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本文主要从思想品行、素质能力等两方面剖析了作为一名金融企业优秀领导所应具备的基本素质,即:政治上思想要过硬、思路要开阔、思维要创新、品行要端正;行动上要重视学习、要勇于创新、要科学管理、要提升能力、要开拓市场.  相似文献   

自来水要涨价,出租车要涨价,天然气要涨价,电要涨价,煤炭要涨价,石油要涨价……面对"涨声一片",我们很无奈.  相似文献   

刘菁菁 《金卡工程》2007,11(10):23-24
我们生活在一个被各种磁卡包围的世界里,上班要刷门卡,付账要刷信用卡,购物要刷打折卡,会员积分卡要刷,取钱要刷银行卡,看病要刷医疗卡,乘车也要刷工交卡……形形色色的卡丰富了我们的生活,也带来了环境污染隐患.  相似文献   

韩长赋:继续推进农业农村经济"稳中求进"农业部部长韩长赋在7月20日召开的"全国农业厅局长座谈会"上指出,下半年要贯彻和实现"稳中求进",重点是秋粮生产要稳、农民收入要进,动物疫情要稳、质量安全要进,农产品市场要稳、农业科技创新要进,农民就业要稳、农村改  相似文献   

邓小平 在这个过程中,第一要抓吃、穿、用的问题。农业除开化肥、农药以外,要着重解决水利问题,包括排涝在内。要想办法多搞点轻工业,增加积累,重要的是要发展经济作物。今后几年宁肯继续进口粮食,也要加快发展经济作物。第二要抓基础工业。要建设新的铁路。  相似文献   

高路易 《国际融资》2010,(12):36-37
中国要实现可持续的发展和转型,一是要进一步实现城市化,二是要改变地区发展态势,三是要平衡各地区的发展。四是要改变国家在经济当中的作用,五是运行良好的经济直接干预  相似文献   

2011年全省外汇管理工作重点是:要依法严厉打击“热钱”等跨境资金违规流动;要推进重点领域外汇管理改革;要坚持全方位开展非现场监管;要强化资本项目外汇管理;要夯实统计监测和调研分析的基础工作;要树立大局观念和宏观意识,开展前瞻性研究  相似文献   

2022年经济工作怎么干?宏观政策要稳健有效、微观政策要持续激发市场主体活力、结构政策要着力畅通国民经济循环、科技政策要扎实落地、改革开放政策要激活发展动力、区域政策要增强发展的平衡性协调性、社会政策要兜住兜牢民生底线……日前召开的中央经济工作会议定调2022年中国经济发展大计,这七大政策取向勾勒出做好2022年经济工作的路线图。  相似文献   

要成为真正的内行,必须要了解银行的业务和技术,要了解银行的过去、现在和将来,更重要的是要了解国内,仅仅照搬国外的东西是不够的。  相似文献   

宋刚 《科学投资》2004,(11):48-50
要想真正成为一个出色的企业家,首先要充分了解自己,其次要有足够多的失败经历,最后要懂得人的运作。而毅力、坚持只是成就事业的基本。  相似文献   

This article examines the origins, dimensions and implications of Africa's crisis. It draws attention to the impact of historical experiences, the distortions and disarticulations of that experience, and to the coalitions, contradictions, crises and conflicts inherited at independence. It looks at postcolonial alignment and realignment of social and political forces, the crisis of accumulation and power, and the implications of the region's marginal location and role in the global division of labour and power. Calling for a need to transcend the manifestations of the African predicament, the article looks at regional and international responses to the crisis. It concludes by prescribing the need for a fundamental political restructuring, the empowerment of the people and their communities and organizations, a socially sensitive structural adjustment programme, and the recomposition of the content and context of politics and social relations.  相似文献   

美国油气法捕获规则系判例法确立的一项产权制度,从野生动物捕获规则移植而来.该规则对美国石油天然气产业发展起到了极大的促进作用,但同时也产生了过度开采、资源浪费等问题.美国各州相继通过颁布强制联营规则、井间距规则、禁止浪费规则等一系列配套立法对油气法捕获规则进行修改和限制,提高了油气开采效率,保证了油气产业的有序发展.借鉴美国油气法捕获规则的立法与司法经验,我国未来石油天然气立法应当制定油气资源矿业权重叠情形下的联合开发规则,同时应当完善石油天然气上游产业市场准入制度和油气开采监管制度.  相似文献   

本文以17省(区、市)的预算监督审查条例、4省(区、市)6年24份预算执行情况和预算草案的审查结果报告、3省(市)15份决算草案的初步审查报告的文本作为评估对象,评估结果显示,党的十八大以来,各省份在预算审查监督的法律完善、监督机构的职能建设和能力提升、监督审查程序的规范和健全等方面,已取得了长足的发展.但总的来说,这些改革仍大多属于技术性、操作层面的改革,省级人大预算监督效力提升的成效仍然不大.人大及其常委会对预算审查监督仍只是程序性的,在预算周期的规划阶段和实施阶段所起的监督作用依然较弱.为加快人大预算监督从形式向实质转变,建议以地方试点推动预算监督实质性改革、以技术手段拓展预算监督的深度与广度、加强预算审查监督队伍建设,全面提升执行能力.  相似文献   

