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周明月 《市场论坛》2009,(8):63-64,59
国际化经营是经济全球化的基础,随着全球经济一体化发展,企业国际市场进入战略的选择问题受到了越来越多的关注.我国实行改革开放以后,尤其是在加入世界贸易组织的推动下,越来越多的企业进入了国际市场,开始了国际化经营.文章阐述了我国企业国际市场进入的现状,分析了我国企业进入国际市场的战略选择问题,并分别从政府和企业的角度对我国企业提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

从近年来肉食市场价格出现的波动式下降趋势出发,提出实行一体化经营是以生猪及其加工制品为主营范围的国有食品企业生存和发展的战略选择,并在对有关理论与实践进行分析总结的前提下,指出培育龙头企业是一体化经营成功的关键,进一步从建立利益的约束机制、现代企业制度,实行现代营销方式,加强信息化管理,开拓大市场及以公司加农记(基地)的形式建立货源基地等八个方面,分析提出了培育龙头企业的基本途径,勾画出国有食品企  相似文献   

内外贸一体化的概念框架及其市场运行机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内外贸一体化是以企业为主体,以市场供求规模和产业分工为基础,以中外要素市场和产品市场逐步融合为基本内容,以市场竞争为主要推动力量,并引致政府管理体制和管理政策协同变化的经济发展过程。企业选择内外贸一体化经营,除了受到内部预算约束和外部市场规模限制以外,还依赖于产业结构调整和市场一体化程度。  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化进程的加快,中小企业国际化经营已成为当前经济环境下的必然选择,而企业国际化经营战略的选择更是企业进入国际市场成败的关键。分析了中小企业国际化经营的必然性,并对我国中小企业开展国际化经营存在的问题做了梳理,在此基础上,提出了我国中小企业在国际化经营过程中的战略选择。  相似文献   

本文将从全球一体化的实际背景出发,以中国企业在国际市场竞争中的品牌塑造现状为入题点,详细剖析了一个企业要在全球范围!的市场经营中,塑造知名品牌为企业所带来的优势,提出企业在从事国际化经营过程中可采取的品牌战略措施,为广大走向国际市场的中国企业提供一些参考。  相似文献   

当代经济形式下我国中小企业经营思想与战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中小企业经营思想与战略事关企业的成长与壮大,对于中小企业在更大范围与更高层次参与市场竞争具有决定性的作用。在当今时代,随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,中小企业必须树立正确的经营思想、选择正确的经营战略,才能有效地进行市场竞争。本文从中小企业经营战略的重要性出发,在分析中小企业自身特点的基础上,提出了我国中小企业如何选择合适的经营战略,以获得市场竞争机会,实现企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

周梅妮 《商业时代》2007,(22):44-45
随着经济的一体化发展,企业国际化经营的相关战略战术操作成为目前学术界的讨论重点,但现阶段学术界鲜有分析企业是否具有国际化经营能力的探讨,这种思路的缺失会导致企业盲目进入国际化经营,从而遭受不必要的损失。本文从企业选择参与国际化经营的前期入手,对企业参与国际化经营必须考虑的相关因素进行了分析,认为企业应依据自身条件进行国际化经营的市场战略选择。  相似文献   

鲁俞江 《现代商业》2012,(7):100-101
文章将从全球一体化的实际背景入题,以中国企业在国际中的品牌现状为切题点,详细剖析了在全球范围內的市场经营时,企业必须树立国际化品牌的重要性及其打造知名品牌为企业所带来的优势,提出企业在从事国际化经营过程中可采取的品牌战略,从而为广大走向国际市场的中国企业提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

李驰 《中国工商》2004,(4):128-132
东南亚商机何在? 中国与东南亚的地域优势和经济互补性为我国企业进入对方市场提供了十分有利的条件。自由贸易区这一新的贸易机制,将使得企业在区内17亿人口大市场选择新的经营发展方向,开展新的经营合作,实现新的跨国投资和国际营销,共同分享区域一体化带来的机会和利益。  相似文献   

郭延冰  王鹏 《北方经贸》2009,(12):29-30,45
随着世界经济一体化步伐的不断加快,我国中小企业必须逐步走向国际市场,这对我国中小企业的战略选择提出了时代性的挑战。随着商业竞争日益加剧,经济社会从制造业时代到知识经济时代的转变以及劳动力市场流动性增加,企业间的竞争愈演愈烈,如何选择中小企业发展所需的适时战略,提高企业的竞争力与寿命成为企业管理所面临最严峻的挑战,这迫使我国中小企业开始在生命周期的观念下审视战略选择问题。  相似文献   

刘义鹃 《财贸研究》2006,17(5):105-110
本文以组织理论和交易成本经济学为理论基础,分析了突破组织界限的价值链中各作业之间的相互依赖关系和节点企业之间的资金往来关系;对完整价值链分析的基本原理进行了探讨,认为价值链中各节点企业,可以在相互信任的基础上,利用共享的有关信息,对整个价值链中相互依赖的作业进行定位、协调和优化,协调和管理价值链中各节点企业之间的相互关系,使价值链中所有企业都获得最大的价值增值,从而实现“多赢”的目标。  相似文献   

As China experience unprecedented changes in its social, legal, and economic institutions, on what should foreign firms focus more to overcome this challenge, managerial ties or market orientation? This study investigates how managerial ties and market orientation affect competitive advantage and, consequently, firm performance in China. On the basis of a survey of 179 foreign firms in China, we find that both managerial ties and market orientation can lead to firm success—but in different ways. Market orientation enhances firm performance by providing differentiation and cost advantages, whereas managerial ties improve performance through an institutional advantage (i.e., superiority in securing scarce resources and institutional support). Institutional advantage, in turn, leads to differentiation and cost advantages and consequently superior performance.  相似文献   

