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为顾客创造价值,实现企业价值最大化,是现代企业经营的目标。企业要创造价值,实现价值增值,就要付出一定的代价即发生成本。因此,如何以价值管理为基础,在为顾客创造价值,实现企业价值的同时,努力降低成本,获得产品差异化优势和成本领先的地位,提升企业的竞争力以获得优势,是现代企业成本管理值得探索的重要课题。  相似文献   

成本企划的起源、特点及其运用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当今全球经济一体化步伐大大加快,科技发展日新月异,新产品层出不穷,产品生命周期越来越短,顾客需求趋于多样化,市场竞争日趋激烈,企业生产组织方式从少品种大批量逐渐转变为灵活性、多元化的顾客需求式生产。产品和生产过程需要不断重新设计,加以改进,以满足不同顾客的需求。20世纪后期,日本一些企业逐渐尝试从经营战略的视角对成本管理进行系统分析,开拓了成本管理的全新领域即成本企划。它将信息革命对企业的影响所产生的先进生产方式如弹性制造系统(FMS)、适时制(JIT)和消费者主体观念有机结合,在产品设计阶段广泛应用价值工程(VE)…  相似文献   

制造企业作为为顾客提供产品或服务并创造价值的经济组织,成本不仅影响了企业的经营效益,还制约了企业未来的发展.成本管理作为企业管理的重要组成部分,是企业立足于市场并提高竞争力的重要法宝.本文从战略视角看待企业成本管理,首先要充分认识企业竞争所面临的环境,其次要选择科学的成本管理方法,进而展示了作业成本法对现代企业管理的重要应用价值.  相似文献   

缪红 《会计师》2014,(1):73-74
制造企业作为为顾客提供产品或服务并创造价值的经济组织,成本不仅影响了企业的经营效益,还制约了企业未来的发展。成本管理作为企业管理的重要组成部分,是企业立足于市场并提高竞争力的重要法宝。本文从战略视角看待企业成本管理,首先要充分认识企业竞争所面临的环境,其次要选择成本管理方法,展示了作业成本法对现代企业管理的重要应用价值。  相似文献   

成本分析是企业一项重要的基础管理活动,通过成本分析可以引导企业不断去发现价值、创造价值、挖掘价值。目前我国企业生产经营的内外部环境变化莫测、给企业成本造成影响的因素日益复杂,追求成本领先、成本最优是许多企业经营战略的重要组成部分,建立完善的成本分析体系和机制,是帮助企业改善内部经营管理、持续提升企业成本竞争力的必要条件。  相似文献   

成本管理的基本功能定位是为管理者提供成本信息,并帮助管理者利用成本信息进行各种各样的经营决策。战略成本管理因其强调外部环境的影响,重视内外协调和面向未来等鲜明特点,显示出强大的生命力,它将逐渐取代传统的成本管理(强调以企业内部价值耗费为基础的成本管理)。一些研究表明,实行战略成本管理的企业,其经营绩效普遍优于其他企业。  相似文献   

周小巧 《会计师》2012,(8):36-37
一、前言 现代企业发展面临的是一个竞争激烈、科技发展迅速的生产经营环境。因此,企业如果要得到好的发展,必须要有好的成本管理,并且在成本管理上要具有全面性、及时性和长远性,还要克眼传统企业成本管理的缺陷。价值链是能够满足顾客需要价值活动组成的,通过对价值链理论的分析可以实现现代企业成本的战略性管理。因此,我们要对价值链理论以及价值链理论下的现代企业成本管理理论的研究,价值链理论的成本分析,价值链理论的成本管理以及价值链理论的成本控制有较为正确的认识。  相似文献   

战略成本管理框架研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马兰  方慧 《上海会计》2001,(11):49-50
现代高新技术的发展和竞争的日益激烈,极大地改变了企业的经营环境:从生产层面看,弹性制造系统FMS及技术信息系统的创新,使企业生产迈入计算机化和自动化的新阶段;从市场层面看,经济的国际化和竞争的全球化加剧了企业外部环境的不确定性,使企业不得不从原先追求“规模经济”转向为能对顾客不同需求迅速做出反应的“顾客化生产”。经营环境的改变使以标准成本为核心、按成本项目直接材料、直接人工和制造费用分摊费用的传统成本管理面临着严峻的挑战,一种将企业战略财务决策相联结的现代成本管理体系——战略成本管理应运…  相似文献   

