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While the South African government specifically set targets on job creation in its numerous economic strategies since the economic transition, various local studies examined the levels and trends in labour force, employment and unemployment to evaluate if these targets were met. However, the quality of employment has not been thoroughly examined. This is the first local study that fills the existing research gap by deriving a composite, multidimensional employment quality index by taking 18 indicators from seven dimensions into consideration: wage, work hours and flexibility, employment security, income security, social benefits, skills and participation. Using the 2010–16 Quarterly Labour Force Survey data, the empirical findings indicated that highly educated, white male workers aged at least 35 years, who lived in urban areas of the Western Cape and Gauteng provinces, and were involved in high skilled occupations in the formal, public sector enjoyed significantly better employment quality.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether IT job training raises the probability of getting employed and enables the trainee to obtain a high wage. In this paper, it is reported that, in the Republic of Korea, IT job training as a whole affects not only employment but also wage premium, even though the effect on wage premium is somewhat less conspicuous. In particular, the intensity of IT job training is more instrumental in the opportunity of getting employed than simply whether receiving IT job training or not. This effect is intensified in the low‐education group. In this group, the probability for the persons who undergo IT job training for more than six months of getting employed is higher than that for a person without any job training. Additionally, provision of IT job training by a private institute and cost sharing with the government enhances the opportunity of employment.  相似文献   

西方关于失业保险与失业持续时间关系的理论和经验研究表明,失业保险的存在会延长失业者的失业持续时间.造成长期失业。本文应用我国青岛市失业登记数据。对青岛市失业保险如何影响失业持续时间进行了经验研究。通过对失业持续时间的寿命表估计和Cox回归发现。青岛市享受失业保险者的失业持续时间要明显长于不享受失业保险者,并且在享受失业保险者当中。享受24个月失业保险者要比享受12个月失业保险者有着更长的失业持续时间;另外,失业者的再就业风险率在失业期内是动态变化的。这说明。我国的失业保险制度同样对失业者的再就业行为具有负激励效应.延长了失业持续时间。  相似文献   

This study investigates the changes in the South African labour market in the post-apartheid period. While unemployment increased over the 1995–2015 period, employment also increased. Nonetheless, the extent of employment increase is not rapid enough to absorb all net entrants into the labour force, resulting in increasing unemployment, or an employment absorption rate of 65.3%. Unemployment is concentrated in specific demographically and geographically defined groups, most notably Africans, the lowly educated and those aged below 30 years, residing in rural areas in Gauteng. Finally, four worrying findings are observed: youth jobseekers aged below 30 years struggle to find their first job; chronic unemployment is more serious for the relatively older jobseekers (aged 45 years or above) with past work experience; employees working for small, medium and micro enterprises still stagnate at approximately 3.5 million; and jobseekers from the older age cohorts are less likely to actively seek work by enquiring at workplaces and answering job advertisements.  相似文献   

A shared concern among Central European countries is the significant social cost imposed by market-oriented reforms. Although a growing body of literature has addressed the incidence of such reforms on unemployment distribution and duration, little is known of the actual transitions of workers from employment to unemployment and specifically the dynamics of transition-induced job loss. This study examines such transitions in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Poland, and Slovenia within econometric models whereby voluntary and involuntary employment separations are jointly determined. In this regard, employment reductions triggered by demand-driven reforms are accommodated at the industry and the occupation level by redundancies as well as voluntary quits in anticipation of redundancy. In addition, employed workers within the models consider the “costs” of job loss (likelihood of long-term unemployment) while both shirking, and thus risking dismissal, and contemplating quitting. Estimates on personal characteristic variables in the involuntary and voluntary separation equations provide important new information on the incidence of job loss in Central European transition economies and specifically how such loss likely varies by gender, age, marital status, and completed education. Particular attention is devoted to gender differentials.  相似文献   

