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This study argues that where land-use planning of any kind is conducted, it plays a supporting role that enables the property formation process to be effective. It uses evidence from Makongo Juu Settlement (in Tanzania) to reveal that the participation of actors with various levels of tenure awareness is necessary for property formation (land parceling). As the study is case-study focused, it uses data collected through a mix of procedures—including in-depth interviews, survey questionnaires, and documentary processes—analyzed qualitatively. Findings confirm that land-use planning introduces or embeds formal rules and regulations that govern the use of land. Furthermore, the study presents the affected persons’ narratives of their involvement in the property formation process. This medium allowed for an understanding of their perspectives of the property formation in the context of land-use planning. Apart from these empirical revelations (among other findings), the study contributes to land administration and land management literature in three ways. First, it outlines a typical outlook of formal and informal land development processes. Second, it deconstructs property formation in the context of land-use planning in an informal settlement. Thirdly, it presents the typical categories of actors (including their roles and viewpoints) in the participatory property formation process in an informal settlement. The study recommends that cadastral surveying (Property formation) and land-use planning should be better integrated for the formalization of property rights. This recommendation is considered necessary because there is evidence that land-use planning assigns rights (including restrictions and obligations or responsibilities) that owners and users of land have to follow in the property formation process.  相似文献   

作为土地管理的重要调控手段,土地利用功能分区协调区域内各种用地,限制不适当的用地方式,实现土地资源的合理利用和可持续发展。在研究土地利用功能区划分原则和方法的基础上,以上思县土地利用现状为例,选取了8个评价指标,利用聚类分析的方法进行了土地利用功能分区,最后根据当地实际情况调整分区结果,并对不同的功能区制定相应的空间管制措施。  相似文献   

国土“三调”后如何开展自然资源统一调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,我国各类自然资源调查分属不同的管理部门,相互之间存在着内涵界定不统一、分类体系有交叉、调查标准不一致、数据成果有矛盾等问题,严重影响了自然资源管理与保护政策的制定.机构改革后,各类自然资源的调查监测评价职责统一到自然资源部。第三次全国国土调查工作将于2020年底结束,此后即将开启自然资源统一调查的新时期,如何从以土地利用现状调查为主的国土调查顺利过渡至包含土地、森林、草原、水和湿地等各类自然资源要素的统一调查,目前正是国内专家学者、各级管理人员关注的重点、难点和热点问题。文章认为,从管理层面上首先要尽快建立自然资源统一调查的管理体系和机制;从技术层面上要加快构建自然资源统一的分类体系,逐渐优化各类自然资源调查的技术方法和技术指标。管理层面和技术层面做足准备后,以国土"三调"成果为基础,在此"底板"上开展森林、草原、水、湿地等各类自然资源的专项调查,最终形成全国自然资源统一调查机制。  相似文献   

科学推进我国农村土地整治的策略探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村土地整治是新时期我国推动农村社会经济发展的一个重要手段,客观地深入农村土地整治的实质,对于确保农村土地整治工作的顺利开展具有重大意义。在认识我国农村土地整治工作战略意义和基本内涵的基础上,提出了科学推进我国农村土地整治的一系列对策措施,主要包括坚持"政府主导、国土搭台、部门联动、聚合资金、整体推进"的工作机制,尽快完成由传统土地单一开发、整理、复垦项目向综合整治的理念转变,因地制宜、量力而行,规划先行、统筹布局,示范带动、公众参与、充分发挥农民的主人翁作用。  相似文献   

