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The current article explores the concept of moral leadership and the potential for conflict with organizational innovation. After exploring the organizational prioritization of profitability with the exclusion of moral and ethical implications, the article asserts that moral leadership need not be the center of conflict with organizational innovation. Instead, research reveals that moral leadership can serve to enhance, inspire, and provide the foundation needed for innovation. For this reason, organizations must strive to make the identification of ethical leadership as a priority and stakeholders must remain flexible while upholding ethical standards. Through enhanced moral leadership, organizations can achieve greater levels of innovative excellence and competitive advantage in the global economy.  相似文献   

The JIT and stockless approach to provider-supplier relationships has proven to be a win-win proposition for the partners that have implemented it in many manufacturing industries and health care organizations as well. This strategy will fundamentally impact the entire cost structure within the hospital supply distribution chain. rewards have proven attainable and more comprehensive than had been hoped in the health care applications. The sweeping changes the health care industry experienced during the 1980s are leading creative materiel managers to seize the initiative to improve the current operating costs of their hospitals. They do not want to be left behind "holding the inventory."  相似文献   

The health care industry has experienced some turbulent years recently, and the end does not seem near. Payment methods are being established that are entirely new and have not stood the test of time. For hospitals to remain competitive, they must be able to understand and master the different payment methods. The one common thread discussed throughout this article is that intelligent decisions concerning payment cannot be made until the costs are known. Hospitals cannot commit to these contracts and cannot expect to perform well and generate profits without this knowledge--without detailed cost information, it is a "stab in the dark." A good working relationship between cost accounting and materiel management is needed to accumulate timely and accurate information. This is why their relationship is so important. Those hospitals that master this information requirement will have the best chance of survival in the increasingly competitive field of health care.  相似文献   

As the rapid development in information technology (IT), and as the ease of disseminating IT between internet users throughout the world, internet piracy is a global issue that everyone has to be concerned about as it has a significant impact on the economy. In the global IT industry, Taiwan and China play important roles in the manufacturing supply chain. Unfortunately, both Taiwan and China also have significant effect on the IT piracy. Both of them share a similar culture and speak almost same language but different living style and social values. Since many studies reported that digital piracy (i.e. illegal downloading of music) was highly prevalent among college students (Lysonski and Durvasula, J Consumer Mark 25(3):167–178, 2008), understanding the college students’ ethical decision process is one of important issues in internet piracy context. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there is a difference in the perception of moral intensity as well as the ethical decision process for the business students between Taiwan and China. Respondents were asked to the dimensionality of the moral intensity and decision making process construct in three ethical scenarios regarding to internet piracy. The research results find that students in Taiwan possess higher level of moral intensity than students in China. Except for moral recognition, there are significant differences on the perception of moral decision process between two countries.  相似文献   

Ethical problems arise almost continually in human resource management. Human resources are people, and when people suffer some harm or loss for which they are not themselves responsible, as in a plant closing or corporate re-structuring, then ethical analysis is needed in addition to the more common financial, legal, and behavioral forms of reasoning. Ethical analysis involves an evaluation of the impacts of the proposed managerial action upon the members of the organization and the members of the society, and then justification of those impacts according to one of the first principles or essential values of normative philosophy. None of these first principles or essential values are adequate by themselves to justify a decision in an ethical dilemma, but taken together they do help in arriving at a decision that can be considered to be “right” and “proper” and “just”.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the ethical frameworks of social enterprises, out of two basic organizational documents which are unveiling the corporate moral discourse (codes of ethics and values statements). Three types of well-known social entreprises have been chosen : (1) charitable clubs and associations ; (2) cooperatives and mutuals ; (3) conventional private sector foundations. The main contribution of the article is to present the basic connections between social enterprises’moral discourses and some philosophical schools of thought. The paper show how the moral discourse of social entreprises is more or less philosophically coherent. Rational coherence could be applied to values (axiological coherence), or to the philosophical grounds of the discourse (philosophical coherence). The ethical framework of social entreprises is conveying business concerns as well as socially-focused and philosophically-rooted concerns. It is both enhancing economic (business-focused) and non-economic (social) aims. The philosophical challenge of social entreprises is to build up sense of collective identity, without having an ambiguous moral discourse. The moral discourse of social entreprises should have an inner coherence : the various documents (such as the code of ethics and the values statement) should enhance the same set of values. Moreover, if social entrepreneurs are unable to provide a basic philosophical orientation to their corporate moral discourse, then they will not contribute to any social change, since their moral discourse will not be trusted by anyone who is carefully reading the main organizational sources of corporate moral discourse.  相似文献   

