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John Wong, ASEAN Economies in Perspective: A comparative study of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand London, Macmillan, 1979, pp. 217. Recommended price $A24.95 (bound), $A9.95 (paper)

H. Kötter, R.O.G. Roeder, K. H. Junghans (eds), Indonesien. Horst Erdmann Verlag, Tuebingen, 1979, pp. x + 592.

David S. Gibbons, Rodolphe de Koninck and Ibrahim Hasan, Agricultural Modersnization, Poverty and Inequality: The Distributional Impact of the Green Revolution in Regions of Malaysia and Indonesia, Farnborough, Saxon House, 1980. pp. IX + 225. A$29.50

K. Horstmann and W. Rutz The Population Distribution on Java 1971: A Map of Population Density by Sub-districts and its Analysis. I D E Statistical Data Series No. 29, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, 1980.  相似文献   

Hamish McDonald, Suharto's Indonesia, Fontana Books, Melbourne, 1980. Pp. 277. Recommended price $A5.95.

William L. Collier, Social and Economic Aspects of Tidal Swamp Land Development in Indonesia, Development Studies Centre, The Australian National University, Occasional Paper No. 151, pp. 71.  相似文献   

Franke, Richard William, ‘The Green Revolution in a Javanese Village’, mimeographed PhD. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1972, pp. 264 + xii.

Mubyarto, Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian [Introduction to Agricultural Economics], Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial, Jakarta, 1973. pp. 274.

A. G. Bartlett et al, Pertamina: Indonesian National Oil. Amerasian Ltd., Djakarta 1972. Pp. xi + 420.

Robert Fabrikant, Oil Discovery and Technical Change in Southeast Asia: Legal Aspects of Production Sharing Contracts in the Indonesian Petroleum Industry. Field Report Series No. 3, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, March 1973. Pp. 235. $15.00. Miscellaneos Source Materials, collected by Robert Fabrikant. Field Report Series No. 4, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, March 1973. Pp. 515. $15.00.  相似文献   

Food Research Institute Studies, Vol XIII (1974) No 2, the Food Research Institute, Stanford University.

R. I. McKinnon, Money and Capital in Economic Development, The Brookings Institution, Washington. D.C., 1973, pp xii, 184. Index.

Soekirman, Priorities in Dealing With Nutrition Problems in Indonesia, Cornell International Nutrition Monograph Series, Number 1, 1974.

George Rosen, Peasant Society in a Changing Economy: Comparative Development in Southeast Asia and India, University of Illinois Press, 1975, pp. 54. US$8.95  相似文献   

Sajogyo, Usaha Perbaikan Gizi Keluarga (ANP Evaluation Study 1973), Lembaga Penelitian Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, 1975. Rp 1000 pp. xiii + 195.

Committee on Economics Teaching Material for Asian Universities (ed.), Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 1: Macroeconomics, pp. 172.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 2: Microeconomics, pp. 1970.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting, Volume 3: The Economics of Agriculture, pp. 245.

Economic Theory and Practice in the Asian Setting. Volume 4: The Economics of Development, pp. 274.

New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1975 (Available through the Asia Office, The Agricultural Development Council, Inc. Tanglin P.O. Box 84, Singapore 10).

Seminar Hasil Penelitian Lapangan. Pusat Latihan Penelitian Ilmu2 Ujung Pandang (Seminar on Results of Fieldwork, Social Science Research Training Centre, Ujung Pandang), 8–11 December 1976, Hasanuddin University and Social Science Research Training Centre.

Seminar Hasil Penelitian Lapangan 1976, Pusat Latihan Penelitian Ilmu2 Sosial, Aceh (Seminar on Results of Fieldwork, Social Science Research Training Centre, Aceh), 6-9 December 1976, Syiah Kuala University and Social Science Research Training Centre.

Werner Rutz, Indonesien: Verkehrserschliessung seiner Ausseninseln (Transport Penetration of the Outer Islands), Paderborn, Germany, 1976. Pp. 182, 15 fold-in maps. DM58.00.

C.L.M. Penders (ed. & transl.), Indonesia: Selected Documents on Colonialism and Nationalism, 1830-1942. University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, 1977, pp. 347 + glossary and index.

J. D. Legge, Indonesia. second edition, Prentice-Hall of Australia, Sydney, 1977.

Tax Inspection For Foreign Bodies and Aliens, Indonesian Tax Guide For Foreigners, Jakarta, April 1975, pp. 75.

Drs. B. Usman, Kumpulan Karangan Pajak Sinar Harapan 1973-5, PT Sinar Agape. Press, January 1977, pp. 211 Rp 2500.

Drs. B. Boediono, Pajak Penjualan, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, Jakarta 1975, pp. 931.

Sritua Arief, Indonesia Growth, Income Disparity and Mass Poverty. Jakarta, Sritua Arief Associates (P.O. Box 2250, Jakarta), 1977.