A number of studies document gender differentials in agricultural productivity. However, they are limited to region and crop‐specific estimates of the mean gender gap. This article improves on previous work in three ways. First, data representative at the national level and for a wide variety of crops is exploited. Second, decomposition methods—traditionally used in the analysis of wage gender gaps—are employed. Third, heterogeneous effects by women's marital status and along the productivity distribution are analyzed. Drawing on data from the 2011–2012 Ethiopian Rural Socioeconomic Survey, we find an overall 23.4 percentage point productivity differential in favor of men, of which 13.5 percentage points (57%) remain unexplained after accounting for gender differences in land manager characteristics, land attributes, and access to resources. The magnitude of the unexplained fraction is large relative to prior estimates in the literature. A more detailed analysis suggests that differences in the returns to extension services, land certification, land extension, and product diversification may contribute to the unexplained fraction. Moreover, the productivity gap is mostly driven by non‐married female managers—particularly divorced women—; married female managers do not display a disadvantage. Finally, overall and unexplained gender differentials are more pronounced at mid‐levels of productivity.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于耕地多功能价值的视角研究农户土地投入行为绩效并诊断其障碍因子,以探索当前形势下城市近郊区农户"既不愿意种地,又不愿意将土地流转"的深层原因.研究方法:在构建农户土地投入行为绩效分析框架的基础上,通过农村入户调查获得样本数据,采用熵权TOPSIS法和障碍度模型,对不同性别和年龄阶段农户的土地投入行为展开绩效分析.研究结果:总体上,城市近郊区农户的土地投入行为绩效水平为"良好";多群组对比分析显示,男性绩效水平高于女性,青壮年绩效水平高于老年;补贴标准偏低和职业认同感差是制约土地投入行为绩效的主要障碍因子,而满足就业和养老需求依然是耕地资源的核心价值功能.研究结论:耕地在农户认知层面发挥着"弱保障"功能,"存而不用"的保守心态在事实上导致家庭承包地处于闲置、撂荒状态,这便是当前形势下城市近郊区耕地资源低效利用的底层逻辑.  相似文献   

江西省不同农业土地利用方式对土壤有机碳的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究目的:研究江西省不同农业土地利用方式下的土壤有机碳含量。研究方法:实地土壤样品采集分析与第二次土壤普查资料相结合、GIS空间插值与比较分析相结合的综合研究方法。研究结果:江西省农业土地利用方式和土壤类型不同,土壤有机碳含量存在较大差异;在农业土地利用方式下表层土壤有机碳含量一般为:菜地稻田有林地旱地土壤荒草地;从第一次土壤普查到2008年稻田土壤有机碳含量逐步提高,而且所有农业土地利用方式下土壤有机碳含量均随土壤深度增加而减少。研究结论:通过农业土地利用管理和土壤管理措施的调整,可以增加土壤有机碳的贮量,提高农田有机碳稳定性,减缓大气中CO2浓度增加。  相似文献   

《Land use policy》1987,4(2):102-110
This article uses two different approaches to examine both the relationship between land and the law and the limits to policy for land use in the US. The first approach considers ways to circumvent the status of rights in land, and looks at their basis in traditional social attitudes and assumptions —factors no longer supported by scientific knowledge and changing concepts of public interest. The second concerns the feasibility of general laws to reflect changing perceptions of rights over land through declarations of national policy. Each approach reveals complexities that pose great difficulties to any effort to achieve a legally defined set of principles for land use that would reinforce a basic stewardship ethic for the land throughout the US.  相似文献   

利用高分辨率遥感卫星数据,采用国产地理信息系统软件,在相应数字图像处理软件的支持下,采用新的土地利用分类体系,对汨罗市土地利用信息进行解译分类,经野外核对后更新土地利用数据库。文中探索了利用3S技术快速、准确地更新土地利用数据库的几个技术方法问题,以实现短周期调查更新土地利用现状,为新一轮全国土地详查提供参考。  相似文献   

The present study seeks to discuss and advance the understanding of land fragmentation and land grabbing within Romania's economic historiography landmarks, depicting how the origins of the land property issues are deeply embedded politically, socially, and culturally in history and still strongly exist in today's collective mind. Scientific evidence on the perceptions and behaviors of land owners regarding land grabbing was obtained through a non-probabilistic survey. The data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire, which was applied through face-to-face interviews to a sample of 52 Romanian land owners from various regions of the country. The results show that in the land owners’ perception, if land is sold to foreigners, national security is the most vulnerable aspect. Regarding the preference for the nationality of the land buyer, the majority of the people investigated prefer to sell to a Romanian buyer, thus making a clear statement in favor of the Romanian ownership of the land. The empirical results are placed in the context of a bottom-up approach—negotiation, with a high potential, unexplored in Romania, for implementing win–win agricultural solutions. Negotiation is valued as part of the answer to land fragmentation–land grabbing, a “back and forth” matter. The study recommends several measures for land use policy, tailored according to specific Romanian conditions, such as using an open access electronic registry of foreign land acquisitions, establishing a threshold for these acquisitions, and securing the preservation of the agricultural destination of land. In a political and economic context where land fragmentation and grabbing are two realities that are hard to deny and separate, a significant implication of the research is the enrichment of knowledge related to the sources of the “chronical” nature of fragmentation and to land owners’ attitude toward land grabbing, thus contributing to the design and implementation of future integrative land use solutions.  相似文献   

