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<正>简介国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库(www.nssd.org)是由全国哲学社会科学规划领导小组批准建设,中国社会科学院承建的国家级、开放型、公益性的哲学社会科学信息平台,具体责任单位为中国社会科学院图书馆(调查与数据信息中心)。国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库作为国家社会科学基金特别委托项目,于2012年3月正式启动,系统平台于2013年了月16日上线开通,2014年1月13日第二  相似文献   

Auditing Quality of Research in Social Sciences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A growing body of studies involves complex research processes facing many interpretations and iterations during the analyses. Complex research generally has an explorative in-depth qualitative nature. Because these studies rely less on standardized procedures of data gathering and analysis, it is often not clear how quality was insured or assured. However, one can not easily find techniques that are suitable for such complex research processes to assess the quality of the study. In this paper, we discuss and present a suitable validation procedure. We first discuss how ‘diagnosing’ quality involves three generic criteria. Next, we present findings of previous research in possible procedures to assure the quality of research in social sciences. We introduce the audit procedure designed by Halpern [(1983) Auditing Naturalistic Inquiries: The Development and Application of a Model. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University] we found an appropriate starting point for a suitable procedure for quality judgment. Subsequently, we will present a redesign of the original procedure, with according guidelines for the researcher (the auditee) and for the evaluator of the quality of the study (the auditor). With that design, we aim to enable researchers to bring forward their explorative qualitative studies as stronger and more equally valuable to studies that can rely on standardized procedures.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - There is no unified theory of causality in the sciences and in philosophy. In this paper, we focus on a particular framework, called structural causal modelling (SCM), as...  相似文献   

杨公齐 《物流科技》2003,26(1):11-14
物流是第三利润的源泉。物流业发展需要统一性、完整性和开放性和市场环境。统一性、完整性和开放性有利于物流一体化和合理化。我国的不成熟市场经济环境对物流过程的整合产生负面影响。打破地区封锁、行业垄断,建立统一、完整、开放的物流运行市场迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

Adolph Lowe and his mentor Franz Oppenheimer were founding members of the Editorial Board of the The American Journal of Economics and Sociology in 1941. Both this journal's name and its mission were inspired by Lowe's greatly underappreciated 1935 book, Economics and Sociology . There, Lowe issued his "plea for cooperation" and "constructive synthesis" in the social sciences. Lowe was committed to interdisciplinary teaching and research for the entirety of his long and interesting career. When celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Journal , it is worthwhile to recall Lowe's enduring contributions. His expression "constructive synthesis" still remains part of the mission of the AJES as inscribed on the back cover of the journal itself.  相似文献   

李梦淇 《价值工程》2021,40(24):80-82
本文主要讨论了社会科学管理,如金融、市场营销、面向供应的物流、信息管理系统等供应链管理问题.每个研究领域都有这样的发现研究领域的多样化,覆盖了供应链管理的能力研究,他们被认为是不同的主题.协调需求是必要的,协调框架供应链管理被学者们视为桥梁以及来自不同角度和领域的学者的工作,本文主旨在共同增强供应链管理的学术力量和商业环境.  相似文献   

上海社会科学院数量经济研究中心成立于2006年,朱平芳研究员担任中心主任,韩清研究员担任中心副主任。中心聘请著名经济学家、中国社会科学院学部委员汪同三研究员和上海社会科学院常务副院长左学金研究员担任名誉主任;聘请厉无畏研究员、李子奈教授和王贻志研究员担任学术顾问  相似文献   

蔡美兰 《价值工程》2014,33(33):295-296
开展社会科学方法论的研究,是推进社会科学繁荣发展的重要环节。把马克思主义哲学与社会科学方法论相结合,对社会现状加以分析,以确立社会科学方法论基本原则,建立科学的社会科学方法论体系。本文旨在从社会科学方法论的角度来分析《我国高校英语教育中的中国文化失语现状研究》一文中具体社会科学方法的运用。认识社会科学方法在实际问题中起到的指导作用,分析其处理和解决问题的思路方法。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a macro-economic demographic growth modelhaving a special focus on social security. It is designed to study the variability of responses of the system in presence of risks and uncertainties. Here we analyze the robustness of the model towards uncertainties in parameterspecifications, introduced by ARCH-M models with the incorporation ofintervention processes. The parameters varied are labor force participationrates (one of the key sources of uncertainty in the social security policydebate), and the parameters of the production function (the key source ofuncertainty in any long-run economic analysis). The sensitivity analysisfocuses on two variables: assets of the private pension system and thebalance of the public `Pay As You Go' pension system. Special attentionis given to convergence properties of the macro-economic model.  相似文献   

本文以政策外部性关联与协同效应为切入点,通过陕西省西安市新农保试点区县农民问卷调查,对引入土地流转因素的新型农村社会养老保险基金预测进行精算建模和政策仿真研究。结果表明:土地流转因素对新农保参保率、缴费率具有显著影响,基金收支呈现由盈余转向缺口、并逐年扩大的趋势,基金、制度存在双重失衡风险。通过关键制度因素的单一、组合调整结果分析对比,提出促进土地流转与新农保制度良性融合与可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

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