第三方物流管理在帮助生产经营企业降低物流成本、提高顾客服务水平、增强企业核心竞争力方面发挥重要作用。只有对第三方物流管理的内涵进行研究,才能保证物流管理水平提高,才能形成第三方物流企业与生产经营企业利益一体化的局面。  相似文献   

宝钢:基于价值链的战略成本管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
价值链分析可以从多方面揭示有关企业竞争力的成本信息。通过基于价值链的战略成本管理将成本管理的视角渗透到企业经营中的各个环节,以价值增值管理为目标,可以帮助企业实现价值最大化。  相似文献   

Whilst target costing and strategic management accounting (SMA) continue to be of considerable interest to academic accountants, both suffer from a relative dearth of empirically based research. Simultaneously, the subject of economic value added (EVA) has also been the subject of little research at the level of the individual firm.The aim of this paper is to contribute to both the management accounting and value based management literatures by analysing how one major European based MNC introduced EVA into its target costing system. The case raises important questions about both the feasibility of cascading EVA down to product level and the compatibility of customer facing versus shareholder focused systems of performance management. We provide preliminary evidence that target costing can be used to align both of these perspectives, and when combined with other SMA techniques it can serve as “the bridge connecting strategy formulation with strategy execution and profit generation” (Ansari et al., 2007, p. 512).  相似文献   

本文分析了银行产出形态的的特殊性,指出造成传统成本制度、成本分析难以应用于银行产品成本分析。通过对银行产品的成本构成路径分析,指出作业成本制度符合银行服务的有效成本方法,对银行成本管理、经营管理具有重大意义,并对商业银行如何推进作业成本提出了设想。  相似文献   

“Where does it stop on costs?”—this paper offers some responses to this question on the appropriate boundaries for costing expertise. The question was posed by a contracts officer within a social services department. The context for the question was an empirical research study in which front line welfare professionals were asked to comment, first, on costing information which could, possibly, assist in making “value for money” assessments and, second, on the contracting regime within which such costing information assumes a potentially highlighted significance. At the first stage of the study welfare professionals were found to be engaged in boundary-work to prevent the encroachment of costs on care activities. “Costing” and “caring” were being managed as “disengaged domains” through the boundary work of obfuscation, “reality-defining” and marginalization. Consequent upon the initial study the social services departments were re-visited two years later. By this time it was apparent that boundary-work had allowed some engagement between costing and caring. The paper argues that processes of alignment between costing and caring and the reconstitution of organizational tasks (including the creation of care “managers”) have allowed social work professionals to accept some costing work—work which had previously been defined as “the other”. The major themes of this paper are: the exploration of the responses of operational social services personnel to their new financial roles, and the interpretation of change in the social services context through the ideas of boundary-work. These themes are developed through a consideration of the ambiguous tasks of welfare-professionals and the consequent indeterminacy of resourcing decisions. The paper concludes that the limits of applicability of costing are yet to be set in the domain of the social services.  相似文献   

Activity-based costing (ABC) has, within the last decade, generated a voluminous literature which has paralleled its increase in popularity with practitioners. This paper reviews ABC's potential by examining applications of it which extend throughout the core areas of management accounting. Consideration is given not only to how it has positively contributed to practice in these areas but also to its rationale and limitations to particular applications. Assessment is also made of how it interacts with longer established management accounting issues such as the variable versus fixed costing debate for income measurement and decision-making, the use of contribution margin analysis, organizational slack in the budgetary control process and conventional variance analysis. Some conclusions are drawn on its value to practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the choice between direct and absorption costing in a cost-based transfer pricing system for duopolistic firms competing with product market prices. Existing literature has shown that the adoption of an absorption costing system, which drives up the intrafirm transfer price, strategically dominates direct costing for the two firms, regardless of whether the transfer price is publicly observable, thereby constituting a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium (SPNE). However, we demonstrate that direct costing can strategically dominate absorption costing when one of the two firms is an incumbent, whereas the other is a potential entrant. Stated differently, the well-known result in the strategic cost allocation problem reverses if we consider entry threats. More specifically, we show that if the incumbent credibly commits to an observable transfer price, the upfront adoption of a direct costing system enables the incumbent to deter the entry of the potential rival in the SPNE. As a commitment device for the observable price, we consider the regulation of transfer prices that usually exists in oligopolistic network industries. We show that a regulator that pursues social welfare maximization approves direct costing but not absorption costing. Therefore, the firms and the regulator can share a mutual interest in the adoption of a direct costing system, a state thus sustained as the SPNE. This result yields managerial accounting implications for a divisionalized firm facing the threat of potential competitors entering the market in that the firm can use this accounting system to help monopolize the market.  相似文献   