Using a reference utility entry and exit criterion, we consider an equilibrium model of production where market price is random but endogenous with respect to industry output. General conditions are identified for industry output to increase under shifts in costs and in the distribution of demand. Comparative statics of firm level production and firm numbers are also studied. Results confirm the intuition that improvements in cost and demand conditions increase industry production. However, firm level responses are not as intuitive, and depend upon the relationship between the source of disturbance and the compensation through the altered distribution of output price.  相似文献   

While the hospital is seen as a knowledge-intensive organization in the health services industry, it is conceptualized as an institution for integrating knowledge. This paper aims to explore the development of a knowledge-based theory of the hospital. Therefore, some concerns of the theory of the hospital from knowledge-based view (KBV) are addressed, particularly, the logic of the traditional theory of the hospital, the existence of the hospital, hospital structure, determinants of hospital boundaries, and the nature of coordination within the hospital. By integrating some of the key contributions such as the traditional theory of the hospital, KBV, the theory of the firm, and transaction cost theory, this paper is trying to make some progress in developing some key elements of a knowledge-based theory of the hospital.  相似文献   

All executives would like their organizations to perform better, and most seek ways to make that happen. This paper focuses on how supply chains — the series of activities through which products and services are created and then distributed to customers — can enhance firm performance. For the last couple of decades, most firms have emphasized maximizing speed or minimizing costs within their supply chains. In the current business landscape, however, a broader approach is needed. We describe the main advantages of developing best value supply chains as a tool for enhancing performance. These chains differ from traditional chains in important ways. Best value supply chains are used by organizations as a central element of strategy, not simply as a means to move materials. Rather than focusing primarily on speed or cost, best value supply chains are designed to deliver superior total value to the customer in terms of speed, cost, quality, and flexibility. Our contention is that organizations that develop best value supply chains will enhance their performance. We support this contention with examples from leading firms that reflect a best value approach.  相似文献   

Against the idea that market economy is something greedy and immoral, we will set out the idea that market economy based on firms has a very positive moral content: the possibility of excellence of human action. Firms based on people acting together, sharing the culture of the organization, toward virtue-based ethics, create and distribute most of the economy’s wealth, innovate, trade and raise living standards. We will present a criterion which states that social coordination improves if the process of creation of individual possibilities of action, which is carried out in the social institutions—in our case, the firm—is extended. There is a retention of possibilities that is formed in the institutions and transmitted culturally. In that moment entrepreneurship emerges, the creative tension that expands, maintains, or diminishes the possibilities of action. Hence, the firm is the institution that carries out a very important practice: fostering new possibilities of individual action. In this paper, we will adopt the point of the view of the acting person. The reality we observe is personal action within its cultural and institutional dimensions. A theory of personal action in societal institutions bridges the way from virtue-based ethics toward ethics of institutions.  相似文献   

文章运用一个上下游模型,其中两个成本不同的下游企业从同一个上游企业那里购买原材料,并在产品市场上进行产量竞争,低效率的企业从事降低成本的研发活动,研究表明:生产效率低的企业支付的中间品价格较低;更为重要的是,如果原来两企业的效率差距较小,技术创新会提高社会福利;但是,如果原来两企业的效率差距很大,技术创新则会损害社会福利。文章旨在分析技术创新的福利影响,为政府制定研发政策提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Many writers argue that economic organization is undergoing major transformation in the emerging knowledge economy; authority relations are withering; legal and ownership-based definitions of the boundaries of firms are becoming irrelevant and there are increasingly few constraints on the set of feasible combinations of coordination mechanisms. The present paper critically deals with these claims, beginning from the basic idea that they may be analysed as turning on the implications for the Coasian firm of the Hayekian notion that the distributed knowledge is a strong constraint on the use of planned coordination. It argues that there are efficiency reasons for the existence of authority under Hayekian distributed knowledge; that the increasing importance of knowledge in production does not render legal and ownership-based notions of the boundaries of the firm irrelevant; and that coordination mechanisms will also cluster in certain, predictable combinations in the emerging knowledge economy. Thus, Coasian firm organization is consistent with Hayekian knowledge conditions.  相似文献   


Using U.S. listed firms during the period from 1971 to 2010, this paper investigates the effect of religion on corporate cost behavior. We find that religion mitigates cost stickiness induced by agency or behavioral biases of managers. This result holds for several robustness tests that address endogeneity concerns. The mitigating effect of religion on cost stickiness is through the channel of reducing top managers’ overconfidence and optimistic bias regarding future demand change (risk-aversion mechanism) and promoting managers’ adherence to fiduciary responsibilities and consideration of shareholder benefits (ethic mechanism). Further evidence shows that the reduction in cost stickiness caused by religion increases firm value. Overall, our findings suggest that religion reduces the wedge between a firm’s actual and optimal resource commitments, which helps to improve firm value and resource allocation efficiency.


This study examines (1) inter-firm relational resources for cloud service adoption and (2) their effects on service innovation. A research model and the related hypotheses are developed based on resource-advantage (R-A) theory that combines inter-firm relational resources identified in theoretical and empirical research as important antecedents of cloud service adoption and its effect on service innovation. This study collects data from 165 managers from service firms in Taiwan. The results show that resources, including reliability, cost, and compatibility significantly affect a firm’s cloud service adoption. Furthermore, the adoption of cloud service significantly contributes to service innovation. The findings add to the current understanding of service innovation in two important ways. First, drawing on R-A theory, this study is among the first attempts to identify inter-firm relational resources (reliability, cost, compatibility, and customer orientation) for cloud service adoption and their effect on innovation performance. Second, this study introduces cloud services as effective technological platforms for a firm and its business partners to share, integrate, and reciprocate information, knowledge, and experience for service innovation.  相似文献   

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