Land improvements with long pay-back periods are often delayed on leased agricultural land. The delay in improvements has been found to result in land degradation, decreased land productivity and environmental problems. An important question is thus how landowners would respond to regulations and mandates concerning land improvements. Based on a Finnish landowner survey, we analysed landowner choices under certain land improvement regulations, using the currently dominant choice of leasing land for agricultural use as the benchmark. The results indicated that land leasing will continue to increase in the future, but if the landowner mandate to co-finance costly land improvements is increased, landowners are predicted to respond significantly to these mandates and search for other land management options. Three heterogeneous landowner groups were identified based on their land use choices. Current leasers and amenity owners, in particular, were sensitive to land improvement mandates, and would avoid compulsory investment expenses by selling or afforesting their land.  相似文献   

研究目的:以浙江省慈溪市1999—2005年的土地利用详查及更新调查数据,研究该地区土地利用变化及其所引起的生态系统服务价值的变化。研究方法:土地利用类型动态度法、土地利用程度综合指数法、生态系统服务价值当量计算法。研究结果:研究区1999—2005年园地、林地、建设用地呈增加趋势,耕地基本不变,水利设施用地和未利用地呈减少趋势;土地利用程度指数逐年上升;生态系统服务价值却随当地经济的发展逐渐下降。研究结论:今后的土地利用规划一定要严格控制建设用地扩张,提高用地效率,保证经济稳步增长和生态环境质量不断提高。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于全国典型村庄调研,分析不同地区农村宅基地闲置程度和成因,为农村宅基地集约利用和乡村振兴提供建议。研究方法:实地调研法、对比分析法。研究结果:(1)调研村庄宅基地闲置现象普遍,2018年闲置程度平均为10.7%。(2)各地村庄宅基地闲置程度差异明显。分区域看,东部村庄宅基地闲置程度最高,中部村庄最低;分城乡区位看,村庄离城市距离越远,宅基地闲置程度越高;分地形看,平原村庄宅基地闲置程度最高;分是否为贫困村庄看,村庄宅基地闲置程度随村庄贫困程度的加深而升高。(3)宅基地闲置是乡村人口结构变化与宅基地利用失衡的结果。长期外出务工、城镇有住房、“一户多宅”、宅基地损毁引起宅基地闲置的成因占比依次下降。(4)农村宅基地闲置受乡村地域内外宏微观因素综合影响,经济增长和城镇化引起的就业非农化、人口市民化是宅基地闲置的直接动因,现行城乡二元制度和宅基地管理制度是宅基地闲置的根本原因。研究结论:盘活利用农村闲置宅基地,需要因地制宜推动闲置宅基地整治利用、健全宅基地有偿使用和退出机制、创新城乡制度加快农业转移人口市民化。  相似文献   

中国农村土地产权制度改革探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
研究目的:提出改革中国农地产权制度的基本思路.研究方法:综合分析法.研究结论:坚持农村土地集体所有制不变,明晰集体土地所有权的主体、客体和权力内容,严格区分土地所有权与管理权,从制度建设上防止管理权侵犯或替代所有权.在集体土地使用权取得方式上,除以承包形式取得外,引入招标、拍卖、挂牌等形式.在集体土地使用权类型上,除承包外,应增加出让、出租、作价出资等形式,赋予集体土地使用权与国有土地使用权同样的权能.在保证用途不变的前提下,允许不同类型的集体土地使用权享有不同的转让、出租、抵押等权力,完善集体土地登记制度,规范集体土地二级市场.  相似文献   

