanding to the influences that affect and cognition have on the decision-making process. After delineating these concepts, propositions are presented followed by the Discussion and Conclusions section that summarizes and discusses challenges associated with studying affect.  相似文献   

This research note is based on the 1999 American Recreational Property Survey as solicited by the American Resort Development Association. The major findings of the study indicate that consumer interest in the vacation ownership industry as a viable recreational alternative is moderate at the best. In turn, this indicates that empirical studies must be conducted to ascertain the marketing and non-marketing variables that influence the consumer decision-making process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a multiple criteria decision-making instrument to model vacation destination-choice decisions of individuals based on the factors deemed to be important for vacation destination choice decisions. The study emphasizes the importance of individual differences in making vacation destination choice decisions. Although this research effort is explanatory in nature, the results reveal that application of behavioral decision theory is possible in modeling individualsÆ vacation destination decisions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine spouses' perceptions of the relative influence exerted by family members across eight vacation sub decisions. The study also examines the ability of selected family structural characteristics to predict parents' perceptions of children's influence in vacation decision-making. The results generally support the notion that most vacation decision-making between spouses is syncretic, although differences did exist. In addition, children's perceived influence was found to be positively related to their age and parents' years of education. Marketing implications for tourism managers are discussed.  相似文献   

Using data derived from a statistical sample as well as interviews, women are the taste-makers of American tourism because they dominate in the decision-making process. Culturally-specific motivations, generated within a narrowly-defined home community, prompt travel to “in” destinations and the traveler later gains social approval at home for having been to a currently-popular vacation center. The implications for market research suggest that to attract American tourism, the destination must be appealing to American women, and it must be marketed through, channels that American women see and/or read.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years changes have taken place which have altered the decision-making process in families—family democracy is clearly in the ascendant. The family has evolved into what business research calls a decision-making unit. This general trend probably also has consequences for holiday decisions. The focus of this research is on (dis)agreement within couples concerning 15 vacation sub-decisions. In this Dutch longitudinal study, data were collected for couples over a period of nearly a year. Our main conclusion is that holiday choice has evolved over the last 30 years into being very much a joint decision, in which family members discuss, seek information for the discussion and use influencing strategies. The dominant disagreement-resolution strategy is the golden mean strategy. This is a strategy of give-and-take-and-reach-a-compromise. Compared with other choices, the holiday choice is also more of a joint affair. Finally, intrafamily (dis)agreement has consequences for satisfaction with the choice process, the amount of discussion and information searching. Implications of the increased family democracy for marketing and advertising are described.  相似文献   

Several aspects of socio-psychological research are presented dealing with relationships between transport, leisure, and tourism in France. The socio-psychological approach to long distance travel for leisure and vacation purposes is illustrated by recent studies of family mobility: for instance, family decision-making, sociability and travel, territorial behavior and the “territorialisation” process, and change processes related to the family life-cycle. Traffic problems in touristic sites are also considered. An attempt at an action-research approach shows how traffic management in urban areas could benefit from the use of socio-psychological survey data. The diagnosis, forecasts and evaluation of travel behavior could be made more effective through more active cooperation between traffic policymakers, traffic engineers and social scientists.  相似文献   

The subject of this study concerns individual vacationers' reactions to the global economic crisis. This crisis is lasting longer than expected, resulting in Europe in a “double dip”. Vacationers can use different strategies to cope with this crisis: from pruning (giving up the vacation) via cheese-slicing (economizing on vacation attributes) to non-economizing. Based on a theoretical framework, it was predicted that over time the pruning segment would become larger than the cheese-slicing segment. A longitudinal study in The Netherlands, covering 4 years, shows economic developments having a relatively minor effect on vacationers' holiday plans and intentions, with no increase in the size of the pruning segment. Six vacationer segments were found, three of which can be considered to be crisis-resistant. Each segment pursues different economizing strategies, with each requiring a customized marketing strategy. Five explanations are proposed for the relatively limited influence of the economic “double dip” on Dutch vacationers. Future research can be directed to comparing vacations with other consumer products, in order to explain the crisis-resistance of vacation planning during this economic crisis.  相似文献   

