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钟晨 《中国石化》2008,(1):30-30
近日,我随公司领导下零售片区进行调研,片区经理们在谈到一线员工的思想状况时,常把这样的话挂在嘴边:“我们的基层员工太朴实了,哪怕你只是为他们做了一点点的好事、实事,他们都会以几倍的感恩回报于你。”  相似文献   

一线员工不稳定是目前油品销售企业面临的普遍难题,但湖北荆州石油公司的加油站一线员工却相当稳定,很少发生流失现象。主要原因在于该公司近年来坚持用"聚心工程"服务广大员工,着实提高一线员工待遇,努力实现企业与员工的管理融合、感情融合和文化融合.  相似文献   

A操作技能培训是基础 安全技能培训的首要内容是对企业一线员工进行必要的岗位操作技能培训,使其熟练掌握本岗位的技术概况、工艺流程、操作法则、产品性能和设备维护常识等.通过岗位操作技能培训使一线员工在生产操作中拿得起,放得下,能够独立上岗操作,高质量完成生产任务.  相似文献   

湖北武汉石油分公司深入实施加油站“站务公开”,推行站内“管理看板”,稳定了员工队伍,激发了员工的工作热情,使经营出现了“两增一降”的良好势头,今年前三季度,该公司零售总量与去年同比增长了11.59%,一线员工的收入同比增加17%,一线员工投诉率大大降低。  相似文献   

华北销售分公司成立于1999年,主要负责中国石油在北京、天津、河北等地的成品油销售工作。与区内销售企业相比,公司成立时间短、市场化用工多,35岁以下的青年员工占员工总数90%,其中90%的青年员工工作在油库、加油站一线。几年来,华北销售公司坚持以党建带团建,为共青团工作创造条件、搭建舞台,推动共青团工作有效开展。公司先后涌现出北京右安门加油站等3个全国青年文明号集体,40余个青年团队和个人受到所在省(直辖市)、集团公司表彰,2008年公司团委被集团公司直属机关团委授予“五四红旗团委”光荣称号。  相似文献   

<正>坚持制度优先,搭建自有适用的制度体系。坚持规范科学,搭建管理高效的组织体系。坚持实用实效,搭建内涵丰富的师资体系。国网山东省电力公司省管产业单位围绕“一业为主、四翼齐飞、全要素发力”的总体布局,以省管产业单位领导人员、管理人员、技术技能人员和新员工为培训主体,构建四个层级职工培训体系,努力打造适应省管产业高质量发展的高素质专业化职工队伍。  相似文献   

正人才是企业的核心资源。企业应持续、有针对性地对一线员工实施分层次、分类别的培养,不断完善员工培训体系,加强人才管理制度建设,推动一线员工队伍向学习型组织方向发展。现代企业迫切需要通过提升培训绩效来加速打造自己专属的高素质一线员工队伍,作为企业基业长青的"稳定器"。提升企业培训绩效,必须找出影响一线员工培训学习积极性的主要因素,找到能有效调动一线员工参与培训学习积极性的途径与方法,变"要我学习"为"我要学习"。  相似文献   

中国企业把企业员工分为三类,即管理人员、技术人员和技能人员,国外企业把企业员工分为两类,即形象化的"白领"与"蓝领"。中国企业,特别是国有企业普遍性地把班组长归为技能人员即"工人"身份,国外企业普遍地把中国企业"班组长"意义的人员归为"白领"阶层即"一线管理者"。例如,在上世纪40年代,美国曾经为了"一线管理者"身份认定问题引起一场法律诉讼。根据美国的《全国劳动关系法案》和《公平劳动标准法案》,如果一线管理者是"蓝领"身份,  相似文献   

中国石油加油站经营模式探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马富才总经理近期对“中国石油”成品油零售系统提出了总要求,即:“按照经济半径确定目标市场,搞好市场重组和细分,重组地市公司,整合县级公司,发展配送中心,精简层次,减少环节,降低经营成本和风险。加强目标市场加油站的建设,提高加油站运营质量,扩大市场份额。抓紧营销队伍培训,切实提高营销管理水平。”围绕这一总要求,有许多问题需要研究和探讨。本期刊登有关加油站经营模式的一篇文章,欢迎零售系统的管理人员结合工作实际,以本刊为园地,进行更多的探讨与交流。  相似文献   

