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高兵 《中国林业经济》2006,(4):17-20,41
运用主成分分析法,借助于统计软件SAS,对1998年和2004年东北、内蒙古等八个省、区和地区的林业经济发展状况进行了综合分析,并对各地区林业经济发展进行排名,进而针对各地区林业经济的发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

分析耕地利用变化过程,弄清驱动过程的关键因素及其作用方式,有助于深入了解引起耕地利用变化的驱动机制,为区域土地管理决策和持续利用提供科学依据。采用主成分分析法对鸡西市社会经济指标进行分析,研究影响鸡西市耕地变化的主要因素,提出土地可持续发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

依据核主成分回归分析,提出了一种新的矿产靶区预测方法。在GDAL数字图像输入输出函数库和CLAPACK线性代数软件包基础上,用VC++语言开发了面向数字图像数据的矿产靶区预测核主成分回归分析模型算法程序,并在新疆阿勒泰地区进行了新模型应用实验研究。结果表明,统计单元成矿可能性的核主成分回归预测值的高值区与已知矿床(点)的空间分布具有很好的对应性。因此,核主成分回归分析模型应用于矿产靶区预测是可行的。  相似文献   

东阳-义乌水权转让实践引发争议的问题有:东阳市拥有的水权是不是合法,东阳义乌政府作为水权转让主体是否合适。本文从优先用水权原则和优先开发经营权原则成功阐释了东阳水权的合法性,并提出了区域水权的概念;从地方政府职能强大、区域水权的代表、水市场制度不完善等角度说明东阳、义乌政府作为水权转让主体的必然性。从转让实践中得出的政策启示有:重视区域利益,建立区域水权;尽快建立区域水市场,培育各类市场交易主体;地方政府作为市场交易主体应切实保护好区域内用水户利益。  相似文献   

亚麻籽功能成分提取及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对亚麻籽油、α-亚麻酸、亚麻籽胶、亚麻木酚素的含量、功能和提炼技术的综述,介绍了亚麻籽中各成分在改善营养、增强免疫力、防治慢性病、抗肿瘤等方面的功能,及各成分在保健食品中的应用,并介绍了亚麻生氰糖苷的去除方法。  相似文献   

我国蔬菜市场主体合作竞争的组织创新模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国蔬菜市场主体小而散的特点损害了蔬菜流通的效率,造成了蔬菜流通困境,针对我国蔬菜市场主体缺位的情况,提出了我国蔬菜市场主体合作竞争的四种组织创新模式:各个蔬菜企业在价值链环节上合作竞争;各个蔬菜企业价值链群之间合作竞争;各个蔬菜企业在行业产业链环节上合作竞争;各个蔬菜企业在蔬菜产业集群中合作竞争。为蔬菜销售价格决策的制定提供新思路。  相似文献   

城镇土地评价中主成分分析法的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章探讨了城镇土地评价中主成分分析法应用的基本思路和步骤,其目的在于解决目前城镇土地评价方法中存在的评价因素的共线性和因素权重确定的主观性两个主要问题,并以邯郸市市区土地定级作为实例进行了分析。研究结果表明,利用主成分分析法进行城镇土地评价可以有效地揭示土地评价因素相互间的关系,且综合评价成果客观地反映了城镇土地质量优劣的空间差异。  相似文献   

中国国家层面的食物安全评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用实证研究和理论分析方法 ,从粮食角度、食物角度、国际比较等诸角度对中国城乡居民食物安全状况作了估计和判断。结论为 :1 978年以来 ,中国城乡居民食物安全程度不断得到提高 ;2 0 0 1年 ,中国居民食物安全处于较高的水平 ;与相近人均GDP水平的国家相比 ,中国的食物安全也处于较高的水平  相似文献   

研究目的:探明土地财政构成要素时空差异规律,构建差异化、具有现实可操作性的调控政策。研究方法:系统 分析方法、定量比较方法、聚类分析和定性分析方法。研究结果:31 省(市、区)2003 — 2013 年土地财政各构成要素数 值在时间与空间上存在的基本规律:(1)时间上土地财政各构成要素呈现快速上涨趋势;(2)空间上呈现与经济社会发 展水平相趋同的区域规律。将 31 省(市、区)土地财政构成划分为淡出、繁荣、发展、起步时期 4 类区域。横向比较 4 个 区域时间序列上的土地出让价格、土地财政贡献率、协议价格、招拍挂价格、招拍挂面积比例等相对指标变化情况,测 算土地财政构成要素总体活跃程度,发现其与各区域土地财政所处发展时期非常吻合。研究结论:应从控制高价“地 王”现象频出、征收持有环节房地产税、发展战略新兴产业创造税源、产业发展替代土地财政为动力的城镇化、允许发 行地方债券和加大中央财政转移支付力度等方面构建区域土地财政转型调控政策。  相似文献   

This article reports tests of aggregation over consumer food products and estimates of aggregate food demand elasticities. Evidence that food demand variables follow unit root processes leads us to build on and simplify existing tests of the Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem. We compute food demand elasticities using a method of cointegration that is shown to apply to a convenient but nonlinear functional form. Estimates are based on consumer reported expenditure data rather than commercial disappearance data.  相似文献   