为促进开封市土地资源的优化配置,并为土地规划与管理提供理论依据,定量与定性相结合的方法,基于2000年和2008年土地详查与变更调查数据及社会经济统计资料,揭示了土地利用结构变化的主要驱动力因素。结果表明:开封市2000—2008年8a间的土地利用变化中,耕地与未利用地激剧减少,建设用地、园地则有较大幅度的增加;本区土地利用结构变化的主要驱动因素是人口增长、经济与城市化的发展。  相似文献   

第二次全国土地调查实现了城乡一体化的土地利用现状分类,规范了城乡土地调查的数学基础和数据库建设标准,形成了城镇地籍数据库与农村地籍数据库.在此基础上,分析城乡一体化地籍管理系统实现的技术基础,提出系统建设的技术路线,论述工作流程和方法,研究系统建设的关键技术,最后得出通过设置城镇范围内数据的打开和关闭功能建立城乡一体化地籍管理系统的方法是当前形势下比较理想的一种方法.  相似文献   

In land administration (LA), the right to exercising property/ownership rights on land is based on cadastral processes of adjudication, survey and rights registration. Private ownership rights are now being taken up in pastoral areas, where they must contend with pastoralists’ land rights. Pastoral land use requires seasonal migrations determined by climatic conditions. This study aimed to find out how well the existing land laws and property rights in LA are able to serve the requirements of pastoralists land use, identify mismatches and put forward possible solutions. A case study was carried out in the Samburu–Laikipia–Isiolo–Meru landscape in Kenya. Data on the degree of livestock dependency among pastoralist communities, the spatial extent and patterns of dry season migrations, the resulting encounters between herders’ and non-pastoralist land use actors, and the perceptions of land rights held by actors were collected through a variety of methods and analysed. The results show that pastoralism is still active. The migration corridors reveal that herders maintain extensive dry season mobility, even though some of the corridors currently overlap with areas where land is privately owned by non-pastoralist land use actors. Moreover, the results show that most non-pastoralist land use actors have their land rights registered, but seasonal encounters with migrating pastoralists persist as pastoralists continue to exercise customary rights of communal use. We conclude that existing land laws and property rights in LA are suitable for sedentary land use, but do not address how to serve pastoralists land rights in time and space. The pastoralist's migration routes and patterns obtained indicated that it is possible to predict where pastoralists will be at a given time/drought period. This information could be used by decision makers and land administrators to identify where and when pastoralists’ land rights apply. This could provide the foundation for including pastoralists’ spatiotemporal land rights in LA. Arguments emphasize that adjudication, surveys and registration of rights should focus not only on ownership and full control of land, but also on defined periods when spatiotemporal mobility and access rights could be granted to pastoralists.  相似文献   

试论土地整理测绘   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
土地整理测绘是开展土地整理可行性研究、规划设计、工程量预算和施工放样等环节的一项基础性工作.在详细比较土地整理测绘与地形测绘、土地利用现状调查、工程测绘和一般的地籍测绘的异同基础上,结合工作实践,界定了"土地整理测绘"这一新的测绘工作.对其内涵、类型、内容、特点、施测方法等基本问题进行探讨,为完善测绘理论和指导土地整理测绘实践提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

《Land use policy》1988,5(1):7-18
The UK is in the process of slowly expanding its civilian nuclear power programme, with the ultimate aim of all-nuclear electricity. The government is not currently following a particular long-term plan, but each new nuclear development is considered on its individual merits—an approach which concentrates only on short-term objectives. This article argues that more attention should be given to the longterm planning and land use implications of this development—a task that can be helped by the new technology of Geographic Information Systems.  相似文献   

Since the ending of World War II increasing attention has been paid in Britain to the need for the formulation of a coherent land use planning strategy. Public control over land use has strengthened and interest in the conceptual and practical problems involved has grown to a sufficient extent to have generated a significant body of literature. This article begins with a short account of the land use planning process, considers the state of land use statistics and outlines the results of work by a number of writers on projections of land requirements in various uses notably for agriculture, forestry and urban expansion. Against this background attention then focuses on the use of cost-benefit analysis as a means of resolving conflicts in land allocation, particularly those which centre on agricultural use as against urban expansion, and agriculture versus forestry development. A further section considers the application of cost-benefit methods in research on recreational uses of land. The paper is designed primarily as a critical survey of the present state of knowledge, though it also indicates areas of study in which the expertise of the agricultural economist might be particularly useful.  相似文献   

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