加油员小张曾经是山东济南石油公司一座万吨加油站的员工,后来辞职到一家通讯业大型国企的山东总部当话务员,只过了短短半年,便又回到了加油站。谈到自己的回头经历,小张说:"在这里更有奔头!"目前,她已经在一座新建成的加油站担任领班,并通过了后备站长培训,成为零售一线的骨干。近年来,山东石油高度重视纵向畅通、横向贯通的三支人才队伍建设工作,不断探索完善科学合理的选  相似文献   

By distinguishing customer-oriented behaviors into functional and relational ones, this study reveals how different combinations of sales control systems (namely activity control, outcome control, and capability control) affect a salesperson's distinct customer-oriented behaviors, which subsequently influence sales performance. By collecting data from business-to-business salespeople and their managers and using hierarchical linear modeling, we find that the outcome-capability control combination increases functional and relational customer-oriented behaviors. The outcome-activity control combination decreases functional customer-oriented behaviors. The activity-capability control combination increases functional customer-oriented behaviors but reduces relational customer-oriented behaviors. In addition, we find that both customer-oriented behaviors not only boost sales performance individually, but also complement each other to positively affect sales performance. These findings provide important theoretical and practical implications by demonstrating that combinations of control systems have a significant impact on a salesperson's functional and relational customer-oriented behaviors.  相似文献   

When manufacturers introduce a new product to the market, downstream retail partners are faced with inherent trade‐offs. Retail sales personnel have to support the new product's introduction with substantial sales efforts but also sell the existing products in stock, before storage and devaluation costs spin out of control. This study shows how retail sales managers can guide sales personnel's performance of new and existing product selling, respectively. The authors argue that a manager may prioritize selling new products, existing products, or both (i.e., have an ambidextrous selling orientation). Based on data gathered from sales representatives and company databases of a large European consumer electronics retailer, the authors perform a time‐lagged partial least squares analysis to test empirically their conceptual model. The authors find that ambidextrous sales managers outperform their singular‐oriented counterparts if they properly align their orientation with a frontline management mechanism consisting of task autonomy, performance feedback, and employee age. More specifically, ambidextrous managers promote net profit obtainment if they grant their sales employees task autonomy and give little performance feedback. In addition, a remarkable finding is that older sales agents tend to outperform their younger counterparts when working under an ambidextrous manager. The authors discuss the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This study investigates organizational and strategic context variables that are linked to the sophistication of sales force automation systems in UK financial services firms. We find that increasing sophistication in SFA deployment, evaluated as a count of the number of types of results of sales campaigns that are measured, is driven directly by the information orientation of the host firm. We also find that the “sophistication” of deployed systems is, in fact, limited — the information held on the systems cannot underpin the strategic goals of the sales/marketing managers. We theorise that adoption of SFA systems is driven by managerial imperatives and that these have resulted in sales force resistance — shown by the paucity of information held on adopted SFA systems.  相似文献   

Salespeople are in a vantage position to have intimate knowledge of the customers. How to motivate them to be effective information retrievers becomes a challenge to sales managers in today's knowledge economy. This paper presents the results of a study into managerial factors that are associated with more effective information retrieval by sales forces for use in their CRM systems. Sales executives (n = 150) responded to a mailed survey describing the importance of a set of activities to their recruiting/selecting, training, supervisory processes and the climate in the organization generated by upper level management. Results show that supervision and upper management support associate significantly with the effective information retrieval of salespeople; while training those more technically savvy sales recruits results in more effective information retrieval.  相似文献   

In today's highly competitive environment, many firms make the decision to outsource a business process on the well-established idea that it is better to contract for services that are not within the scope of a company's core set of competencies. While outsourcing was once limited to peripheral firm activities such as advertising, firms are expanding the types of functions they outsource. For instance, many firms have begun to outsource their sales force, or at a minimum, have begun to consider ‘renting’ a sales force rather than ‘owning’ their own sales force. Being a recent trend, very little is known about what prompts firms to outsource their sales forces, nor the consequences of doing so. As such, this research explores the factors associated with determining whether a firm should outsource their sales force as well as the value to be had by engaging in such a decision. Most importantly, we offer that beyond the standard cost-based analysis, there are numerous issues that deserve consideration and examination before a firm elects to outsource its sales force.  相似文献   