在有关政治关联的学术研究中,政治关联往往被描述为理性的、序贯决策的形成过程,实际上,企业政治关联是有限理性的,受到广泛的道德约束和激励。道德标准的建构在对企业理性选择施加限制的同时,还影响了政治关联的功能实现,然而这一点在企业政治关联的研究中常常被忽略。在道德经济学、经济伦理学和进化经济学理论思想的基础上构建了政治关联的综合分析框架,深入分析经济理性与商业道德在企业政治关联中的作用机理,并从最大化社会福利和企业生存机会的角度为企业实施政治关联提供次优的指导。  相似文献   

石玉平 《价值工程》2011,30(35):314-315
中国的社会主义市场经济正在蓬勃发展,但市场经济体制还不完善,社会道德建设面临一系列挑战,需要我们对原有的一些道德观念和原则进行相应的调整,建立起与社会主义市场经济相适应的道德体系,社会主义思想道德体系,必须以为人民服务为核心,以集体主义为原则,以诚实守信为重点。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relationship between organizational commitment and work–family conflict for medical doctors and nurses. Using canonical analysis on questionnaire, this relation has been tested distinctively through three sub-dimensions of organizational commitment listed: affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. Data collected from 766 (411 doctors and 355 nurses) individuals employed at seven state hospitals and three medical faculties of universities in Ankara. Analysis revealed that the relationship between organizational commitment scale and work–family conflict scale is weak and positive. Results suggest that the more committed the doctors and nurses are to the hospital they work for, the more work–family conflict they experience. On the basis of the sample information obtained in this study, it is possible to claim that if the employees are supported to establish a fair balance between their work and family lives in the guidance of these principles, a strong commitment to the organization will develop.  相似文献   

员工绿色行为作为提升组织环保绩效、促进企业可持续发展的关键因素,越来越多的学者对其进行了深入探讨。然而,现有研究大多从态度、动机和领导者行为等方面考察员工绿色行为的形成过程,忽视了组织特征因素,以及员工内在的道德认知和道德情绪因素的共同作用。本文基于道德决策理论,从理性道德认知和非理性道德情绪出发,建构企业社会责任特征与员工绿色行为的关系模型,并分析员工的道德认知与道德情绪交互作用对员工绿色行为的即时影响。研究结果将从道德决策视角拓展员工绿色行为的理论版图;实践上为培育员工的生态素养、激发员工绿色行为寻求道德动力,为组织环保实践和绿色可持续发展提供管理依据和策略。  相似文献   

What we have been reviewing is a workplace ethic of excellence, a management philosophy that has at its core a creative orientation that encourages diversity of vision that drives risk taking, participation, and collaborative employee endeavors within the context of shared rewards. To achieve this ethic of excellence in an industry battered by socio-eco-political and ethical hurricanes, we need to be genuflecting at the altar of opportunity and engaging in brainstorming, not only about the future, but also how we are going to get there. We need to abandon the reflex of engaging in crisis management. Health care management must assume the role of coach, mentor, and visionary, thus shedding the inane propensity to move along the comfortable road of bureaucracy, cynicism, redundancy, and control. Our future lies in a proactive, organizationally integrated, customer-oriented, and enabling environment that delivers high quality standards that maximize productivity. Therefore, in a world of change, there must be a marriage between quality improvement and productivity through implementation of QIPP processes and culture.  相似文献   

鉴于员工内部揭发能有效阻止企业中的非伦理行为,很多研究开始关注员工内部揭发问题。本研究着眼于员工内部揭发的伦理性,认为伦理型领导能够降低员工的道德推脱意识,从而正向影响员工内部揭发意向;员工感知的社会责任感正向调节伦理型领导对员工道德推脱的作用。本文通过三个阶段的数据收集,得到232套有效问卷。实证结果表明:(1)伦理型领导能够显著正向影响员工内部揭发意愿;(2)道德推脱在伦理型领导和内部揭发间起中介作用;(3)员工感知的企业社会责任对道德推脱在伦理型领导与内部揭发之间的间接关系起到调节作用,也即只有当员工感知到企业承担更多的社会责任时,伦理型领导通过道德推脱影响员工内部揭发意向的中介作用是显著的。本文在理论上丰富了伦理型领导与员工内部揭发之间作用机制的研究,对有效促进组织内部揭发的途径有重要启示作用。  相似文献   

In an era of increased patient decision making and limited resources, the solving of ethical dilemmas requires more than the traditional top-down approach. This article examines the use of ethics committees in hospitals located in Alabama. A significant minority of the hospitals do not have committees, despite increasing calls for ethics committees in the literature and by regulatory and accreditation agencies. The article also describes the typical composition of a hospital ethics committee as well as the means by which hospitals without committees solve ethical problems.  相似文献   