Indonesian language version, pp. xviii + 150, Rp 5000.

English language version, pp. ii + 207, Price on application.

Kumpulan Bacaan Sosiologi Pedessaan (Readings on Rural Sociology), Lembaga Penelitian Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian, Bogor. 1975.

Direktorat Jenderal Industri Tekstil, Buku Petunjuk Industri Tekstil (A Guide-book to the Textile Industry), Jakarta, 1976. Pp. ix + 410. Rp 6750.

Brian Lynch. Indonesia: Problems and Prospects. Sorrett Publishing Company, Melbourne, 1977, pp. 183. Recommended price $A11.95.

Dr Ir Herman Soewardi. Respons Musyarakat Desa Terhadap Modernisasi Produksi Pertanian, Terutama Padi, Gadjah Mada University Press, 1976, pp. 175.

Douglas Miles, Cutlass and Crescent Moon. A Case Study of Social and Political Change in Outer Indonesia. Centre for Asian Studies, University of Sydney, 1976, pp. 160.  相似文献   

Brian May, The Indonesian Tragedy, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1978, pp. xvii + 438. A$19.95.

Harold Crouch, The Army and Politics in Indonesia. Ithaca andLondon: Cornell University Press, 1978. 377 pp. ISBN 0-8014-1155-6.

International Rice Research Institute (1978). Changes in Rice Farminf in Selecred Areas of Asia. International Rice Research Institute. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

Molster, H.C. (1978). Methods of Estimating Fertiliser Response with an Application 10 Urea Use to Rice in Jogjakarra, Indonesia. Centre for Amicultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen.  相似文献   

Suhadi Mangkusuwondo, S. B. Joedono, Moh. Arsjad, (ed.), Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia 1972, Lembaga Penjelidikan Ekonomi dan Masjarakat, F.E.U.I., Djakarta (1972), pp. 284.

Nugroho, Indonesia Sekitar Tahun 2000 [Indonesia Around 2009 AD] Djakarta, 1972. Pp. vi + 247. Price not stated.

Ingrid Palmer, Textiles in Indonesia, Problems of Import Substitution. Praeger, Special Studies in International Economics and Development, New York, 1972. pp. 399. $19.50.  相似文献   

Paul R. Deuster, Rural Consequences of Indonesian Inflafion: A Case Study of the Jogjakarta Region. (Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Economics), University of Wisconsin), pp. 171 + viii, mimeographed.

AIMTO Pty Ltd. Project Indestcor, Perth, 1971. 6 vols, boxed.

Heinz Arndt, Perbankan di Indonesia. Buku Obor, Djakarta, 1971. Pp. 17, Rp 315.  相似文献   

K. D. Thomas and J. Panglaykim, Indonesia — The Efiect of Past Policies and President Suhurio's Plans for the Future, Committee for Economic Development of Australia, P Series, No. 11, November 1973, pp. 251. $A12.

Hendra Esmara. The Economic Development of West Sumatra: Collected Papers. Institute for Regional Economic Research, Andalas University, Padang 1974. Mimeographed. Pp. vii + 183.  相似文献   

Economic Data for Investors in Indonesia. Bank Indonesia, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. xv + 220.

Report for the Years 1960-1965. Bank Indonesia, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. xii + 288 and appendices.

Ringkasun Hasil Survey2 Masalah 1965-1967 Dun Rentjunu Survey Masalah, 1968-1969 [Summary of Results of the Agro-Economic Survey 1965-67 and Plans for 1968-691. Survey Agro-Ekonomi Indonesia, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. x + 81.  相似文献   

Herbert Feith and Lance Castles, (ed.) Indonesian Political Thinking 1945-1965. Cornell University Press, 1970. Pp. xvi + 505. Price $US13.50.

Usha Mahajani, Soviet and American Aid to Indonesia-1949-68. Papers in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series No. 14, Ohio University Center for International Studies, Athens, Ohio, 1970. Pp. vii + 41. Price $2.00.

B. Soedarso, Korupsi di Indonesia [Corruption in Indonesia]. Djakarta, Bhratara, 1969. Pp. 108.

Gunnar Myrdal, Asian Drama. New York, Pantheon Press, 1968. (Volume II, pp. 937-958.)

R. E. Park, Effects of Graft on Economic Development: An Examination of Propositions from the Literature. Rand Corporation, June 1969. Pp. 29. Bibliography.

Syed Hussein Alatas, The Sociology of CoCorruption. Singapore, Donald Moore Press, 1968. Pp. 87. Bibliography.

Neil J. Smelser, (Ed.) Readings in Economic Sociology. Englewood, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1965. Pp. 303.

