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章卫东 《华东经济管理》2001,15(2):144-144,146
旧《会计法》对会计监督概念的定义已不适应当前形势,新《会计法》对会计监督概念的定义也不够准确,本人认为有必要对会计监督概念进行重新定义。  相似文献   

辛华 《西部大开发》2002,(10):11-16
加快交通建设是西部发展的第一要务。本文作者以激情的文字,全景式地描绘了西部通江达海大通道建设的波澜壮阔,展示了西部交通线上的一道道风景,非常鼓舞人心。  相似文献   

西部地区要缩小乃至消除与东部地区的差别,加快发展,就必须实现发展战略的转变,从以往的资源优势向经济优势转化,确立正确的资源开发战略。  相似文献   

西部地区乡镇企业跨越式发展的新思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡镇企业是国民经济的重要支柱。我国西部地区乡镇企业的发展远远落后于东部 ,这已是不争的事实。在新时期新阶段 ,必须用新的思维方式重新认识西部地区乡镇企业跨越式发展若干问题  相似文献   

<正> 我国西部地区交通运输落后,高山、峻岭、戈壁、荒原,使开发者视为畏途。不少经济工作者和决策者认为,交通运输建设应是开发西部经济的先导,不大量投资修路,西部商品经济难以兴旺发达,甚至有的同志把交通建设视为西部开发成败之举。本文就此对西部交通运输现状作一剖析,提出一些论点与同志们商榷,以供制定开发西部经济规划时参考。  相似文献   

我国的金融资产管理公司 (AMC面临着外部市场低效和内部人才奇缺两大障碍 ,难以实现它的初衷和目标。为此建议重新定位 AMC,为实现国有资本进入资本市场 ,最终完成国有资本退出竞争性领域的战略任务的过渡性机构。另外 ,就改善外部环境而言 ,建议发展健康的店头交易市场 ,就  相似文献   

云南省梁河县小寨子村,在当地颇有名气,它的物产除了猪,就是不值几个钱的稻米、苞谷。为了在每里期赶街那天把猪卖掉,这里的百姓可没少受罪:天不亮就得出门,一人背上两三只猪仔,沿着崎岖陡峭的山路走到天黑,才能赶到最近的集市,而交易还要等到天亮才开始,猪仔经常死在往返的路上。1998年这种情况有了变化,县里筹钱把公路修到村里,收猪的人开始自己找上门来。  相似文献   

蔡芝儿 《特区经济》2005,(7):222-224
一、缩小东西部差距需要对西部实施税收特别优惠政策从1999年至今西部大开发战略已实施近5年了。5年来,西部地区GDP平均每年增长10%以上,固定资产投资每年增长20%以上,累计吸收外商直接投资近100亿美元。但西部与东部增长率的差距仍呈逐年扩大趋势。据2004年南宁西部论坛提供的  相似文献   

西部大开发必须遵循五个原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西部大开发,是我国区域经济发展的重要战略。在21世纪,必须遵循五个原则,即优区位选择原则、增长极发展原则、开创性推进原则、可持续发展原则和政策性动作原则。  相似文献   

西部主要城市综合竞争力及效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市竞争力是城市综合能力的核心,是城市发展的基本驱动力.本文从经济发展、资金实力、对外开放、人才及科技水平、政府管理水平、基础设施、环境建设等方面选取26项指标,运用基于熵权的灰色关联分析方法对西部主要城市的综合竞争力进行了评价.同时选取资本、劳动、技术三种投入量作为输入指标,地区生产总值和地方财政收入作为输出指标,对西部主要城市的效率进行了分析,最终将西部城市分为竞争力强、城市效率相对有效;竞争力中等、城市效率相对有效;竞争力强,城市效率相对无效;竞争力弱、城市效率相对无效四种类型.  相似文献   

王丽君 《特区经济》2009,(11):286-287
山区不仅是海拔上的高地、经济上的洼地;还是传统的高地、现代化的洼地;更是生态服务功能和自然资源功能的高地、现代服务功能和人力资源功能的低地。山区与平原区各有千秋,清醒认识中国山区发展战略地位,对于实现山区现代化乃至中国现代化意义深远。  相似文献   

