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明清时期的晋商是当时中国势力最大的商帮,其经营项目之多,活动范围之广超乎想象。茶叶更是一度成为支撑晋商驰骋国内外市场获取巨大利润的大宗商品。然而山西本地却并不产茶叶,这恰恰与解释第二次世界大战前国际贸易发生原因的资源享赋理论相悖。本文对晋商茶帮何以能够借助其他地区的资源优势,获得高额利润进行研究以期得出一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

刘洋 《华商》2010,(1):88-89
晋商在明清时期创下了辉煌历史,其中的茶商写下过浓墨重彩的一笔。茶商以茶马互市起家,至清代日渐兴盛,鸦片战争前,他们不仅控制了西北的茶叶市场,而且成为中俄恰克图贸易的主要承担者,甚至将商业触角伸向俄国及欧洲的其他国家。晋商开辟的万里茶路,被称作可以与丝绸之路媲美的国际贸易大通道,对连接亚欧的经济与文化起到了举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

万里茶路也称万里茶道,在我国境内的线路起始于我国福建省武夷山地区,终于俄罗斯恰克图市,在我国境内绵延四千七百多公里,是公元17至19世纪中叶连接中俄茶叶贸易及文化交流的重要通道,而开辟这条茶路的正是位居我国十大商帮之首的晋商。晋商是山西商人的简称,明清时期纵横商场数百年,以其卓越的经商能力及厚重的晋商文化作为支撑,成就了一个又一个商业奇迹。万里茶路便是其中之一,本文旨在通过对万里茶路的研究来挖掘其背后所体现的晋商文化,以期为晋商文化的弘扬及复兴贡献自己的力量。  相似文献   

本文通过对中俄边贸对比说明明清之前和明清时期万里茶道的贸易情况,论证万里茶道在宋代后逐渐从官办商道转换为民用商路这一事实;又利用北方258个县区的面板数据,运用工具变量法考察万里茶道对于晋商兴起和发展的影响,从而说明万里茶道对于促进晋商兴起,进而撬动北方经济动脉的重大意义。研究结果表明:宋代之后,万里茶道经济功能才开始逐渐被放大,尤其是明清时期。万里茶道显著促进了晋商的兴起与发展,平均而言,在万里茶道沿线的县区比非沿线县区晋商票号分布数量有显著性增加,从而带动了明清时期北方区域经济的繁荣。  相似文献   

在中国明清时期,晋商成为闻名国内外商界的一支重要力量。晋商最成功的方面莫过于其员工管理,尤其是晋商首创的身股制,这一制度不仅具有西方经典激励理论——"双因素理论"的特点,同时也凝聚了现代人力资本管理精髓。本文基于"儒"文化的人性假设论述了晋商的员工管理模式,并且揭示了晋商员工管理模式对现代人力资源管理的启示。  相似文献   

马歇尔—勒纳条件是分析汇率变动对贸易收支影响的重要理论。本文采用我国1986~2008年茶叶进出口的序列数据,通过分析我国对不同经济体的茶叶进出口需求弹性,并构建实际有效汇率等因素与茶叶贸易收支的计量模型,研究了我国茶叶进出口与马歇尔—勒纳条件间的满足关系。研究表明,我国与不同国家的茶叶贸易收支受汇率变动的影响不同;就我国茶叶对外贸易总体而言,茶叶进口价格下降会增加进口额,出口价格上升会增加出口额;而人民币升值会改善我国茶叶贸易收支,人民币贬值会恶化我国茶叶贸易收支,且进出口需求弹性之和小于1。因此,我国茶叶贸易收支反向符合马歇尔—勒纳条件,这为汇率波动背景下科学处理茶叶贸易问题提供了重要的理论指导。  相似文献   