Abstract: Unemployment is more prevalent in urban than rural Ghana, while underemployment is pervasive in rural Ghana. The paper analyses trends in these two forms of human resource underutilization and examines their major determinants. It is found that a positive association exists between the underemployment rate and the incidence of poverty in specific industries. The data supports the importance of demographics, education and firm sizes as major determinants of unemployment. Furthermore, these factors together with type of employment are the factors influencing underemployment. To reduce the level of unemployment and underemployment, the government should provide support for: (1) growth of private sector firms and informal sector activities; and (2) rural alternatives to agricultural activities. These implications are also relevant to other African countries trying to combat the twin problems of unemployment and underemployment.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between labour productivity, average real wages and the unemployment rate in South Africa at the macroeconomic level, using time‐series econometric techniques. There is strong evidence of a structural break in 1990, after which time all three variables rose rapidly. The break appears to have negatively affected the level of employment in the first instance, and subsequently fed through into per worker wages and productivity. A long‐term equilibrium (cointegrating) relationship was found between real wages and productivity, but unemployment was apparently unconnected to the system, which lends support to the insider–outsider theory. A long‐term wage–productivity elasticity of 0,58 indicates that productivity has grown more rapidly than wages, which is consistent with the finding that labour's share of gross output has been shrinking over the past decade. These trends may be explained plausibly by the adoption of job‐shedding technology and capital intensification.  相似文献   


Youth unemployment continues to be a burden and concern for the South African government. Being economically insecure, the situation is dire with the government needing to provide resources to a population who should be economically independent. There is a need to look at the social determinants of economic insecurity among youth in South Africa. Family formations could either promote or inhibit economic well-being. This article aims to assess whether economic security improves as youth enter into unions and/or have children. The South African National Income Dynamics Study is used. Unmarried youth with no children are measured at baseline (2008) and followed up over time to examine whether economic security status changes as union status changes. Results show that while economic security, employment (from 7.61% to 25.67%) and net income per month (from 19.48% to 32.79%) increase over time, youth who marry but have no children have the lowest risk of economic insecurity (relative risk ratio?=?0.02, p < 0.05) compared with those who remain unmarried but have children. Special attention needs to be given to youth who have children and are unmarried and among those who marry and have children soon after.  相似文献   

罗明忠  陶志 《南方经济》2017,36(12):66-80
基于299份来自广东、江西、安徽和上海等地高校部分2014-2016年毕业大学生的问卷调查数据,利用SPSS19.0软件进行cox半参数模型回归和调节效应检验。结果表明,大学生工作搜寻就如同"摘麦穗",一是工作搜寻时间的影响因素是多样的,人际交往能力更强的大学生,在资本充足的基础下,为追求下一份更好的工作,会选择延长搜寻时间。本省外市、外倾性更强、情绪更不稳定、应聘能力更强的大学生,因其高水平的表现能力,或迫切期望实现就业的心态,而选择早早定下工作岗位。二是工作搜寻在风险容忍影响就业满意度中存在调节效应。具体地,不同群体中,工作搜寻所发挥的调节效应有所不同。在低风险容忍群组中,随着工作搜寻时间的延长,风险容忍较高的大学生所表现出的就业满意度越低。而高风险容忍群组中,工作搜寻的调节效应没有通过显著性检验。  相似文献   

Abstract: Egypt has been unable to sustain rapid economic growth in the past, nor has it been able to generate employment opportunities at a fast enough rate to keep unemployment from rising. It will be argued in this paper that this has been the result of significant implicit taxation of the agricultural sector. The latter has slowed the structural transformation of the Egyptian economy, increased the capital intensity of production in the urban sector, and slowed overall economic growth. The Egyptian experience is contrasted with that of South Korea and Taiwan. The results indicate that indeed structural change in Egypt has been slowed by the implicit taxation of agriculture.  相似文献   