A bstract .   In this paper, I examine alternative views of personhood and how they affect our understanding of life and death. Building on David Wiggins's insight that our concept of person tries to hold in a single focus our nature as a biological being, a subject of consciousness, and a locus of moral values, I argue against views that try to reduce persons to one of these aspects at the expense of the others. Thought experiments that have been prominent in the literature on personal identity are criticized on grounds that they sunder persons from the moral and cultural context in which they appear and ignore an essential relational aspect of persons. I argue for a substantive view of persons that understands persons as "constituted by" but not identical to human organisms, and that treats persons as having essential relational properties. Persons are thus beings whose nature is not determined entirely by their biology or psychology but is, in part, a matter of individual, moral, and cultural construction. I argue that such a view provides the best theoretical grounding to answer the more practical, bioethical questions concerning the beginning and end of life.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the possibility that the ethical claim of the other, that sense of being bound to the other, may becoming more and more difficult to experience as information technology increasingly mediates our social being. The paper will support the supposition of Don Caputo that obligation does not emanate from codes, imperatives or moral arguments. Rather it will argue that obligation takes hold of us from within disaster. Obligation, our being bound-to, finds us when we come face to a face in disaster. The paper will argue that electronic mediation is inducing a sense of hyperreality into our world (Baudrillard). It will argue that this hyperreality is making our ethical sensibility nebulous to the point that we are not coming face to face with our obligations. An analysis of the Baring bank disaster will be used to demonstrate the point. The paper will show that Nick Leeson was in a hyperreal world in which he was not able to come face to face with the victims of the disaster. The electronic hyperreal world of financial markets, where traders deal in abstract numbers, movements on the screen, made it possible for him to look over and past the faces and proper names of the victims; their claim became diffused in the numbers on the screen, not real cash only numbers, not real people with faces and proper names, just numbers. If this supposition seems tenable what are we to do? The paper argues that we do not need more codes, imperatives or moral arguments, as such. Rather we need to keep our lives at the resolution, of faces and proper names—if obligation happens this is where it is likely to be.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the production function’s scope properties can provide insights for firms choosing their operating strategy, policy-makers considering industry structure, and analysts determining appropriate tools. We introduce a new property, returns to scope, which is distinct from scale properties and does not rely on price information. Based on desirable characteristics of an estimator of returns to scope, we propose two methods for assessment. We present examples using simulated data and hospital production data from the 2008 National Inpatient Sample of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. We find that hospitals experience negative returns to scope (productivity losses) from the joint production of minor and major diagnostic procedures. Based upon our results we conclude that the new returns to scope property allows sharper insights than classic economies of scope approaches.  相似文献   

食品安全问题关乎人们的生命与健康,是一个重大的民生问题。近年来,我国在食品安全法律制度建设与立法方面虽有改观,但食品安全事故仍频发,这主要是由于少数食品生产经营者无视道德底线和法律底线造成的。分析导致食品生产经营者突破道德底线与法律底线的原因,确保他们不逾越道德底线和法律底线,是党和政府必须直视和解决的紧要问题。  相似文献   

Extending social learning theory to a multi-level perspective, this study proposes a theoretical model that investigates both individual and team-level mechanisms that mediate the effect of ethical leadership on employee voice. Specifically, in terms of an individual-level social learning perspective, we suggest that an ethical leader acts as a prototype of a moral person (i.e. an ethical role model). From a team-level social learning perspective, we propose that, as a moral manager, team ethical leadership will foster an ethical climate within the team which will create a moral context that impacts employees’ behaviors. In both instances, employee voice behaviors will be enhanced through these mechanisms. Evidencing the importance of the interaction between leader behaviors and context for leader effectiveness, we also show that employees are more likely to regard their ethical leaders as ethical role models in a team that highly values ethical conduct (i.e. high in ethical climate). Results obtained from 47 managers and 211 subordinates in China support our theoretical model. The theoretical and practical implications of our findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

We use data envelopment analysis (DEA) to examine the relationship between hospital electronic medical record (EMR) use and efficiency in a national sample of acute care hospitals. Data sources include the American Hospital Association (AHA), Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), and Case Mix Index. Using two research approaches including a retrospective, cross-sectional design and a first differencing repeated measures design, we find limited evidence that EMRs can improve hospital efficiency. Small hospitals may benefit in the area of efficiency through EMR use, but medium and large hospitals generally do not demonstrate such a difference. Likewise, there does not appear to be a significant increase in efficiency over time associated with EMRs when compared to the efficiency of hospitals without such documentation.  相似文献   

黄秋丽 《中国企业家》2012,(3):67-70,66,11
在不被人看好的房地产中介行业,这个精明而大气的上海人,以创新、资本和互联网,下出一盘与众不同的大棋局  相似文献   

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