Oil prices and accounting profits of oil and gas companies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates the relationship between commodity prices of crude oil, capital structure, firm size and accounting measures of firm performance using a sample of oil and gas firms from 1990 to 2008. We employ estimates based on panel least squares, a fixed effects model and a random effects model. We also use generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators by Arellano and Bond (1991) and Blundell and Bond (1998, 2000). Our findings show that crude oil prices positively and significantly impact the performance of oil and gas firms in North America using accounting measures of performance. The recent financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 negatively influenced oil prices and the financial performance of oil and gas firms. On the other hand, the earlier global crises (Asian financial crisis and 9/11) did not have a significant impact on the return on equity of oil and gas companies. Our primary contribution to the literature is a comprehensive and econometric analysis of the relation between commodity prices and accounting measures of performance oil and gas companies.  相似文献   

Technological progress does not happen in a social vacuum. Shaping of tomorrow is not possible without qualitative analyses. Therefore, the social and psychological dimensions of reality form an important part of technology foresight. Qualitative research will be needed to understand superficial and deep structures of social realities. So called push and pull factors are always linked to social behaviour. People's relationship to the use of technologies and the utilization of technologies is a complex and not a one-dimensional or monological issue. Monological methodological approaches can be harmful and confusing in the field of participatory foresight. We can conclude that the cycles of deductive and inductive logic are needed in science and in participatory foresight studies. Experts of the FTA community must have a higher level of methodological know-how in this research field and they should use qualitative methods in multi-faceted (external and internal) ways in foresight studies. Still the qualitative parts of many studies are quite monological and these studies can be quite problematic, even confusing. More critical methodological approaches should be taken into serious consideration. As a methodological approach, the principle of triangulation should be used more in the fields of participatory foresight studies and technology foresight.The key focus of this article in the use of qualitative and phenomenological approaches in the fields of FTA and foresight. The aim of this theoretically oriented discussion is to promote the professional use of qualitative methods in foresight and FTA studies. The strength of qualitative analyses is linked to deeper understanding of social change and social patterns and structures. Actually people create and constitute the markets, networks, and crowds where technologies are applied and used.Internal systemic understanding of social realities is an important part of foresight activities, especially in participatory foresight studies. Internal and external analyses can be seen as complementary approaches, like qualitative and quantitative approaches. The use of qualitative methods is a conventional part of the research process in participatory foresight projects. A typical problem may be that the use of methods is not planned carefully enough and people are unaware of the underlying key assumptions of applied methods. Experimenting with phenomenology is not a simple task in foresight research. Therefore, the views and informative platforms expressed and presented in this article may be useful for foresight practitioners.  相似文献   

鉴于国内对金融排斥、普惠金融、金融包容的研究还存在诸多分歧,地理学者和金融学者对其可达性及使用性维度仍有不同理解,从学术溯源的角度,通过梳理金融包容的历史沿革和内涵演化,界定不同理念之间的区别与联系,并结合最新的数字金融、虚拟集聚背景,提出“三度”“三维”“三协调”为一体的金融包容体系。从复杂系统论的角度,创新性地将其分为金融包容的协调体系、风险管理体系、创新体系、组织体系及传导体系,并探索了主流金融范畴的扩展、格莱珉模式的思考以及传递渠道的创新等,剖析了新的研究范式的不足,为未来理论研究和实践推进提供路径及展望。  相似文献   

第三支柱个人养老金是国家养老金体系的重要支柱,也是中国特色养老金融体系的有机组成部分。建立和发展个人养老金制度有利于缓解养老金领域发展不平衡不充分问题,夯实应对人口老龄化的社会财富储备。个人养老金的核心特征是个人主导和享受财税政策支持。从功能上看,个人养老金是养老金制度补充和收入补充,推动投资养老理念形成并促进资本市场完善。目前的第三支柱个人养老金试点政策在覆盖人群、税优设计和运行流程等方面存在问题,未来应统筹国家三支柱养老金体系建设,重视政府作用的发挥,制定与我国财税体制改革相适应、公平有效的财税政策,充分调动金融机构的积极性,并加强养老金融教育。  相似文献   

文献信息作为科研工作者成果,反映科研工作者对某一领域的认知和规律性的探索总结,并用于指导实践.通过现存的文献信息特征可以把握国内对企业风险管理的研究现状及存在问题.文献计量是应用数学和统计学的方法,将文献信息的特征转变为数量值,定量的研究文献的分布结构,变化规律和数量关系,探讨学科的发展方向及研究热点追踪.通过应用文献计量分析方法,针对搜索的国内企业风险管理文献库,通过文献增长数量趋势,关键词分析,研究机构及作者分布情况,被引频次以及文献增长规律曲线拟合等多角度定量分析,发现国内对企业风险管理研究的热点,难点,便于科研人员和企业管理者研究和学习.  相似文献   

用物联网构筑“智慧金融”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨物与物、人与人、人与物之间进行信息交换和通信的物联网概念,分析美国、欧盟、日韩和中国物联网的发展现状和未来,提出物联网从提高金融业务的效率和安全性以及金融业务管理和服务、检查交易真实性、质押物监管和定制服务、监控和管理受控人员和以及保险业的实时监测服务等方面构筑的"智慧金融"。  相似文献   

科学解读我国税收与经济之间的依存状况具有理论和实践意义。可以通过对税收与经济依存关系的内在机理、考察税收增减状况的适宜参照系、不同因素对税收与经济依存状况的作用机理,对1997~2002年我国税收大幅度超经济增长现象的深层原因进行较为系统的分析,并据此对我国税收与经济的依存趋势进行预测。  相似文献   

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