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This paper continues the discussion of artificial worlds (AWs) begun in Lane (1993b). Here, the focus is on two kinds of AWs. The first, classifier systems, can be used to represent agents that are capable of generating complex behaviors in response to intermittent rewards from an environment of which they are a part. A collection of such agents, engaging in economic interactions with one another, produces another kind of AW, in which such interesting aggregate behaviors as the formation of bubbles and crashes and technical trading in an artificial stock market, may arise. The second kind of AW considered in this paper is artificial economies. These AWs can provide a dynamic, nonequilibrium, microfounded account of such aggregate-level or macroeconomic phenomena as stable growth paths, business cycles, and Pareto firm-size distributions.  相似文献   

From simplistic to complex systems in economics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The applicability of complex systems theory in economics isevaluated and compared with standard approaches to economictheorising based upon constrained optimisation. A complex systemis defined in the economic context and differentiated from complexsystems in physio-chemical and biological settings. It is explainedwhy it is necessary to approach economic analysis from a network,rather than a production and utility function perspective, whenwe are dealing with complex systems. It is argued that muchof heterodox thought, particularly in neo-Schumpeterian andneo-Austrian evolutionary economics, can be placed within acomplex systems perspective upon the economy. The challengeis to replace prevailing ‘simplistic’ theories,based in constrained optimisation, with ‘simple’theories, derived from network representations in which valueis created through the establishment of new connections betweenelements.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Matthias Kelm (1997) accepts that `Schumpeter's definition of evolution does not contain any Darwinian mechanism such as natural selection or any other biological concept' and that Schumpeter `made no such attempt' to apply `Darwinian theory to economic evolution'. However, Kelm goes on to argue that Schumpeter would have been a Darwinian if circumstances were different. It is argued here that this contention is highly implausible because Schumpeter explicitly rejected biological metaphors and analogies in economics. Furthermore, Schumpeter misunderstood Darwinism. In his attempt to `interpret' Schumpeter as a Darwinian, Kelm himself misrepresents the three core principles of Darwinism. In addition Kelm's paper contains several misunderstandings and misrepresentations of the assessment of Schumpeter made by Hodgson (1993). This present response concludes that Schumpeter was indeed one of the greatest economists of the twentieth century and that he may legitimately be described as an `evolutionary economist'. However, he cautioned strongly against the use of biological metaphors in economics and there is no legitimate basis for describing his approach as Darwinian.  相似文献   

Schumpeterian endogenous growth theory and evolutionary economics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper, we aim to discuss whether Schumpeterian models of endogenous growth can accommodate Schumpeters vision of development through creative destruction. Taking a methodological approach, our focus is on individual decision-making, technology, general equilibrium and welfare, and steady state dynamics as the fundamental principles underlying endogenous growth theory. In particular, the Aghion-Howitt model of Schumpeterian growth in various extended versions is analyzed in the light of Schumpeters work. Therefore, we also try to root Schumpeters work in historical context. We find endogenous growth theory far from carrying Schumpeters idea of an evolutionary approach to change and development. Rather the emergence of numerous models of an evolutionary type can be observed to provide for the formal structure appropriate to keeping Schumpeters legacy alive.JEL Classification: B1, B2, B4, O3, O4Corespondence to: Thomas Kuhn  相似文献   

In this paper we review evolutionary economic modelling in relation to environmental policy. We discuss three areas in which evolutionary economic models have a particularly high added value for environmental policy-making: the double externality problem, technological transitions and consumer demand. We explore the possibilities to apply evolutionary economic models in environmental policy assessment, including the opportunities for making policy-making endogenous to environmental innovation. We end with a critical discussion of the challenges that remain.  相似文献   

Given the growing size of patent databases and portfolios, scholars and practitioners alike need metrics to help them in weighting patent counts or in ranking patents to focus on the most important ones. The main objective of this paper is to help them in this task with a practical and replicable approach. The discriminating criterion chosen is the potential market for the patented invention and the approach uses five different patent features (forward citations, grant decisions, families, renewals, and oppositions) that (1) have been found positively correlated with the value of patents in the literature, (2) can be extracted from patent databases, and (3) could inform on the existence of a potential market for the invention. The paper therefore discusses the main methodological issues in measuring and interpreting these metrics over a large international dataset and proposes one approach to extract from the different measures a consistent score that can be used to weight or rank patents.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a model from which discretionary consumption dynamics can be analyzed as global properties emerging from the endogenous transformation of a society inhabited by boundedly rational interactive consumers. By considering local and global interactions among consumers, we show that behavioral diversity plays a central role in the evolution of consumption patterns. The analysis of the model reveals the existence of a regime characterized by the persistence of different social standards, and a time evolution of the social distribution of behavioral patterns towards a heteroclinic cycle. In some cases the evolution seems to be chaotic, generating unpredictable, erratic dynamics of the aggregate social indices (average or social propensity for discretionary consumption).   相似文献   