This study explores the unique interplay of family vacation travel, family cohesion, and family communication through a sample of 265 family travelers. The results reveal that family vacation contributes positively to family bonding, communication and solidarity. Family interaction styles differ during the family leisure travel process. Two types of families are identified differing on the dimension of cohesion, corresponding to separated and connected families. Three types of families are identified differing on the dimension of adaptation, corresponding to flexible, confused and structured families. This research represents an attempt to use a unique theoretical framework to empirically assess family functioning in the leisure travel setting.  相似文献   

丁雨莲  陆林  黄亮 《旅游学刊》2006,21(7):12-16
随着恩格尔系数的平稳下降,中国家庭与休闲相关的消费在不断攀升.文章从丽江大研古城沿街店铺经营业务入手,搜索大研古城的文化休闲旅游符号,分析其形成机制:外在动力机制有休闲时代的即将到来、市场需求的拉动;内在动力机制有自然因素、文化因素和政府决策因素.对比丽江大研古城和以宏村、西递为代表的徽州古村落,探讨不同文化背景的遗产旅游地发展过程中出现的两种特征:文化休闲旅游和文化观光旅游.文章认为,在休闲时代到来之际,传统的观光旅游逐渐向休闲度假旅游转变,文化型遗产地应冷静对待,避免盲动,做出适合自身文化本底的正确选择.  相似文献   

Family is an important unit of individuals seeking experiences together during vacation. This consumptive unit deserves explicit attention not only because of its market size but also because of ramifications of family vacation on family functioning. This study explores the interplay of vacation activity patterns and family cohesion. It reveals a taxonomy of four types of family travelers with respect to their patterns of activities and needs for cohesion. They are “bonded and nature seeking”; “attached and enthusiastic”; “self-directed and recreation oriented”; and “sociable but static” family travelers. This research provides empirical evidences for the proposition that vacation activities are valuable contributors to family cohesion. Implications are provided pertaining to the development of quality family vacation programs and enhancement of family life satisfaction.  相似文献   

旅游网站已成为了游客出游前后必不可少的信息收集、决策辅助和意见反馈的交流平台,但传统旅游在线预订网站提供的酒店、机票产品已经呈现趋同之势。随着带薪休假制度和Web2.0时代的到来,旅游网站又迎来了新的挑战和契机。本文通过“自由行”产品的实证案例研究,结合最新的市场动态,围绕用户在线体验和Web2,0技术,探索性地提出了在线交付过程的概念模型,主张网站访问体验也属于游客体验的一部分,用户参与可影响旅游产品的再设计,并通过交付性比较、案例分析、内容分析法等实证研究,提取出高体验性的影响因子,以期提高旅游网站的设计质量,改善旅游产品的在线交付品质。  相似文献   

Fall foliage season has been a favorite time for sightseeing activity for centuries around the world. The dates of fall foliage coloration for Acer mono maxim at two stations (Beijing and Xi'an) with more than 30 years of records were collected. Time-series analysis showed a strong overall delay of the timing of the fall foliage vacation season. The trend for later fall foliage vacation season averaged 4–5 days/decade. Regression analysis revealed that the air temperature in September or October is decisive for the annual timing of the fall foliage vacation season. A warming of 1 °C led to a delayed beginning, best date and the end of fall foliage vacation of 5.3 days, 3.5 days and 3.7 days respectively. The beginning of fall foliage vacation season started to delay in the 1990s. Sudden delay in the best date of fall foliage vacation season of Beijing and Xi'an took place in the early 2000s and 1990s respectively. For the end of fall foliage vacation season, an abrupt delay occurred in the early 2000s. This has implications for tourists and the tourism industry with reference to the timing of trips and their promotion.  相似文献   