The study considers the simultaneous estimation of share equations using cost and distance functions. Simultaneous rather than single system estimation utilizes full as opposed to limited information. Econometric results exploit the nonstationary nature of the data and that variables are cointegrated. Under cointegration all variables are endogenous and so it is not necessary to undertake the somewhat ad hoc exercise of choosing instruments to achieve parameter consistency. Johansen's maximum likelihood estimator is applied to data from Central Canada and Western Canada (1935–2006). Symmetry and homogeneity restrictions are not rejected for either region. Monotonicity held for all data points and concavity held at 92% of the data points. Long‐run constant returns and Hicks neutral technological change are rejected for both regions. Morishima elasticity estimates coming from the cost function in Western Canada indicate highly elastic long‐run substitution between the land/fertilizer input pair and mildly elastic long‐run substitution between land and both machinery and labor. In contrast, substitution for land and other inputs is inelastic for the land/machinery pair and the land/labor pair, with only the land/fertilizer pair being mildly elastic. The results indicate the limiting nature of land as a fundamental constraint on long‐term agricultural production is a real possibility in Central Canada because other inputs are inelastic, or at best only mildly elastic, substitutes for land. In Western Canada, fertilizer is the only factor that is highly substitutable for land and, therefore, could mitigate the limiting nature of land in that region. However, given that fertilizer applications are often considered to be environmentally unfriendly, the long‐run substitution of fertilizer for land as a fundamental mitigating factor to land scarcity in Western Canada is at a cost to the environment.  相似文献   

研究目的:选用22个主要省会城市的统计数据,确定合理的房地产投资环境评价指标,构建房地产投资环境综合评价体系。研究方法:主成分分析法和德尔菲法。研究结果:从城市宏观经济、房地产市场、基础设施和区位条件4方面初选房地产投资环境评价指标,利用主成分分析法对样本城市的投资环境优劣进行分析,剔除导致排序结果偏差的指标,避免了评价指标选择的盲目性;采用德尔菲法确定各指标权重,建立房地产投资环境的多指标综合评价公式,以此计算22个城市房地产投资环境的综合得分,其排名符合实际情况。研究结论:所构建的房地产投资环境综合评价体系具有较强的逻辑性,评价方法简洁高效,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

There are three important implications of this work. First, demand systems estimates that overlook supply response are as subject to simultaneous equations bias as single ad hoc demand equations. Theil shows theoretically that assuming supply curves are perfectly elastic, when in fact they are not will underestimate price responsiveness in demand equations. An empirical example is presented that demonstrates that the price elasticities generally increase when upward-sloping supplies are assumed.
Second, the iterative testing procedure presented may provide direction for model building when the true structure of the system is unknown. For example, the results of the Wu-Hausman test indicate that assuming chicken supply is perfectly elastic in a model of the Japanese livestock industry is justified. The results also indicate that the supplies of Wagyu beef, dairy beef, pork and fish are upward-sloping and therefore should be modeled as endogenous variables in the demand system.
Third, the results emphasize the sensitivity of projections of Japanese beef imports to the assumptions underlying the demand system. If perfectly elastic meat supplies are assumed for an analysis of reducing Japanese beef import liberalization, the results will likely underestimate the impacts on beef imports.
In summary, the supply curves for agricultural products tend to slope upward within the time periods used for traditional policy analysis and demand system estimation, which in turn implies that prices are determined endogenously within the system. Endogenous price determination is contrary to the assumptions that underlie the theoretical foundations and many empirical applications of demand systems. We present a methodology to test for and adjust demand systems for endogeneity. The importance of this adjustment is demonstrated by using an analysis of the liberalization of the Japanese beef market.  相似文献   

香气成分是白兰地的重要感官质量指标之一.白兰地中香气物质主要受葡萄品种、果实成熟质量及酿造工艺技术等因素影响,香气物质的种类和含量对白兰地的风格和典型性起着决定作用.阐述了白兰地中香气物质的提取、鉴定分析方法,同时综述了国内的研究进展,希望为国内白兰地工业化生产提供理论指导.  相似文献   

Estimation of an efficient tomato contract   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

论文运用随机前沿分析法对2007-2015年我国29个省市的水产养殖技术效率进行了测算,在此基础上进一步分析了各投入要素的产出弹性以及技术效率的影响因素。研究结果表明,2007-2015年我国水产养殖平均技术效率为0.6871,整体水平较高。我国水产养殖整体处于规模报酬递减阶段,但三种投入要素弹性总和大体上呈现递增的趋势。从时间上看,劳动力产出弹性和中间消耗产出弹性各年均为正值,养殖面积投入要素的产出弹性各年均为负值。从空间上看,不同地区的各投入要素产出弹性差异较大。水产品的加工率、水产品净出口率、人均水产养殖面积以及技术推广机构的数量对技术效率具有显著影响。  相似文献   

A systems model is used to estimate acreage responses for crops and summerfallow in the province of Saskatchewan. Summerfallow is modeled as a storage function, which subsequently is supported by statistical results. Short- and long-run elasticities of acreage responsiveness are estimated. In addition, several issues relating to elasticity calculations and adding-up restrictions are discussed.
Un modèle par systèmes est utilisé pour estimer l'évolution prévisible des superficies en culture et en jachère dans la province de Saskatchewan. Dans le modèle, la jachère est considérée comme fonction de stockage, hypothée subséquemment confortée par les résultats de l'analyse statistique. Les élasticitts a court et à long terme des surfaces affectés aux diverses cultures - et à la jachére - sont estimées. En outre, les auteurs passent en revue plusieurs questions touchant les calculs d'élasticité et les restrictions de totalisation.  相似文献   

郭杰  陶蕾  王瑞雪  王吉鸿  任瑾  任辉 《现代食品》2022,28(2):112-114
本文从有效成分、生物学功能和产品3个方面介绍了黑果枸杞的价值。经过研究发现黑果枸杞的主要营养成分是花青素、黄酮、氨基酸、维生素、黄酮和甜菜碱等。这些有效成分赋予黑果枸杞显著的抗氧化功能、降血脂作用、降血糖功效以及抗癌作用,使黑果枸杞在当今健康养生的背景下,有望成为新型功能性保健产品。  相似文献   

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