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会计作为一种微观计量机制,在维护产权权能、实现产权利益和内部化外部性过程中处于最基础、最重要和最具操作性的地位。外部性内部化的"结果"产生了"产权",而外部性内部化的"过程"则催生了"会计"。会计对外部性内部化的贡献与生俱来:会计的本质是外部性内部化,会计的目标是内部化外部性,会计的职能是界定财权和保护财权,会计的对象是财权流。会计是以货币为主要量度,依据公认标准来界定财权(产权)和保护财权(产权)以内部化外部性的微观计量系统。  相似文献   

HANS-ULRICH KÜPPER 《Abacus》2009,45(2):249-274
Decision making concerns over cost allocations, especially common cost allocations, have a long history. They are well canvassed in Thomas (1969 ) and Wells (1978 ). This article revisits the cost allocation debate, albeit in a new setting, and rehearses arguments relevant to long- and short-term decision contexts. Here a means is proposed to address those problems, namely to adopt the investment-based approach to cost accounting. This approach draws on ideas of Hotelling (1925 ), Preinreich (1938 ) and Schneider (1961 ), and applies the notion of net present value in another setting, namely to cost accounting theory. Research has revealed no discussion of this in the Anglo-American literature. This article shows analytically that the investment-based approach offers a general basis for decision-oriented cost accounting, as it combines investment theory with cost accounting and thereby connects long-term with short-term decisions. While reviewing primarily European literature, it also examines several Anglo-American works. The analysis reveals how for three classical decision problems—production program planning, purchase order lot sizes, and break-even price limits—two different types of costs, namely depreciation and material costs, have to be based on cash flows and net present value. The proposed investment-based approach permits an examination of the extent to which cost accounting concepts and cost information are relevant to those decisions. This theoretical concept is used to derive pertinent cost dimensions and to solve traditional problems of cost allocation. A caution is that the investment approach is limited to decision facilitating cost accounting. Whether it may be possible to couple it with agency theory and its focus on decision influencing has not been explored and is an issue for further research.  相似文献   

‘Positive accounting theory’ fails to meet Popper's falsificationist criteria for scientific inquiry. This paper argues, however, that Lakatos' ‘methodology of scientific research programmes’ is superior to Popper's falsificationist methodology, and that ‘positive accounting research’ does meet Lakatos' criteria for ‘scientific' status. Within Lakatos’ philosophy of science, however, this claim does not necessarily represent an endorsement of positive accounting theory.  相似文献   

The Press as a Watchdog for Accounting Fraud   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper investigates the press's role as a monitor or “watchdog” for accounting fraud. I find that the press fulfills this role by rebroadcasting information from other information intermediaries (analysts, auditors, and lawsuits) and by undertaking original investigation and analysis. Articles based on original analysis provide new information to the markets while those that rebroadcast allegations from other intermediaries do not. Consistent with a dual role for the press, I find that business‐oriented press is more likely to undertake original analysis while nonbusiness periodicals focus primarily on rebroadcasting. I also investigate the determinates of press coverage, finding systematic biases in the types of firms and frauds for which articles are published. In general, the press covers firms and frauds that will be of interest to a broad set of readers and situations that are lower cost to identify and investigate.  相似文献   

基于技术进步的企业与利润理论论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边际生产力理论建立在连续性假设的基础上,这种理论与技术进步不相容。从利润的本质来分析,在充分竞争条件下技术进步是利润产生的充分必要条件。现有企业理论研究既定技术下的资源优化配置问题,不能够解释长期利润的存在。从技术进步角度来分析,提高创新决策能力和应对技术进步中的不确定性,是企业产生的原因。企业存在的充分条件是企业的技术进步所导致的收益能够充分满足各利益主体的分配要求。  相似文献   

贷款减值理论基础可以从资产内涵、会计目标、稳健主义和风险量化管理理论四个维度来分析。贷款减值不仅是一项会计实践,也事关金融监管与稳定。现行已发生损失减值模型同现代企业估值模型具有内在一致性,但减值确认存在滞后性。预期损失模型旨在前瞻性确认贷款预期损失,消除亲周期性影响。研究表明:预期损失模型对预期改变非常敏感,也无法彻底解决现行模型的亲周期问题;中国目前的信贷商业环境尚不支持预期损失模型的理论构建基础。预期损失模型仍未覆盖贷款利率风险的隐性损失,未来预期会被以公允价值为基础的贷款定价模型所取代。  相似文献   