论假日经济内涵、特征及其与假日旅游之联系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐子鹏  张薇 《旅游学刊》2001,16(4):31-33
旅游学界对于将假日经济等同于假日旅游虽然提出了质疑 ,但却始终未能获取明晰的答案。由此 ,本文将运用数理经济方法 ,对假日经济的经济内涵、特征及其与假日旅游的联系作出定性说明 ,以期为发展假日旅游有所裨益。  相似文献   

The literature of destination choice has so far studied multi-stage decision making processes that are more representative of the general choice behavior of tourists (e.g. going on vacation, going abroad, and destination country). Alternatively, this study proposes a multi-stage decision process to the choice of tourist destination types (going on vacation, coastal character, and urban character of the destination) as these choice sets are more idiosyncratic to tourists who prefer a specific type of tourist destination (e.g. Spain with clear coastal and inland variations). In order to test this multi-stage choice process as well as the sequential order of both decisions, coastal character and urban character, the current study analyses decision processes vs. different hierarchical multi-stage processes (going on vacation and coastal character preceding urban character; and going on vacation and urban character preceding coastal character). The empirical findings support the existence of a multi-stage choice process where coastal character precedes the urban character destination choice. The main implication of these findings is that, given the limited human analytical capability, a hierarchical choice process can be useful to handle the information overload and the complexity inherent to the destination type choice.  相似文献   

Despite being recognised as a lucrative segment by the industry, multigenerational family vacation remains an under-researched area. This study explores Korean multigenerational family vacation decision making (FVDM). Using a neo-Confucian epistemology, this study contributes to the existing family tourism literature, which has mainly researched Western nuclear family holidays, by investigating how Korean multigenerational families resolve conflicts during the FVDM process. Data were collected from 14 Korean multigenerational families using focus groups, interviews and visual methods. The study reveals the influence of neo-Confucianism on FVDM communication and the conflict resolution strategies. The vertical communication across generations was guided by filial piety while the horizontal communication within the second generation demonstrates seniority- and male- oriented values. Given the communication patterns, each generation adopted conflict resolution strategies to maintain family harmony, which is a core value of neo-Confucianism. Recommendations are provided to tourism practitioners to develop tourism products and marketing strategies.  相似文献   

This study is the first to test empirically the common notion regarding sexual manipulation as a spousal influence strategy during couples' vacation purchasing decisions. The study examined whether the use of sex as a spousal influence strategy is more prevalent among individuals who have less marital power than their spouses. Marital power is treated as two-dimensional: the first dimension is objective and composed of actual economic resources; the second is subjective and composed of feelings. A sample of 192 married or cohabiting men evaluated their own and their partner's use of sex as a means of exerting influence during a vacation decision process. Female subjects with low levels of subjective marital power and male subjects with low levels of objective marital power used sex as a spousal influence strategy at a higher frequency. The study found that during a vacation decision process, the use of sex as a spousal influence strategy is impacted by the marital power balance between the spouses. Second, economic power is not the dominant factor that affects the use of this influence strategy; rather, it is interpersonal power that is influential. The findings imply that sex may be used as a power strategy by the powerless.  相似文献   

The motivation and knowledge of travelers affects their choice of destination and selection of activities while on vacation. Understanding motivation is important for all stakeholders in the tourism industry. The search for novelty is one motivating factor when planning leisure trips and vacation activities. A foreign destination offers a form of novelty to the traveler because it can provide experiences that are not of the everyday variety. The chosen location may have specific geographical features, a different cultural background, special shopping opportunities, a different language, new foods, and unique leisure activities that can provide a novel experience. The purpose of this study is to identify segments of potential U.S. leisure travelers based on their level of novelty seeking and to investigate the relationship between travelers' levels of novelty seeking and their knowledge of a destination and preferred travel style.  相似文献   

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