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原油管道减阻技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原油管道减阻技术对节约能源和投资,加速原油的开发利用,都具有重要的意义.原油管道减阻主要有减阻剂减阻和管道涂层减阻两种途径.作者重点介绍具有绝对优势的原油管道减阻剂减阻技术.对于此项技术,作者从减阻剂的种类、研制概况、合成、在原油管道的应用以及它的发展前景五方面进行了概述.  相似文献   

建设工程施工合同的管理,实质就是建设工程造价管理,是对工程造价的合理确定和有效控制.本文主要阐述建筑工程项目合同管理中存在的问题,以及加强建筑工程合同管理,控制工程造价的措施.  相似文献   

建设工程施工合同的管理,实质就是建设工程造价管理,是对工程造价的合理确定和有效控制.本文主要阐述建筑工程项目合同管理中存在的问题,以及加强建筑工程合同管理,控制工程造价的措施.  相似文献   

This study explores the legal and ethical issues associated with contract pricing. In particular, it focuses on a set of legal precedents which have addressed the enforceability of allegedly unfair contract prices. Traditionally, the common law has emphasized the consent of the parties. If the parties consented to a given price; it is presumptively fair and enforceable. The cases reviewed in this study, however, seem to draw upon alternative moral conceptions of fairness not normally associated with the common law. The analysis begins by distinguishing the traditional legal conception of fairness from alternative moral conceptions. The cases are then read with a critical eye so as to tease out the underlying principles which best explain them. The analysis illustrates that, notwithstanding judicial rhetoric to the contrary, the courts continue to employ the traditional legal notion of fairness, to the exclusion of alternative moral concerns. The study clarifies an otherwise murky area of the law and illustrates that the legal meaning of fairness differs greatly from the moral one.Daniel T. Ostas is an Assistant Professor at the College of Business and Management, University of Maryland. He holds both a J.D. and a Ph.D. A member of the Indiana Bar since 1980, Dr. Ostas has published several articles on real estate and antitrust law. This present paper derives, in part, from his dissertation entitledEconomic Logic of Unconscionability Adjudication.  相似文献   

The purpose of this semiotic approach is to improve the media plan when placing an advertising campaign. It derives from the most recent research in linguistics, that of pragmatics and the theory of enunciation, and is based on an analysis of the enunciative contract of each of the media vehicles and the campaign to be placed. This is of course an additional approach and is not intended to replace those commonly used in media planning. It proves to be particularly useful when certain media offer equivalent performances in terms of coverage, frequency, and balance. The example of the medical press, for which the usual, traditional criteria have proven insufficient, demonstrates how this new approach enables a rational choice to be made based on the compatibility or incompatibility of the enunciative contract. The medical press is used as a model for the approach and provides a preliminary field of investigation. This new approach can be applied to other types of media vehicles and surely to other media.  相似文献   

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Republic of Gambia have signed World Expo 2010 participation contracts. ASEAN signed its contract on July 9, confirming the 10-mernber regional organization would display under the theme “One Vision, One Identity, One Community” at a joint pavilion for international organizations.  相似文献   

本文对合同定金纠纷的处理进行了论述.  相似文献   

文章以从业者的角度,分析企业在合同管理中存在的主要问题及这些问题的成因,同时提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

This paper shows that if security returns are generated according to the market model and there is a futures market in the market index, then optimal portfolios can be selected in three steps: 1) select the optimal combination of firm unique characteristics; 2) select the optimal investment in the market; and 3) select the optimal investment in the risk-free asset. The futures market contract separates the choice of firm and market exposure and thus both simplifies the mathematics involved and increases the mean/variance efficiency of the optimal portfolio.  相似文献   

The rent-to-own (RTO) industry, by offering immediate access to household goods for a small periodic fee with no credit check or down payment, has strong appeal to low income and financially distressed consumers. An important policy question is whether an RTO agreement is used as a rental/lease with build-in purchase option or as something more akin to an installment loan. Given the embedded options to return the item or to purchase it early, the actual rent paid by RTO customers is substantially lower than the oft-reported total rent which assumes that agreements go to term. We employ a log-normal censored regression model to analyze the influence of customer demographics as well as the transactional details of the contract on the rent paid by consumers using rent-to-own. Our main conclusions are (1) it is the “working poor” that are likely to pay more rent, (2) there appears to be a clientele effect with customers paying more rent under bi-weekly and monthly, as opposed to weekly, payment schedules, and (3) customers who exhibit delinquency in making contractual payments generally end up paying more rent. Further, our data allows some observations on annual percentage rates by illustrating the business risk present for RTO stores as well as the cross-subsidization of consumers.  相似文献   

随着开放市场体系的建立以及信息对称程度的提高,劳动者自由转换职业的频率不断增强.为减低劳动关系日益脆化的倾向,组织需要建立与员工感知一致的心理契约,以稳定劳动关系并激发员工忠诚与奉献的精神.本文从组织和员工两个维度深入分析心理契约失衡的成因和失衡后行为以及契约重构模式,并以此为基础提出构建心理契约的途径,以实现组织心理契约平衡的动态管理.  相似文献   

我国开展对外承包工程始于20世纪70年代末,是在对外援助的基础上逐步发展起来的。经过20多年的艰苦创业和发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就:按外经贸部业务统计,截至2000年底,我国累计签订对外承包工程合同额约867亿美元,完成营业额约626亿美元,通过工程承包业务输出工程技术和施工人员累计超过60万人次,工程承包项下累计带动国家机电产品和材料出口逾50亿美元,年合同额已从1979年的3000多万美元扩大到2000年的117.2亿美元。目前,我国从事对外承包工程业务的公司有1900余家,涉足180多个国…  相似文献   

We examine the impacts of changes to the options multiplier on market efficiency by analyzing their effects on arbitrage proxies based on the performance of options spread strategies. Despite the intentions of the reforms, both decisions to raise and reduce the multiplier significantly increase the frequency and probability of arbitrage opportunities. Whereas the increment in the multiplier also deteriorates market efficiency by increasing the duration and average size of the arbitrage opportunities in a day, the decrement does not affect these proxies. Our results overall provide evidence that reforms to the options multiplier do not enhance market efficiency and suggest that retail investors are not homogeneously noisy.  相似文献   

原油破乳剂对原油的预处理具有举足轻重的作用。通过对各原油预处理及破乳剂研发制备相关文献与技术的综合研究,归纳总结原油破乳剂的作用机理、国内外研究现状及发展趋势,为今后科研工作提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

双方当事人:原告:西班牙Astmeros ZamakonaSA造船公司被告:苏格兰律师事务所MacKinnons.船东James Duthie & Partners的事务律师  相似文献   

Default risk associated with forward contracts can be substantial, yet these financial instruments are widely used to hedge price risk. An objectively priced exit option on the forward contract would help reduce the likelihood of litigation associated with contract default. A method is proposed to compute the exit option's value for an arbitrary forward contract, using Black's (1976) model and option premium data. The time series dynamics of the exit option value are confirmed to be, like its underlying, well described by a martingale with heavy‐tailed (Student) GARCH residuals. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 29: 179–196, 2009  相似文献   

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