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地勘单位发展战略中存在的主要问题是:主导产业不明晰,低相关和非相关多元化经营程度过高,地勘主业发展相对滞后,单靠地勘主业难以维持发展。地勘单位多元化经营战略模式应是在地质勘查主导产业的基础上实现多元化经营,而其实现途径是对现有多元化业务实施重组,并选择高相关产业作为多元化经营的成长方向。  相似文献   

文章在阐述地勘企业实施经营战略必要性和必然性、企业经营战略的内涵及其主要特征的同时,总结分析了冶金地质单位实施经营战略的几点启示,以及制订和实施企业经营战略要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

文章分析了地勘单位改革面临的背景环境和改革目标任务的三个阶段,提出了地勘单位企业化经营改革的战略选择,介绍了安徽省地勘局进行企业化经营改革的具体作法.  相似文献   

伴随着全球经济一体化的快速发展,地勘企业通过入股、收购资源开发东道国企业等方式开启了国际化发展的进程.地勘企业推进国际化经营面临的主要风险有:政治风险、汇率风险、市场风险、跨文化管理的风险、财务风险和技术风险.通过建立风险与机会分析模型,提出了防范措施:(1)加强国际化经营的风险管理,及时对风险进行处理;(2)在实施国际化经营战略的基础上,建立完善的国际化风险管理体系;(3)地勘企业在实施国际化经营的过程中,要做好充分的文化准备.  相似文献   

近年来,因矿产资源丰富、矿业大规模开发和GDP高速增长,引发了人们对内蒙古发展模式的讨论。在"内蒙古模式"的大背景下,当地地勘企业获得了前所未有的大发展。作为当地一家主要的地勘企业,内蒙古地质工程总公司由地勘工程项目起家,凭借技术实力和政策优势,在煤炭等矿产勘探领域迅速崛起。内蒙古地勘企业应牢牢抓住机遇、把握政策,做好特色经营与可持续发展定位,同时定位好地勘企业的管理模式,不失时机地实施"走出去"战略。  相似文献   

本文从世纪之交地勘单位面对的严峻现实出发,分析了地勘单位实施经营战略的必要性,提出了搞好战略设计、坚持战略创新、加强战略管理的基本思路,对推进地勘单位发展战略做了有益的探讨  相似文献   

本文分析了地勘单位改革目前普遍存在的问题、难点及原因,对地勘单位进行了战略定位分析,提出了加快战略性结构调整步伐、推进企业改组改制、搞好资本经营、剥离非生产经营性机构等具体意见和建议方案  相似文献   

继国家行政机构改革之后,地勘单位的市场主体地位更加明确。文章认为,地勘单位克服等、靠思想,以市场主体的身份实施战略管理是其进入、占领市场的关键。文章对企业战略的主要内容、战略类型的选择进行了较为详细地阐述  相似文献   

论地勘单位(企业)的发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章作者认为发展战略的制定是地勘单位(企业)在社会主义市场经济条件下,加强管理的首要内容,它直接关系到地勘单位(企业)的生存与发展。并指出了制定发展战略要端正指导思想和坚持正确原则,发展战略的选择要有远见卓识、切实可行。最后论述了实现发展战略必须着重抓好的几个关键性措施。  相似文献   

冶金地勘基层单位面临严峻的市场形势和新的发展机遇,同时也遇到了观念滞后、地勘项目获取难和人才技术管理瓶颈等问题。面对新的机遇和挑战,冶金地勘单位应通过探索混合经济模式,建立有利于冶金地勘单位发展的产权结构和企业制度;引入社会咨询公司,对原有组织架构、岗位设置、职责界定、管理流程进行梳理与优化,建立适合企业现代化发展要求的薪酬和绩效考核体系;加强市场组织体系建设,组建高水平的市场经营队伍;大力实施优质矿业权掌控战略,抢抓优质矿业权资源;积极开拓境外地质矿业市场,探索国际化经营的路子;实施管理创新和技术创新,提升地勘单位核心竞争力等方式,积极破解发展中的难题,推动冶金地勘单位稳步发展。  相似文献   

从华清官管理体制的历史演变,分析当前管理体制的两个缺陷,进而提出构建华清宫管理体制的理论基础、现实出发点、关键环节以及华清宫文物旅游管理体制的组织结构。同时认为垂直分离式的管理体制具有集权与分权相结合、政企分开、利益共享的特征,能够有效地克服上述两个缺陷,是一种较优的体制模式。  相似文献   