税务会计的核算基础与财务会计核算基础之间存在差异。我国现行税务会计的核算基础并不是纯粹的权责发生制,而是权责发生制与收付实现制相结合的混合制核算基础。应从下面两方面改进税务会计核算基础:充分考虑纳税人的支付能力,允许企业根据实际情况递延赊销收入;保持同一纳税业务核算基础的一致性。  相似文献   

经济的发展决定了会计的变迁,会计的产生和发展也会影响和促进经济的增长,这种影响和促进作用就是会计的经济效应。本文系统说明了经济发展对会计产生和变迁的决定作用,在此基础上进一步论述了会计对经济的影响和促进的七大效应:政策工具效应、资源配置效应、交易费用效应、分工效应、治理效应、理性人效应和风险防范效应。为了更好地发挥会计的经济效应,提出了会计改革的五大方向:强化会计语言的通用性、确保会计信息的真实性、提高会计信息的可理解性、扩大会计信息的公开披露程度和根据不同的用途设立不同的会计制度。  相似文献   

中国政府会计权责发生制改革论析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国政府职能的转换、公共财政体制的改革和政府绩效评价制度的建设,对政府会计信息提出了更高的要求,政府会计权责发生制改革已势在必行。本文主要分析中国政府会计权责发生制改革的必要性、可行性、路径选择以及改革中的难点,并提出了推进政府会计权责发生制改革的对策建议。  相似文献   

会计管理活动论是新中国会计学术领域的一次重要理论创新。本文回顾了会计管理活动论产生的时代背景和理论内涵。"管理活动论"明确指出会计是一项价值管理活动,具有技术属性和社会属性的双重属性。这一理论突破了"信息系统论"的局限性,对于更好理解会计本质、会计职能、会计属性以及会计在宏观经济管理中的作用等都做出了重要学术贡献。过去四十年来,会计实践发展和实证研究证据都有力支持了这一理论的有效性和生命力。在信息技术和新商业模式快速发展的今天,"管理活动论"对于更好促进业财融合、更好发挥会计在企业价值创造中的作用、更好发挥会计在宏观经济管理中的作用等都具有重要的当代意义。在此基础上,本文还探讨了"管理活动论"对于我国会计理论创新的若干启发,旨在为建立具有中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的本土会计理论体系提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

<正>企业单位以权责发生制为基础进行会计核算似乎是一个很简单的事实。大多数企业单位会计人员也都知道在会计核算时应该遵循这项基本会计原则,但现实中,根据我们的观察,权责发生制在企业会计核算中的应用状况却并不理想,大部分企业,尤其中小企业在会计核算过程中没有严格遵循权责发生制原则,有的甚至因此而严重影响到提供会计报表的质量。有些财务人员并不认为,没有按照权责发生制开展会计核算工作是一个严重问题。是什么原因导致企业在会计核算过程中偏离了权责发生制原则?本文拟就工作过程中的一些体会来谈谈此问题。  相似文献   

1998年1月1日起执行的《事业单位会计制度》规定,经营性收支采用权责发生制,非生产经营性业务采用收付实现制。由于权责发生制和收付实现制是一对相对概念,因此,在实际工作中往往遇到一些记账原则与记账实务相违背的问题,应加以改进。  相似文献   

关于理论研究方法体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓会计理论研究方法是我们(认识主体)把握会计这一事物(认识客体)的途径、手段、工具和方式的总和,它所要解决的问题是"怎样才能正确地认识会计".会计理论研究方法有着丰富的内涵和外延,而思维方法是会计理论研究方法的核心,本文主要侧重认识中的思维方法来探讨会计理论研究方法.  相似文献   

章红  肖瑞婷  郝嵘 《征信》2014,32(11)
当前,我国征信体系建设已进入快速发展时期.分析征信体系产生和发展的社会背景,研究征信体系建设的理论基础,以信息不对称理论为依托探讨征信体系影响经济活动的机制,并对不同阶段征信体系的发展路径进行初步探索.  相似文献   

Recent attempts to reconceptualize the role of accounting in organizations and society have suggested that accounting may be examined as a “legitimating institution”. The concept of legitimation, however, has not developed within a single theoretic tradition, rather it emerges from three sociological traditions, each suggesting a distinct perspective on the phenomena and opening new areas for research. This paper reviews perspectives on legitimation, locates existing research on accounting within them, and suggests some areas for further research.  相似文献   

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