As a result of global competition, many Japanese companies are now operating in the United States. This article presents a survey of the management accounting methods employed by U.S.-based Japanese manufacturers and documents evidence about the current direction of accounting practices that are being transferred from Japan to the U.S. work environment. The results of the study show that most of the U.S.-based Japanese firms are similar to Japanese domestic firms in their use of management accounting methods of target costing and value engineering, variable costing, and strategic adaptation of traditional methods such as standard costing and budgeting. It is also evident that U.S.-based Japanese affiliates may be influenced by U.S. practices, as shown by significant usage of activity-based costing and internal rate of return for evaluating capital investment projects. This article is an important part of a continuing effort to study the development of management accounting among foreign-owned subsidiaries in the U.S., helping them to meet the challenges of global competition. Additionally, expanding this line of research on foreign subsidiaries that apply world class management accounting practices in other countries may assist U.S. multinational firms in their overseas subsidiaries' operations. Two limitations of this study and, thus, suggestions for future research are identified. First, the data on U.S.-based Japanese affiliates were collected for one point in time. Second, this study did not match each U.S.-based Japanese affiliate with its parent in Japan.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relative performance of absorption versus direct costing procedures. Traditionally, absorption costing procedures have been defended on the basis of them acting as a proxy for hard to measure opportunity costs. We question the validity of this traditional defence by explicitly considering the extent to which absorption costing-based accounting calculations actually provide good proxies. Our analysis shows that in some situations absorption costing so over estimates opportunity costs that it would be preferable to use direct costing even though this implicitly assumes opportunity costs are zero. Thus, given that we establish that one can notalwaysuse the existence of opportunity costs as a defence for the adoption of absorption costing procedures we next identifyspecificconditions for which if satisfied, we can unambiguously defend the adoption of absorption costing. We develop an ‘open acceptance condition’ which if satisfied insures that a production system directed by absorption costs out performs a system based upon direct costs.  相似文献   

Space limitations do not allow a complete discussion of all the topics and many of the obvious questions that the preceding brief introduction to directed expense costing probably raised in the reader's mind. These include how errors in accounting practices like posting expenses to the wrong period are handled; and how the system automatically adjusts costs for expenses benefiting several periods but posted to the acquisition month. As was mentioned above, underlying this overtly simple costing method are a number of sophisticated and sometimes complex processes that are hidden from the normal user and designed to automatically protect the integrity and accuracy of the costing process. From a user's viewpoint, the system is straightforward, understandable, and easy to use and audit. From a software development perspective, it is not quite that effortless. By using a system that is understood by all users at all levels, these users can now communicate with each other in a new and effective way. This new communication channel only occurs after each user is satisfied as to the overall costing quality achieved by the process. However, not all managers or physicians are always happy that the institution is using this "understandable" cost accounting system. During one of the weekly meetings of a hospital's administrative council, complaints from several powerful department heads concerning the impact that the use of cost data was having on them were brought up for discussion. In defending the continued use of the system, one vice president stated to the group that cost accounting does not get any easier than this, or any less expensive, or any more accurate. The directed expense process works and works very well. Our department heads and physicians will have to come to grips with the accountably it provides us to assess their value to the hospital.  相似文献   

This case deals with the decision of Sanac Inc., a Belgian wholesale company, on whether to proceed with the implementation of an activity-based costing (ABC) system or switch to time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC). As a business consultant, you are hired to decide about the appropriate costing method. Your task is to decide which system the company should implement, given the desire of the president of the company to calculate profitability at the order and the customer level.  相似文献   

The findings of a survey of budgeting and standard costing practices in New Zealand (NZ) and United Kingdom (UK) manufacturers are reported. The results suggest that some commentators' predictions of a demise in standard costing and variance analysis are overstated. It has been found that standard costing systems continue to be popular and that the majority of accountants surveyed do not envisage abandonment of standard costing and variance analysis in advanced manufacturing technology environments. Comparisons between budgeting and standard costing practices used in NZ and the UK reveal a high degree of consistency. In the case of the few differences that have been observed, it appears that there is a greater lag behind prescribed practice amongst NZ manufacturers. The main differences noted are: a greater proportion of performance reports used in NZ budget centers fail to distinguish between controllable and non-controllable costs; NZ manufacturers are more reliant on historic data when setting standard costs; when distinguishing between variable and fixed costs, there is a greater tendency in NZ to simply treat direct costs as variable and overhead costs as fixed.  相似文献   

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