During the 2007–2011 economic downturn, the duration that one could collect unemployment insurance (UI) in the United States increased to an unprecedented 99 weeks, and the UI benefit amount increased by $25. This article explores the policy of increasing the generosity of UI during recessions using a model that accounts for the insurance and moral hazard implications of UI as well as the program's impact on job creation. When limited to adjusting the duration of benefits, a more generous UI system is optimal. However, due to UI's negative impact on job creation and the increased cost of providing benefits when unemployment is high, the optimal extension is just 1.3 months. When the government adjusts both the benefit amount and its duration, the optimal policy during downturns is a reduction in the replacement rate. This mitigates the decline in job creation and funds a UI extension of 4.3 months.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effects of changes in flows into and out of unemployment on the growing gap between black and white unemployment rates in the 1970s and 1980s. Current Population Survey data show that black workers’ unemployment inflows increased, suggesting that job instability increased. Declining employment opportunities were also implicated, as black workers left unemployment for a job less often in 1987 than in 1971. White women’s situation improved considerably, with lower inflows and higher employment probabilities. Although the effects of declining federal equal employment opportunity (EEO) pressure cannot be detected, these findings are consistent with increasing racial discrimination.  相似文献   

Among the valuable contributions Robert Browne made in his career was the role he played in shaping the “Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Bill of 1974” that was introduced by Congressman Augustus Hawkins of California. Browne defined full employment as “a condition in which all persons willing and able to work, no matter what their race, gender, or national origin would be guaranteed a job”. In his view, if the private sector was unable to produce full employment, the government should act as the employer of last resort. Language in support of that view was included in the Hawkins bill. Robert Browne believed only a national policy to achieve that goal would eliminate racial disparities in employment and unemployment—a long term reality in the American labor market. The 1974 Hawkins bill was met with only tepid Congressional support, little notice from civil rights leaders, and no response from the business community. Little was done to advance full employment legislation until Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota embraced the cause in 1975. Negotiations with Congressman Hawkins led to the development of the “Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1975,” a legislative measure to replace the Employment Act of 1946. The new bill was commonly known as the Humphrey–Hawkins Full Employment Bill. Robert Browne offered far less support for the new bill than for the original full employment bill introduced by Mr. Hawkins. The Humphrey Hawkins Bill failed to provide explicitly a job guarantee for all workers, and included an inflation target to make price stability co-equal with full employment as a national policy objective. The Humphrey–Hawkins Bill was enacted into law in 1978, and remains the nation’s policy dictum on full employment to this day.  相似文献   

Lack of adequate jobs and long unemployment duration becomes a challenge for urban youth in Ethiopia. This study empirically examines youth unemployment and its determinants in urban Ethiopia. It aims to examine the incidences and durations of youth unemployment and their determinant factors. In addition to logistic regression model, a nonparametric Kaplan–Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional hazards model are used. The results indicate that both the incidence and duration of youth unemployment is higher in urban Ethiopia. The hazards model shows that the hazard rate of leaving unemployment are significantly related to individual characteristics such as age and educational level of the youth, and labor market factors such as experience and job market information. Gender and regional disparities are observed. Young women exit unemployment much slower than men and the exit rate increases with age. Big and relatively more urbanized regions have a higher incidence and longer duration of unemployment spells than the small regions. Finally, based on the results, the study suggests that there is a need to adopt target policies that will promote skills and employment opportunities for the youth. Providing entrepreneurship training and startup capital to encourage youth to create rather than seek jobs is critical in this regard.  相似文献   