The measurement and evaluation of the performance of salesmen is complicated in most firms by the situational, environmental, and personal variables involved. This complexity is further increased when management attempts performance comparisons among several salesmen or among an entire sales force. Territorial differences, multiplicity of products, and differences in backgrounds among salesmen are just a few of the factors of variability that compound management's performance measurement and evaluation tasks.In spite of these difficulties, the management process requires that the performance of salesmen be measured and compared to predetermined standards. Subjective judgements have frequently taken the place of objective analysis, particularly as to the overall or composite performance of salesmen, because of the difficulties sales managers encounter in the determination of composite measures of performance. Many have discussed the determination and use of objectives or quotas for salesmen, and some have been concerned with the development of composite measures of salesmen performance. However, most have suggested methods that require quantitative skills not possessed by many sales managers and salesmen. The application of computers to the quantitative methods that have been suggested does alleviate the computational problem but not the equally important understanding requirement. Sales personnel, particularly field managers and their salesmen, should thoroughly understand and accept the methods by which standards of sales performance are determined, in addition to the standards or quotas themselves if they are to accept evaluation against these standards [1].The purpose of this article is to discuss the various determinants of salesmen's performance and to present a practical analytical method for calculating and evaluating the overall performance of salesmen that will permit cross-comparison among all members of the sales force irrespective of differences in assignments and objectives. A hypothetical example is then presented utilizing a tabular analysis format equally appropriate for use by home office analysts or by field sales managers and their salesmen.  相似文献   

Sales practice and scholarship have each called for optimizing the manner in which sales managers strategically interject themselves in the sales process. As a unique approach that reflects the high incidence rate of failure within sales, managers may strategize for salespeople to fail fast as an agile implementation of intelligent failure. Fail fast strategy allows managers to intervene early on in the business-to-business sales process in order to optimize resources and exert greater control over failures within their sales teams. With this strategy in mind, the following questions remain: Does fail fast strategy have a beneficial or deleterious effect on salesperson behaviors? What organizational- and individual-level factors direct a sales manager's strategic attention toward failing fast? The authors use an attention-based view to theorize the drivers of fail fast strategy, as well as investigate the moderating effect of sales force resources on the relationship between fail fast strategy and salesperson extra-role behaviors. The authors test the model using survey data of 274 business-to-business sales managers. The conceptualization, operationalization, and theory around fail fast strategy contribute to a better understanding of failing fast in sales. The results provide contributions to theory and practice as well as guidance for future research opportunities.  相似文献   

The trade and academic literature is replete with observations that many sales organizations are in the midst of a redefinition of the strategic role of their sales forces. With today's market forces, change is overdue in many sales organizations. Consequently, the issue of whether the sales force is becoming obsolete has come to the forefront in recent years. As business environments change rapidly, the relevance of the modern sales force comes into question. Data were gathered from 245 midlevel sales and marketing executives on perceived sales force obsolescence. Our findings suggest that obsolescence is a phenomenon for sales organizations to address. The main findings of our study are (1) obsolescence is a phenomenon that affects sales professionals' feelings toward the job (job satisfaction) and outcomes (performance); (2) a firm's market orientation is very important in lowering perceived obsolescence; (3) a learning orientation is important in detecting symptoms of obsolescence; (4) age and education are related to perceptions of obsolescence depending on the type of industry in which the sales force competes: high- or low-tech; and (5) organizational changes can also have a bearing on the sales force's perceptions of obsolescence.  相似文献   

The adoption of information technology in the sales force   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this article is to explain why salespeople adopt information technology. The results from a cross-sectional study of 229 salespeople indicate that putting sales technology to use strongly depends on salespeople's perceptions about the technology enhancing their performance, their personal innovativeness and organizational efforts in terms of user training. Throughout the adoption process companies also need to target sales line managers-next to end users-because salespeople clearly comply with the expectations of their supervisors. Finally, the threat from competing sales professionals or peers who use similar sales technology seems to be of secondary importance for individual sales technology adoption.  相似文献   

The study in this article involved the investigation of 15 carrier selection variables over three dimensions by three groups with high involvement in the purchasing decision—traffic managers, sales representatives, and sales managers. The primary focus of the study was the identification of significant differences in the assessment of importance of the technical abilities of a carrier, the service orientation of a carrier and the image of a carrier as perceived by sales managers and sales representatives representing the selling systems, and traffic managers representing the buying systems.  相似文献   

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