J. S. Nye, ‘Corruption and Political Development: A Cost-Benefit Analysis’, American Political Science Review, June 1967. Bibliography.  相似文献   

Sudargo Gautama, David Allan, Mary Hiscock and Derek Roebuck, Credit and Security in Indonesia, Santa Lucia, University of Queensland Press and Cranc Russak & Co., 1973, pp 155. $6.00.  相似文献   

Howard W. Beers (ed.) Indonesia: Resources and Their Technological Development. Lexington, 1970. Pp. 282. Price $US10.50.

Widojojo Nitisastro Population Trends in Indonesia. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1970, pp. 266.  相似文献   

Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia, Tahun 1969 [Economic Prospects for Indonesia, 1969], edited by Suhadi Mangkusuwondo and Rustam Didong. Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Djakarta, 1969. Pp. 210, mimeographed. (In Indonesian)

Laporan Tahun Pembukuan 1966-67 [Report for the Fiscal Years 1966-67]. Bank Negara Indonesia, Unit I, Djakarta, 1968. Pp. xv + 323. (In Indonesian)

Angkaton Kerdja Penduduk Per Daerah Indonesia [Labour Force by Region]. Report No. 2D, May 1968. Pp. x + 228. Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi Penduduk Djawa-Madura, Luar Djawa, Indonesia [Consumption Expenditure, Java, Outside Java and All Indonesia]. Report No. 4, May 1968, pp. x + 216. Rp 350. Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi Penduduk, Per Daerah Indonesia [Consumption Expenditure by Regions]. Report No. 4A, February 1969. Pp. ix + 420. Rp. 900 Reports of the National Social Economic Survey, Phase II (November 1964-February 1965). Research and Development Section, Central Statistical Bureau, Djakarta. (Text in Indonesian; tables with English subtitles.)

Survey dan Inventarisasi Hewan 1967: Animal Husbandry and Poultry Survey 1967. Preliminary Figures. Report No. 1, 1968. Pp. xvi + 74. Produksi dan Penggunaan Ternak [Production and Use of Livestock]. Report NO. 2, January 1969. Pp. vi + 84. Reports of the Animal Husbandry and Poultry Survey 1967 (15 January-15 March 1968). Department of Agriculture and Central Statistical Bureau, Djakarta. (Text in Indonesian; tables with English subtitles.)

O. G. Roeder, The Smiling General. President Soeharto of Indonesia. Djakarta, Gunung Agung, 1969. Pp. 280. $U.S.5.

J. Panglaykim and Ingrid Palmer, State Trading Corporations in Developing Countries. Rotterdam, Rotterdam University Press, 1969. Pp. 199.  相似文献   

Rudolf S. Sinaga and members of the Rural Dynamics Study, Agro-Economic Survey, Rural Institutions Serving Small Farmers and Labourers in the Village of Sukagalih, Garut Regency, West Java, mimeo, pp. 49. Available from Agro-Economic Survey, Jalan Taman Malabar 7, P.O. Box 200, Bogor, Indonesia. $3.s.

Joachim K. Metzner Man and Environment in Eastern Timor, Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 8, Australian National University, 1977. pp. xxix + 380, SA6.00.

James C. Scott, The Moral Economy of the Peasant Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1976, pp. ix + 246, $15.00.

T. H. Hull and Jon E. Rohde, Prospects for Rapid Decline of Mortality Rules in Java. Working Paper No. 16. Population Institute, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, January 1978, pp. 101.

Mackie, J. A. C. ed., The Chinese in Indonesia. Five Essays. Melbourne, Thomas Nelson in association with The Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1976. With contributions by J. A. C. Mackie, Charles A. Coppel, K. D. Thomas, J. Panglaykim, and Wang Gungwu.

Indonesia's Family Planning Story: Success and Challenge (Population Bulletin Vol. 32, No. 6, November 1977, a publication of the Population Reference Bureau, Inc. Washington, D. C., U. S. A.)  相似文献   

Income Distribution, Employment and Economic Development in Southeast and East Asia, Volumes I and II, (Japan Economic Research Center, Tokyo, and Council for Asian Manpower Studies, Manila), July 1975.

W. M. F. Mansvelt and P. Creutzberg (eds.), Changing Economy in Indonesia: A Selection of Statistical Source Material from the Early 19th Century up to 1940, Vol. 1, Indonesia's Export Crops 1816-1940, Martinus Nijhoff. The Hague, 1975, pp. 150. FI 28.50.

The Population of Indonesia (C. I. C. R. E. D., Paris 1974) pp. 102.

A. J. H. Enthoven. An Evaluation of Accountancy Systems, Developments and Requirements in Asia, Ford Foundation Sponsored Study, Chapel Hill, September 1975, pp. v and 214.  相似文献   

Juergen B. Donges, Bernd Stecher, Frank Wolter, Industrial Development Policies for Indonesia, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tubingen, 1974, pp. 178.