矿业市场准入资格和矿权主体资格   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
矿业市场准入资格是矿业的经营权,采矿权、探矿权是对矿产资源的财产权。《矿产资源法》没有对两者清晰区分;《行政许可法》把行政许可扩大到了财产权分配;《公司法》对矿业市场准入资格有授权性规定,但未得到重视和贯彻。西方市场经济国家对矿业经营权和矿产资源财产权有清晰界定。进入矿业的门槛建议设三道———设立企业,取得矿权,建设矿山。贯彻《行政许可法》,应当定位在授予“采矿经营特许权”、颁发《采矿经营特许证》。《采矿许可证》和《勘查许可证》宜改称《采矿权证》和《探矿权证》,其制度建设应当同《行政许可法》脱钩,直接上承《物权法》。限制经营权同限制财产权的行政处罚应当加以区别。“矿业权”最好改称“矿权”。  相似文献   

This article presents a study of a unique organizational structure and marketing/managerial orientation developed by the Mondragon Cooperatives in the Basque province of Spain. This approach focuses attention on the "whole person," where improving productivity is accomplished by an incentive structure rather than elaborate job controls. The study examines the strategy Mondragon Cooperatives practice, as perceived by the workers, in order to isolate those factors which have led to their marketing success. A mail survey was conducted on a sample of 400 cooperative and 400 private enterprise workers, with a fifty-two percent (52%) response rate. The results of the survey are presented and strategic marketing implications are provided as a concluding focus of this effort.  相似文献   

Diseconomies of Size with Fixed Managerial Ability   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Managerial ability has important implications for farm growth. In this article we first show in a production model that increasing output with a fixed level of managerial ability can lead to a decrease in profits. Next, we discuss the effect that managerial ability has on economies of size. In the empirical part, economies of size are estimated for a sample of dairy farms using a proxy for managerial ability, which is calculated as a technical efficiency index. The results show that increasing farm size while holding managerial ability constant can be an important source of diseconomies of size.  相似文献   

Reflecting on the concepts of meta-governance and soft projects, this study involves testing a hypothetical model for regional policy integration which incorporates three core assumptions: (a) collaborative regional institutions are likely to step out of their comfort zone and engage in project discussions where there are managerial regional institutions which have the potential to incorporate such projects and take them forward; (b) soft projects, like regional parks, unleash such potential since they can involve a wide range of objectives and activities and thus provide an opportunity for managerial regional institutions to procure legitimacy by wider inputs at low cost; and (c) collaborative regional institutions tend to overcome their initial internal differences about such projects in order to develop network power in relation to managerial regional institutions. This hypothetical model is supported by case study findings in the North West region of England, feeding in a discussion about some priorities for future research.  相似文献   

试谈科技管理创新与科技成果产业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄镛 《林业经济问题》2000,20(5):306-308
本文分析了改革开放以来科技管理创新与对科技成果产业化发展的影响和作用 ,进一步阐明科技管理创新改革的必要性 ,提出当前科技管理创新的方向。  相似文献   

Achieving an appropriate resource allocation structure usually revolves around the farm manager. His or her ability is crucial to success. Yet, most farmers learn by experience and/or through various courses that concentrate on technical, production economic and related aspects. Putting more effort into understanding the components of managerial ability and how a managers’ ability to perform well in each component might be improved is well overdue. As psychology is the study of people and their actions it is the obvious discipline to turn to for assistance. This paper contains a review of the psychology of decision making from a farm management perspective, outlines what psychology offers for changing a person's attributes, and considers the structure of a research programme aimed at developing methods for improving individual's managerial ability.  相似文献   

农村土地承包经营权流转的法规制度建设当前尚不完备,必须继续加强和完善这方面相关法规制度的建设,其重点:一是继续完善土地经营权权能结构;二是实现强化土地承包经营权长期化与遏制承包土地调整的法制建设;三是制定针对土地经营权流转纠纷的仲裁与处置的相关法规;四是围绕“土地承包法”制定符合各地实际的地方法规与实施细则。  相似文献   

The practical significance of the conventional “net farm income” is elusive. It would be useful to have an accepted method of dividing “management and investment income” into its recognised Components—managerial salary and return on tenant's capital. One is a residual if the other can be calculated, and both alternatives are considered. An empirical formula is suggested for estimating the managerial salary which may be imputed to the farmer, taking account of his total turnover, his labour bill and his net farm income. This formula is then applied to Farm Management Survey data, for individual farms and for groups of average, high and low performance (output per £ input). The method may permit closer analysis of relative profitability.  相似文献   

关于企业商业模式创新的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业商业模式是指一个企业如何利用自身资源 ,在一个特定的包含了物流、信息流和资金流的商业流程中 ,将最终的商品和服务提供给客户 ,并收回投资、获取利润的解决方案。它是企业能否在市场竞争中立足并获取持续竞争力保证自身生存和发展的先决条件。本文结合地勘企业的实际情况 ,就如何认识、评价和调整创新企业商业模式等问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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