杨宏力 《经济学家》2008,30(1):25-31
演化经济学的兴起主要有三个原因:西方主流经济学的范式危机;自然科学的发展;社会科学领域演化思想的积累与发展.演化经济学最近的前沿研究集中于进行演化建模,对复杂性进行测量,讨论技术与制度的协同演化等几个方面.拓展对多时期动态过程的研究,将演化经济学与制度经济学、马克思主义经济学、博弈理论等进行创造性综合,更多关注学科语言的凝炼和理论建模工作是演化经济学的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

陈书静 《经济学家》2006,22(3):21-28
时间是人类认识世界的一种基本方式,人类时间观的改变不可避免地影响着人们对经济世界的认知。人类时间概念内涵的变化体现在经济理论发展的不同阶段中。本文阐述了人类时间概念演化史,分析了内涵不同的时间观在经济学理论建构中的地位和作用,以及时间观现代变革对经济学当前发展的意义。  相似文献   

In recent years social economists have been utilizing a broader than conventional perspective for examining the behavior of economic agents. While traditionally the focus has been on the one-dimensional maximizing “individual with this newer approach the focus is on the multidimensional “person.” Thus the name “Personalist Economics.” Long ago the British writer Thomas Carlyle devoted volumes of pages to the sorts of topics and issues that are prominent in the personalist approach. Here are explored some areas of overlap between Carlyle's and today's personalist perspective, and some questions that might be raised about the two approaches.  相似文献   

Evolutionary economics and economic geography   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
This article attempts to explore how key notions from Evolutionary Economics, such as selection, path-dependency, chance and increasing returns, may be applied to two key topics in Economic Geography. The first issue is the problem of how to specify the (potential) impact of the spatial environment on new variety in terms of technological change. Evolutionary thinking may be useful to describe and explain: (1) the process of localized `collective' learning in a regional context, (2) the adjustment problems that regions may be confronted with in a world of increasing variation, and (3) the spatial formation of newly emerging industries as an evolutionary process, in which the spatial connotation of increasing returns (that is, agglomeration economies) may result in a spatial lock-in. The second issue is the problem of how new variety may affect the long-term evolution of the spatial system. We distinguish three approaches that, each in a different way, apply evolutionary notions to the nature of spatial evolution. This is strongly related to the issue whether mechanisms of chance and increasing returns, rather than selection and path-dependency, lay at the root of the spatial evolution of new technology.  相似文献   

近年来,创意产业不仅成为学界关注的热点,也成为政府和企业专注与投资的特点。企业之间竞合行为将直接决定其竞争力,进而影响我国创意产业竞争力与发展方向。本文基于文化创意产业集群内企业间的竞合行为,运用演化博弈的理论方法,建立了核心企业之间的横向对称博弈及核心企业与其相邻下游企业之间的纵向非对称博弈的数理模型,分析了其演变的动态过程。研究结果表明,该系统的演化方向与双方博弈的支付矩阵相关,博弈结果受到合作收益、初始合作成本、独立创新能力、合作成功率、以及双方初始状态等因素的影响,最后给出了相关建议,为整合我国文化产业集群提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The paper proposes a new financial mechanism that could be implemented to protect the environment of a tourist region. For this purpose, we investigate the potential consequences of two financial activities, issued by the local government (G) of a region R, which work like contracts between G and, respectively, visitors of R and firms operating in R. According to these contracts, agents who decide to visit R (firms that decide to adopt an environmental friendly technology) have to buy an option that entitle them to get a partial or total reimbursement if environmental quality in R turns out to be sufficiently low (high), namely, below (above) a given predetermined threshold level.  相似文献   

A recent paper by Jesus Felipe and John McCombie argues that I have understated the importance of the value added identity for conventional estimates of production relationships. This reply seeks to clarify the areas of agreement and disagreement. It suggests that the problems raised by the accounting identity are genuine and deserve to be more widely known, but Felipe and McCombie have sometimes exaggerated the scope of the argument.  相似文献   

We consider best response dynamics with endogenous noise based on a finite game in strategic form. A player can reduce the noise level by expending an extra effort and incurring some disutility or control costs. We specify control costs that result in logit adjustment rules. The stochastically stable states of the dynamic process are partial Nash configurations, that is, states where at least one player plays a best response against the others. If the game has a potential, then the stochastically stable states coincide with the Nash equilibria on which the potential is maximized. RID="*" ID="*" Instructive comments of a referee are gratefully acknowledged. Correspondence to:H. Haller  相似文献   

伴随着经济的飞速发展和中国企业的不断成长,迫切需要能体现中国人文精神的本土化管理理论和方法。因此,以中国文化的"和谐"哲学思想为主导来开展中国组织管理问题研究,尝试构建中国式管理理论和方法,具有重大的理论意义。借鉴组织气氛概念,将中国文化"和谐"概念与组织气氛概念相融合,基于中国组织管理的现实需要,本文提出了"组织和谐气氛"的概念;首先采用访谈法对50名管理者与员工进行了调查,归纳性分析表明组织和谐气氛包括八个维度;其次,选取378个样本对组织和谐气氛的结构维度进行了实证检验,结果表明组织和谐气氛概念是一个八因素的结构,同时本文设计的量表具有较好的信度和效度。这一理论结构的发现以及相应量表的研制具有重要的理论价值和应用价值。  相似文献   

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