Pan A. Yotopoulos and Jeffrey B, nugent, Economics of Development — Empirical Investigations, Harper and Row, New York, 1976, pp. 478.

Book Reviews

The Political Economy of Agrarian Change. Keith Griffin, Harvard University Press 1974.

Changes in Rice Farming in Selected Areas of Asia: The International Rice Research Institute 1975.

Yusuf Ahmed, Patrick O'Sullivan, Sujono and DerekWilson, Road Investment Programming for Developing Countries: An Indonesian Example, The Transport Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1976, pp. 132 plus appendices (pp. 77).  相似文献   

Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Preliminary Report, Indonesian Fertility-Mortality Survey 1973, (West Java March 1974), (Central Java August 1974), (East Java October 1974), (Bali 1974), (Sulawesi December 1974), and (Sumatra, January 1975).

Peter F. McDonald, Mohammad Yasin and Gavin W. Jones, Levels and Trends in Fertility and Childhood Mortality in Indonesia, Monograph No 1, Indonesian Fertility-Mortality Survey 1973, Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, August 1975.

Allen M. Sievers, The Mystical World of Indonesia Culture and Economic Development in Conflict. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974. pp. xix + 425. US $14.  相似文献   

F. van Anrooy et al (eds), Between People and Statistics: Essays on Modern Indonesian History, The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1979, 316 pp. tables, diagrams. Paper: DF 139.50.

Sayogyo (ed), Ekologi Pedesaan, Sebuah Bunga Rampai (Rural Ecology, A Collection) Bogor, Yayasaan Obor and Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1982, pp 342 + xix.

Anthony Reid, The Blood of the People—Revolution and the End of Traditional Rule in Northern Sumatra, Oxford University Press, 1979, pp. xx + 288. $M48.00.

Colin MacAndrews and Chia Lin Sien (eds), Southeast Asian Seas: Frontiers for Development, McGraw-Hill International Book Company, issued under the auspices of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1981, 375 pp. (no price stated).

James J. Fox (ed.), The Flow of Life: Essays on Eastern Indonesia, Harvard Studies in Cultural Anthropology, No.2, 1980 US$30.

Hazel Moir, ‘Occupational Mobility and the Informal Sector in Jakarta’ in S. V. Sethuraman (ed.) The Urban Informal Sector in Developing Countries, ILO, Geneva, 1981, pp. 109–120.

Joel S. Kahn, Minangkabau Social Formations: Indonesian Peasants and the World-Economy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980, pp. xvi + 228.

Tsuyoshi Kato, Matriliny and Migration: Evolving Minangkabau Traditions in Indonesia, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1982, pp. 267. $22.50.

M. C. Ricklefs, A History of Modern Indonesia, Macmillan, London, 1981, pp. xv + 335. Paper, $16.95.

J. Spryt, Indonesia, An Alternative History of the Timeless Isles, Macmillan, Melbourne, 1979, pp. 214. Paper, $10.95.

G. W. Jones and H. V. Richter (eds), Population Mobility and Development: Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 27, Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1981, pp. xi + 474. $A9.00.

W. A. Stoever, Renegotiations in International Business Transactions: The Process of Dispute-Resolution between Multinational Investors and Host Societies, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts. 1981, pp. xiii + 381.

H. Eichberg, Sozialverhalten und Regionalentwicklungsplanung: Modernisierung in der indonesischen Relationsgesellschaft (West Sumatra); Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1981, pp. 283. D. M. 66.  相似文献   

The Kian-wie, Plantation Agriculture and Economic Growth: An Economic History of East Sumatra, 1863–1942, Jakarta, National Institute of Economic and Social Research (LEKNAS-LIPI(, 1977. Pp 142 + xii. Price not given.

Rodolphe De Koninck, D.S. Gibbons, and Ibrahim Hasan, “The Green Revolution, Methods and Techniques of Assessment: A Handbook of a Study in Regions of Malaysia and Indonesia', Notes et Documents de Recherche, No. 7, December 1977, Department of Geography, Universite Laval, Quebec, pp 409 + xiii.

Graeme J.Hugo,Population Mobility in west Java, Gadjah Mada university Press Yogyakarta, 1978,pp.

John Ingleson, Road to Exile: The Indonesian Nationalist Movement 1927–1934, Singapore: Heinemann for the Asian Studies association of Australia, 1979, pp. 254.

The Population of North Sulawesi by G.W. Jones, Gadjah Mada C. E. Beeby,Assessment of Indonesian Education, a Guide in Planning, Wellington, New Zealand Council for Educational Research in association with Oxford University Press, 1979, pp. 349. (Educational Research Series no. 59; appendices, tables and index; no price given).

Haryati Soebadio and Carine A. du Marchie Sarvaas (eds.),Dynamics of Indonesian History,Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1978, pp. 395 + xvi, $53.25.  相似文献   

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