杨梓润 《光彩》2013,(10):44-45
晋商是我国众多商帮中不容小觑的一支,尤其是到了清代,全国排名前16位的大财团都在山西.晋商能拥有如此财力,作为皇商的晋商八大家功不可没,他们堪称身披黄马褂、财富多到无法计数的晋商大家.皇商盛行于明清时期,尤其是清朝.清初战乱频繁,朝廷的粮饷供应不足,常常借助商人的力量,晋商中的皇商就是借此发展的.  相似文献   

选用优秀人才是晋商经商实践的重要前提,晋商视人才为立基创业之根本,其选用人才的基本要求蕴涵着深厚的伦理道德底蕴.文章立足于人才伦理角度对明清时期晋商选用人才进行了深入思考,提出有关人才选用的一系列道德标准、道德信任、道德原则和道德境界,以期对思考选才用才的伦理问题有所启迪.  相似文献   

世界茶叶市场发展及其对中国茶叶贸易的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是世界茶叶传统生产和贸易大国,在世界茶叶市场占有重要地位,但在世界茶叶市场定价及标准制(修)订等方面的话语权不大.为增强中国茶叶在世界茶叶市场的竞争力,有必要对世界茶叶市场发展趋势及中国茶叶贸易现状进行深入细致研究.在分析世界及中国茶叶生产、消费和贸易现状基础上,剖析了中国茶叶贸易存在的主要问题,进而提出了相关对策建议.  相似文献   

欧人 《商业研究》2003,(9):170-171
明清时期晋商的商业价值观是一个由多层面、立体构成的价值体系,其中主要包括谋生养家的功利追求、兴家创业的功业意识两个层次,这两个层次是相互依存、相互递进的,是推动明清商人去经商发财成就事业的基本动力。  相似文献   

从晋商和徽商的研究当中我们可以得到一个很重要的启示:在一个统一的国家文化之下,两个地域都借用了自己特定的区域文化和资源,形成了非常有效的治理机制。而且治理手段之间都内在一致,相互配合,这表明,不存在唯一有效最佳的治理模式,所有的模式都得靠商人所存在的经营环境及周边的社会文化、社会资源,靠这几方面的整合或者耦合决定其是否能形成有效的经营模式。  相似文献   


The Jin (Jin refers to Shanxi Province) merchants have a very important position in the history of Chinese business. The Jin merchants is a business course that investigates Shanxi businessmen and their business activities. As a local characteristic of the business curriculum of China, this course is taught in a number of universities. Taking the development of the new Jin merchants in Toronto as a breakthrough point, this article expounds the necessity of teaching the internationalization of the Jin merchants and puts forward the corresponding development strategies from the aspects of teaching objectives, curriculum, and the building of an international cooperation platform of teaching and scientific research. This study can promote teaching the internationalization of the Jin merchants and provide a chance for more people to understand the teaching of the Jin merchants.  相似文献   

在中国近代对外贸易中,华商与洋商的关系在不同时期随着政治、经济、科技条件的变化而有所改变:19世纪四、五十年代,由于华、洋商人各具优势,对外贸易需合作完成,双方由相互"依附"而达成"共生关系";六、七十年代,条约体制确立,贸易范围扩大,华商参股洋商企业,洋商更注意对中国国内贸易施加影响,双方在"合作"中有竞争;八、九十年代,"商战"观念的传播及贸易方式的变革,推动华、洋商之间关系向"市场竞争关系"转变。  相似文献   