温迪 《走向世界》2008,(8):60-62
“这样的蜜月,不敢说是中国绝后的.但据我个人所知,还是空前的。”这是老闫的蜜月笔记《难忘的蜜月 骑行新疆西藏尼泊尔》的第一句话。这部超长的“纪录片”,描述了老闰与妻子单车行游新疆、西藏、尼泊尔的艰苦卓绝的蜜月之旅。  相似文献   

城市竞争力是构成区域竞争力的重要组成部分,它的提升关系到城市发展大局。通过对华北地区28个城市建立城市竞争力指标评价体系,运用因子分析对各城市竞争力进行评价,提取4个主因子,计算综合因子得分并排名,找出各城市的竞争短板和竞争优势。最后利用系统聚类法将28个城市分成4类,分析每类城市竞争力情况,并提出建议,以提升城市的竞争力,推进各城市协调发展。  相似文献   

In recent years, as cluster theory evolves and more countries and regions implement industrial stimulation policies rooted in cluster theory, empirical research on industry clusters has likewise gained momentum. With the spread of clusters and regions instituting cluster policies, cluster formation has come to be seen as a promising tool for regional development. However, compared with industrial clusters in general, rural development clusters exhibit a higher level of diversity, namely in the purposes behind their formation, the parties that participate in or operate them, and the conditions in which they are formed. In terms of China, there is a considerable degree of diversity in clusters related to agriculture and rural communities depending on the particular sub-sector, the leaders of the sector, the socioeconomic conditions of the particular region, and other factors. For this reason, rather than the clusters themselves, in this research, we focused on cluster initiatives (CI), i.e. the efforts to facilitate regional cluster growth and competitiveness. Firstly, we conducted a brief survey of previous studies of clusters. Secondly, we analyzed the effects of industrial clustering on rural economy in China econometrically. Thirdly, we examined the cases of vegetable cluster in Shanghai and the naturally colored cotton and hops cluster in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. By concluding the above-mentioned analysis, we finally explored the potential and outstanding issues for rural development using cluster initiatives models.  相似文献   

The communication, joined with all its problems, became the topic for interesting studies during the mid of 90s. This attention was due to the publication of"Being Digital", wrote by Nicholas Negroponte, the first book that analyzed the communication environment in a comprehensive way. The novelty of this original book, which was immediately perceived by both the scientific and socio-economic environment, was twofold: The forecast of the revolutionary impact of digital technologies applied to the communication and the subsequent modified scenario. Nevertheless, the described scenario was contradicted or confirmed several times during last years.
The linkage between communication and socio-economic environment, after the publication of that book, represented a special focus for the scientific society since the beginning of the new millennium. The evolution of technologies involved several structural components in many different phases during last years and generated a lot of deep changes in a short time. These developing conditions made really difficult any forecasting attempt about the evolution of each technological component and, consequently, any reliable scenario for the communication environment.
The functional update of existing technologies leaded to the appearance of a new medium: Internet. This medium started with revolutionary peculiarities: low access and operating costs, multimediality, bidirectional way of usage and, above all, planetary target. The new communication tool seems to be a good candidate to substitute many of the former media or, at least, to reduce their usage in a meaningful way. Vice versa, the socio-economic effect of Internet was very weak: The new medium appears as simply added to the previous shape without meaningful influences on the diffusion of traditional media.
Nevertheless, the advantages offered by the technological innovation was not reserved only to Internet, but deeply changed all the media influencing particularly their way of supplying service. The most meaningful effects of these innovations involved both the diffusion systems and trading approach so generating a special attention also by politic environments.
The final objective of this paper is to analyze the evolution of the communication environment due to the innovation and to depict the actual communication offer. This approach will be useful to verify the conditions for reliable definition of scenarios.  相似文献   

生态文明建设已经成为衡量一个国家和地区可持续发展的重要因素之一。在借鉴已有生态文明建设指标体系研究的基础上,筛选出评价指标,采用因子分析模型对中国31个省区市的生态文明建设水平进行实证研究,基于因子得分及排名做出综合性评价。结果表明,中国各区域不同省份生态文明建设差异较大,生态文明建设水平相对较好的省份大多位于经济发达的东部地区,而生态文明建设水平相对较弱的省份大多位于西北部地区和部分南部地区。最后为推进中国各地区生态文明建设和高质量发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

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