South Africa's high unemployment and small informal economy has been attributed to barriers to entry in informal labour markets. We develop a general equilibrium model based on a typology of informal activities that captures formal/informal linkages in product and labour markets. Simulations reveal that trade liberalisation increases formal employment, hurts informal producers, and favours informal traders and may explain the dominance of traders instead of producers. Wage subsidies also raise employment but further heighten competition for informal producers. Cash transfers favour informal employment, albeit with a fiscal burden. Results confirm the role of formal/informal linkages and product markets in explaining policy outcomes.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to examine the scope of home-based businesses in poor neighbourhoods and the extent to which household income is derived from them. The aim was to determine the ratio of home-based business income to wage earnings, in order to understand its relative importance in augmenting primary employment (wage-based) income. The size, necessity and importance of self-generated (business-derived) income in augmenting primary income was measured in a selected subeconomic housing area within the Cape Metropole. The significance of this analytical research is the determination of income data and the levels of poverty. This paper provides the primary data (base information) for policy formulation relating to social and economic development in this subeconomic area. The findings add to the debate for the provision of a Basic Income Allowance (grant) for those people experiencing poverty. The results correlate with findings of national longitudinal studies. The level of job creation through businesses is minimal and the extent of unemployment is much greater than anticipated.  相似文献   

Given the high unemployment rates in South Africa, the government has introduced policies to assist individuals to enter the job market, including stipend-paid volunteering. This research sought the views of stipend-paid volunteers and managers from four Johannesburg-based non-governmental organisations. The aims were to investigate whether stipend-paid volunteering was more like low-paid work than volunteering, the motivations for stipend-paid volunteering, the relationship between livelihood strategies and stipend volunteering, and the challenges and opportunities facing stipend-paid volunteers. It emerged that stipend-paid volunteers were initially motivated by extrinsic factors, such as the stipend, but later their volunteerism was sustained by intrinsic motivations, such as their community service orientation. While stipend-paid volunteering provided opportunities for training and experience, the work also presented challenges in terms of emotional stress, low remuneration and minimal support. Findings suggest that stipend-paid volunteerism would seem to be a euphemism for low-paid work.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of minimum wages on employment duration using event history data from the 1988-1994 rounds of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. Existing literature takes two alternative tracks: Some studies predict reduced turnover due to rents created by minimum wages, others focus on the expected increase in turnover due to reduced job amenities and imperfect information. We find that for men, the net effect of a minimum wage depends on its magnitude relative to the typical wage in the local labor market. We find some evidence that where the minimum wage is low, separation rates for men hired at the minimum wage are reduced. We also find that as the relative value of the minimum wage rises, separation hazards increase. We interpret these findings as evidence that rents may accrue to minimum wage workers, but that the job matching process is undermined when the minimum wage binds.  相似文献   

In 1985 an amount of R6OO million was allocated for special employment projects. The most important ones were labour intensive projects by the public and private sectors, projects to support the small business sector, and the training of unemployed persons.

Various conditions were set for the programmes. Regarding the labour‐intensive projects for instance, a relatively small allowance was paid to the unemployed person in order to accommodate as many persons as possible, and to ensure the workers were not diverted from other employment opportunities. Furthermore, at least 50 per cent of the total funds allocated had to be for the wages of the unemployed persons. In terms of acceptability among both training institutions and the persons involved, the scheme for the training of unemployed persons was particularly successful.

Only a relatively small part of South Africa's unemployment problem can be addressed with a programme of this nature. Measures to address the structural unemployment problem remain first priority.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of how African labour markets have performed in the 1990s. It is argued that the failure of African labour markets to create good paying jobs has resulted in excess labour supply in the form of either open unemployment or a growing self‐employment sector. One explanation for this outcome is a lack of labour market ‘flexibility’ keeping formal sector wages above their equilibrium level and restricting job creation. We identify three attributes of labour market flexibility. First, whether real wages decline over time; secondly, the tendency for wages to adjust in the face of unemployment; and thirdly, the extent of wage differentials between sectors and/or firms of various size. Recent research shows that real wages in Africa during the 1990s may have been more downwardly flexible than previously thought and have been surprisingly responsive to unemployment rates, yet large wage differentials between formal and informal sector firms remain. This third sense of the term ‘inflexibility’ can explain a common factor across diverse African economies — the high income divide between those working in large firms and those not. Those working in the thriving self‐employment sector in Ghana have something in common with the unemployed in South Africa — both have very low income opportunities relative to those in large firms.  相似文献   

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