旅蒙晋商明清时代开发蒙古市场研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济文化落后的地区做生意,总是要遇到许多困难的,如何在硬通货缺乏的情况下达成买卖双方满意的协议;如何在交通、通讯落后,社会安全系数很低的情况下纵横数万里,将易掉膘、易死亡,需要粮草和人工饲养的牛马羊等活资产顺利地运到内地;如何适应蒙古牧民的流动式生活,开展流动贸易;如何在蒙古牧民生活水平低、信用度不高的情况下开展赊欠业务。旅蒙晋商成功地解决了这些问题,并使蒙古地区变为自己巩固的战略大后方。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):817-834
The profits of the Liverpool slave trade are infamous, if somewhat more realistically represented in recent literature. Contemporaries and historians have posited that these higher profits were required to entice merchants into the trade because of the higher risks. However, there is very little work which investigates whether the risks of the slave trade really were higher than other similar opportunities. This article uses the case study of Liverpool slave traders to investigate the risks within the slave trade compared to other Atlantic ventures, and how Liverpool merchants managed those risks. It will argue that the slave trade was indeed a relatively risky trade in comparison with other Atlantic ventures, but that Liverpool merchants not only understood these risks, but actively embraced them, allowing them to manage them extremely well.  相似文献   

现有文献对于"浙商"的研究,多数是基于一个平面视角,较少将"浙商"看作一个立体集合。本文将"浙商"看作是一个系统,论述了"浙商"的系统特征,用复杂系统论的观点来认识和分析"浙商",并就复杂系统论思想应用于"浙商"研究的意义和研究展望进行了分析。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(4):369-377
Social merchants are small business owners and entrepreneurs who adopt social shopping as a new sales channel. They employ social shopping intermediaries, such as Groupon and LivingSocial, to promote their products or services to price-sensitive customers at large discounts. The success of social merchants depends in part on the reputation they gain at merchant review sites (e.g., Yelp, TripAdvisor, Angie's List), via which consumers post online product and merchant reviews. An analysis of social shopping provides insight regarding how social shopping works and what merchants must be aware of if they utilize social shopping intermediaries. This article shares these insights in the context of a set of health and wellness merchants that were studied for five years. Specifically, this article discusses how their Groupon daily deals affect merchant reviews, and how surviving vs. failed social merchants differ in terms of their review scores and number of reviews. Finally, this article provides recommendations about merchant review management to health and wellness merchants.  相似文献   

The importance of consumer value-driven strategies is highlighted in the marketplace, especially with economic stagnation. The aim of this study is to shed light on the mechanisms underlying consumers’ value perception of, satisfaction with, and loyalty intentions toward shopping at mass merchants in a multichannel retail environment by using their shopping orientations as predictors. Findings based on a national sample online survey of 1,411 U.S. consumers revealed that multidimensional consumers’ shopping value perceptions regarding shopping at multichannel mass merchants had significant and positive effects on their consumer satisfaction with and loyalty intentions toward shopping at the multichannel mass merchants.  相似文献   

本文全面总结了浙商“从无到有,从贴到创”的创牌之路,并剖析了浙商在创区域品牌、国内优秀品牌和国际品牌过程中所展现出来的独特创牌思维与品牌管理之道。  相似文献   

The Malaysian market consists of a large consumer-base carrying mobile phones. However, the adoption and proliferation of mobile (m-) payments remain dismal. Evidence from the literature necessitates the need for elucidating the adoption barriers and drivers from multiple perspectives. There has been much research on consumer adoption and usage of mobile payment systems, but there is a lack of research on this subject from the merchants' perspective. Taking into account the critical role merchants play in promoting a sustainable m-payment ecosystem, this work elucidates the perspective of merchants in Malaysia vis-à-vis m-payment systems. In-depth interviews with merchants from multiple retail categories were conducted to gain insight into their motivational drives, barriers, and challenges in the context of the adoption and implementation of m-payment systems in Malaysia. The results confirmed that the relative advantage of decreasing payment processing time and fees, convenience, and enhanced payment security features are some of the factors motivating merchants to adopt m-payment, while technological incompatibility, complexity, the cost of investment, and the lack of critical mass and knowledge are some of the factors discouraging merchants from doing so. Our findings further expand the limited knowledge of m-payment systems in the context of Malaysian merchants, which is valuable for industries and policymakers. The results of this study can be generalised to other m-payment systems in other countries - Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay, with Apple Pay, Alipay, and WeChat.  相似文献   

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